=head1 NAME Query::Abstract - Create filters in Perlish way and transforms them into coderefs or SQL =head1 SYNOPSIS # Pure Perl filtering my $qa = Query::Abstract->new( driver => ['ArrayOfHashes'] ); my $query_sub = $qa->convert_query( where => [ name => 'John', age => { '>' => 25 }, last_name => { like => 'ing' } ], sort_by => 'last_name DESC, login ASC' ); $filtered_and_sorted_users = $query_sub->(\@users); # Preparing SQL statement my $qa = Query::Abstract->new( driver => ['SQL' => [table => 'users']] ); ## The same but explicilty creating driver object. my $qa = Query::Abstract->new( driver => Query::Abstract::Driver::SQL->new(table => 'users') ); my $sql_statement = $qa->convert_query( where => [ name => 'John', age => { '>' => 25 }, last_name => { like => 'ing' } ], sort_by => 'last_name DESC, login ASC' ); =head1 WARNING This software is under the heavy development and considered ALPHA quality. Things might be broken, not all features have been implemented, and APIs will be likely to change. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Query::Abstract> - allows you to write queries and then tranform them into another format(depends in driver). Queries are almost compatible with Rose::DB::Object queries. This module apperared because I wanted to have pure Perl queries but with ability to convert them into SQL(or other format). Currently this module has two standard drivers - ArrayOfHashes and SQL.(You can write your own) =head1 METHODS =head2 C<convert_filter> $self->convert_filter([ name => 'John', age => { '>' => 25 }, last_name => { like => 'ing' } ]); "SQL" Driver will return 'WHERE' clause and bind values. "ArrayOfHashes" will return a coderef which takes hashref and returns true or false depending on condition testing result. my $tester = $self->convert_filter([ name => 'John', age => { '>' => 25 }, last_name => { like => 'ing' } ]); @filtered = grep { $tester->($_) } ( {name => 'Anton', age => 37, last_name => 'Corning'}, {name => 'John'} ... ) =head2 C<convert_sort> $self->convert_sort('name DESC, age ASC, last_name DESC'); "SQL" Driver will return 'ORDER BY' clause. "ArrayOfHashes" will return a coderef for "sort" function my $sort_sub = $self->convert_sort(...); @sorted = sort $sort_sub @data; =head2 C<convert_query> $self->convert_query( where => [name => 'John'], sort_by => 'last_name DESC' ); "SQL" Driver will return 'SELECT' with 'WHERE' and 'ORDER BY' conditions. "ArrayOfHashes" will return a coderef for quering data my $query_sub = $self->convert_query(...); $filtered_and_sorted = $query_sub->( \@data ); =head1 AUTHOR Viktor Turskyi <koorchik@cpan.org> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to Github L<https://github.com/koorchik/Query-Abstract> =head1 SEE ALSO L<Rose::DB::Object::QueryBuilder>, L<SQL::Abstract>, L<SQL::Maker> =cut