Packages changed:
  MicroOS-release (20240923 -> 20240924)
  ncurses (6.5.20240824 -> 6.5.20240922)
  pipewire (1.2.3 -> 1.2.4)
  tiff (4.6.0 -> 4.7.0)

=== Details ===

==== MicroOS-release ====
Version update (20240923 -> 20240924)
Subpackages: MicroOS-release-appliance MicroOS-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== ncurses ====
Version update (6.5.20240824 -> 6.5.20240922)
Subpackages: libncurses6 ncurses-utils terminfo-base

- Add ncurses patch 20240922
  + add a few null-pointer checks in ncurses
  + improve test-driver in ncurses/link_test.c
  + restore background character in manpages as described in X/Open
    Curses section 3.3.6, and add option "-c" to test programs to
    illustrate a non-blank character in the window background property.
  + improve formatting/style of manpages (patches by Branden Robinson).
  + modify ncurses*-config to add -I option in --cflag where needed for
  - -disable-overwrite to match ".pc" files.
  + disallow directories and block/character devices in safe-open.
  + amend scr_restore() and scr_init() to remove the target window only
    after validating the source window which will replace the target
    (report by Zixi Liu).
- Add ncurses patch 20240914
  + modify _nc_flush() to also flush stderr to help the flash capability
    to work in bash (patch by Harm te Hennepe, cf: 20201128)
  + omit -g and -fXXX flags from CFLAGS in misc/
  + improve formatting/style of manpages (patches by Branden Robinson).
  + improve examples in NCURSES-Programming-HOWTO.html
  + update comments in terminfo.src -TD
- Add ncurses patch 20240831
  + build-fix for a case in msys2 where gettimeofday() was available but
    the fallback was partly configured.
  > patch by Rafael Kitover:
  + separate the _NC_WINDOWS platform macro into _NC_WINDOWS_NATIVE,
    for MinGW and other native Win32 support, and _NC_WINDOWS, to make
    some Win32 features available under the Cygwin runtime, in this case
    the term-driver.
  + make some minor adjustments to allow
    ./configure --enable-term-driver
    to also work on Cygwin platforms such as Cygwin and MSYS2.

==== pipewire ====
Version update (1.2.3 -> 1.2.4)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugin-pipewire libpipewire-0_3-0 pipewire-alsa pipewire-modules-0_3 pipewire-pulseaudio pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 pipewire-spa-tools pipewire-tools

- Update to version 1.2.4:
  + Highlights:
  - Avoid a crash in cleanup of globals.
  - Use systemd-logind to scan for new devices in v4l2.
  - Some more bugfixes and improvements.
  + PipeWire:
  - Avoid a crash in cleanup of globals.
  - Improve RequestProcess dispatch.
  + Tools:
  - Improve float parsing.
  + SPA:
  - Clear the ringbuffer when stopping in libcamera.
  - Use systemd-logind to scan for new devices in v4l2.
  - Queue dropped first buffer in v4l2.
  - Unlink pcm devices when moving drivers to avoid broken pipe.
  + JACK:
  - Emit buffer_size callback in jack_activate() to improve
    compatibility with GStreamer.

==== tiff ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 4.7.0)

- Update to 4.7.0:
  * This version restores in the default build the availability of
    the tools that had been dropped in v4.6.0
  * Software configuration changes:
    + autoconf build: avoid -Werror passed to CFLAGS to interfere with feature detection
    + autoconf build: fix error when running make clean (fixes issue #630)
    + autoconf build: back off the minimum required automake version to 1.11
    + fix detection of windows.h for mingw (fixes issue #605)
    + libtiff-4.pc: Fix Requires.private missing Lerc. It provides a .pc file
    starting from version 4 (in autoconf builds, we assume that liblerc is at least version 4)
    + CMake: MinGW compilers don't need a .def file for shared library
    + CMake: move libdeflate and Lerc to Requires.private
    + CMake: enable resource compilation on all Windows.
  * Library changes:
    + Add TIFFOpenOptionsSetMaxCumulatedMemAlloc(). This function complements
    TIFFOpenOptionsSetMaxSingleMemAlloc() to define the maximum cumulated memory
    allocations in byte, for a given TIFF handle, that libtiff internal memory
    allocation functions are allowed.
    + TIFFWriteDirectory(): Avoid overwriting following data if an IFD is enlarged.
    + TIFFXYZToRGB: avoid integer overflow (fixes issue #644)
    + uv_decode() and uv_encode(): avoid potential out-of-bounds array index (fixes issue #645)
    + Fix cases where tif_curdir is set incorrectly. Fix cases where the current directory number (tif_curdir)
    is set inconsistently or incorrectly, depending on the previous history.
    + TIFFRead[Scanline/EncodedStrip/EncodeTile]: 0-initialize output buffer if setupdecode fails ;
    most codecs: zero-initialize (not-yet-written parts of) output buffer if failure (fixes issue #375)
    + OJPEG: reset subsampling_convert_state=0 in OJPEGPreDecode (fixes issue #183)
    + ThunderRLE: fix failure when decoding last run. Bug seen with GhostPDL
    + LERC codec: deal with issues with multi-band PlanarConfig=Contig and NaN values
    + tif_fax3.c: error out after a number of times end-of-file has been reached (fixes issue #583)
    + LZW: avoid warning about misaligned address with UBSAN (fixes issue #616)
    + TIFFReadRGBAStrip/TIFFReadRGBATile: add more validation of col/row (fixes issue #622, CVE-2023-52356)
    + tif_dirread.c: only issue TIFFGetFileSize() for large enough RAM requests
    + Avoid FPEs (division by zero) in tif_getimage.c.
    + Avoiding FPE (division by zero) for TIFFhowmany_32() and TIFFhowmany_64() macros by checking for
    denominator not zero before macros are executed. (fixes issue #628)
    + Add non-zero check before division in TIFFComputeStrip()
    + Fix wrong return of TIFFIsBigTIFF() in case byte-swapping is active
    + Setting the TIFFFieldInfo field set_field_type should consider field_writecount not field_readcount
    + Avoid memory leaks when using TIFFCreateDirectory() by releasing the allocated memory in the tif-structure.
    + For non-terminated ASCII arrays, the buffer is first enlarged before a NULL is set at the end to
    avoid deleting the last character. (fixes issue #579)
    + Check return value of _TIFFCreateAnonField(). (fixes issue #624, CVE-2024-7006)
    + Prevent some out-of-memory attacks (
    + Ensure absolute seeking is forced independent of TIFFReadDirectory success. (fixes issue #618)
    + tif_dirinfo.c: re-enable TIFFTAG_EP_CFAREPEATPATTERNDIM and TIFFTAG_EP_CFAPATTERN tags (fixes issue #608)
    + Fix warnings with GCC 14
    + tif_dir.c: Log source file, line number, and input tif for directory count error (fixes issue #627)
    + Last usage of get_field_type of TIFFField structure at TIFFWriteDirectorySec() changed to using set_field_type.
    + tif_jpeg.c/tif_ojpeg.c: remove likely ifdef tricks related to old compilers or unusual setups
    + Remove _TIFFUInt64ToFloat() and _TIFFUInt64ToDouble()
    + Remove support for _MSC_VER < 1500.
    + Use #ifdef _WIN32 to test for Windows, and tiffio.h: remove definition of __WIN32__
  * Documentation:
    + Amend manpages for changes in current directory index behaviour
    + Note on using TIFFFlush() before TIFFClose() to check that the data has been successfully written to the file. (fixes issue #506)
    + Update TIFF documentation about TIFFOpenOptions.rst and TIFFOpenOptionsSetMaxSingleMemAlloc() usage and some other small fixes (relates to CVE-2024-7006)
  * Re-added tools:
    + fax2ps
    + fax2tiff
    + pal2rgb
    + ppm2tiff
    + raw2tiff
    + rgb2ycbcr (not installed)
    + thumbnail (not installed)
    + tiff2bw
    + tiff2rgba
    + tiffcmp
    + tiffcrop
    + tiffdither
    + tiffgt
    + tiffmedian
    + tiff2ps
    + tiff2pdf
  * New/improved functionality:
    + tiff2rgba: Add background gradient option for alpha compositing
    + tiffcp: -i flag restored
  * Bug fixes for tools:
    + tiffcrop: address Coverity scan issues 1605444, 1605445, and 16054
    + tiffcrop: Apply "Fix heap-buffer-overflow in function extractImageSection"
    + tiffcrop: fix buffer overflows, use after free (fixes issue #542, issue #550, issue #552)
    + tiff2pdf: address Coverity scan issues
    + tiff2pdf: fix inconsistent PLANARCONFIG value for the input and output TIFF
    + tiff2pdf: fix issue with JPEG restart-interval marker when converting from JPEG-compressed files (fixes issue #539)
    + tiff2pdf: red and blue were being swapped for RGBA decoding (fixes issue #253)
    + tiff2pdf: fixes issue #596
    + thumbnail: address Coverity scan issues
    + tiffcp: Add check for limitMalloc return to fix Coverity 1603334
    + tiffcp: preserve TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE when doing YCbCr JPEG -> YCbCr JPEG
    + tiffcp: replace PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR with PHOTOMETRIC_RGB when outputing to compression != JPEG (refs issue #571)
    + tiffcp: Check also codec of input image, not only from output image (fixes issue #606)
    + Add some basic sanity checks for tiffcp and tiffcrop RGB->YCbCr JPEG conversions.
    + fax2ps and fax2tiff: memory leak fixes (fixes issue #476)
    + tiffmedian: memory leak fixes (fixes issue #599)
    + fax2tiff: fix EOFB interpretation (fixes issue #191)
    + fax2tiff: fix issue with unreasonable width input (fixes issue #249)
    + tiffcp and tiffcrop: fixes issue #228
    ... changelog too long, skipping 10 lines ...
- Tools are not built for now due to test failure: `FAIL:`