\title{Table of Contents}
A Contrarian View On \TeX{} Extensions\dotfill1   
{\quad\sl Mike Spivak}
Electronic Publishing -- Out of the Playpen\dotfill3
{\quad\sl Peter Ashby and Anna Duckworth}
{\quad\sl David Penfold}
Future Meetings of the BCS ep Group\dotfill5
SGML in the UK\dotfill5
Cheltenham Effect\dotfill5
{\quad\sl Henry Holloway}
The matter of TUG\dotfill6
{\quad\sl Malcolm Clark}
Book Reviews\dotfill9
Sunny Mexico\dotfill12
{\quad\sl Betsy Dale}
How might \LaTeX3 deal with citations and reference-lists?\dotfill13
{\quad\sl David Rhead}
Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences\dotfill 21
{\quad\sl Andr\'e Heck} 
6th European \TeX\ Conference\dotfill21
Cahiers GUTenberg:
Summaries from Number 7, November 1990\dotfill 23 
Summaries from Number 8, March 1991\dotfill 23 
Industrial Light and Magic\dotfill24
First European Summer School in Digital Typography\dotfill24
\LamSTeX{} Goes Public\dotfill25
{\quad\sl Mike Spivak}
A Script for building true-sized fonts\dotfill25
{\quad\sl Angus Duggan}
Call for Papers\dotfill29
Another Book Review\dotfill29
uk\TeX ug: future meetings\dotfill30
On the fringe of Boston\dotfill30
Good Guys\dotfill31
Catherine Mary Booth\dotfill32