Package: reportlab-py22 Version: 1.17 Revision: 11 Description: PDF creation library for Python DescDetail: << The ReportLab Open Source PDF library. Create professional portable documents Real document layout engine (Platypus) Flowable objects such as paragraphs,headlines,tables,images,graphics,etc. Arbitrary Type-1 fonts Bitmap images, vector graphics Library of reusable primitive shapes Extensible widget library Uses Python, a clean OO language Layered architecture Includes simple demos and more complex tools Allows for any data sources Fully available source code Strong community support Platform-independent Includes Python Point - PDF Presentation Tool << DescPort: This package installs the extensions into Python 2.2 Source: Source-MD5: 853b3acaa998cfec39a372a94a00925d SourceDirectory: reportlab DocFiles: README changes license.txt GCC: 3.3 License: BSD Depends: python22 | python22-nox, pil-py22 Enhances: python22, python22-nox Replaces: reportlab Homepage: Maintainer: Stuart Bishop <> CompileScript: %p/bin/python2.2 build InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh %p/bin/python2.2 install --prefix=%i --no-compile mkdir -p %i/share/doc/%n cp -R docs %i/share/doc/%n/docs cp -R demos %i/share/doc/%n/demos cp -R test %i/share/doc/%n/test << PostInstScript: << #!/bin/sh %p/bin/python2.2 -c 'import compileall;compileall.compile_dir("%p/lib/python2.2/site-packages/reportlab")' %p/bin/python2.2 -O -c 'import compileall;compileall.compile_dir("%p/lib/python2.2/site-packages/reportlab")' << PreRmScript: << #!/bin/sh find %p/lib/python2.2/site-packages/reportlab -name \*.pyc | xargs rm -f find %p/lib/python2.2/site-packages/reportlab -name \*.pyo | xargs rm -f <<