An {\bf International Conference on Electronic
Publishing, Document Manipulation and
Typography} will be held in Lausanne,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(Switzerland), on April 7--10, 1992.

This conference will be the fourth in a
series of international conferences organised to promote the exchange of novel
ideas in the area of computer manipulation
of documents.

The first two conferences in the series,
EP86 held in Nottingham, England, and
EP88 in Nice, France, concentrated
mainly on the specific aspect of the production of
documents by computer, from composition to printing.
EP90, which was held in Washington, adopted a broader
definition of the term Computer Assisted
Publication, and accordingly included
more materials on new topics such as the
application of data-base techniques to
document handling, hypertext and hypermedia systems, and document recognition
and analysis.

EP92 will follow this trend. Its objective will
be to present the state of the art by reporting original and recent contributions to this
area. The conference proceedings will be
published by Cambridge University Press
and will be available at the conference.

A day of tutorials is planned for April 7.
Suggestions for contributions with introductory and survey topics are requested.
\bitem Modelling and representation of documents
\bitem Document structures
\bitem Integration of text, images and graphics
\bitem Integration of document manipulation systems with other software tools
\bitem Standards: evaluation and implementation
\bitem Object oriented approaches.

\bitem Documents management
\bitem Document preparation systems
\bitem Hypertext: production, editing and visualisation
\bitem Large text data-bases
\bitem Distributed documents: parallel algorithms, multi-user documents
\bitem User-machine interfaces.

\bitem Document recognition and Interpretation
\bitem Structural recognition of documents
\bitem Filtering and image handling techniques
\bitem Multi-lingual documents
\bitem Semantic text structures
\bitem Indexing techniques.

\bitem Typography and graphics
\bitem Character design
\bitem Use of gray levels and colour technology
\bitem Pagination and layout.

\bitem Document manipulation and educatlon
\bitem Computer assisted document production
\bitem Experiences in teaching EP
\bitem The place of EP in Computer Science Curricula.

\noindent Contact:

Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne
IN Ecublens
CH 1015 Lausanne
{\tt ep92@eldi.epfl.ch}\strut