Image::Button - Base class for building PNG buttons using GD.

      use Image::Button::Rect;

      my $b1 = new Image::Button::Rect(text     => 'text b1',
                                       font     => 'newsgotn.ttf',
                                       fontsize => 20,
                                       file     => 'b1.png');

      # $b2 is like $b1, but with different text and going to another file
      my $b2 = $b1->copy(text => 'text b2',
                         file => 'b2.png');


    Image::Button builds simple PNG buttons of the type you would use in an
    on-line application. It provides facilities to build several of them,
    possibly related (same width and/or height). Modules to create different
    types of buttons can be easily integrated. The buttons it can create so
    far would not cause a graphic designer to jump from his chair, drooling
    with excitement. But he wouldn't fall from his chair in disgust either
    (I hope).

    Image::Button uses GD with TrueType support, which requires freetype
    ( It also requires true type fonts. It's
    remarkably difficult to find free fonts out there that can be used to
    make decent buttons (clean, non-pretentious, ideally sans-serif). Let me
    know if you find any.

    The TrueType fonts should be located either in the current directory or
    in the directory pointed at by the environment variable *TTFONTS*.

  Adding new button types
    Image::Button is a base class intended to be derived by classes
    implementing different types of buttons. Available so far are:

        plain rectangular buttons with an optional border,

        rectangular three dimensional buttons.

    If you want to implement a new type of button (say, oval) you can take
    advantage of the existing infrastructure by deriving from Image::Button,
    and overriding the *print*, *getSize* and *textSize* functions, as
    Image::Button::Plain does.

    There is only OO interface to the packages, and all function calls
    require named parameters.

    The way to construct the button will depend on the button type being
    constructed, but it will generally be of the form:

      my $b = new Image::Button::Rect(text     => 'text',
                                      font     => 'newsgotn.ttf',
                                      fontsize => 20,
                                      fgcolor  => [ 85, 85, 136 ], # text
                                      btcolor  => [ 238, 238, 204 ],
                                      bgcolor  => [ 255, 255, 255 ],
                                      file     => 'file.png');

    See the man page of the button you are trying to construct for a
    description of the arguments.

  Print the button
        $b->print(file    => 'button.png',
                  prefix  => '',
                  postfix => '');

    Prints the button to a file. If the *file* argument is not set it will
    print to the one specified in the button constructor. The *prefix* and
    *postfix* arguments are prepended and appended to the file name,
    respectively. They are useful when printing sets of buttons, where you
    might want to print them several times, with small modifications, to
    different file names (for example, changing the color).

  Copy the button
        $b2 = $b->copy(text     => 'new text',
                       file     => 'button2.png',
                       fontsize => 21);

    Copy constructor. If no arguments are specified returns an exact copy of
    the original button. If called with any of the arguments of the original
    button constructor it will override the original button's values. Use it
    to build sets of related buttons; for example, same font and colors, but
    different texts and output files.

  Change the button
      $b->override(self => { btcolor  => [10, 10, 10],
                             fontsize => 12 });

    Accepts a dictionary reference *self* with new parameters. Any parameter
    that the button's constructor understands can be reset here.

    Image::Button::Plain for specifics on plain rectangular buttons.

    Image::Button::Rect for specifics on 3D rectangular buttons.

    Image::Button::Set for building sets of related buttons.

    Add tests. Oval buttons. Triangular buttons (arrow type).

    Juan M. Garc�a-Reyero <>

    Copyright (C) 2003 Juan M. Garc�a-Reyero. All Rights Reserved.

    This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.