\centerline{\bf First European Summer School}
\centerline{\bf in Digital Typography}
This Didot Summer School will be held in Lausanne,
Switzerland, on September 23--28th, 1991. The objective
of the School is to bring together computer scientists and
type designers. Didot,  a near acronym for Digitising and
Designing of Type, is part of a CEC Comett II program
aimed at developing joint training in high technology.
Didot's specific aim is to design, implement and evaluate
a European curriculum for digital typography.

This summer school is intended for font designers,
graphic designers, font experts, computer scientists
(especially those specialising in graphic tools, design
and development), and other assorted scientists,
researchers, instructors and teachers.

There will be two parallel sessions: one for font
designers and one for computer scientists; and a set of
courses and lectures common to all participants.  The parallel sessions
include either lectures on the technical aspects of type
(for computer scientists), or a set of practical
workshops on computer aided type design, intended for
type and graphic designers. The
common part includes global instruction, courses on the
visual aspects of type and discussions and round tables
at the end of each half-day.

The Visual Aspects of Type course is to be given by
Andr\'e G\"urtler and Christian Mengelt of the AGS School
of Design in Basle; Roger Gersch (EPFL) and Jakob
Gonczarwski (Typographics Ltd) will present the Technical
Aspects of Type and Two Dimensional Graphics course. This
course includes sessions on character grid fitting and font
formats (e.g.~URW, Adobe Type~1, Truetype). Jacques
Andr\'e will lead the workshops on Graphic-Aided Font and
Graphic Design Systems: this comprises 5 workshops each
of two half days, covering aspects of Fontographer,
Letraset Font Studio, Ikarus, Typo, and \PS\ display

A number of guest speeches will
complete the program.
English is the official course language. No translations
will be provided. 
Costs are SFr\,1,600 for the summer
school (a student fee of SFr\,700 is available). Hotel
accommodation is estimated at up to SFr\,110 per night.

Marie Jo Pellaud, Didot Course
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
tel: (41) 21 693 2641
fax: (41) 21 693-5263
email: {\tt hersch@eldi.epfl.ch}\strut