/* Copyright (C) 2009 Kevin W. Hamlen
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 * MA  02110-1301, USA.
 * The latest version of this program can be obtained from
 * http://songs.sourceforge.net.

/* Create a LaTeX author index file from an author .dat file. */

#  include "config.h"
#  include "vsconfig.h"

#  include <stdlib.h>
#  include <stdio.h>
#  include <string.h>
#    include <strings.h>
#  endif

#include "chars.h"
#include "songidx.h"
#include "fileio.h"

typedef struct wordlist
	struct wordlist *next;
	WCHAR *w;

WORDLIST wl_and = { NULL, ws_lit("and") };
WORDLIST wl_by = { NULL, ws_lit("by") };
WORDLIST wl_unknown = { NULL, ws_lit("unknown") };

/* wl_insert(<wordlist>,<word>)
 *  Insert a word onto the head of a wordlist.
static void
	const WCHAR *w;
	WORDLIST *head = (WORDLIST *) malloc(sizeof(WORDLIST));
	head->next = ((*wl==&wl_and) || (*wl==&wl_by) || (*wl==&wl_unknown)) ? NULL : *wl;
	head->w = (WCHAR *) calloc(ws_strlen(w)+1, sizeof(WCHAR));
	ws_strcpy(head->w, w);
	*wl = head;

/* matchany(<string>,<wordlist>)
 *  If a word in <wordlist> case-insensitively matches to a prefix of <string>, and if
 *  the match concludes with whitespace, then return the length of the match plus 1.
 *  Otherwise return 0.
static size_t
	const WCHAR *s;
	const WCHAR *s2, *w2;

	for (; wl; wl=wl->next)
		for (s2=s, w2=wl->w; *w2; ++s2, ++w2)
			if (wc_tolower(*s2)!=wc_tolower(*w2)) break;
		if ((*w2 == wc_null) && wc_isspace(*s2)) return s2-s+1;
	return 0;

/* matchwithin(<string>,<wordlist>)
 *  Return 1 if any word in <wordlist> appears in <string> (case insensitive match).
static char
	const WCHAR *s;
	const WCHAR *s2, *w2;

	for (; wl; wl=wl->next)
		for (; *s; ++s)
			for (s2=s, w2=wl->w; *w2; ++s2, ++w2)
				if (wc_tolower(*s2)!=wc_tolower(*w2)) break;
			if (*w2 == wc_null) return 1;
	return 0;

/* partofword(<char>)
 *   Return 0 if <char> is a word-delimiter and 1 otherwise. Word-delimiters are anything
 *   other than alphabetic characters, hyphens, apostrophes, backslashes, and braces.
static int
	return (wc_isalpha(c) || (c==wc_apostrophe) || (c==wc_backquote)
	        || (c==wc_backslash) || (c==wc_lbrace) || (c==wc_rbrace));

/* grabauthor(<string>,<seplist>,<afterlist>,<ignorelist>)
 *   Return a string of the form "Sirname, Restofname" denoting the full name of the first
 *   author found in <string>; or return NULL if no author name can be found. Set <string>
 *   to point to the suffix of <string> that was not parsed. The string returned (if any)
 *   is static, so successive calls will overwrite it.
 *   Heuristics:
 *     * Names are separated by punctuation (other than hyphens, periods, apostrophes, or
 *       backslashes) or by the word "and" (or whatever words are in seplist).
 *       Special case: If a comma is followed by the abbreviation "Jr" or by a roman numeral,
 *       then the comma does NOT end the author's name.
 *     * If a name contains the word "by" (or anything in afterlist), then everything before
 *       it is not considered part of the name. (Let's hope nobody is named "By".)
 *     * The author's last name is always the last capitalized word in the name unless the
 *       last capitalized word is "Jr." or a roman numeral. In that case the author's last
 *       name is the second-last capitalized word.
 *     * If an author appears to have only a first name, or if the last name found according
 *       to the above heuristics is an abbreviation (ending in a period), look ahead in
 *       <string> until we find someone with a last name and use that one. This allows us to
 *       identify the first author in a string like "Joe, Billy E., and Bob Smith" to be
 *       "Joe Smith".
 *     * If the resultant name contains the word "unknown" (or any word in unknownlist),
 *       it's probably not a real name. Recursively attempt to parse the next author.
static WCHAR *
	const WCHAR **authline;
	WORDLIST *seplist;
	WORDLIST *afterlist;
	WORDLIST *unknownlist;
	static WCHAR buf[MAXLINELEN+2], *bp;
	const WCHAR *first, *last, *suffix, *next, *scanahead, *endp;
	size_t len;

	/* Point "first" to the first character of the name, "last" to the first character of
	 * the sirname, "suffix" to any suffix like "Jr." or "III" (or NULL if there is none),
	 * and "next" to the first character beyond the end of the name.
	if (!authline) return NULL;
	for (first=*authline; (*first!=wc_null) && !partofword(*first); ++first) ;
	if (((len = matchany(first,seplist)) > 0) || ((len = matchany(first,afterlist)) > 0))
		first += len;
	if (*first==wc_null) return NULL;
	for (next=first; *next; ++next)
		if (*next==wc_comma)
			for (scanahead = next+1; *scanahead==wc_space; ++scanahead) ;
			if (!ws_strncmp(scanahead, ws_lit("Jr"), 2) && !partofword(*(scanahead+2))) continue;
			if (ws_strchr(ws_lit("XVI"), *scanahead)
			    && !partofword(*(scanahead+ws_strspn(scanahead, ws_lit("XVI"))))) continue;
			*authline = next+1;
		else if (wc_ispunct(*next) && (*next!=wc_hyphen) &&
		           (*next!=wc_period) && (*next!=wc_apostrophe) && (*next!=wc_backquote) &&
			*authline = next+1;
		if (*next == wc_space)
			for (++next; *next==wc_space; ++next) ;
			if ((len = matchany(next,seplist)) > 0)
			if ((len = matchany(next,afterlist)) > 0)
				first = next+len;
				next += len-1;
				last = suffix = NULL;
			if (!ws_strncmp(next, ws_lit("Jr"), 2) && !partofword(*(next+2)))
			else if (ws_strchr(ws_lit("XVI"), *next)
			         && !partofword(*(next+ws_strspn(next, ws_lit("XVI")))))
				scanahead = next;
				if (wc_isupper(*scanahead))
					last = next;
					suffix = NULL;
	if (*next==wc_null) *authline = next;

	/* Put the sirname into the buffer first. */
	endp = NULL;
	if (last)
		endp = (suffix ? suffix : next)-1;
		if (endp<last) abort();
		for (; (endp>last) && ((*endp==wc_space) || (*endp==wc_comma)); --endp) ;
	if (!endp || (*endp==wc_period))
		/* Here's where it gets tough. We either have a single-word name, or the last name ends in
		 * a "." which means maybe it's just a middle initial or other abbreviation. We could be
		 * dealing with a line like, "Billy, Joe E., and Bob Smith", in which case we have to go
		 * searching for the real last name. To handle this case, we will try a recursive call.
		scanahead = *authline;
		if (grabauthor(&scanahead,seplist,afterlist,unknownlist)
			&& ((bp = ws_strchr(buf, wc_comma)) != NULL))
 			/* got it! Make our old last name part of the first name. */
			last = NULL;
		else if (last)
			/* Nope. Couldn't find a last name. Just use this one and hope it's okay. */
			ws_strncpy(buf, last, endp-last+1);
			bp = buf+(endp-last+1);
			bp = buf;
		ws_strncpy(buf, last, endp-last+1);
		bp = buf+(endp-last+1);

	/* Next, put the first name into the buffer. */
	endp = (last ? last : (suffix ? suffix : next))-1;
	if (endp<first) abort();
	for (; (endp>=first) && ((*endp==wc_space) || (*endp==wc_comma)); --endp) ;
	if (endp>first)
		*bp++ = wc_comma;
		*bp++ = wc_space;
		ws_strncpy(bp, first, endp-first);
		bp += endp-first;

	/* Finally, put the suffix (if any) into the buffer. */
	if (suffix)
		for (endp=next-1; (endp>=suffix) && ((*endp==wc_space) || (*endp==wc_comma)); --endp) ;
		if (endp>suffix)
			*bp++ = wc_space;
			ws_strncpy(bp, suffix, endp-suffix);
			bp += endp-suffix;

	*bp = wc_null;
	if (matchwithin(buf, unknownlist)) return grabauthor(authline,seplist,afterlist,unknownlist);
	return buf;

/* genauthorindex(<file>,<inname>,<outname>)
 *   Read author data from file handle <file> and generate from it a LaTeX author index file
 *   named <outname>.
 *   Return 0 on success, 1 on warnings, or 2 on error.
	FSTATE *fs;
	const char *outname;
	FILE *f;
	int eof = 0;
	int arraysize, numauthors, i;
	WORDLIST *seplist=&wl_and, *afterlist=&wl_by, *ignorelist=&wl_unknown;
	SONGENTRY **authors;
	WCHAR authorbuf[MAXLINELEN], *bp;
	WCHAR songnumbuf[MAXLINELEN], linknamebuf[MAXLINELEN];
	WCHAR *thisnum, *thislink;
	const WCHAR *auth;

	fprintf(stderr, "songidx: Parsing author index data file %s...\n", fs->filename);

	eof = 0;
	authors = NULL;
	for (arraysize=numauthors=i=0; !eof; ++i)
		if (!filereadln(fs,authorbuf,&eof)) return 2;
		if (eof) break;
		if (authorbuf[0] == wc_percent)
			if (!ws_strncmp(authorbuf, ws_lit("%sep "), 5))
				wl_insert(&seplist, authorbuf + 5);
			else if (!ws_strncmp(authorbuf, ws_lit("%after "), 7))
				wl_insert(&afterlist, authorbuf + 7);
			else if (!ws_strncmp(authorbuf, ws_lit("%ignore "), 8))
				wl_insert(&ignorelist, authorbuf + 8);
		if (!filereadln(fs,songnumbuf,&eof))
			return 2;
		if (eof)
			fprintf(stderr, "songidx:%s:%d: incomplete author entry (orphan byline)\n",
			        fs->filename, fs->lineno);
			return 2;
		if (!filereadln(fs,linknamebuf,&eof))
			return 2;
		if (eof)
			fprintf(stderr, "songidx:%s:%d: incomplete author entry (missing hyperlink)\n",
			        fs->filename, fs->lineno);
			return 2;
		if (!((thisnum = (WCHAR *) calloc(ws_strlen(songnumbuf)+1, sizeof(WCHAR))) != NULL)
			|| !((thislink = (WCHAR *) calloc(ws_strlen(linknamebuf)+1, sizeof(WCHAR))) != NULL))
			fprintf(stderr, "songidx:%s:%d: song number/link too long (out of memory)\n",
			        fs->filename, fs->lineno);
			return 2;
		ws_strcpy(thisnum, songnumbuf);
		ws_strcpy(thislink, linknamebuf);

		for (bp=authorbuf;
			 (auth=grabauthor((const WCHAR **) &bp, seplist, afterlist, ignorelist)) != NULL;
			if (numauthors >= arraysize)
				SONGENTRY **temp;
				arraysize *= 2;
				if (arraysize==0) arraysize=64;
				temp = (SONGENTRY **) realloc(authors,arraysize*sizeof(SONGENTRY *));
				if (!temp)
					fprintf(stderr, "songidx:%s:%d: too many song authors (out of memory)\n",
					        fs->filename, fs->lineno);
					return 2;
				authors = temp;
			if ((authors[numauthors] = (SONGENTRY *) malloc(sizeof(SONGENTRY))) == NULL)
				fprintf(stderr, "songidx:%s:%d: too many song authors (out of memory)\n",
				        fs->filename, fs->lineno);
				return 2;
			if ((authors[numauthors]->title = (WCHAR *) calloc(ws_strlen(auth)+1, sizeof(WCHAR))) == NULL)
				fprintf(stderr, "songidx:%s:%d: author name too long (out of memory)\n",
				        fs->filename, fs->lineno);
				return 2;
			ws_strcpy(authors[numauthors]->title, auth);
			authors[numauthors]->num = thisnum;
			authors[numauthors]->linkname = thislink;
			authors[numauthors]->idx = i;

	/* Sort the array by author. */
	qsort(authors, numauthors, sizeof(*authors), songcmp);

	/* Generate an author index LaTeX file from the sorted data.
	 * Combine any entries with the same author name into a single index entry.
	fprintf(stderr, "songidx: Generating author index TeX file %s...\n", outname);
	if (strcmp(outname,"-"))
		if ((f = fopen(outname, "w")) == NULL)
			fprintf(stderr, "songidx: Unable to open %s for writing.\n", outname);
			return 2;
		f = stdout;
		outname = "stdout";

#define TRYWRITE(x) \
	if (!(x)) \
	{ \
		fprintf(stderr, "songidx:%s: write error\n", outname); \
		if (f == stdout) fflush(f); else fclose(f); \
		return 2; \

	TRYWRITE(ws_fputs(ws_lit("\\begin{idxblock}{"), f) >= 0)
	for (i=0; i<numauthors; ++i)
		if ((i>0) && !ws_strcmp(authors[i]->title, authors[i-1]->title))
			TRYWRITE(ws_fputs(ws_lit("\\\\"), f) >= 0)
			TRYWRITE((ws_fputs(ws_lit("}\n\\idxentry{"), f) >= 0)
			         && (ws_fputs(authors[i]->title, f) >= 0)
			         && (ws_fputs(ws_lit("}{"), f) >= 0))
		TRYWRITE((ws_fputs(ws_lit("\\hyperlink{"), f) >= 0)
		         && (ws_fputs(authors[i]->linkname, f) >= 0)
				 && (ws_fputs(ws_lit("}{"), f) >= 0)
		         && (ws_fputs(authors[i]->num, f) >= 0)
				 && (ws_fputs(ws_lit("}"), f) >= 0))
	TRYWRITE(ws_fputs(ws_lit("}\n\\end{idxblock}\n"), f) >= 0)


	if (f == stdout)
	return 0;