%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
%%% Journal 'Post-Communist Economies' (PoCoEc)
%%% author: Arne Henningsen
%%% version: 1.3 (18 November 2009)
%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License 
%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
%%% with the PoCoEc formatting instructions in every detail.
%%% Please report any problems at
%%%    http://sourceforge.net/projects/economtex/
%%% Further information is available at
%%%    http://economtex.wiki.sourceforge.net/
%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
%%% Following additional packages are required:
%%% amsmath, babel, csquotes, endfloat, endnotes, geometry
%%% ifthen, lmodern, natbib, setspace, stringstrings, textcomp, url
%%% The class provides the following options:
%%% noendfloat       - don't move floats to the end of the paper
%%% nofulltitlepage  - suppress "full" title page with author names,
%%%                    affiliations, and address of corresponding author
%%% noshorttitlepage - suppress "short" title page without information
%%%                    about authors
%%% showauthor       - show author name(s) on "short" title page
%%%                    (useful in combination with option "nofulltitlepage")
%%% This class selects the BibTeX style "tandfx.bst".
%%% (Taylor and Francis Reference Style X)
%%% This class provides 5 new commands:
%%% \affiliation     specify affiliation(s) of the authors
%%% \cauthormark     mark the corresponding author (by an asterisk)
%%% \cauthoraddress  specify address of the corresponding author
%%% \keywords        specify some keywords (separated by semicolons)
%%% Websites of the journal ``Post-Communist Economies":

\ProvidesClass{pocoec}[2009/11/18 LaTeX class for the journal 'Post-Communist Economies']

% package for convenient if-then-else statements

% option to NOT place floats at the end

% option to suppress the full title page with author names

% option to suppress the short title page without author names

% option to show author name(s)

% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
% pointednumbers = add final dot after ordinary section numbers
% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables

% additional symbols

% page format, margins
\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.8cm, lmargin=2.8cm,
  rmargin=2.8cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }

% double spacing

% spacing around formulas

% spacing around captions and floats

% font families: times/helvetica/courier

% section headers

% amsmath
% for compatibility with ajae.cls

% font for URLs

% citations and bibliography

% captions of figures and tables
\renewcommand{\captionformat}{.\ }

% titlepage(s)
      \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@author }{
         \ClassWarning{pocoec}{No author(s) specified.
            Please specify with command \protect\author}
         \ClassWarningNoLine{pocoec}{No author has been indicated as
            corresponding author.
            Please specify with command \protect\cauthormark}
      \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{
         \ClassWarning{pocoec}{No affiliation(s) specified.
            Please specify with command \protect\affiliation}
      \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@email }{
         \ClassWarningNoLine{pocoec}{No email address of the corresponding author
            is specified. Please specify with command \protect\email}
         \ifthenelse{ \equal{\theresult}{0} }{}{%
            Corresponding author.
         Email: \url{\@email}\\
         \ifthenelse{ \equal{\theresult}{0} }{%
         \textit{\small \@affiliation}

% abstract, keywords
   \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
   \ClassWarningNoLine{pocoec}{No keywords specified.
      Please use the command \protect\keywords}
   \vspace*{5mm}\\ \noindent
   \textbf{Keywords:} \@keywords%

% use babel package and set language to british english

% avoid clubs and widows
% \displaywidowpenalty=10000

% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)

% move floats to the end of the paper

% for compatibility with erae.cls
\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}