%%% LaTeX class for short papers for publication in the "Tagungsband"
%%% of the "Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Agraroekonomie" (OeGA)
%%% author: Arne Henningsen
%%% version: 1.0 (19 August 2008)
%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License 
%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
%%% with the OeGA Formatting Instructions in every detail.
%%% Please report any problems at
%%%    http://sourceforge.net/projects/economtex/
%%% Further information is available at
%%%    http://economtex.wiki.sourceforge.net/
%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
%%% Following additional packages are required:
%%% amsmath, babel, fancyhdr, geometry, helvet, ifthen,
%%% natbib, setspace, titlesec, url
%%% The class provides following options:
%%% german - German language (default)
%%% english - English language
%%% nopagenumbers - suppress page numbers
%%% The corresponding BibTeX style file "oega.bst" is used
%%% for the bibliography: \bibliographystyle{oega}
%%% This document class provides following new commands:
%%% \affiliation should be used to add affiliation information

\ProvidesClass{oegatb}[2008/08/19 LaTeX class for the OeGA Tagungsband]

% option for English language

% option for no page numbers

% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables

% load ifthen package

% Verdana font

% page format, margins
\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.3cm, bmargin=2.5cm, lmargin=2.6cm,
  rmargin=2.0cm, headheight=0in, headsep=0in, footskip=1.25cm}

% language

% space between columns

% spacing

% formatting of main text

% spacing around (sub)section headers

% spacing around formulas

% spacing around captions and floats

% section headers: centering and set font
   {\arabic{section}. }

% subsection headers: font

% footnote: font
% no rule between text and footnotes

% URLS: font

% math

% citations and bibliography

% set footer
% \fancyfoot[L]{\fontsize{6pt}{8pt}\selectfont{\"O}GA Tagungsband \the\year}

% captions of figures and tables
\renewcommand{\captionformat}{.\ }

% section and subsections are not numbered

% titlepage without author and date

% abstract with affiliation
\textit{Abstract} --
\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{
\ClassWarning{oegatb}{no affiliation specified.
   Please use command  \protect\affiliation}%

% avoid clubs and widows
% \displaywidowpenalty=10000

% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)

% commands that should be used at the beginning / end of the document

% for compatibility with other classes
\newcommand{\keywords}[1]{\newcommand{\@keywords}{#1}}  % ignored
\newcommand{\jelclass}[1]{\newcommand{\@jelclass}{#1}}  % ignored

% for compatibility with erae.cls
\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}