Packages changed:
  ImageMagick ( ->
  MozillaFirefox (108.0.1 -> 108.0.2)
  akonadi-calendar (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  akonadi-calendar-tools (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  akonadi-contact (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  akonadi-import-wizard (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  akonadi-mime (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  akonadi-notes (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  akonadi-search (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  akonadi-server (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  akregator (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  analitza (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ark (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  baloo5-widgets (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  blinken (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  bluedevil5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  bolt (0.9.4 -> 0.9.5)
  bovo (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  breeze (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  breeze-gtk (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  btrfsprogs (6.0.2 -> 6.1.2)
  calendarsupport (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  cervisia (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  discount (2.2.7 -> 2.2.7b)
  discover (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  dolphin (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  dragonplayer (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  drkonqi5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  eventviews (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  fetchmail (6.4.34 -> 6.4.35)
  ffmpegthumbs (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  firewalld (1.2.2 -> 1.3.0)
  fwupd (1.8.8 -> 1.8.9)
  gedit (43.2 -> 44.1)
  gnome-chess (43.0 -> 43.1)
  gnustep-base (1.28.0 -> 1.28.1)
  grantleetheme (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  gwenview5 (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  hplip (3.22.6 -> 3.22.10)
  hwdata (0.365 -> 0.366)
  incidenceeditor (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  juk (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  k3b (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kaccounts-integration (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kaccounts-providers (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kactivitymanagerd (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kaddressbook (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kalgebra (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kamera (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kanagram (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kapptemplate (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kate (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  katomic (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kblackbox (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kblocks (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kbounce (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kbreakout (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kbruch (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kcachegrind (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kcalc (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kcalutils (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kcharselect (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kcm_sddm (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kcolorchooser (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kcron (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kde-cli-tools5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kde-gtk-config5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kde-print-manager (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdeconnect-kde (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdeedu-data (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdegraphics-thumbnailers (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdenetwork-filesharing (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdepim-addons (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdepim-runtime (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdevelop5 (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdf (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdialog (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdiamond (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kdsoap (2.0.0 -> 2.1.1)
  kernel-source (6.1.1 -> 6.1.3)
  kgamma5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kgeography (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kget (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kgoldrunner (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  khangman (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  khelpcenter5 (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  khotkeys5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kidentitymanagement (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kig (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kimap (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kinfocenter5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kio-extras5 (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kio_audiocd (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kipi-plugins (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kiriki (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kiten (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kitinerary (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kjumpingcube (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kldap (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kleopatra (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  klines (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmag (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmahjongg (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmail (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmail-account-wizard (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmailtransport (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmbox (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmenuedit5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kmime (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmines (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmousetool (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmouth (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kmplot (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  knavalbattle (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  knetwalk (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  knotes (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kolf (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kollision (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kolourpaint (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kompare (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  konquest (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  konsole (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kontact (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kontactinterface (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  konversation (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kopete (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  korganizer (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kpat (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kpimtextedit (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kpipewire (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kpkpass (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kqtquickcharts (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kreversi (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kruler (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ksanecore (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kscreen5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kscreenlocker (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kshisen (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ksirk (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ksmtp (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kspaceduel (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ksquares (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ksshaskpass5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  ksudoku (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ksystemlog (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ksystemstats5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kteatime (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ktimer (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ktnef (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  ktouch (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kturtle (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kubrick (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kwalletmanager5 (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kwayland-integration (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kwin5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  kwordquiz (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  kwrited5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  layer-shell-qt (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  libgravatar (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libheif (1.12.0 -> 1.14.1)
  libkcddb (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkcompactdisc (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkdcraw (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkdecoration2 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  libkdegames (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkdepim (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkeduvocdocument (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkexiv2 (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkgapi (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkipi (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkleo (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkmahjongg (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libkomparediff2 (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libksane (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libksba (1.6.2 -> 1.6.3)
  libkscreen2 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  libksieve (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libksysguard5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  libktorrent (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  libplacebo (5.229.1 -> 5.229.2)
  libsolv (0.7.22 -> 0.7.23)
  libstorage-ng (4.5.57 -> 4.5.62)
  libxkbcommon (1.4.1 -> 1.5.0)
  libzypp (17.31.6 -> 17.31.7)
  lokalize (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  lskat (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  mailcommon (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  mailimporter (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  makedumpfile (1.7.1 -> 1.7.2)
  man-pages (5.13 -> 6.02)
  mbox-importer (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  messagelib (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  mhvtl (1.70_release+865.af13081a1ae5_k6.1.1_1 -> 1.70_release+865.af13081a1ae5_k6.1.3_1)
  milou5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  mobipocket (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  okular (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  openafs (1.8.9~pre2 -> 1.8.9)
  orca (43.0 -> 43.1)
  os-prober (1.79 -> 1.81)
  oxygen5-sounds (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  parley (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  perl-Image-ExifTool (12.50 -> 12.52)
  perl-Mojolicious (9.30 -> 9.31)
  perl-Net-DNS (1.35 -> 1.36)
  pim-data-exporter (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  pim-sieve-editor (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  pimcommon (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  plasma-browser-integration (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  plasma-nm5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  plasma5-addons (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  plasma5-desktop (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  plasma5-disks (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  plasma5-integration (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  plasma5-pa (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  plasma5-systemmonitor (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  plasma5-thunderbolt (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  plasma5-workspace ( -> 5.26.5)
  polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  poppler (22.12.0 -> 23.01.0)
  poppler-qt5 (22.12.0 -> 23.01.0)
  powerdevil5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  python-Pillow (9.3.0 -> 9.4.0)
  python-attrs (22.1.0 -> 22.2.0)
  python-chardet (5.0.0 -> 5.1.0)
  python-cryptography (38.0.4 -> 39.0.0)
  python-dbus-python (1.2.18 -> 1.3.2)
  python-distro (1.7.0 -> 1.8.0)
  python-importlib-metadata (5.1.0 -> 6.0.0)
  python-importlib-resources (5.10.1 -> 5.10.2)
  python-linux-procfs (0.6 -> 0.7.1)
  python-lxml (4.9.1 -> 4.9.2)
  python-numpy (1.23.4 -> 1.24.1)
  python-pyOpenSSL (22.1.0 -> 23.0.0)
  python-pycurl (7.45.1 -> 7.45.2)
  python-pytz (2022.6 -> 2022.7)
  python-simplejson (3.18.0 -> 3.18.1)
  python310-packaging (21.3 -> 22.0)
  qalculate (4.4.0 -> 4.5.0)
  raspberrypi-firmware-dt (2022.10.26 -> 2022.12.21)
  rav1e (0.6.1+0 -> 0.6.2+0)
  signon-kwallet-extension (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  skanlite (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  spectacle (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  sqlite3 (3.40.0 -> 3.40.1)
  step (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  sweeper (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  systemd (252.3 -> 252.4)
  systemsettings5 (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  tcpdump (4.99.1 -> 4.99.2)
  tgt (1.0.84 -> 1.0.85)
  traceroute (2.1.0 -> 2.1.1)
  umbrello (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  unison (2.52.1 -> 2.53.0)
  units (2.21 -> 2.22)
  whois (5.5.14 -> 5.5.15)
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
  xfsprogs (6.0.0 -> 6.1.0)
  xz (5.2.10 -> 5.4.0)
  yakuake (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
  yast2-trans (84.87.20221218.6fdb651e97 -> 84.87.20230101.7fa7ea8642)
  zypper (1.14.58 -> 1.14.59)

=== Details ===

==== ImageMagick ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: ImageMagick-config-7-SUSE ImageMagick-extra libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI10 libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI10

- Update to

==== Mesa ====
Subpackages: Mesa-dri-devel Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 libgbm1

- Update list of gallium-drivers to match default list

==== Mesa-drivers ====
Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium Mesa-libva

- Update list of gallium-drivers to match default list

==== MozillaFirefox ====
Version update (108.0.1 -> 108.0.2)
Subpackages: MozillaFirefox-translations-common

- Mozilla Firefox 108.0.2
  * Fixes a crash that might occur when managing browser history
- Drop merged-upstream mozilla-bmo1805809.patch.

==== PackageKit ====
Subpackages: PackageKit-backend-zypp PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin PackageKit-gtk3-module libpackagekit-glib2-18 typelib-1_0-PackageKitGlib-1_0

- Add PackageKit-zypp-fix-ambiguous-filesystem-reference.patch:
  zypp: Fix ambiguous reference to 'filesystem' class
  (gh#PackageKit/PackageKit/commit/bb1409a71, bsc#1206687).

==== akonadi-calendar ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-calendar-lang akonadi-plugin-calendar kalendarac libKF5AkonadiCalendar5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-calendar-tools ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-contact ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-contacts libKF5AkonadiContact5 libKF5ContactEditor5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-import-wizard ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKPimImportWizard5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-mime ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-mime libKF5AkonadiMime5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-notes ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-notes-lang libKF5AkonadiNotes5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-search ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5AkonadiSearch5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akonadi-server ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5AkonadiAgentBase5 libKF5AkonadiCore5 libKF5AkonadiPrivate5 libKF5AkonadiWidgets5 libKF5AkonadiXml5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== akregator ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== analitza ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libAnalitza8

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== apparmor ====
Subpackages: apparmor-abstractions apparmor-docs apparmor-parser apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils pam_apparmor python3-apparmor

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== ark ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libkerfuffle22

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== at ====

- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d

==== baloo5-widgets ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== bind ====
Subpackages: bind-doc bind-utils

- Declare that named.service depends on, otherwise named
  may start too early and thus fail (time out) when resolving some
  domains. This happens easily in containers.

==== blinken ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== bluedevil5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: bluedevil5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== bolt ====
Version update (0.9.4 -> 0.9.5)

- update to 0.9.5:
  * Fixed several test and build setting issues.
  * Introduced packit. Packit was used to package rpm to downstream Fedora
    automatically. Moreover, Koji and bodhi could be triggered by packit

==== bovo ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== breeze ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-style-lang libbreezecommon5-5

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== breeze-gtk ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== btrfsprogs ====
Version update (6.0.2 -> 6.1.2)
Subpackages: btrfsprogs-udev-rules libbtrfs0

- update to 6.1.2:
  * revert libbtrfs changes to v6.0.2, fix remaining build problems
- update to 6.1.1:
  * subvol list: fix printing of UUID
  * revert changes to ctree.h regarding qgroup items, breaks build of several
  * hide __init definition in kerncompat.h, may break build
- update to 6.1:
  * filesystem df: add json output
  * qgroup show: add json output
  * new command: 'inspect-internal map-swapfile' to check swapfile and its
    swapfile_offset value used for hibernation
  * corrupt-block: fix parsing of option --root argument
  * experimental (interfaces not finalized):
  * new command 'inspect-internal list-chunks'
  * new group reflink, command clone
  * other:
  * synchronize some files with kernel versions
  * docs updates
  * build: use gnu11
- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== busybox ====
Subpackages: busybox-static

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== calendarsupport ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5CalendarSupport5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== capstone ====

- Enable static library, and add libcapstone-devel-static subpackage
  (this is helpful for qemu-linux-user)

==== cervisia ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== cifs-utils ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== cpio ====
Subpackages: cpio-mt

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== cryptsetup ====
Subpackages: cryptsetup-doc libcryptsetup12 libcryptsetup12-hmac

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== dhcp ====
Subpackages: dhcp-relay dhcp-server

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== discount ====
Version update (2.2.7 -> 2.2.7b)

- update to 2.2.7b:
  * fix to makefiles for parallel build

==== discover ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: discover-backend-flatpak discover-backend-fwupd discover-backend-packagekit discover-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * libdiscover: fix permission text not being translated

==== dmraid ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== dolphin ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: dolphin-part libdolphinvcs5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== dosfstools ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== dragonplayer ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== drbd ====

- remove useless patch, dax_get_by_host() was replaced by fs_dax_get_by_bdev()
  * bsc-1192929_06-dax_support.patch
- drbd: fix build error against kernel v6.1.1 (bsc#1206791)
  * update bsc-1201335_06-bdi.patch commit log (no code change)
    + bsc-1201335_06-bdi.patch
  * update bsc-1202600_02-dax-introduce-DAX_RECOVERY_WRITE-dax-access-mode.patch (no code change)
    + bsc-1202600_02-dax-introduce-DAX_RECOVERY_WRITE-dax-access-mode.patch
  * using upstream patch to replace exist patch
  - bsc-1204596_02-drbd-stop-using-bdevname-in-drbd_report_io_error.patch
    + bsc-1204596_02-drbd-remove-usage-of-bdevname.patch
  * add new patches
    + bsc-1206791-01-drbd-add-comments-explaining-removal-of-bdi-congesti.patch
    + bsc-1206791-02-drbd-fix-static-analysis-warnings.patch
    + bsc-1206791-03-drbd-fix-warning-about-initializing-multiple-struct-.patch
    + bsc-1206791-04-blk_queue_split__no_present.patch
    + bsc-1206791-05-prandom_u32_max.patch
    + bsc-1206791-06-write_zeroes__no_capable.patch
    + bsc-1206791-07-drbd-fix-use-after-free-bugs-in-get_initial_state.patch
    + bsc-1206791-08-lib-lru_cache-Fixed-array-overflow-caused-by-incorre.patch
    + bsc-1206791-09-pmem-use-fs_dax_get_by_bdev-instead-of-dax_get_by_ho.patch

==== drbd-utils ====

- drbd.service fails to load - incorrect path to executable (bsc#1206754)
  * use %suse_version to replace %UsrMerge
  * modify drbd-utils.spec for create symbolic folder "/lib/drbd"

==== drkonqi5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== e2fsprogs ====
Subpackages: e2fsprogs-scrub libcom_err2 libext2fs2

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== eventviews ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5EventViews5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== exiv2 ====

- switch to ctest for running the testsuite

==== f2fs-tools ====
Subpackages: libf2fs9

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== fetchmail ====
Version update (6.4.34 -> 6.4.35)
Subpackages: fetchmailconf

- Update to 6.4.35:
  - Fetchmail now warns about OpenSSL before 1.1.1s or 3.0.7,
    and rejects wolfSSL older than 5.5.0.
  * Updated Swedish and Esperanto translations.

==== ffmpegthumbs ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== findutils ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== firewalld ====
Version update (1.2.2 -> 1.3.0)
Subpackages: firewalld-bash-completion firewalld-zsh-completion python3-firewall

- update to 1.3.0:
  * feat(service): add Warpinator
  * feat(dbus): reset to default settings
  * feat(service): add bareos-director bareos-filedaemon
  * feat(policy): masquerade: allow ingress zone to have interface
  * feat(service): add Nebula service
  * feat(service): add Ceph Prometheus exporter
  * feat(service): add OMG DDS service definition
  * feat(service): add llmnr-client service
  * feat(service): add ps2link service
  * feat(service): add definition for syncthing-relay

==== freetype2 ====
Subpackages: freetype2-devel libfreetype6

- switch to pkgconfig(zlib) so that alternative providers can be

==== fuse ====
Subpackages: libfuse2

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== fwupd ====
Version update (1.8.8 -> 1.8.9)
Subpackages: fwupd-bash-completion libfwupd2 typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0

- Update to 1.8.9:
  + This release adds the following features:
  - Add an interactive request for re-inserting the USB cable
  - Add SHA384 support for TPM hashes
  - Add X-FingerprintReader, X-GraphicsTablet, X-Dock and X-UsbDock categories
  - Allow specifying OR parent requirements in metadata
  + This release fixes the following bugs:
  - Add the fwupd version to the HSI result if the chassis is invalid
  - Allow getting the ESP when there is a block device with no filesystem
  - Allow reinstalling on devices with only-version-upgrade set
  - Do not require the TPM event log to have all reconstructions
  - Fix a tiny memory leak when parsing signed reports
  - Ignore failure to mount the ESP if unsupported
  - Never allow using SHA-1 for checksum validation
  - Return a more useful error if USB recovery failed
  - Skip the fwupdx64.efi BootXXXX entry when measuring system integrity
  - Speed up daemon startup using prepared XPath queries
  - Suggest to turn on ThunderboltAccess for Lenovo systems
  - Use better defaults if the config file is missing
  + This release adds support for the following hardware:
  - More Solidigm NVMe devices
  - More Synaptics Cape devices
  - More Synaptics Prometheus devices
  - Most Texas Instruments USB-4 docks
  - Scaler support for Wacom USB devices
  - Several new Wistron USB-C docks

==== gawk ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== gdm ====
Subpackages: gdm-schema gdmflexiserver libgdm1 typelib-1_0-Gdm-1_0

- Update gdm-smartcard.pamd: Move under
  to make it work with pam_pkcs11's auto file username.

==== gedit ====
Version update (43.2 -> 44.1)
Subpackages: python3-gedit

- Update to version 44.1:
  + Updated translations.
- Changes from version 44.0:
  + Minor bug fixes.
  + Use more Tepl features.
  + Code refactorings.
  + Misc:
  - Donations: change to Liberapay link.
  - Create (mainly for developers).
  + User manual:
  - Available online: (used on
    platforms where Yelp is unavailable: macOS and Windows).
  - Improvements to the content.
  + The core of the application:
  - Rework the statusbar.
  - Improve the vocabulary used in the dialog for choosing
    favorite encodings.
  - Improve a little the API docs.
  + Plugins: File browser: expand/collapse item on right/left
  + Updated translations.
- Bump api_ver to 44 following upstream changes.

==== gnome-chess ====
Version update (43.0 -> 43.1)

- Update to version 43.1:
  + Fix build with latest valac.
  + Fix keyboard shortcuts dialog.
  + Updated translations.

==== gnustep-base ====
Version update (1.28.0 -> 1.28.1)

- Update to version 1.28.1
  * Many changes to make building and testcases work on ms-windows (particularly with the MSVC target and when using a strict C99 compiler).
  * Support for native locking on ms-windows.
  * Support for overlapped I/O on ms-windows.
  * New timezone handling code to deal with v2+ of the timezone format.
  * TLS support for secure Distributed Objects connections.
  * Masking of sensitive information in http/https debug logs.
  * a variety of bugfixes.

==== grantleetheme ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5GrantleeTheme5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== grep ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== grub2 ====
Subpackages: grub2-arm64-efi grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin

- Move unsupported zfs modules into 'extras' packages
  (bsc#1205554) (PED-2947)
- Fix inappropriately including commented lines in crypttab (bsc#1206279)
  * 0010-templates-import-etc-crypttab-to-grub.cfg.patch
- Make grub.cfg invariant to efi and legacy platforms (bsc#1205200)
- Removed patch linuxefi
  * grub2-secureboot-provide-linuxefi-config.patch
  * grub2-secureboot-use-linuxefi-on-uefi-in-os-prober.patch
  * grub2-secureboot-use-linuxefi-on-uefi.patch
- Rediff
  * grub2-btrfs-05-grub2-mkconfig.patch
  * grub2-efi-xen-cmdline.patch
  * grub2-s390x-05-grub2-mkconfig.patch
  * grub2-suse-remove-linux-root-param.patch

==== guestfs-tools ====

- Enable build on riscv64

==== gwenview5 ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== gzip ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== hdparm ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== hplip ====
Version update (3.22.6 -> 3.22.10)
Subpackages: hplip-hpijs hplip-sane hplip-udev-rules

- Update to 3.22.10
  * drop no-systray-failure-message.patch (fixed upstream)
  * adapt Use-lsb_release-fallback-code-if-import-distro-fails.patch
    (code moved to different source file upstream)

==== hwdata ====
Version update (0.365 -> 0.366)

- update to 0.366:
  * Update pci, usb and vendor ids

==== incidenceeditor ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5IncidenceEditor5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== initviocons ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== iproute2 ====
Subpackages: iproute2-bash-completion

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== iputils ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== juk ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== k3b ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kaccounts-integration ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libkaccounts2

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kaccounts-providers ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kactivitymanagerd ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: kactivitymanagerd-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kaddressbook ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kaddressbook-doc libKPimAddressbookImportExport5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kalgebra ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kamera ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kamera-lang kio_kamera

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kanagram ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kapptemplate ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kate ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kate-plugins

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== katomic ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kbd ====
Subpackages: kbd-legacy

- rebased cz-map.patch for console-setup 1.215 update; apparently
  'U+00b0' needs to be 'dead_abovering' and not 'dead_grave' as we
  assumed before

==== kblackbox ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kblocks ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kbounce ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kbreakout ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kbruch ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcachegrind ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcalc ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcalutils ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5CalendarUtils5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcharselect ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcm_sddm ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: kcm_sddm-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kcolorchooser ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kcron ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kde-cli-tools5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kde-gtk-config5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: kde-gtk-config5-gtk3

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kde-print-manager ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdeconnect-kde ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kdeconnect-kde-zsh-completion

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdeedu-data ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdenetwork-filesharing ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdepim-addons ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdepim-runtime ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdevelop5 ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kdevplatform libkdevplatform510

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdf ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kwikdisk

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdialog ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdiamond ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kdsoap ====
Version update (2.0.0 -> 2.1.1)

- Update to 2.1.1:
  * buildsystem - undo co-installability of Qt5 and Qt6 headers.
- Update to 2.1.0:
  * Re-license project to MIT and remove the commercial offering
  * buildsystem - Increase minimum CMake version to 3.12.0
  * buildsystem - Build in Release mode by default (in non-developer situations)
  * Client-side:
    + Generate "explicit" in front of service and job constructors
  * Server-side:
    + Disable HTTP/2 support (which Qt 6 enables by default), it causes trouble with some SOAP servers.
    + Improve parsing of GET argument to avoid misinterpreting queries (possible security issue #247).

==== kernel-source ====
Version update (6.1.1 -> 6.1.3)
Subpackages: kernel-64kb kernel-default

- Linux 6.1.3 (bsc#1012628).
- eventpoll: add EPOLL_URING_WAKE poll wakeup flag (bsc#1012628).
- eventfd: provide a eventfd_signal_mask() helper (bsc#1012628).
- io_uring: pass in EPOLL_URING_WAKE for eventfd signaling and
  wakeups (bsc#1012628).
- nvme-pci: fix doorbell buffer value endianness (bsc#1012628).
- nvme-pci: fix mempool alloc size (bsc#1012628).
- nvme-pci: fix page size checks (bsc#1012628).
- ACPI: resource: do IRQ override on XMG Core 15 (bsc#1012628).
- ACPI: resource: do IRQ override on Lenovo 14ALC7 (bsc#1012628).
- ACPI: resource: Add Asus ExpertBook B2502 to Asus quirks
- ACPI: video: Fix Apple GMUX backlight detection (bsc#1012628).
- block, bfq: fix uaf for bfqq in bfq_exit_icq_bfqq (bsc#1012628).
- ata: ahci: Fix PCS quirk application for suspend (bsc#1012628).
- nvme: fix the NVME_CMD_EFFECTS_CSE_MASK definition
- nvmet: don't defer passthrough commands with trivial effects
  to the workqueue (bsc#1012628).
- fs/ntfs3: Validate BOOT record_size (bsc#1012628).
- fs/ntfs3: Add overflow check for attribute size (bsc#1012628).
- fs/ntfs3: Validate data run offset (bsc#1012628).
- fs/ntfs3: Add null pointer check to attr_load_runs_vcn
- fs/ntfs3: Fix memory leak on ntfs_fill_super() error path
- fs/ntfs3: Add null pointer check for inode operations
- fs/ntfs3: Validate attribute name offset (bsc#1012628).
- fs/ntfs3: Validate buffer length while parsing index
- fs/ntfs3: Validate resident attribute name (bsc#1012628).
- fs/ntfs3: Fix slab-out-of-bounds read in run_unpack
- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk variant for LAPBC710 NUC15
- phy: sun4i-usb: Introduce port2 SIDDQ quirk (bsc#1012628).
- phy: sun4i-usb: Add support for the H616 USB PHY (bsc#1012628).
- fs/ntfs3: Validate index root when initialize NTFS security
- fs/ntfs3: Use __GFP_NOWARN allocation at wnd_init()
- fs/ntfs3: Use __GFP_NOWARN allocation at ntfs_fill_super()
- fs/ntfs3: Delete duplicate condition in ntfs_read_mft()
- fs/ntfs3: Fix slab-out-of-bounds in r_page (bsc#1012628).
- objtool: Fix SEGFAULT (bsc#1012628).
- iommu/mediatek: Fix crash on isr after kexec() (bsc#1012628).
- powerpc/rtas: avoid device tree lookups in rtas_os_term()
- powerpc/rtas: avoid scheduling in rtas_os_term() (bsc#1012628).
- rtc: msc313: Fix function prototype mismatch in
  msc313_rtc_probe() (bsc#1012628).
- kprobes: kretprobe events missing on 2-core KVM guest
- HID: multitouch: fix Asus ExpertBook P2 P2451FA trackpoint
- HID: plantronics: Additional PIDs for double volume key presses
  quirk (bsc#1012628).
- futex: Fix futex_waitv() hrtimer debug object leak on kcalloc
  error (bsc#1012628).
- rtmutex: Add acquire semantics for rtmutex lock acquisition
  slow path (bsc#1012628).
- mm/mempolicy: fix memory leak in set_mempolicy_home_node system
  call (bsc#1012628).
- kmsan: export kmsan_handle_urb (bsc#1012628).
- kmsan: include linux/vmalloc.h (bsc#1012628).
- pstore: Properly assign mem_type property (bsc#1012628).
- pstore/zone: Use GFP_ATOMIC to allocate zone buffer
- hfsplus: fix bug causing custom uid and gid being unable to
  be assigned with mount (bsc#1012628).
- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Force AMD GUID/_REV 2 on HP Elitebook 865
- ACPI: x86: s2idle: Stop using AMD specific codepath for
  Rembrandt+ (bsc#1012628).
- binfmt: Fix error return code in load_elf_fdpic_binary()
- ovl: Use ovl mounter's fsuid and fsgid in ovl_link()
- ovl: update ->f_iocb_flags when ovl_change_flags() modifies
  - >f_flags (bsc#1012628).
- ALSA: line6: correct midi status byte when receiving data from
  podxt (bsc#1012628).
- ALSA: line6: fix stack overflow in line6_midi_transmit
- pnode: terminate at peers of source (bsc#1012628).
- mfd: mt6360: Add bounds checking in Regmap read/write call-backs
- md: fix a crash in mempool_free (bsc#1012628).
- mm, compaction: fix fast_isolate_around() to stay within
  boundaries (bsc#1012628).
- f2fs: should put a page when checking the summary info
- f2fs: allow to read node block after shutdown (bsc#1012628).
- block: Do not reread partition table on exclusively open device
- mmc: vub300: fix warning - do not call blocking ops when
    ... changelog too long, skipping 1985 lines ...
- commit 081acb5

==== kexec-tools ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== keyutils ====
Subpackages: libkeyutils1

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== kgamma5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: kgamma5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kgeography ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kget ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kgoldrunner ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== khangman ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== khelpcenter5 ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== khotkeys5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: khotkeys5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kidentitymanagement ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kidentitymanagement-lang libKF5IdentityManagement5 libKF5IdentityManagementWidgets5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kig ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kimap ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kimap-lang libKF5IMAP5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kinfocenter5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: kinfocenter5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kio-extras5 ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libkioarchive5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kio_audiocd ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kipi-plugins ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kiriki ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kiten ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kitinerary ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKPimItinerary5 libKPimItinerary5-lang

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kjumpingcube ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kldap ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Ldap5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kleopatra ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== klines ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmag ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmahjongg ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmail ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kmail-application-icons ktnef

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmail-account-wizard ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmailtransport ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5MailTransport5 libKF5MailTransportAkonadi5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmbox ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmenuedit5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: kmenuedit5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kmime ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kmime-lang libKF5Mime5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmines ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmod ====
Subpackages: kmod-bash-completion libkmod2

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== kmousetool ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmouth ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kmplot ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== knavalbattle ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== knetwalk ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== knotes ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kolf ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kollision ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kolourpaint ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kompare ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== konquest ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== konsole ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: konsole-part konsole-part-lang

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kontact ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kontactinterface ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kontactinterface-lang libKF5KontactInterface5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== konversation ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kopete ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== korganizer ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kpat ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kpimtextedit ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5PimTextEdit5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kpipewire ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: kpipewire-imports libKPipeWire5 libKPipeWireRecord5

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kpkpass ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kqtquickcharts ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kreversi ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kruler ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksanecore ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: ksanecore-lang libKSaneCore1

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kscreen5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: kscreen5-lang kscreen5-plasmoid

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kscreenlocker ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * Fix KSignalHandler initialization order
  * Fix crash condition where kscreenlocker_greet doesn't start
    handle signals in time On mobile, we frequently spam our power
    buttons, of which each triggers a call from PowerDevil to
    ksldapp (in ksmserver) to lock the screen.
  * Fix wallpaper not loading (leaving the background black)

==== kshisen ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksirk ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksmtp ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: ksmtp-lang libKPimSMTP5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kspaceduel ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksquares ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksshaskpass5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: ksshaskpass5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== ksudoku ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksystemlog ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ksystemstats5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kteatime ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ktimer ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ktnef ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== ktouch ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kturtle ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kubrick ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kwalletmanager5 ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kwayland-integration ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== kwin5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: kwin5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * Include missing cmath header for std::round
  * backends/drm: extend connector lifetime to match their outputs (kde#463334)
  * Ignore critical notifications in window heap effects (kde#463437)
  * workspace: don't make the placeholder output too big
  * kwinglutils: Restore the default FB when the last FBO is unbound
  * dmabuf: Create buffers without the SCANOUT flag
  * screencast: Don't skip the last valid modifier
  * wayland: Fix updating pixel data from translucent client buffers when using qpainter backend
  * backends/drm: fix VRR detection (kde#463172)
  * backends/drm: fix error in finding the best plane
  * wayland: Require to reboot computer after changing primary selection option
  * Revert "Disable PrimarySelection in seat setPrimarySelection" (kde#461498)
  * scene: Fix a typo in WindowItem::updateShadowItem()
  * workspace: handle duplicate output hashes correctly
  * core/outputconfiguration: use std::weak_ptr for storing the mode
  * workspace: match KScreen when computing the hash without an edid
  * backends/drm: don't break crtc<->plane connections (kde#462214)
  * effects/blendchanges: ignore fullscreen windows
  * wayland/outputmanagement: reject configurations if outputs change (kde#460953)
  * backends/drm: don't leak gbm surface if creating egl surface fails

==== kwordquiz ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== kwrited5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== layer-shell-qt ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== libapparmor ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== libbpf ====

- Remove requirement of linux-glibc-devel >= 5.16 for devel package

==== libgravatar ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Gravatar5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libheif ====
Version update (1.12.0 -> 1.14.1)
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-libheif libheif1

- update to v1.14.1:
  * various issues is the build system
  * encoding images smaller than 64x64 with svt-av1
  * the 'quality' parameter for svt-av1
  * a potentially wrong image orientation for PNG inputs
  * crash on non-null terminated XMP input
  * HDR RGB to YCbCr conversion coefficients for limited range coefficients
- update to 1.14.0:
  * adds SVT-AV1 encoder as AVIF backend
  * dynamic plugin interface for installing codecs independently from libheif (currently Unix only)
  * add XMP header compression (using zlib)
  * library should now be initialized with heif_init()
  * heif_convert: extract EXIF and XMP to separate files
  * heif_enc: add benchmarking function to compare codecs
  * copy EXIF/XMP between HEIC/AVIF files and JPEG/PNG in all kinds of combinations
  * remove EXIF orientation tag from input when converting to HEIC/AVIF and
  * generate irot/imir boxes matching the input orientation
- The newly added thumbnailer is not only useful for gnome, so
  rename the sub-package gnome-heif-thumbnailer to heif-thumbnailer
  before its debut
- Supplement libeheif1 with heif-thumbnailer
- Create a gnome-heif-thumbnailer sub-package (boo#1204865)
- Update to 1.13.0:
  * pay attention to the correct chroma sample positions
  * heif_image now holds a list of decoding warnings
  * 'strict' decoding mode with more checks for standard conformity of input
  * support for EXIF data >64k in JPEG output
  * proper library initialization and cleanup
  * separate quality settings for alpha channel (AOM)
  * improve color conversion speed (no lroundf)
  * build and packaging fixes
- Remove 0f8496f22d284e1a69df12fe0b72f375aed31315.patch: contained
- boo#1204865: No HEIC image preview in nautilus fixed by update

==== libjpeg-turbo ====
Subpackages: libjpeg8 libturbojpeg0

- Add explicit provides for jpegtran, so it can be installed easier

==== libkcddb ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Cddb5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkcompactdisc ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5CompactDisc5 libkcompactdisc-lang

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkdcraw ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkdecoration2 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2-5-lang libkdecorations2private9

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== libkdegames ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libKF5KDEGames7 libkdegames-qt5-imports

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkdepim ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Libkdepim5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkeduvocdocument ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKEduVocDocument5 libkeduvocdocument-lang

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkexiv2 ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkgapi ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKPimGAPICalendar5 libKPimGAPIContacts5 libKPimGAPICore5 libKPimGAPITasks5 libkgapi-lang sasl2-kdexoauth2

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkipi ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Kipi32_0_0 libkipi-data

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkleo ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Libkleo5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkmahjongg ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5KMahjongglib5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libkomparediff2 ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libkomparediff2-5 libkomparediff2-lang

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libksane ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Sane5 libksane-lang

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libksba ====
Version update (1.6.2 -> 1.6.3)

- update to 1.6.3 (bsc#1206579, CVE-2022-47629):
  * Fix another integer overflow in the CRL parser.

==== libkscreen2 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: libKF5Screen7 libkscreen2-plugin

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * backends/kwayland: use the connector name

==== libksieve ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libksieve5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libksysguard5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: ksysguardsystemstats-data libKSysGuardSystemStats1 libksysguard5-imports libksysguard5-lang libksysguard5-plugins

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== libktorrent ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Torrent6 libktorrent-lang

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== libplacebo ====
Version update (5.229.1 -> 5.229.2)

- Update libplacebo to version 5.229.2. See details in:

==== libsolv ====
Version update (0.7.22 -> 0.7.23)
Subpackages: libsolv-tools python3-solv ruby-solv

- fix "keep installed" jobs not disabling "best update" rules
- do not autouninstall suse ptf packages
- ensure duplinvolvedmap_all is reset when a solver is reused
- special case file dependencies in the testcase writer
- support stringification of multiple solvables
- new weakdep introspection interface similar to ruleinfos
- support decision reason queries
- support merging of related decissions
- support stringification of ruleinfo, decisioninfo and decision reasons
- support better info about alternatives
- new '-P' and '-W' options for testsolv
- bump version to 0.7.23

==== libstorage-ng ====
Version update (4.5.57 -> 4.5.62)
Subpackages: libstorage-ng-lang libstorage-ng-ruby libstorage-ng1

- Translated using Weblate (Macedonian) (bsc#1149754)
- 4.5.62
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#910
- delay use of json output for qgroup show
- check creation of json tokener
- 4.5.61
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#909
- simplify code
- 4.5.60
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#908
- use new json output of btrfs-progs if available
- 4.5.59
- Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) (bsc#1149754)
- 4.5.58

==== libxcb ====
Subpackages: libxcb-composite0 libxcb-damage0 libxcb-devel libxcb-dpms0 libxcb-dri2-0 libxcb-dri3-0 libxcb-glx0 libxcb-present0 libxcb-randr0 libxcb-record0 libxcb-render0 libxcb-res0 libxcb-screensaver0 libxcb-shape0 libxcb-shm0 libxcb-sync1 libxcb-xf86dri0 libxcb-xfixes0 libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-xinput0 libxcb-xkb1 libxcb-xtest0 libxcb-xv0 libxcb-xvmc0 libxcb1

- avoid configuring twice
- add gpg validation / source url / keyring

==== libxkbcommon ====
Version update (1.4.1 -> 1.5.0)
Subpackages: libxkbcommon-x11-0 libxkbcommon0 libxkbregistry0

- Update to release 1.5.0
  * Fix crash in `xkbcli interactive-wayland` under a compositor
    which supports new versions of the xdg-shell protocol.

==== libzypp ====
Version update (17.31.6 -> 17.31.7)

- Hint to "zypper removeptf" to remove PTFs.
- Removing a PTF without enabled repos should always fail
  Without enabled repos, the dependent PTF-packages would be
  removed (not replaced!) as well. To remove a PTF "zypper install
  - - -PTF" or a dedicated "zypper removeptf PTF" should be used.
  This will update the installed PTF packages to theit latest
- version 17.31.7 (22)

==== lokalize ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== lskat ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== lvm2 ====
Subpackages: liblvm2cmd2_03

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== lvm2-device-mapper ====
Subpackages: device-mapper libdevmapper-event1_03 libdevmapper1_03

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== mailcommon ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5MailCommon5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== mailimporter ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5MailImporter5 libKF5MailImporterAkonadi5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== makedumpfile ====
Version update (1.7.1 -> 1.7.2)

- update to 1.7.2:
  * LoongArch64 architecture support
  * Support kernels up to v6.0 (x86_64)

==== man-pages ====
Version update (5.13 -> 6.02)

- Update to version 6.00
  * Updated manual pages and interface documentation
  * Move definitions of types to separate pages in man2type/ and
    man3type/.  Previously, they were spread (and duplicated) in other
    pages, or in system_data_types.7 (with links in man3/).
  * Add man3head/ for pages that document header files.
  * Add man3const/ for pages that document constants.
  * Improve consistency of man(7) source
  * Manual pages sections:
  * Title (.TH):
  * Remove 5th argument to TH (middle-header).
  * Specify "Linux man-pages" and the version in the 4th argument
  * Add the LIBRARY section.  This section standardizes a way to
    document the library that provides a given interface.
  * Add the CAVEATS section.  BUGS and NOTES were serving that purpose
    before, but CAVEATS is more appropriate.
  * Rename the CONFORMING TO section to STANDARDS for consistency with
    other projects, such as the BSDs.
  * SYNOPSIS:  Add the ISO C2X [[deprecated]] attribute for functions
    that have been deprecated or removed.
  * EXAMPLES:  Improve consistency of C source code.  Also, reduce the
    number of warnings that several linting tools emit.
  * COLOPHON:  Remove section (its purpose is now served by the title).
- Update to version 6.01
  * Updated interface documentation
  * Manual pages' sections:
  * Title (.TH):
  * Remove the hardcoded date (TH 3rd argument), and replace it by a
    placeholder that should be changed when creating the tarball.
    This removes the need for a tstamp commit before each release.
- Update to version 6.02
  * Updated manual pages and interface documentation, noteable:
  * copy_file_range.2: Fix wrong kernel version information
  * process_madvise.2: Fix capability and ptrace requirements
  * madvise.2: Update Transparent Huge Pages file/shmem documentation
    for Linux 5.4+.
  * Use correct letter case in manual page titles, instead of uppercase.
  * Use \" t comments when appropriate (Lintian needs this).
  * Add _Nullable for functions that receive NULL as a meaningful
  * Use VLA syntax to clarify the meaning of size parameters, rather
    than hiding it in possibly-confusing text.
  * Use [[noreturn]] instead of noreturn, which will be deprecated
- Rebased man-pages-tcp_fack.patch
- Added keyring and signed source

==== mariadb ====
Subpackages: libmariadbd19 mariadb-client mariadb-errormessages

- Update list of skipped tests

==== mbox-importer ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== messagelib ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== mhvtl ====
Version update (1.70_release+865.af13081a1ae5_k6.1.1_1 -> 1.70_release+865.af13081a1ae5_k6.1.3_1)

- Handle the fact that version 15.5 of our kernel back-ported
  changes to the SCSI queue command, changing args fromn 2 to
  1, by adding a patch that helps the code detect the actual
  number of args (bsc#1206172), adding:
  * mhvtl-fix-queuecomand-args.patch

==== milou5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: milou5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== mobipocket ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== net-snmp ====
Subpackages: libsnmp40 perl-SNMP snmp-mibs

- Fixed NULL pointer exception issue when handling ipDefaultTTL or
  pv6IpForwarding (bsc#1205148, CVE-2022-44793, bsc#1205150, CVE-2022-44792).
  * net-snmp-5.9.3-disallow_SET_requests_with_NULL_varbind.patch
- Enable AES-192 and AES-256 privacy protocol (bsc#1206828).
- Use new MFD rewrites of mib modules, where available.
- Disable legacy DES encryption and MD5 authentication protocols.

==== ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs ====
Subpackages: libntfs-3g89 ntfs-3g ntfsprogs

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== okular ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: okular-spectre

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== openafs ====
Version update (1.8.9~pre2 -> 1.8.9)
Subpackages: openafs-client openafs-kmp-64kb openafs-kmp-default

- update to offical openafs-1.8.9
  * all changes as openafs-1.8.9pre2
  * fix possible DoS attack

==== orca ====
Version update (43.0 -> 43.1)

- Update to version 43.1:
  + General:
  - Clean up and fix bugs in flat review find.
  - Treat KP_Delete as Delete for the purpose of identifying text
  - Fix several issues related to prefering the TableCell
  - Fix presentation of name-changed events for Qt push buttons.
  + Web:
  - Fix repetition of text elements during SayAll in web content.
  - Fix structural navigation bug impacting columns spanning
    multiple cells.
  - Fix chattiness issue with browser page tabs.
  - Fix bug causing Orca to present a non-active page in Chrome.
  + Mouse Review: Do not re-present the whole paragraph when
    leaving a link.
  + Updated translations.

==== os-prober ====
Version update (1.79 -> 1.81)

- update to 1.81
- use %autosetup macro to unpack source and apply patch
- drop patch for upstream
  * os-prober-multiple-initrd.patch
- rediff
  * Improve-btrfs-handling-on-os-probing-for-grub2.patch
  * os-prober-linux-distro-avoid-expensive-ld-file-test.patch
  * os-prober-linux-distro-parse-os-release.patch
  * os-prober-linux-secure-boot.patch

==== oxygen5-sounds ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== pam_mount ====
Subpackages: libcryptmount0

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== parley ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== perl-Image-ExifTool ====
Version update (12.50 -> 12.52)
Subpackages: exiftool perl-File-RandomAccess

- Update to 12.52:
  - Added a few new Nikon LensID's (thanks LibRaw and Chris)
  - Added Slovak translations (thanks Peter Bagin)
  - Made SphericalVideoXML readable/writable as a block
  - Improved handling of Matroska metadata tags, including language support
  - Improved French translations (thanks Philippe Bonnaure of GraphicConverter)
  - Improved Composite:GPSAltitude conversion to honour -lang setting
  - Improved -v2 messages to indicate files extracted from zip archives
  - Added a new Olympus LensType (thanks Herb)
  - Extract C2PA JUMBF metadata from PNG images and extract C2PA Salt values
  - Decode NikonSettings for Z9 firmware 3.0 (thanks Warren Hatch)
  - Decode additional camm metadata from Insta360 Pro2 MP4 videos
  - Improved Verbose output when writing Composite tags to add a "+" sign to
    indicate related tags that are being written
  - Enhanced -geotag option CSV format to support GPSImgDirection column
  - Fixed problem where -w+ option didn't work in Windows if there were Unicode
    characters in the path name
  - Fixed problem where only the last image of the sequence was extracted
    (multiple times) when using -ee2 to extract embedded images from FLIR SEQ
  - Fixed issue where GPS reference directions may be unknowingly written when
    using ExifTool 12.44 or later to write GPSLatitude or GPSLongitude without
    specifying a group name.  The fix was to Avoid writing the Composite tags
    unless the Composite group is specified explicitly
  - Fixed -geotag to write orientation and track tags even if some tags in the
    category were missing
  - Fixed inconsistency in selecting which tag to output with the -json option
    when multiple tags with the same JSON key exist and the -TAG# feature is
    used to disable print conversion
  - Fixed problem writing QuickTime:PlayListID
  - Fixed problem writing QuickTime tags when specifying tag ID (ie. family 7
    group) as well as a language code

==== perl-Mojolicious ====
Version update (9.30 -> 9.31)

- updated to 9.31
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  9.31  2022-12-21
  - This release contains fixes for security issues, everybody should upgrade!
  - Removed experimental status from links method in Mojo::Headers.
  - Added tls_options attribute to Mojo::UserAgent. (heikojansen)
  - Fixed multiple "<script>" parsing issues in Mojo::DOM.
  - Fixed a sporadic warning in Mojo::UserAgent. (s1037989)
  - Fixed UNIX domain socket support in Mojo::UserAgent debug feature. (s1037989)
  - Fixed a bug in Mojo::DOM where strings like "<.>" were considered valid tags.

==== perl-Net-DNS ====
Version update (1.35 -> 1.36)

- updated to 1.36
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-DNS/Changes

==== pim-data-exporter ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== pim-sieve-editor ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== pimcommon ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)
Subpackages: libKF5PimCommon5 libKF5PimCommonAkonadi5 libKF5PimCommonAutoCorrection5

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== pipewire ====
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugin-pipewire libpipewire-0_3-0 pipewire-alsa pipewire-modules-0_3 pipewire-pulseaudio pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 pipewire-spa-tools pipewire-tools

- Add patch from upstream to fix pulse tunnel getting out of
  sync/overruns (glfo#pipewire/pipewire#2891):
  * 0001-modules-fix-rate-update.patch
- Add patch from upstream to fix memory leak of properties:
  * 0001-alsa-fix-memory-leak-of-properties.patch
- Ship only X11 bell module in module-x11 sub-package
- Split the X11 bell implementation into a separate package
  (overlaps with implementations in e.g. Marco).
- Add patch from upstream to fix a Bluetooth regression
  * 0003-bluez5-backend-native-fix-missing-brace-in-CIND-reply.patch

==== plasma-browser-integration ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: plasma-browser-integration-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== plasma-nm5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: plasma-nm5-lang plasma-nm5-openconnect plasma-nm5-openvpn plasma-nm5-pptp plasma-nm5-vpnc

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * Fix connecting to WPA3-personal networks

==== plasma5-addons ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-addons-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * There is no translation for nativeText, use sequence instead. (kde#463775)
  * applets/notes: Close context menu on left click (kde#463530)
  * wallpapers/potd: update picture at 0:01 (kde#463345)
  * wallpapers/potd: use `i18ndc` to specify translation domain (kde#463103)
  * KateSessionsItemDelegate: Fix reference to signal parameter (kde#462452)
  * alternatecalendar: always use day name in full label

==== plasma5-desktop ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-desktop-emojier

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * Fix Kirigami longDuration reference
  * applets/taskmanager: use empty array when artist does not exist
  * applets/taskmanager: `xesam:artist` is a stringlist
  * kcm/keys: don't allow collapsing single shortcut ation list items (kde#462141)

==== plasma5-disks ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== plasma5-integration ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-integration-plugin plasma5-integration-plugin-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== plasma5-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE

- Update to 5.26.5

==== plasma5-pa ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-pa-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== plasma5-systemmonitor ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== plasma5-thunderbolt ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== plasma5-workspace ====
Version update ( -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: gmenudbusmenuproxy plasma5-session plasma5-session-wayland plasma5-workspace-lang plasma5-workspace-libs xembedsniproxy

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * Fix time input bug caused by "or" in regex (kde#415028)
  * wallpapers/image: fix finding the real symlink target (kde#461940)
  * applets/systemtray: Fix copy-paste mistake (double assignment to width)
  * Fix building screenpooltest
  * Panel: Add floating margins to avoid overflowing content when floating (kde#462130)
  * find in system's path and sudo's path (kde#462127)
  * kcms/region_language: set fix scrolling in language sheet (kde#462057)
  * Revert "shell: Use the basic scene graph rendering loop on wayland"
  * Revert "shell: Don't force basic render loop for Plasma Mobile"

==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: polkit-kde-agent-5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.26.4

==== poppler ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 23.01.0)
Subpackages: libpoppler-cpp0 libpoppler-glib8 libpoppler126 poppler-tools

- update to 23.01.0:
  * PDFDoc::sign: Fix crash if font can't be found
  * PDFDoc::sign: Try Arial to sign if Helvetica isn't found
  * FoFiType1::parse: Be more flexible parsing the encoding content. Issue #1324
  * Gfx::opBeginMarkedContent: Support Span with Name. Issue #1327
  * Splash: Avoid color issues due to implicit rounding
  * Splash: Fix crash on malformed file.
  * CairoOutputDev: Ignore text rendering mode for type3 fonts
  * Remove unused FoFiType1::load function
  build system:
  * Increase minimum required versions of several dependencies
  * Improve include path handling
  * Use less deprecated functions

==== poppler-qt5 ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 23.01.0)

- update to 23.01.0:
  * PDFDoc::sign: Fix crash if font can't be found
  * PDFDoc::sign: Try Arial to sign if Helvetica isn't found
  * FoFiType1::parse: Be more flexible parsing the encoding content. Issue #1324
  * Gfx::opBeginMarkedContent: Support Span with Name. Issue #1327
  * Splash: Avoid color issues due to implicit rounding
  * Splash: Fix crash on malformed file.
  * CairoOutputDev: Ignore text rendering mode for type3 fonts
  * Remove unused FoFiType1::load function
  build system:
  * Increase minimum required versions of several dependencies
  * Improve include path handling
  * Use less deprecated functions

==== powerdevil5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: powerdevil5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * Do not hardcode ACPI battery names

==== procps4 ====
Subpackages: libproc2-0

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== python-Pillow ====
Version update (9.3.0 -> 9.4.0)

- update to 9.4.0
  * API Additions
  - Added start position for getmask and getmask2
  - Added the exact encoding option for WebP
  - Added signed option when saving JPEG2000
  - Added IFD, Interop and LightSource ExifTags enums
  - XMP data can now be decoded for WEBP images through getxmp()
  - Writing JPEG comments
  * Security
  - Fix memory DOS in ImageFont
  - Null pointer dereference crash in ImageFont
  * Other Changes
  - Added support for DDS L and LA images
  - Formerly deprecated constants are not anymore

==== python-attrs ====
Version update (22.1.0 -> 22.2.0)

- update to 22.2.0:
  * Python 3.5 is not supported anymore.
  * Python 3.6 is now deprecated and support will be removed in the next
  * `attrs.field()` now supports an *alias* option for explicit `__init__`
    argument names.
  * `attrs.NOTHING` is now an enum value, making it possible to use with
    e.g. `typing.Literal`.
  * Added missing re-import of `attr.AttrsInstance` to the `attrs`
  * Fix slight performance regression in classes with custom `__setattr__`
    and speedup even more.
  * Class-creation performance improvements by switching performance-
    sensitive templating operations to f-strings.

==== python-cffi ====

- add 8a3c2c816d789639b49d3ae867213393ed7abdff.patch to resolve
  testsuite failures with Python 3.11

==== python-chardet ====
Version update (5.0.0 -> 5.1.0)

- update to 5.1.0:
  * Add should_rename_legacy argument to most functions, which will rename
    older encodings to their more modern equivalents (e.g., GB2312 becomes
    GB18030) (#264, @dan-blanchard)
  * Add capital letter sharp S and ISO-8859-15 support
  * Add a prober for MacRoman encoding
  * Add --minimal flag to chardetect command
  * Add type annotations to the project and run mypy on CI
  * Add support for Python 3.11
  * Clarify LGPL version in License trove classifier (#255, @musicinmybrain)
  * Remove support for EOL Python 3.6 (#260, @jdufresne)
  * Remove unnecessary guards for non-falsey values (#259, @jdufresne)
  * Switch to Python 3.10 release in GitHub actions (#257, @jdufresne)
  * Remove in favor of build package (#262, @jdufresne)
  * Run tests on macos, Windows, and 3.11-dev (#267, @dan-blanchard)

==== python-cryptography ====
Version update (38.0.4 -> 39.0.0)

- update to 39.0.0:
  * **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE:** Support for OpenSSL 1.1.0 has been removed.
  Users on older version of OpenSSL will need to upgrade.
  * **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE:** Dropped support for LibreSSL < 3.5. The new
  minimum LibreSSL version is 3.5.0. Going forward our policy is to support
  versions of LibreSSL that are available in versions of OpenBSD that are
  still receiving security support.
  * **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE:** Removed the ``encode_point`` and
  ``from_encoded_point`` methods on
  which had been deprecated for several years.
  should be used instead.
  * **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE:** Support for using MD5 or SHA1 in
  :class:`~cryptography.x509.CertificateBuilder`, other X.509 builders, and
  PKCS7 has been removed.
  * **ANNOUNCEMENT:** The next version of ``cryptography`` (40.0) will
  the way we link OpenSSL. This will only impact users who build
  ``cryptography`` from source (i.e., not from a ``wheel``), and specify their
  own version of OpenSSL. For those users, the ``CFLAGS``, ``LDFLAGS``,
  variables will no longer be respected. Instead, users will need to
  configure their builds `as documented here`_.
  * Added support for disabling the legacy provider in OpenSSL 3.0.x
  * Added support for disabling RSA key validation checks when loading RSA
  keys via
  * Added support for creating OCSP requests with precomputed hashes using
  * Added support for loading multiple PEM-encoded X.509 certificates from
  a single input via :func:`~cryptography.x509.load_pem_x509_certificates`.

==== python-dbus-python ====
Version update (1.2.18 -> 1.3.2)

- update to 1.3.2:
  * Python 3, version 3.5 or later, is required.
  * Installing from source code using Autotools requires Python 3.5 or
  * dbus.gobject_service, dbus.types.UTF8String and the utf8_strings
  keyword argument were only usable with Python 2, and therefore have
  been removed, along with the rest of the special cases for Python 2.
  * Add methods to Message objects to manipulate the interactive
  authorization flag
  * Add licensing information in REUSE format
  * Raise ValueError instead of crashing with assertion failure when a
  Unix fd index number is greater than the number of fds actually attached
  to the message (firewalld#985; Simon McVittie)
  * Raise ValueError instead of crashing with assertion failure when
  a negative number is passed to the UnixFd constructor
  * Fix undefined escape sequences in docstrings
  * Make `distcheck` compatible with Automake 1.16.4, by forcing an
  appropriate prefix to be used
  * Update AX_PYTHON_DEVEL from autoconf-archive for better
  * Avoid various deprecation warnings in the build system
  - distutils.sysconfig → sysconfig
  - distutils.util → sysconfig

==== python-distro ====
Version update (1.7.0 -> 1.8.0)

- update to 1.8.0:
  * Lowered `LinuxDistribution._distro_release_info` method complexity
  * Added official support for Buildroot distribution [#329]
  * Added official support for Guix distribution [#330]
  * Added support for `/etc/debian_version` [#333] & [#349]
  * Fixed a typography in [#340]
  * Improved "Usage" code block [#343]
  * Bumped black to v22.3.0 in configuration [#331]
  * Enabled GitHub Dependabot to keep GitHub Actions up to date [#335]

==== python-future ====

- Add CVE-2022-40899.patch to fix REDoS in http.cookiejar

==== python-importlib-metadata ====
Version update (5.1.0 -> 6.0.0)

- update to 6.0.0:
  * #419: Declared ``Distribution`` as an abstract class, enforcing
  definition of abstract methods in instantiated subclasses. It's no
  longer possible to instantiate a ``Distribution`` or any subclasses
  unless they define the abstract methods.
  * #371: Deprecated expectation that ``PackageMetadata.__getitem__``
  will return ``None`` for missing keys. In the future, it will raise a

==== python-importlib-resources ====
Version update (5.10.1 -> 5.10.2)

- update to 5.10.2:
  * Prefer ``write_bytes`` to context manager as
  proposed in gh-100586.

==== python-linux-procfs ====
Version update (0.6 -> 0.7.1)

- update to 0.7.1:
  * Correct VERSION number in
  * Use f-strings
  * Add missing open in with statement
  * Use sys.exit and add some docstrings
  * Add tar.xz and asc files to gitignore
  * Fix traceback with non-utf8 chars in the /proc/PID/cmdline
  * Propagate error to user if a pid is completed
  * pflags: Handle pids that completed
  * Makefile: Add ctags
  * Remove procfs/
  * Various clean-ups
  * Fix UnicodeDecodeError
  * Fix more spacing problems with
  * Simplify is_s390
  * Fix a few more style problems
  * clean-ups for recent python formating regarding spacing, tabs, etc
  * Fix to parse the number of cpus correctly on s390(x)

==== python-lxml ====
Version update (4.9.1 -> 4.9.2)

- update to version 4.9.2
  * Bugs fixed
    + CVE-2022-2309: A Bug in libxml2 2.9.1[0-4] could let namespace declarations
    from a failed parser run leak into later parser runs.  This bug was worked around
    in lxml and resolved in libxml2 2.10.0.
  * LP#1981760: ``Element.attrib`` now registers as ````.
  * lxml now has a static build setup for macOS on ARM64 machines (not used for building wheels).
    Patch by Quentin Leffray.

==== python-numpy ====
Version update (1.23.4 -> 1.24.1)

- Update to 1.24.1
  * NumPy 1.24.1 is a maintenance release that fixes bugs and
    regressions discovered after the 1.24.0 release. The Python
    versions supported by this release are 3.8-3.11.
  * #22820: BLD: add workaround in for newer setuptools
  * #22830: BLD: CIRRUS_TAG redux
  * #22831: DOC: fix a couple typos in 1.23 notes
  * #22832: BUG: Fix refcounting errors found using pytest-leaks
  * #22834: BUG, SIMD: Fix invalid value encountered in several
  * #22837: TST: ignore more np.distutils.log imports
  * #22839: BUG: Do not use getdata() in
  * #22847: BUG: Ensure correct behavior for rows ending in
    delimiter in...
  * #22848: BUG, SIMD: Fix the bitmask of the boolean comparison
  * #22857: BLD: Help raspian arm + clang 13 about
  * #22858: API: Ensure a full mask is returned for masked_invalid
  * #22866: BUG: Polynomials now copy properly (#22669)
  * #22867: BUG, SIMD: Fix memory overlap in ufunc comparison loops
  * #22868: BUG: Fortify string casts against floating point
  * #22875: TST: Ignore nan-warnings in randomized out tests
  * #22883: MAINT: restore npymath implementations needed for
  * #22884: BUG: Fix integer overflow in in1d for mixed integer
    dtypes #22877
  * #22887: BUG: Use whole file for encoding checks with
- Drop numpy-distutils-ignore.patch fixed upstream
- Update to 1.24.0
  * The NumPy 1.24.0 release continues the ongoing work to improve
    the handling and promotion of dtypes, increase the execution
    speed, and clarify the documentation. There are also a large
    number of new and expired deprecations due to changes in
    promotion and cleanups. This might be called a deprecation
    release. Highlights are:
  - Many new deprecations, check them out.
  - Many expired deprecations,
  - New F2PY features and fixes.
  - New “dtype” and “casting” keywords for stacking functions.
  * For a detailed description see
- Add numpy-distutils-ignore.patch gh#numpy/numpy#22828
- Fix running the tests: Actually fail on errors
- Support builds without any primary python3 package (:backports)

==== python-pexpect ====

- add 684.patch, 715.patch: Python 3.11 support

==== python-pyOpenSSL ====
Version update (22.1.0 -> 23.0.0)

- update to 23.0.0:
  * Add ``OpenSSL.SSL.X509StoreFlags.PARTIAL_CHAIN`` constant to allow for
  to perform certificate verification on partial certificate chains.
  * ``cryptography`` maximum version has been increased to 39.0.x.
- drop pyOpenSSL-pr1158-conditional-__all__.patch (upstream)

==== python-pycurl ====
Version update (7.45.1 -> 7.45.2)

- update to 7.45.2:
  * Python 3.9 compatibility for Py_TRASHCAN_SAFE_BEGIN
  * Add support for CURL_HTTP_VERSION_3
  * Added HTTP09_ALLOWED option
  * Removed use of distutils
- drop curl-789-error-message.patch (upstream)

==== python-pytz ====
Version update (2022.6 -> 2022.7)

- update to 2022.7:
  * In the Mexican state of Chihuahua, the border strip near the US
    will change to agree with nearby US locations on 2022-11-30.
    The strip's western part, represented by Ciudad Juárez, switches
    from -06 all year to -07/-06 with US DST rules, like El Paso, TX.
    The eastern part, represented by Ojinaga, will observe US DST next
    year, like Presidio, TX.
    A new Zone America/Ciudad_Juarez splits from America/Ojinaga.
  * Much of Greenland, represented by America/Nuuk, stops observing
    winter time after March 2023, so its daylight saving time becomes
    standard time.
  * Changes for pre-1996 northern Canada
  * Update to past DST transition in Colombia (1993), Singapore

==== python-simplejson ====
Version update (3.18.0 -> 3.18.1)

- update to 3.18.1:
  * Remove unnecessary `i` variable from encoder module namespace
  * Declare support for Python 3.11 and add wheels

==== python310-packaging ====
Version update (21.3 -> 22.0)

- Update to v22.0
  * Fix compatible version specifier incorrectly strip trailing '0'
    by @kasium in #493
  * Remove support for Python 3.6 by @abravalheri in #500
  * Use concurrency limit in ci by @blink1073 in #510
  * Fix issue link in changelog. by @bdice in #509
  * chore: test with PyPy 3.8 & 3.9 by @mayeut in #512
  * Accept locally installed prereleases by @q0w in #515
  * Always run GHA workflows when they change by @mayeut in #516
  * Add __hash__/__eq__ to requirements by @abravalheri in #499
  * Upgrade to setup-python v3 and use caching for GHA by
    @brettcannon in #521
  * allow pre-release versions in marker evaluation by @graingert
    in #523
  * Error out from workflow on missing interpreter by @mayeut in
  * chore: update pre-commit config to the latest repos' versions
    by @mayeut in #534
  * chore: remove Windows PyPy 3.9 workaround on GHA by @mayeut in
  * Use pipx to run nox / build in GHA workflows by @mayeut in #517
  * Run tests with all PyPy versions locally by @mayeut in #535
  * Adhere to PEP 685 when evaluating markers with extras by
    @hroncok in #545
  * chore: update mypy and move to toml by @henryiii in #547
  * Normalize extra comparison in markers for output by
    @brettcannon in #549
  * Evaluate markers under environment with empty "extra" by
    @MrMino in #550
  * Do not set extra in default_environment() by @sbidoul in #554
  * Update extlinks strings to use a format string by @mayeut in
  * Update CI test workflow to use setup-python@v4 by @mayeut in
  * CI: Update actions/* to their latest major versions by @mayeut
    in #557
  * Fix a spelling mistake by @venthur in #558
  * fix: macOS platform tags with old macOS SDK by @mayeut in #513
  * Correctly parse ELF for musllinux on Big Endian by @uranusjr in
  * A metadata module with a data class for core metadata by
    @brettcannon in #518
  * Document utils.NormalizedName by @brettcannon in #565
  * Drop LegacySpecifier and LegacyVersion by @pradyunsg in #407
  * Move metadata, versions and specifiers API documentation to
    sphinx.ext.autodoc by @pradyunsg in #572
  * Demonstrate behaviour of SpecifierSet.__iter__ by @hauntsaninja
    in #575
  * Handwritten parser for parsing requirements by @hrnciar in #484
  * Add changelog entry for removal of pyparsing dependency by
    @hroncok in #581
  * Use Iterator instead of Iterable for specifier filter methods
    by @ichard26 in #584
  * Better output on linter failure by @henryiii in #478
  * Add a "cpNNN-none-any" tag by @joonis in #541
  * Document exceptions raised by functions in utils by @MrMino in
  * Refactor ELF parsing logic to standlone class by @uranusjr in
  * Forbid prefix version matching on pre-release/post-release
    segments by @mayeut in #563
  * Update coverage to >=5.0.0 by @mayeut in #586
  * Normalize specifier version for prefix matching by @mayeut in
  * Add python 3.11 by @mayeut in #587
  * Fix prefix version matching by @mayeut in #564
  * Remove duplicate namedtuple by @layday in #589
  * Update changelog by @pradyunsg in #595
  * Change email-related fields in Metadata to str by @brettcannon
    in #596
  * Add versionchanged for 21.3 by @brettcannon in #599
  * refactor: use flit as a backend by @henryiii in #546
  * Remove packaging.metadata by @pradyunsg in #603
  * Refactor nox requirements to use requirements files (#601) by
    @strokirk in #609
  * Improve Requirement/Marker parser with context-sensitive
    tokenisation by @pradyunsg in #624
- The new usage of the flit-core backend simplifies the bootstrap
- Remove old-distro shims: This one requires Python 3.7+, thus
  all non-Tumbleweed backports or future distros must provide the
  primary_python macro and similar themselves.
- Drop fix-big-endian-build.patch upstreamed gh#pypa/packaging#538

==== qalculate ====
Version update (4.4.0 -> 4.5.0)
Subpackages: libqalculate22 qalculate-data

- Update to 4.5.0:
  * Conversion to any type of expression
    (e.g. "1000 BTC to million USD")
  * Use current status of limit implicit multiplication setting
    during parsing of conversion expression
  * New SI prefixes (R, r, Q, q)
  * New units: ounce force (ozf), rack unit (U)
  * Use standard form (sorting) for polynomials
  * Improve consistency of behaviour when global units are replaced
  * More consistent addition of units to expression without units
    for unit conversion
  * Improvements and fixes for arg() and atan2() functions
  * Fix interpretation of Myr (megayear) and Gyr (gigayear)
  * Fix milli- and centimeter of water units
  * Fix genvector() with for negative step size or expression
    as step size/number of steps
  * Fix randuniform() function
  * Fix automatic/dual fraction format after conversion
    (e.g. "8 to score")
  * Fix inconsistently displayed parsing of "7d 5h" and similar
  * Minor bug fixes and feature enhancements

==== raspberrypi-firmware-dt ====
Version update (2022.10.26 -> 2022.12.21)

- Update to 696dcc735044 (2022-12-21):
  * switch to 6.1 branch

==== rav1e ====
Version update (0.6.1+0 -> 0.6.2+0)

- Update to version 0.6.2+0:
  * Prepare for release
  * Fix new clippy lints for Rust 1.66
  * Shorten progress text
  * Bump built to 0.5.2
  * Make git2 optional
  * Simplify the version string
  * Specify default threads behavior
  * Fix the capi deps
- Removed dependency on libgit2
  * Added rav1e-cargo-no-git-default.patch

==== rpcbind ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== seahorse ====
Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-seahorse

- Add 9260c747.patch: Allow building with GnuPG-2.4.x.

==== sed ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== signon-kwallet-extension ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== skanlite ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== spectacle ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== sqlite3 ====
Version update (3.40.0 -> 3.40.1)
Subpackages: libsqlite3-0 sqlite3-tcl

- Update to 3.40.1:
  * Fix the --safe command-line option to the CLI such that it
    correctly disallows the use of SQL functions like writefile()
    that can cause harmful side-effects.
    (previously patched, drop sqlite-CVE-2022-46908.patch)
  * Fix a potential infinite loop in the memsys5 alternative memory
    allocator. This bug was introduced by a performance
    optimization in version 3.39.0.
  * Various other obscure fixes.

==== squid ====

- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d.

==== sssd ====
Subpackages: libsss_certmap0 libsss_idmap0 libsss_nss_idmap0 sssd-krb5-common sssd-ldap

- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d.

==== step ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== subversion ====
Subpackages: libsvn_auth_gnome_keyring-1-0 libsvn_auth_kwallet-1-0 subversion-bash-completion subversion-perl subversion-server subversion-tools

- add ruby32-fixes.patch (

==== supermin ====

- Enable build on riscv64

==== sweeper ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== systemd ====
Version update (252.3 -> 252.4)
Subpackages: libsystemd0 libudev1 systemd-container systemd-devel udev

- Add 5000-rules-add-missing-line-continuation.patch until commit
  de8409ac43f6e4596de4cecce8dbbb5f1f2a18b1 is backported to the v252 stable
- Import commit 5a506d73bde7ba9261985f8e9ce084044a519432 (merge of v252.4)
  It includes the following fixes:
    9b75a3d050 coredump: do not allow user to access coredumps with changed uid/gid/capabilities (bsc#1205000 CVE-2022-4415)
  For a complete list of changes, visit:
  Additionally, it also includes the following backports:
  - 20ca3155c5 localed: reload PID1 configuration after modifying /etc/locale.conf
  - 3538c202fd test: update TEST-73-LOCALE to define several locale settings in initial PID1 environment
- Drop 5000-coredump-adjust-whitespace.patch
  They are part of v252.4.

==== systemd-presets-common-SUSE ====

- Enable systemd-pstore.service by default (jsc#PED-2663)

==== systemsettings5 ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: systemsettings5-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * a11y: make categoryitem interactable

==== tar ====
Subpackages: tar-rmt

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== tcpdump ====
Version update (4.99.1 -> 4.99.2)

- update to 4.99.2:
  * Multiple fixes and improvements to BGP, DSA, EAP, 802.11,
    802.15.4, RRCP, MPLS, ICMP, VQP, Juniper, lwres, Ethernet,
    Arista, sFlow, VRRP, OSPF, OSPFv3, ICMPv3, ICMPv6, NFS, PTP,
    WHOIS, MPTCP, ESP, PPP, ZEP printers
  * Build system updates, developer visible fixes, documentation

==== texinfo ====
Subpackages: info info-lang

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== tgt ====
Version update (1.0.84 -> 1.0.85)

- update to 1.0.85:
  * remove duplicate includes
  * Fix blank documentation line in service file
- Some cleanup (bsc#1206639):
  * removed patch setup-tgt-conf-d.patch, since it's upstream,
    and having it caused duplicated include of user config
  * renamed setup-tgt-conf-d.patch to
    tgt-install-examples-in-documentation-dir.patch, to better
    reflect what it does (since it no longer sets up tgt.conf.d)
  * removed the sytemd source file we have, since we get
    tgtd.service from upstream now (with a patch)
  * added patch tgt-systemd-service-update.patch, to ensure
    SUSE-specific changes are in the service file
  * dropped tgt-include-sys-macros-for-major.patch (obsolete)

==== tigervnc ====
Subpackages: libXvnc1 xorg-x11-Xvnc xorg-x11-Xvnc-module

- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d.

==== traceroute ====
Version update (2.1.0 -> 2.1.1)

- update to version 2.1.1:
  * Interpret ipv4-mapped ipv6 addresses (::ffff:A.B.C.D) as true
  * Return back more robust poll(2) loop handling

==== umbrello ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== unison ====
Version update (2.52.1 -> 2.53.0)

- Update to version 2.53.0
  * Build with GTK3

==== units ====
Version update (2.21 -> 2.22)

- units 2.22:
  * Fixed bug: segfault on inverse conversions of tables in verbose
  * Added support for ExchangeRate-API in units_cur
  * Minor unit definition fixes and updates, including updates to
    planetary data and a change in Rinfinity and hartree to
    increase accuracy.
  * Do not update currency.units at build

==== util-linux ====
Subpackages: libblkid1 libfdisk1 libmount1 libsmartcols1 libuuid-devel libuuid1

- restore man and info pages
- clean up spec file slightly
- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== util-linux-systemd ====

- restore man and info pages
- clean up spec file slightly
- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== whois ====
Version update (5.5.14 -> 5.5.15)

- update to 5.5.15:
  * Updated the .bd, .nz and .tv TLD servers.
  * Added the, and SLD servers.
  * Updated the and SLD servers.
  * Recursion has been enabled for
  * Updated the list of new gTLDs with four generic TLDs assigned in
    October 2013 which were missing due to a bug.
  * Removed 4 new gTLDs which are no longer active.
  * Added the Georgian translation, contributed by Temuri Doghonadze.
  * Updated the Finnish translation, contributed by Lauri Nurmi.

==== woff2 ====
Subpackages: libwoff2common1_0_2 libwoff2dec1_0_2

- Add install-executables.patch to install woff2 tools

==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde ====
Version update (5.26.4 -> 5.26.5)
Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-kde-lang

- Update to 5.26.5
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.26.4:
  * notifications: Properly communicate the triggered action (kde#462278)
  * notification: Trigger org.freedesktop.Application.Activate* as spec'd

==== xen ====
Subpackages: xen-libs xen-tools-domU

- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d.

==== xfsdump ====

- Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798)

==== xfsprogs ====
Version update (6.0.0 -> 6.1.0)
Subpackages: libhandle1 xfsprogs-scrub

- update to 6.1.0:
  - libxfs: kernel sync
  - libxfs: consume the xfs_warn mountpoint argument
  - misc: add static to various sourcefile-local functions
  - misc: add missing includes
  - xfs_{db,repair}: fix XFS_REFC_COW_START usage
  - xfs_repair: don't crash on unknown inode parents in dry run mode
  - xfs_repair: retain superblock buffer to avoid write hook deadlock
  - xfs_repair: Attempt log replay during boot time repair
  - xfs_repair: covscan fixes
  - xfs_db: create separate struct and field definitions for finobts
  - xfs_db: fix dir3 block magic check
  - xfs_db: fix octal conversion logic
  - xfs_db: fix printing of reverse mapping record blockcounts
  - xfs_io: don't display stripe alignment flags for rt files
  - xfs_db: fix dir3 block magic check
  - mkfs.xfs: add mkfs config file for the 6.1 LTS kernel

==== xlockmore ====

- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d.

==== xscreensaver ====
Subpackages: xscreensaver-data xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-lang

- Migration of PAM settings to /usr/lib/pam.d.

==== xz ====
Version update (5.2.10 -> 5.4.0)
Subpackages: liblzma5

- update to 5.4.0:
    This bumps the minor version of liblzma because new features were
    added. The API and ABI are still backward compatible with liblzma
    5.2.x and 5.0.x.
    Summary of new features added in the 5.3.x development releases:
  * liblzma:
  - Added threaded .xz decompressor lzma_stream_decoder_mt().
    It can use multiple threads with .xz files that have multiple
    Blocks with size information in Block Headers. The threaded
    encoder in xz has always created such files.
    Single-threaded encoder cannot store the size information in
    Block Headers even if one used LZMA_FULL_FLUSH to create
    multiple Blocks, so this threaded decoder cannot use multiple
    threads with such files.
    If there are multiple Streams (concatenated .xz files), one
    Stream will be decompressed completely before starting the
    next Stream.
  - A new decoder flag LZMA_FAIL_FAST was added. It makes the
    threaded decompressor report errors soon instead of first
    flushing all pending data before the error location.
  - New Filter IDs:
  * LZMA_FILTER_ARM64 is for ARM64 binaries.
  * LZMA_FILTER_LZMA1EXT is for raw LZMA1 streams that don't
    necessarily use the end marker.
  - Added lzma_str_to_filters(), lzma_str_from_filters(), and
    lzma_str_list_filters() to convert a preset or a filter chain
    string to a lzma_filter[] and vice versa. These should make
    it easier to write applications that allow users to specify
    custom compression options.
  - Added lzma_filters_free() which can be convenient for freeing
    the filter options in a filter chain (an array of lzma_filter
  - lzma_file_info_decoder() to makes it a little easier to get
    the Index field from .xz files. This helps in getting the
    uncompressed file size but an easy-to-use random access
    API is still missing which has existed in XZ for Java for
    a long time.
  - Added lzma_microlzma_encoder() and lzma_microlzma_decoder().
    It is used by erofs-utils and may be used by others too.
    The MicroLZMA format is a raw LZMA stream (without end marker)
    whose first byte (always 0x00) has been replaced with
    bitwise-negation of the LZMA properties (lc/lp/pb). It was
    created for use in EROFS but may be used in other contexts
    as well where it is important to avoid wasting bytes for
    stream headers or footers. The format is also supported by
    XZ Embedded (the XZ Embedded version in Linux got MicroLZMA
    support in Linux 5.16).
    The MicroLZMA encoder API in liblzma can compress into a
    fixed-sized output buffer so that as much data is compressed
    as can be fit into the buffer while still creating a valid
    MicroLZMA stream. This is needed for EROFS.
  - Added lzma_lzip_decoder() to decompress the .lz (lzip) file
    format version 0 and the original unextended version 1 files.
    Also lzma_auto_decoder() supports .lz files.
  - lzma_filters_update() can now be used with the multi-threaded
    encoder (lzma_stream_encoder_mt()) to change the filter chain
  - In lzma_options_lzma, allow nice_len = 2 and 3 with the match
    finders that require at least 3 or 4. Now it is internally
    rounded up if needed.
  - CLMUL-based CRC64 on x86-64 and E2K with runtime processor
    detection. On 32-bit x86 it currently isn't available unless
  - -disable-assembler is used which can make the non-CLMUL
    CRC64 slower; this might be fixed in the future.
  - Building with --disable-threads --enable-small
    is now thread-safe if the compiler supports
  * xz:
  - Using -T0 (--threads=0) will now use multi-threaded encoder
    even on a single-core system. This is to ensure that output
    from the same xz binary is identical on both single-core and
    multi-core systems.
  - --threads=+1 or -T+1 is now a way to put xz into
    multi-threaded mode while using only one worker thread.
    The + is ignored if the number is not 1.
  - A default soft memory usage limit is now used for compression
    when -T0 is used and no explicit limit has been specified.
    This soft limit is used to restrict the number of threads
    but if the limit is exceeded with even one thread then xz
    will continue with one thread using the multi-threaded
    encoder and this limit is ignored. If the number of threads
    is specified manually then no default limit will be used;
    this affects only -T0.
    This change helps on systems that have very many cores and
    using all of them for xz makes no sense. Previously xz -T0
    could run out of memory on such systems because it attempted
    to reserve memory for too many threads.
    This also helps with 32-bit builds which don't have a large
    amount of address space that would be required for many
    threads. The default soft limit for -T0 is at most 1400 MiB
    on all 32-bit platforms.
  - Previously a low value in --memlimit-compress wouldn't cause
    xz to switch from multi-threaded mode to single-threaded mode
    if the limit cannot otherwise be met; xz failed instead. Now
    xz can switch to single-threaded mode and then, if needed,
    scale down the LZMA2 dictionary size too just like it already
    did when it was started in single-threaded mode.
  - The option --no-adjust no longer prevents xz from scaling down
    the number of threads as that doesn't affect the compressed
    ... changelog too long, skipping 45 lines ...
    builds too ("make test").

==== yakuake ====
Version update (22.12.0 -> 22.12.1)

- Update to 22.12.1
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:

==== yast2-trans ====
Version update (84.87.20221218.6fdb651e97 -> 84.87.20230101.7fa7ea8642)
Subpackages: yast2-trans-af yast2-trans-ar yast2-trans-bg yast2-trans-bn yast2-trans-bs yast2-trans-ca yast2-trans-cs yast2-trans-cy yast2-trans-da yast2-trans-de yast2-trans-el yast2-trans-en_GB yast2-trans-es yast2-trans-et yast2-trans-fa yast2-trans-fi yast2-trans-fr yast2-trans-gl yast2-trans-gu yast2-trans-hi yast2-trans-hr yast2-trans-hu yast2-trans-id yast2-trans-it yast2-trans-ja yast2-trans-jv yast2-trans-ka yast2-trans-km yast2-trans-ko yast2-trans-lo yast2-trans-lt yast2-trans-mk yast2-trans-mr yast2-trans-nb yast2-trans-nl yast2-trans-pa yast2-trans-pl yast2-trans-pt yast2-trans-pt_BR yast2-trans-ro yast2-trans-ru yast2-trans-si yast2-trans-sk yast2-trans-sl yast2-trans-sr yast2-trans-sv yast2-trans-ta yast2-trans-th yast2-trans-tr yast2-trans-uk yast2-trans-vi yast2-trans-wa yast2-trans-xh yast2-trans-zh_CN yast2-trans-zh_TW yast2-trans-zu

- Update to version 84.87.20230101.7fa7ea8642:
  * Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
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  * New POT for text domain 'security'.
  * Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Georgian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
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  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Italian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)
  * Translated using Weblate (Macedonian)

==== zstd ====
Subpackages: libzstd1

- add zcat in zstd-gzip (needed by for example the kernel scripts)

==== zypper ====
Version update (1.14.58 -> 1.14.59)
Subpackages: zypper-log zypper-needs-restarting

- BuildRequires:  libzypp-devel >= 17.31.7.
- Provide "removeptf" command (bsc#1203249)
  A remove command which prefers replacing dependant packages to
  removing them as well.
  A PTF is typically removed as soon as the fix it provides is
  applied to the latest official update of the dependant packages.
  But you don't want the dependant packages to be removed together
  with the PTF, which is what the remove command would do. The
  removeptf command however will aim to replace the dependant
  packages by their official update versions.
- patterns: Avoid dispylaing superfluous @System entries
- version 1.14.59