=head1 NAME

Query::Abstract - Create filters in Perlish way and transforms them into coderefs or SQL


    # Pure Perl filtering
    my $qa = Query::Abstract->new( driver => ['ArrayOfHashes'] );

    my $query_sub = $qa->convert_query(
        where => [ 
            name => 'John', 
            age => { '>' => 25 }, 
            last_name => { like => 'ing' } 
        sort_by => 'last_name DESC, login ASC'

    $filtered_and_sorted_users = $query_sub->(\@users);

    # Preparing SQL statement
    my $qa = Query::Abstract->new( driver => ['SQL' => [table => 'users']] );

    ## The same but explicilty creating driver object.
    my $qa = Query::Abstract->new( driver => Query::Abstract::Driver::SQL->new(table => 'users') );

    my $sql_statement = $qa->convert_query(
        where => [ 
            name => 'John', 
            age => { '>' => 25 }, 
            last_name => { like => 'ing' } 
        sort_by => 'last_name DESC, login ASC'
=head1 WARNING

    This software is under the heavy development and considered ALPHA quality. 
    Things might be broken, not all features have been implemented, and APIs will be likely to change. 


L<Query::Abstract> - allows you to write queries and then tranform them into another format(depends in driver). Queries are almost compatible with Rose::DB::Object queries. 
This module apperared because I wanted to have pure Perl queries but with ability to convert them into SQL(or other format).

Currently this module has two standard drivers - ArrayOfHashes and SQL.(You can write your own)

=head1 METHODS

=head2 C<convert_filter> 

    $self->convert_filter([ name => 'John', age => { '>' => 25 }, last_name => { like => 'ing' } ]);

"SQL" Driver will return 'WHERE' clause and bind values.

"ArrayOfHashes" will return a coderef which takes hashref and returns true or false depending on condition testing result.
    my $tester = $self->convert_filter([ name => 'John', age => { '>' => 25 }, last_name => { like => 'ing' } ]);
    @filtered = grep { $tester->($_) } ( {name => 'Anton', age => 37, last_name => 'Corning'}, {name => 'John'} ... )

=head2 C<convert_sort> 

    $self->convert_sort('name DESC, age ASC, last_name DESC');

"SQL" Driver will return 'ORDER BY' clause.

"ArrayOfHashes" will return a coderef for "sort" function
    my $sort_sub = $self->convert_sort(...);
    @sorted = sort $sort_sub @data;

=head2 C<convert_query> 

    $self->convert_query( where => [name => 'John'], sort_by => 'last_name DESC' );

"SQL" Driver will return 'SELECT' with 'WHERE' and 'ORDER BY' conditions.

"ArrayOfHashes" will return a coderef for quering data
    my $query_sub = $self->convert_query(...);
    $filtered_and_sorted = $query_sub->( \@data );

=head1 AUTHOR

Viktor Turskyi <koorchik@cpan.org>

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to Github L<https://github.com/koorchik/Query-Abstract>

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Rose::DB::Object::QueryBuilder>, L<SQL::Abstract>, L<SQL::Maker>
