\title{uk\TeX ug: future meetings}\noindent
{\bf October 16th:} the AGM will be held at {\bf Aston
University}, the spiritual home of \TeX\ in Europe and the
home of the world renowned Aston Archive of \TeX\
paraphanalia. To support the AGM there will be a meeting on
{\sl Fun with \TeX}. This has to be seen to be believed. We
will also take the opportunity of being at the electronic
hub of the \TeX\ world to harangue and moan at the
{\bf November 20: Oxford University} -- the broad theme for
this meeting will be {\sl Macro packages and style files}.
Jonathon Fine and Se\'an Leitch are already lined up for
this and other members will be fingered\slash volunteered.
There will also be a \LaTeX3 (lxiii) update. This meeting is
intended to provide an opportunity for all members to
contribute, and there is still time to offer a
contribution. Short talks are at least as welcome as long
ones (and often much more so). If you have a neat
application you want to share, or a bee in your bonnet
about something \TeX like, now's your chance to get on your
{\bf February 11, 1992:} a meeting in London, at the
{\bf School of Oriental and African Studies}. Probable
subject: {\sl \TeX\ for Book and Journal Production}.
Following hard on the heels of the TUG meeting in Dedham
{\sl Inroads into Publishing}, and the {\sc Gut}enberg {\sl
Technical and Scientific Publishing} meeting, uk\TeX ug
brings you the first \TeX\ meeting on publishing, in
London, in February!
{\bf Easter, 1992:} A one-day meeting in Scotland, possibly
{\bf Edinburgh}, timed so that those attending the projected
BCS EP Specialist Group meeting in Glasgow will not have to
pay British Rail twice. But note the cheap rail fares
available to Sassenachs travelling to God's own country --
only \quid44 from stations in the south to Glasgow and
Edinburgh. Subject to be announced.
{\bf June/July, 1992:} we are investigating the possibility
of visiting the Department of Typography at the
{\bf University of Reading}. The subject of the meeting will
be {\sl Design Issues}. This meeting is the usual summer
jaunt to the country.
{\bf Some time:} we hope to organise training days to cover
the theoretical and practical applications of \MF. We also
hope to organise a workshop to look at the various ways of
producing multicolumn output in \TeX. There is also a
possibility that the group will organise 3- or 4-day
courses on \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ at a location in London during
next summer.\noauthor