NAME Catmandu::BagIt - Low level Catmandu interface to the BagIt packages. SYNOPSIS use Catmandu::BagIt; # Assemble a new bag my $bagit = Catmandu::BagIt->new; # Read an existing my $bagit = Catmanu::BagIt->read($directory); $bag->read('t/bag'); printf "path: %s\n", $bagit->path; printf "version: %s\n" , $bagit->version; printf "encoding: %s\n" , $bagit->encoding; printf "size: %s\n", $bagit->size; printf "payload-oxum: %s\n", $bagit->payload_oxum; printf "tags:\n"; for my $tag ($bagit->list_info_tags) { my @values = $bagit->get_info($tag); printf " $tag: %s\n" , join(", ",@values); } printf "tag-sums:\n"; for my $file ($bagit->list_tagsum) { my $sum = $bagit->get_tagsum($file); printf " $file: %s\n" , $sum; } # Read the file listing as found in the manifest file printf "file-sums:\n"; for my $file ($bagit->list_checksum) { my $sum = $bagit->get_checksum($file); printf " $file: %s\n" , $sum; } # Read the real listing of files as found on the disk printf "files:\n"; for my $file ($bagit->list_files) { my $stat = [$file->path]; printf " name: %s\n", $file->filename; printf " size: %s\n", $stat->[7]; printf " last-mod: %s\n", scalar(localtime($stat->[9])); } my $file = $bagit->get_file("mydata.txt"); my $fh = $file->open; while (<$fh>) { .... } close($fh); print "dirty?\n" if $bagit->is_dirty; if ($bagit->complete) { print "bag is complete\n"; } else { print "bag is not complete!\n"; } if ($bagit->valid) { print "bag is valid\n"; } else { print "bag is not valid!\n"; } if ($bagit->is_holey) { print "bag is holey\n"; } else { print "bag isn't holey\n"; } if ($bagit->errors) { print join("\n",$bagit->errors); } # Write operations $bagit->add_info('My-Tag','fsdfsdfsdf'); $bagit->add_info('My-Tag',['dfdsf','dfsfsf','dfdsf']); $bagit->remove_info('My-Tag'); $bagit->add_file("test.txt","my text"); $bagit->add_file("data.pdf", IO::File->new("/tmp/data.pdf")); $bagit->remove_file("test.txt"); $bagit->add_fetch("","290000","shortstories.txt"); $bagit->remove_fetch("shortstories.txt"); unless ($bagit->locked) { $bagit->write("bags/demo04"); # fails when the bag already exists $bagit->write("bags/demo04", new => 1); # recreate the bag when it already existed $bagit->write("bags/demo04", overwrite => 1); # overwrites an exiting bag } CATMANDU MODULES * Catmandu::Importer::BagIt * Catmandu::Exporter::BagIt METHODS new() Create a new BagIt object read($directory) Open an exiting BagIt object write($directory, [%options]) Write a BagIt to disk. Options: new => 1 recreate the bag when it already existed, overwrite => 1 overwrite and existing bag (updating the changed tags/files); locked Check if a process has locked the BagIt. Or, a previous process didn't complete the write operations. path() Return the path to the BagIt. version() Return the version of the BagIt. encoding() Return the encoding of the BagIt. size() Return a human readble string of the expected size of the BagIt (adding the actual sizes found on disk plus the files that need to be fetched from the network). payload_oxum() Return the actual payload oxum of files found in the package. is_dirty() Return true when the BagIt contains changes not yet written to disk. is_holey() Return true when the BagIt contains a non emtpy fetch configuration. is_error() Return an ARRAY of errors when checking complete, valid and write. complete() Return true when the BagIt is complete (all files and manifest files are consistent). valid() Returns true when the BagIt is complete and all checkums match the files on disk. list_info_tags() Return an ARRAY of tag names found in bagit-info.txt. add_info($tag,$value) add_info($tag,[$values]) Add an info $tag with a $value. remove_info($tag) Remove an info $tag. get_info($tag, [$delim]) Return an ARRAY of values found for the $tag name. Or, in scalar context, return a string of all values optionally delimeted by $delim. list_tagsum() Return a ARRAY of all checkums of tag files. get_tagsum($filename) Return the checksum of the tag file $filename. list_checksum() Return an ARRAY of files found in the manifest file. get_checksum($filename) Return the checksum of the file $filname. list_files() Return an ARRAY of real payload files found on disk as Catmandu::BagIt::Payload. get_file($filename) Get a Catmandu::BagIt::Payload object for the file $filename. add_file($filename, $string) add_file($filename, IO::File->new(...)) add_file($filaname, sub { my $io = shift; .... }) Add a new file to the BagIt. remove_file($filename) Remove a file from the BagIt. list_fetch() Return an ARRAY of fetch payloads as Catmandu::BagIt::Fetch. get_fetch($filename) Get a Catmandu::BagIt::Fetch object for the file $filename. add_fetch($url,$size,$filename) Add a fetch entry to the BagIt. remove_fetch($filename) Remove a fetch entry from the BagIt. mirror_fetch($fetch) Mirror a Catmandu::BagIt::Fetch object to local disk. SEE ALSO Catmandu::Importer::BagIt , Catmandu::Exporter::BagIt AUTHOR Patrick Hochstenbach <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Patrick Hochstenbach. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.