Parse-Gnaw Gnaw is a perl module which implements full regular expressions and full text parsing grammars using nothing but pure perl code limited to subroutine closures, exception trapping via eval, and basic perl variables such as scalars, hashes, and arrays. Parse::Gnaw does not use regular expressions under the hood. You write your grammar in pure perl. There is no intermediate "parser language" that then gets interpreted into something executable. When you do a "use Parse::Gnaw", the Gnaw module will import a number of functions directly into your namespace. Yes, this is completely bad form for normal modules. But this is not a normal module. The imported subroutines include regular expression and parsing functions for matching, quantifiers, literals, alternations, character classes, and so on. You build up your grammar by calling these functions. The final call will return a code reference. This code reference is your grammar. When you dereference that grammar, if it is a "match" function, then you pass in the string you want to parse. use Parse::Gnaw; # create the grammar my $grammar = match('hello'); # apply the grammar to a string if($grammar->('hello world')) { print "match\n"; } else { print "no match"; } You can also create the grammar and execute it in one step: my $texttoparse = "howdy partner"; if(match('hello', 'world')->($texttoparse)) { print "match\n"; } else { print "no match\n"; } Note the above example translated into perls regular expression syntax would look something like this: my $texttoparse = "howdy partner"; if($texttoparse =~ m{hello\s*world}) { print "match\n"; } else { print "no match\n"; } You can build up more complicated grammars fairly easily. This one looks for a sentence about fruit. $grammar = match( ql('I would like to buy'), some('a', qa('banana apple pear peach') )); if($grammar->('yes, we have no bananas today')) { print "match\n"; } else { print "no match\n"; } More complicated grammars can be handled by breaking up the grammar into subroutines which act as rules. Here's an example of a somewhat complex grammar using subroutines for subrules: sub trekname { qa('Jim Captain Spock Bones Doctor Scotty') } sub occupation {a('ditch digger', 'bricklayer', 'mechanic')} sub mccoy_job { [ql("I'm a doctor, not a"), occupation, a('!', '.')] } sub mccoy_diag { [ "He's", 'dead', ',', trekname, a('!', '.') ] } sub mccoy_rant1 { [ql('You green-blooded Vulcan'), a('!', '.') ] } sub mccoy_isms { a(mccoy_job, mccoy_diag, mccoy_rant1) } sub spock_awe {['Fascinating', ',', trekname, '.']} sub spock_logic {['Highly', 'illogical',',', trekname, '.']} sub spock_sensors { [ql("It's life ,"), trekname, ql(', but not as we know it .')]} sub spock_isms {a(spock_awe, spock_logic, spock_sensors)} sub kirk_dipolomacy1 {ql('We come in peace .')} sub kirk_dipolomacy2 {ql('Shoot to kill .')} sub kirk_to_scotty {ql('I need warp speed now, Scotty !')} sub kirk_to_spock {ql('What is it , Spock ?')} sub kirk_to_bones {ql('Just fix him , Bones')} sub kirk_solution {ql('Activate ship self-destruct mechanism .')} sub kirk_isms {a( kirk_dipolomacy1, kirk_dipolomacy2, kirk_to_scotty, kirk_to_spock, kirk_to_bones, kirk_solution )} sub time_units {qa('minutes hours days weeks')} sub scotty_phy101 {ql('Ya kenna change the laws of physics .')} sub scotty_estimate {[ ql("I'll have it ready for you in three"), time_units, '.' ]} sub scotty_isms { a(scotty_phy101, scotty_estimate) } sub alien_isms {'weeboo'} sub trek_isms {a(mccoy_isms, spock_isms, kirk_isms, scotty_isms, alien_isms )} sub trek_screenplay {some(trek_isms)} $grammar = parse( trek_screenplay ); Given the grammar in the above example, you could create some text and see if it follows the trek screenplay format this way: my $script = <<'SCRIPT'; What is it, Spock? It's life, Jim, but not as we know it. We come in peace. weeboo Shoot to kill. weeboo I need warp speed now, Scotty! I'll have it ready for you in three minutes. weeboo I need warp speed now, Scotty! Ya kenna change the laws of physics. weeboo weeboo Shoot to kill. Shoot to kill. I'm a doctor, not a bricklayer. Highly illogical, Doctor. You green-blooded Vulcan. Shoot to kill. Shoot to kill. He's dead, Jim. Activate ship self-destruct mechanism. Highly illogical, Captain. SCRIPT ; $grammar->( $script ) And so on. See the pod for more information. perldoc Parse::Gnaw BETA RELEASE Please note that this is a BETA RELEASE. It is still a work in progress and the entire package is subject to change at any time. When I believe I've got a package that does everything, I'll make an production release, non-Beta release, of Parse::Gnaw The rev number will probably be 1.0 or greater for a production release. Until a production release is available, please do not use Parse::Gnaw to generate large massive complex grammars, only to have the nuts and bolts under the hood change on you later. INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Parse::Gnaw You can also look for information at: RT, CPAN's request tracker AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation CPAN Ratings Search CPAN COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2008 Greg London This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.