POE::Filter::SimpleHTTP - A simple client/server suitable HTTP filter

    use POE::Filter::SimpleHTTP; use HTTP::Request; use HTTP::Respose; use

    my $filter = POE::Filter::SimpleHTTP->new ( { mode => +PFSH_CLIENT,
    useragent => 'Whizbang Client/0.01', host => '', method
    => 'POST' } );

    my $post = $filter->put([qw|id=123& data=Here is some data|])->[0];

    POE::Filter::SimpleHTTP is a filter designed to be used in either a
    client or a server context with the ability to switch the mode at
    runtime. In fact, a lot of the behaviors can be altered at runtime.
    Which means you can put() just your data into the filter and out the
    other side will be appropriate HTTP::Messages.

        Use this access to change how the filter operates for put() if raw
        data is passed in. In +PFSH_CLIENT mode, an HTTP::Request will be
        constructed using data stored in other attributes of the filter. The
        obverse, if +PFSH_SERVER is set, then HTTP::Responses will be built.
        Regardless of mode, all HTTP::Messages passed to put() will be
        passed through without any modification. It defaults to

    uri This accessor is used to change the URI part of the HTTP::Request
        objects built in put() if raw data is passed. It can either be full
        on HTTP URI or an absolute path. It defaults to '/'

        Use this to change the user agent header on constructed
        HTTP::Request objects. It defaults to __PACKAGE__ . '/' . $VERSION.

        Use this to change the host header on constructed HTTP::Requests. It
        defaults to 'localhost'

        Use this to set the status codes for constructed HTTP::Responses. It
        defaults to 200 (aka, HTTP_OK).

        This accessor is used to change the method on constructed
        HTTP::Requests. It defaults to 'GET'.

        This accessor is for the Content-Type header on constructed
        HTTP::Messages. Regardless of mode(), constructed Requests and
        Responses will use this value. It defaults to 'text/plain'

    This filter is based on POE::Filter and so only the differences in
    public API will be mentioned below

        The constructor can be called with no arguments in which all of the
        defaults mentioned above in the accessors will be used, or a hash or
        hashref may be passed in with the keys corresponding to the
        accessors. Returns a new filter instance.

        This method will clear all of the internal buffers of the filter
        (but leave the values provided to the accessors or constructor
        alone) back to their default state.

        put() can accept either HTTP::Message based objects or raw data. If
        a Message based object (ie. blessed($obj) &&
        $obj->isa('HTTP::Message')) is passed in, it will be passed out
        exactly as is, untouched.

        But if raw data is passed in, depending on mode(), it will construct
        a suitable HTTP::Message (Request or Response) using the various
        values stored in the above accessors, and return it.

    This is a simple filter in name and in implementation. Regardless of
    mode() the get_one_start()/get_one() interface can accept both Responses
    and Requests. If for whatever reason there is an error in parsing the
    data an Error object will be returned with an particular constant, and a
    snippet of context (if available at the time the error occurred). See
    POE::Filter::SimpleHTTP::Error for details on what the objects look

    This filter should confrom to HTTP/0.9-HTTP/1.1 with regards to transfer
    encodings (chunked, compressed, etc), in which case the data will be
    unchunked and uncompressed and stored in the content() of the Message.
    Note that this does not include Content-Encoding which HTTP::Message
    should handle for you.

    Copyright 2007 - 2009 Nicholas Perez. Licensed and distributed under the