String::RexxParse Module

Copyright (c) 1999 Dan Campbell <>. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Some long-time REXX programmers switching to Perl find it difficult 
to give up REXX's template-based parsing abilities.  This module is 
my attempt to provide such parsing in Perl.  The documentation assumes 
a familiarity with REXX parse statements.

I tested this module on OS/2, Linux (RedHat 5.2), AIX, and OS/390.  It
should work exactly the same on any platform.

Revision history for Perl extension String::RexxParse:

1.00  Sat Aug 27 1999
      - original version; 

1.01  Sat Sep 4 1999
      - Fixed incorrect template parsing when a pattern is the 
        first template item. 

1.02  Sat Sep 4 1999
      - Fixed incorrect handling of variable pattern in template 
        when variable's value contains regex meta characters. 

1.03  Sat Sep 6 1999
      - Fixed incorrect handling of template when two or more
        patterns are next to each other, or when last template
        item is a pattern.

1.04  Fri Oct 1 1999
      - Changed module name from String::Parser to String::RexxParse.

1.05  Tue Oct 19 1999
      - Minor doc changes.

Latest Version:

The latest version of String::RexxParse in .tar.gz format can
be obtained from:

The latest version of String::RexxParse in .tar.gz, .tar.Z, 
and .zip formats can be obtained from:


  Linux, UNIX, etc.:

  tar -xzf String-RexxParse-1.05.tar.gz

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install


  zcat String-RexxParse-1.05.tar.Z | tar -xzf -

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install


  pax -z -o from=ISO8859-1,to=IBM-1047 -rf String-RexxParse-1.05.tar.Z

  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install

  OS/2,  Windows, etc.:


  Put the file '' in one of your Perl lib directories, or use
  one of the many ways to get Perl programs to find modules.  I've read
  that it's possible use the 'UNIX' method above to install modules on
  OS/2 or Windows, but I've never done it.