Copyright (c) 2003 Harry Jackson. All rights reserved.

18 December 2003

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. 


Tie::RDBM::Cached should support any database supported by Tie::RDBM. 

Please see the pod documentation in the module itself for more
information. This is a very early release of this module and I am 
expecting quite a few bugs.

Feel free to contact me at if you have any problems 
queries or sugestions.

This module dependa upon Tie::RDBM and DBI. Please read the
documentation from Tie::RDBM as this has more information on ways to use
this module.

perl Makefile.PL
make test DRIVER=[Driver] DB=[dbname] USER=user PASS=password
make install

The "make test" is optional.

If you are using Postgres please ensure the following syntax where "test" 
is the name of the database.

make test DRIVER=Pg DB=dbname=test USER=user PASS=password

This module will only add performance gains for quite specific tasks
involving two columns in a table, one of which should be a primary key
or be unique. For inserts and deletes this module will have a detrimental 
affect on performance. Please see the Tie::RDBM documentation for more 
information about this.

If you are required to carry out a lot of updates repeatedly to the same 
record then this module will offer significant performance gains over 
Tie::RDBM. I am a fan of DBI, please make sure you know why you want to 
use this rather than the DBI interface or the Tie::RDBM mmodule.

If you get an error when using this module and you have tried Tie::RDBM
in its place please send me the code and the error output and I
will try to help you. Please do not send me any errors before testing
the Tie::RDBM module first because this is what I will do.           

The latest version of this module is available on CPAN.

Further Information can be found in the following documentation:

Lincoln D. Stein's Tie::RDBM 
Tim Bunce's DBI:

Harry Jackson

This module was written by Harry Jackson based on Lincoln D. 
Steins Tie::RDBM module.

Copyright (C) 2003 Harry Jackson.  All Rights Reserved.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.