Packages changed:
  MicroOS-release (20240902 -> 20240903)
  google-noto-fonts (20240801 -> 20240901)
  python-alembic (1.13.1 -> 1.13.2)
  python-cffi (1.16.0 -> 1.17.0)
  selinux-policy (20240830 -> 20240903)
  u-boot-rpiarm64 (2024.04 -> 2024.07)
  xmlsec1 (1.2.40 -> 1.2.41)

=== Details ===

==== MicroOS-release ====
Version update (20240902 -> 20240903)
Subpackages: MicroOS-release-appliance MicroOS-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== ffmpeg-6 ====
Subpackages: libavcodec60 libavfilter9 libavformat60 libavutil58 libpostproc57 libswresample4 libswscale7

- Add 0001-libavcodec-arm-mlpdsp_armv5te-fix-label-format-to-wo.patch

==== google-noto-fonts ====
Version update (20240801 -> 20240901)
Subpackages: google-noto-sans-fonts google-noto-sans-math-fonts

- Update to 20240901
  * Various updates to fonts

==== libjpeg-turbo ====

- update to 3.0.3:
  * The x86-64 SIMD extensions now include support for Intel
    Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET), which is enabled
    automatically if CET is enabled in the C compiler.
  * Fixed a regression introduced by 3.0 beta2[6] that made it
    impossible for calling applications to supply custom Huffman
    tables when generating 12-bit-per-component lossy JPEG images
    using the libjpeg API.
  * Fixed a segfault that occurred when attempting to use the
    jpegtran `-drop` option with a specially-crafted malformed
    input image or drop image (specifically an image in which all
    of the scans contain fewer components than the number of
    components specified in the Start Of Frame segment.)

==== python-alembic ====
Version update (1.13.1 -> 1.13.2)

- update to 1.31.2:
  * Improve computed column compare function to support multi-line
    expressions. Pull request courtesy of Georg Wicke-Arndt.
  * Fixed bug in alembic command stdout where long messages were
    not properly wrapping at the terminal width. Pull request
    courtesy Saif Hakim.
  * Fixed internal issue where Alembic would call
    connection.execute() sending an empty tuple to indicate
    “no params”. In SQLAlchemy 2.1 this case will be deprecated as
    “empty sequence” is ambiguous as to its intent.
  * Fixes to support pytest 8.1 for the test suite.
  * Fixed the detection of serial column in autogenerate with
    tables not under default schema on PostgreSQL.
- Drop pytest8.patch as it has merged upstream and included
  in the 1.31.2 release.

==== python-cffi ====
Version update (1.16.0 -> 1.17.0)

- update to 1.17.0:
  * Add support for Python 3.13.
  * In API mode, when you get a function from a C library by writing
    `fn = lib.myfunc`, you get an object of a special type for
    performance reasons, instead of a `<cdata 'C-function-type'>`.
    Before version 1.17 you could only call such objects.
    You could write `ffi.addressof(lib, "myfunc")` in order to get
    a real `<cdata>` object, based on the idea that in these cases
    in C you'd usually write `&myfunc` instead of `myfunc`.  In
    version 1.17, the special object `lib.myfunc` can now be passed
    in many places where CFFI expects
    a regular `<cdata>` object.  For example, you can now pass
    it as a callback to a C function call, or write it inside a C
    structure field of the correct pointer-to-function type, or use
    `ffi.cast()` or `ffi.typeof()` on it.
- drop py313-compat.patch, py313-use-format-unraisable.patch,
  py313-use-hashpointer.patch (upstream)

==== selinux-policy ====
Version update (20240830 -> 20240903)
Subpackages: selinux-policy-targeted

- Update to version 20240903:
  * allow sshd_t and sshd_net_t access to ssh vsockets (bsc#1228831)
- Update to version 20240902:
  * Allow xen to use qemu as dom0 disk backend (bsc#1228540)
  * Label /var/lib/xen/xenstore as xenstored_var_lib_t (bsc#1228540)
  * Allow xl to access hypercall interfaces to xen hypervisor (bsc#1228540)

==== u-boot-rpiarm64 ====
Version update (2024.04 -> 2024.07)
Subpackages: u-boot-rpiarm64-doc

- Update to 2024.07:
  * Full changelog available at:

==== xmlsec1 ====
Version update (1.2.40 -> 1.2.41)
Subpackages: libxmlsec1-1 libxmlsec1-openssl1

- Update to 1.2.41:
  * (xmlsec-mscng,xmlsec-mscrypto) Improved certificates verification.
  * (xmlsec-gnutls) Added support for self-signed certificates.
  * (xmlsec-core) Fix deprecated functions in LibXML2 2.13.1
    including disabling HTTP support by default
    (use '--enable-http' option to re-enable it).