# NAME NIST::Beacon - A Perl module for querying NIST's randomness beacon. # VERSION version 1.002 # SYNOPSIS use NIST::Beacon; my $beacon = NIST::Beacon->new; my $record = $beacon->latest_record; print "The latest sequence generated by the NIST beacon is: \n"; print $record->current, "\n"; # DESCRIPTION NIST::Beacon provides a perl interface to the REST API of the [NIST randomness beacon](https://beacon.nist.gov/home). ## Methods - `latest_record` Returns a [NIST::Beacon::Record](https://metacpan.org/pod/NIST::Beacon::Record) object containing the latest record emitted by the NIST beacon. Returns `undef` if a network failure occurs. - `previous_record(timestamp)` Returns a [NIST::Beacon::Record](https://metacpan.org/pod/NIST::Beacon::Record) object containing the record emitted immediately prior to the record emitted at `timestamp`. `timestamp` must be in Unix timestamp format. If no timestamp is given, the current time is assumed. Returns `undef` if a network failure occurs or no record exists. - `current_record(timestamp)` Returns a [NIST::Beacon::Record](https://metacpan.org/pod/NIST::Beacon::Record) object containing the record emitted at `timestamp`. `timestamp` must be in Unix timestamp format. If no timestamp is given, the current time minus one minuted is assumed (to avoid querying a record that has not yet been generated). Returns `undef` if a network failure occurs or no record exists. - `next_record(timestamp)` Returns a [NIST::Beacon::Record](https://metacpan.org/pod/NIST::Beacon::Record) object containing the record emitted immediately after the record emitted at `timestamp`. `timestamp` must be in Unix timestamp format. Returns `undef` if no timestamp is given or if the timestamp is in the future. # SEE ALSO [NIST::Beacon::Record](https://metacpan.org/pod/NIST::Beacon::Record) # AUTHOR William Woodruff <william@tuffbizz.com> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2015 by William Woodruff. This is free software, licensed under: The MIT (X11) License