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\title{6th European \TeX\ Conference}
The 6th European \TeX\ Conference will be held at
La Maison de la Mutualit\'e, Paris, on 23--25th September 1991.
The Conference will have simultaneous translation facilities.

The programme of presentations consists of:
\two Russian \TeX (A. {\sc Samarin})
\two \TeX\ and Africa (J. {\sc Knappen})
\two \TeX: the limit of multilingualism (M.~{\sc Fanton})
\two Towards an arabicized version of \TeX (M.~{\sc Fanton} {\it et
\two \TeX niques in Siberia (Th.~{\sc Jurriens})
\two Babel, a multilingual style options system (J.~{\sc Braams})
\two An international version of {\sf Make\-Index} (J. {\sc Schrod})
\two As\TeX: An integrated and customisable multiwindow environment
        for scientific research (M. {\sc  Lavaud})
\two Managing the interface to \TeX (S.~{\sc Larsen})
\two Shell for \TeX (B. {\sc Malyshev})
\two Colour\TeX\hfill(Ch.~{\sc Cerin})  
\two Making graphics in \TeX, GWEZ builds tree structures
     and print them (B.~{\sc Leguy})
\two Conversion of MicroSoft {\sc word} into \LaTeX   (P. {\sc Bacsich}
{\it et al.}) 
\two Scholar\TeX: last enhancements 
 (Y.~{\sc Haralambous})
\two \TeX\ dismembered (A. {\sc Wittbecker})
\two Maths into BLUes (K.~{\sc van der Laan})
\two Organising a large collection of style files for different \TeX\
        macro packages (A.~{\sc Binding})
\two Typesetting SGML documents using \TeX  (A. {\sc Dobrowolski})

Chaired by well-known experts, the  panels are for example:
\item{\rtr} Teaching (\La)\TeX\ to a diverse audience  
\item{\rtr} (\La)\TeX\ in Europe          

Some sessions will  be  set-up on topics to be decided upon during 
the conferences.

Various hardware and software vendors will exhibit their latest products.
A commercial session will be organised so  they can talk  freely about
their products.

A open `question time' session will take place during the conference.

The conference will cost FF1700. A discount of FF200 is available for
members of local groups like GUTenberg,  \Dante, NTG, Nordic Group,
Italic, ukTeXug or TUG.  After  May 30th a
10\% surcharge applies to all bookings.

\section{\TeX\ Dinner}
A dinner will  be  held on  Tuesday evening  at the restaurant  of the
Villette centre  of  Sciences and Industry.  The dinner will follow the
showing of a  film using hightech  sound and light  systems  on  the
{\it g\'eode}'s 1,000 m$^2$ hemispheric screen. Special  effects take
the viewer on an imaginary journey to another  place and time. A coach
tour of Paris by night will concluded the evening.   
All those  taking part in the conference  will be admitted  free.
Guests are  welcome to  join in   the  evening's entertainment  for a 
FF270 charge. 

The following tutorials will take place in the week preceeding the

\noindent$\bullet$Advanced \TeX nical Details:
Philip {\sc Taylor}, {\sc rhbnc}:
   This course is intended to cover the more advanced featues of
\TeX\ macro programming, including such esoteric aspects as
|\afterassignment|, |\futurelet|, |\expandafter|, |\uucode|, etc. Some
time will be devoted to the area of cross referencing, both via
external files and via control sequences, and the manipulation of
|\catcode|s will be covered in some detail. 

\noindent$\bullet$\LaTeX\ Style Files: Chris {\sc Rowley}, Open
University:   Ever wondered how to make \LaTeX\ do what you
   This course will help you understand how to modify
   \LaTeX\ style files to give quality typesetting, and
   may even give you the confidence to write your own.
   Some experience with \LaTeX\ and \TeX\ would be an advantage.

$\bullet${\mf METAFONT}: Doug {\sc Henderson}, Blue Sky Research \&
Yannis {\sc Haralambous}, Universit\'e de Lille:
   The course will cover the basics of {\MF}, but should
   provide participants with enough information to generate
   their favourite CM fonts at any design size, tinker with
   the multitude of parameters, and even start to design their
   own characters.

$\bullet$Beginning and Intermediate \LaTeX\
Malcolm {\sc Clark}, {\sc pcl}:
   Become proficient in \LaTeX\ in  four days! The
   course covers the fascinating world of \LaTeX, concentrating
   on the joys of structured documentation, whilst trying
   to maintain a facade of quality typesetting. The course
   will include some details on modification of the style files
   to European standards, an examination of some publishers'
   \LaTeX\ style files and the recent additions to \LaTeX, notably
the `orthogonal' font styles. Suitable
   for technical and non-technical alike.

\section{Information about the tutorials}
The location  of the tutorials is different from  the location   of
the  congress.   They will be held at \'Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure
and the Institut Blaise Pascal Paris, on the 17th--20th September 1991.

The tutorials will  start on Tuesday,  September 17th,  at  9.30.  Each
tutorial will last four days. They will be  supplemented  with
practical work on  workstations. The  number  of  participants in  
each  tutorial is limited. 

Each of the tutorials is priced at FF2500, but
participants on the tutorials are entitled to a  discount  of FF500 
from  the  registration  fee to the  6th European \TeX\ Conference.

\centerline{\bf Technical and Scientific Publishing} 
The Conference will take place at La Maison de la Mutualit\'e,
Paris, on September 26th, 1991.
The day will be devoted more specifically to issues connected with the
French language, selected topics will cover French publishing
problems. The following topics are  planned: 

\bi {\TeX V3 contre ML\TeX}
\two {Les disquettes GUTenberg'91}(N. {\sc Brouard})
\two {L'impression des formules chimiques}
(M. {\sc Laugier})
\two {Un programme pour modifier les {\dvi}}
 (M. {\sc Laugier} {\it \& al.})

Other presentations are under consideration but have  not yet  been
finalised.  A `Question Time' session about networks is planned.
The Conference will have simultaneous translation facilities.
Simultaneous translation.  Official languages are English and French. 
 The cost will be FF700. If you are
attending the 6th \TeX\ conference, a discount of FF200 may be
deducted from the total amount. Bookings after  May 30th attract a
surcharge of 10\%.

GUTenberg, 6th European \TeX\ Conference
BP 21
78354 Jouy en Josas cedex, France
Telephone: +(33 1) 34 65 22 32
Fax: +(33 1) 34 65 22 28
E-mail: {\tt on@jouy.inra.fr}\strut}}
