INTRODUCTION ------------ Paragraph Adjuster with Hyphenation (PAwH) is a small Perl script that reformats lines of ASCII text so that the resulting lines are justi- fied in any of the following formats: left-justified (default), right-justified, centered, or both left- and right-justified. PAwH has various switches, most are optional, to control its output. The only mandatory switch is the line width (--width). For PAwH to work proper- ly, input paragraphs must be separated by blank lines. USAGE ----- You can use PAwH in any of two ways: ./ --width=n [options] file1 [file2 file3 ...] or cat file1 [file2 file3 ...] | ./ --width=n [options] where file1, file2, file3, and so on, are the files to be reformatted. There's only one output, though. SWITCHES -------- The available switches are: --width=n (or -w=n or -w n) Line width is n chars long --left (or -l) Output is left-justified (default) --right (or -r) Output is right-justified --centered (or -c) Output is centered --both (or -b) Output is both left- and right-justified --indent=n (or -i=n or -i n) Leave n spaces for initial indention (defaults to 0) --newline (or -n) Insert blank lines between paragraphs --hyphenate (or -h) Hyphenate word that doesn't fit on a line EXAMPLES -------- The following command reformats the file, LICENSE (it comes with this distribution), so that the line width is at most 70 characters, both left- and right-justified, with blank lines inserted between consecu- tive paragraphs, and words are hyphenated when they can't fit on a line. --width=70 --both --newline --hyphenate LICENSE You can also use the shortened version: -w=70 -b -n -h LICENSE If you want to indent each paragraph, just use the --indent switch. Say, you want to indent the LICENSE file with 4 leading spaces, type: --width=70 --both --newline --hyphenate --indent=4 LICENSE or -w=70 -b -n -h -i=4 LICENSE GUI VERSION ----------- There is also a Perl/Tk version of, This Perl/Tk version is less flexible than the command-line version, though, because it can only read one file at a time. REQUIREMENT ----------- You need Jan Pazdziora's Perl module, TeX::Hyphen, available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), to use the hyphenation fea- ture. I have included TeX::Hyphen with this distribution for your con- venience only; you are encouraged to check out the latest version from CPAN. For Windows users, you can install TeX::Hyphen by following these steps: 1. Uncompress the TeX::Hyphen module, TeX-Hyphen-0.140.tar.gz. 2. Descend (cd) into the TeX-Hyphen-0.140/lib and copy the TeX direc- tory into <Perl directory>\lib. For example, if your Perl binaries are installed on E:\Perl, copy the TeX directory into E:\Perl\lib. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE --------------------- Copyright (C) 2003 Julius C. Duque. Please read contact.html that comes with this distribution for details on how to contact the author. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the GNU General Public License.