%%                                                        %%
%% JEOPARDY DESIGNS                                       %%
%%                                                        %%
%% The AcroTeX Software Development Team (Copyright 2007) %%
%%                                                        %%
%% The HORNET Color Scheme                                %%
%%                                                        %%

\definecolor{jj_bg}{rgb}{0.922, 0.973, 0.98}

    fillCells: SkyBlue,
    fillBanner: jj_banner_bg,
    textBanner: jj_banner_txt,
    textBoard: jj_banner_txt,
    fillInstructions: jj_bg,
    fillGameBoard: jj_bg,
    fillQuestions: jj_bg,
    linkColor: red,
    dollarColor: red,

    Font: Helv,
    TextColor: 0 0 0,           % color of text for the gameboard cells
    BorderColor: 0 0 0,         % color of border for the gameboard cells
    FillColor: .235 0.718 .149, % the fill color for the gameboard cells

    Font: Helv,
    TextColor: 0 0 1,
    BorderColor: 0 0 0,
    FillColor: 0 1 0,

   Font: Helv,
   TextColor: .996 .133 .133,

   Font: Helv,
   TextColor: 0 0 0,

    Font: Arial,
    CellWidth: 2.25in,
    FillColor: .827 .827 .827,