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LaTeX -> PC Converter Quick Comparison List

Switch conversion direction: From PC to LaTeX

Author: Wilfried Hennings (texconvfaq "at" gmx.de), last update of this page on Jan. 8, 2009

NOTE: This table is still under construction. I only had time to include the most recent converters.

referred version
Features supported Systems where to get
(external links!)
Chikrii Softlab. shareware, 99$ (45$ academic)
load TeX file from within Word. Needs Word95 or later Windows 95, NT4 or later (ME, 2000, XP) www.tex2word.com
TeX4ht (free) invokes TeX to convert to html+stylesheet which can be loaded into Word; converts equations to either bitmaps or MathML DOS, MS Windows, all kinds of Unix www.cse.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn.html
latex2rtf (free)
Scott Prahl
v. 1.9.17, Oct. 2007
conversion of most equation elements to EQ fields (or images, which requires a TeX installation, ImageMagick, and Ghostscript)
DOS, MS Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT4 / 2000 / XP, Macintosh, all kinds of Unix CTAN: directory .../support/latex2rtf;
for most recent versions and development see the project on sourceforge.net

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