Gtk3::ImageView - Image viewer widget for Gtk3


     use Gtk3::ImageView;

     $window = Gtk3::Window->new();

     $view = Gtk3::ImageView->new;
     $view->set_pixbuf($pixbuf, TRUE);


    The Gtk3::ImageView widget allows the user to zoom, pan and select the
    specified image and provides hooks to allow additional tools, e.g.
    painter, to be created and used.

    Gtk3::ImageView is a Gtk3 port of Gtk2::ImageView.

    To discuss Gtk3::ImageView or gtk3-perl, ask questions and flame/praise
    the authors, join at

  $view->set_pixbuf( $pixbuf, $zoom_to_fit )
    Defines the image to view. The optional zoom_to_fit parameter specifies
    whether to zoom to fit the image or not.

    Returns the image currently being viewed.

    Returns a hash of containing the size of the current image in width and
    height keys.

    Specifies the zoom level.

    Returns the current zoom level.

  $view->set_zoom_to_fit($zoom_to_fit, $limit)
    Specifies whether to zoom to fit or not. If limit is defined, such
    automatic zoom will not zoom more than it. If the limit is undefined,
    the previously set limit is used, initially it's unlimited.

  $view->zoom_to_box( $box, $additional_factor )
    Specifies a box to zoom to, including an additional zoom factor

    Zooms to the current selection, plus an addition zoom factor. Shortcut

     $view->zoom_to_box( $view->get_selection, $context_factor );

    Returns whether the view is currently zoom to fit or not.

    Increases the current zoom by "zoom-step" times (defaults to 2).

    Decreases the current zoom by "zoom-step" times (defaults to 2).

    Shortcut for


  $view->set_fitting( $value )
    Shortcut for

     $view->set_zoom_to_fit($value, 1);

    which means that it won't stretch a small image to a large window.
    Provided (despite the ambiguous name) for compatibility with

  $view->set_offset( $x, $y )
    Set the current view offset (i.e. pan position).

    Returns the current view offset (i.e. pan position).

    Returns a hash containing the position and size of the current viewport.

    Set the current tool (i.e. mode) - an object of a subclass of

    Here are some known subclasses of it:

     "Gtk3::ImageView::Tool::Dragger" allows the image to be dragged when

     "Gtk3::ImageView::Tool::Selector" allows the user to select a
     rectangular area of the image.

     "Gtk3::ImageView::Tool::SelectorDragger" selects or drags with
     different mouse buttons.

    Don't rely too much on how Tool currently interacts with ImageView.

    Returns the current tool (i.e. mode).

    Set the current selection as a hash of position and size.

    Returns the current selection as a hash of position and size.

    Set the ratio of the resolutions in the x and y directions, allowing
    images with non-square pixels to be correctly displayed.

    Returns the current resolution ratio.

    The interpolation method to use, from "cairo_filter_t"
    ilter-t> type. Possible values are lowercase strings like "nearest". To
    use different interpolation depending on zoom, set it in the
    "zoom-changed" signal.

    Returns the current interpolation method.

  Porting from Gtk2::ImageView
     "set_from_pixbuf()" was renamed to "set_pixbuf()" and now its second
     argument means "zoom_to_fit()" instead of "set_fitting()".

     "set_fitting(TRUE)" used to be the default, now you need to call it
     explicitly if you want that behavior. However, once it's called, new
     calls to "set_from_pixbuf()" won't reset it, see "set_zoom_to_fit()"
     for more details..

     Drag and drop now can be triggered by subscribing to "dnd-start"
     signal, and calling "$view->drag_begin_with_coordinates()" from the
     handler. "drag_source_set()" won't work.

     "Gtk2::ImageView::ScrollWin" replacement is not yet implemented.

     "set_transp()" is now available through CSS
     instead, e.g. via

      .imageview.transparent {
          background-image: url('checkers.svg');

     "set_interpolation()" now accepts "cairo_filter_t"
     filter-t> instead of "GdkInterpType"

    This should be rewritten on C, and Perl bindings should be provided via
    Glib Object Introspection.

    Jeffrey Ratcliffe, <>

    Alexey Sokolov <>

    Copyright (C) 2018--2020 by Jeffrey Ratcliffe

    Copyright (C) 2020 by Google LLC

    Modelled after the GtkImageView C widget by Björn Lindqvist

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or, at
    your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.