## Archive::SCS This software is a set of Perl modules to read and write the contents of .scs compressed archive files. It includes the command-line tool `scs_archive`, which is designed to easily extract files or directories from SCS archives. Such archives are primarily used with the [ATS](https://americantrucksimulator.com/) and [ETS2](https://eurotrucksimulator2.com/) truck simulator games. **Decompression and extraction of texture objects in HashFS version 2 archives (1.50+) is currently unimplemented.** This software is designed for Unix-y systems, i.e. Linux / Mac. (Users of Windows may be better served with the [official packer](https://modding.scssoft.com/wiki/Documentation/Tools/Game_Archive_Packer).) ### More information CPAN distribution: <https://metacpan.org/dist/Archive-SCS> Source repository: <https://github.com/nautofon/Archive-SCS> Discussion thread on the SCS forum: <https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=330746> ### Installation #### Installing Perl Your operating system probably comes with `perl` pre-installed. Even so, the general advice these days is to *not* use system `perl`, but rather install `perl` yourself into userland. That way you'll not only get the latest version, but you'll also avoid interfering with the operating system's own use of `perl`. Installing and switching to your own `perl` is quite simple, for example using [Perlbrew](https://perlbrew.pl/) like this: ```sh \curl -L https://install.perlbrew.pl | bash perlbrew install -j 5 --64int perl-5.39.10 perlbrew switch perl-5.39.10 perlbrew install-cpanm ``` #### Installing Archive::SCS The recommended way to install Perl modules is from CPAN by using a management tool like [cpanminus](https://metacpan.org/pod/App::cpanminus). Among other things, it will install all dependencies automatically. However, there is an exception: Currently, Archive::SCS requires a specific version range of the [String::CityHash](https://metacpan.org/release/ALEXBIO/String-CityHash-0.10/view/lib/String/CityHash.pm) module, which is only available from BackPAN. Suitable versions are >= 0.06 and <= 0.10. An easy way to install a version from that particular range is to point cpanminus directly to one of the tarballs: ```sh cpanm https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/A/AL/ALEXBIO/String-CityHash-0.10.tar.gz ``` Archive::SCS itself is available on CPAN, so installing it is easy: ```sh cpanm Archive::SCS scs_archive --version scs_archive --extract def/city.sii def/country.sii scs_archive --help ``` A good way to test your installation is to do a version check. That should automatically locate your Steam library and report the version of the game currently installed on your system. #### Manual install As an alternative to using an installation tool like `cpanm`, you can perform a manual install, or use this software directly without installing it at all. Both options should be considered slightly advanced, in part because you'll need to handle all prerequisites yourself. ```sh # Manual install perl Makefile.PL make make test make install # Use the tool without installing perl -I lib script/scs_archive ... ``` For general information on installing Perl modules, see <https://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html>. ### Contributing Thank you for considering to contribute! Patches and issue reports are welcome. For non-trivial patches, I suggest you get in touch with me first, for example by posting in the [SCS forum thread](https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=330746) (or send a PM to `nautofon`, if you prefer). ### License Copyright © 2024 [nautofon](https://github.com/nautofon) This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.