%%% utf8-dk.csf --- Danish UTF-8 sorting order file for bibtex8

%% Copyright (C) 2005 Arne Jorgensen

%% Author: Arne Jorgensen <arne.jorgensen@tug.dk>
%% Version: $Id: utf8-dk.csf 71 2005-08-05 22:44:05Z arne $

%% This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
%% by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
%% or (at your option) any later version.

%% This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%% General Public License for more details.

%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%% along with this file; if not, write to the Free Software
%% Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
%% 02110-1301, USA.

%%% Commentary:

%% This is a VERY EXPERIMENTAL shot at making a sorting order file for
%% the Danish language and the UTF-8 character set.

%% Generally it should not be possible to fit a sorting of the UTF-8
%% character set into bibtex8's scheme, but we try to use some hacks
%% and unexplained behaviour to fit it in anyway.


%% Please report any experiences to the author.

%%% Code:

%%% Character Set:

%%  Whether this really works for UTF-8 is a big question. Please
%%  report expriences with it.

    ^^a0 ^^80         % \`{a}    \`{A}
    ^^a1 ^^81         % \'{a}    \'{A}
    ^^a2 ^^82         % \^{a}    \^{A}
    ^^a3 ^^83         % \~{a}    \~{A}
    ^^a4 ^^84         % \"{a}    \"{A}
    ^^a5 ^^85         % \ring{a} \ring{A}
    ^^a6 ^^86         % \ae      \AE
    ^^a7 ^^87         % \c{c}    \c{C}
    ^^a8 ^^88         % \`{e}    \`{E}
    ^^a9 ^^89         % \'{e}    \'{E}
    ^^aa ^^8a         % \^{e}    \^{E}
    ^^ab ^^8b         % \"{e}    \"{E}
    ^^ac ^^8c         % \`{\i}   \`{I}
    ^^ad ^^8d         % \'{\i}   \'{I}
    ^^ae ^^8e         % \^{\i}   \^{I}
    ^^af ^^8f         % \"{\i}   \"{I}
    ^^b0 ^^90         % eth      ETH
    ^^b1 ^^91         % \~{n}    \~{N}
    ^^b2 ^^92         % \`{o}    \`{O}
    ^^b3 ^^93         % \'{o}    \'{O}
    ^^b4 ^^94         % \^{o}    \^{O}
    ^^b5 ^^95         % \~{o}    \~{O}
    ^^b6 ^^96         % \"{o}    \"{O}
    ^^b8 ^^98         % \o       \O
    ^^b9 ^^99         % \`{u}    \`{U}
    ^^ba ^^9a         % \'{u}    \'{U}
    ^^bb ^^9b         % \^{u}    \^{U}
    ^^bc ^^9c         % \"{u}    \"{U}
    ^^bd ^^9d         % \'{y}    \'{Y}
    ^^be ^^9e         % thorn    THORN

%%% Sorting Order:

%% For sorting we rely on the fact that the most used and relevant
%% parts of the special characters in Danish in UTF-8 is encoded as
%% the two-byte combination of a ^^c3 and a second byte which is
%% placed above value ^^7f and thus does not collide with the normal
%% character ranges.

%% So we leave out ^^c3 of the sorting order and there by ignoring
%% it's presence (it shouldn't be ignored, but sorted last, but it
%% actually IS ignored) and let the second byte decide the order of
%% the character.

    0-9                                              % 0-9
    A ^^81 ^^80 ^^82 ^^83 a ^^a1 ^^a0 ^^a2 ^^a3      % A \'{A} \`{A} \^{A} \~{A} a \'{a} \`{a} \^{a} \~{a}
    B b                                              % B b
    C ^^87 c ^^a7                                    % C \c{C} c \c{c}
    D ^^90 d ^^b0                                    % D ETH d eth
    E ^^89 ^^88 ^^8b ^^8a e ^^a9 ^^a8 ^^ab ^^aa      % E \'{E} \`{E} \"{E} \^{E} e \'{e} \`{e} \"{e} \^{e}
    F f                                              % F f
    G g                                              % G g
    H h                                              % H h
    I ^^8d ^^8c ^^8f ^^8e i ^^ad ^^ac ^^af ^^ae      % I \'{I} \`{I} \"{I} \^{I} i \'{\i} \`{\i} \"{\i} \^{\i}
    J j                                              % J j
    K k                                              % K k
    L l                                              % L l
    M m                                              % M m
    N ^^91 n ^^b1                                    % N \~{N} n \~{n}
    O ^^93 ^^92 ^^94 ^^95 o ^^b3 ^^b2 ^^b4 ^^b5      % O \'{O} \`{O} \^{O} \~{O} o \'{o} \`{o} \^{o} \~{o}
    P p                                              % P p
    Q q                                              % Q q
    R r                                              % R r
    S s                                              % S s
    T ^^9e t ^^be                                    % T THORN t thorn
    U ^^9a ^^99 ^^9b u ^^ba ^^b9 ^^bb                % U \'{U} \`{U} \^{U} u \'{u} \`{u} \^{u}
    V v                                              % V v
    W w                                              % W w
    X x                                              % X x
    Y ^^9c ^^9d y ^^bc ^^bd ^^bf                     % Y \"{U} \'{Y} y \"{u} \'{y} \"{y}
    Z z                                              % Z z
    ^^86 ^^84 ^^a6 ^^a4                              % \AE \"{A} \ae \"{a}
    ^^98 ^^96 ^^b8 ^^b6                              % \O \"{O} \o \"{o}
    ^^85 ^^a5                                        % \ring{A} \ring{a}

%% Local Variables:
%% coding: raw-text
%% comment-start: "%% "
%% End:

%%% utf8-dk.csf ends here