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% George B. Leeman, Jr., leeman@watson.ibm.com.                         %
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\name{George B. Leeman, Jr.}
\preferredtitle0{Mr. Leeman}
\school0{The University of Michigan}
\email{leeman at um.cc.umich.edu}
2904 Washtenaw Avenue, Apt. 1B\\
Ypsilanti, MI 48198\\
(313) 434-1815
\immigrationstatus{US citizen}
                            George B. Leeman, Jr.
Work Address                                    Home Address
The University of Michigan                      2904 Washtenaw Avenue, Apt. 1B
Department of Electrical Engineering            Ypsilanti, MI 48198
 and Computer Science                           (313) 434-1815
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
(313) 764--8504
Present Status: Postdoc Student                 Immigration Status: US citizen
Type of Position Desired: Permanent             Available Date: June, 1973
Objective      To obtain a research or development position in the areas of
               stochastic analysis or program correctness.
Aug. 1972      The University of Michigan                        Ann Arbor, MI
               PhD in Mathematics; advisor: Peter L. Duren; thesis title: The
               constrained coefficient problem for typically real functions.
               GPA: 8.217 out of 9.000.
May 1969       The University of Michigan                        Ann Arbor, MI
               MA in Mathematics GPA: 8.041 out of 9.000.
June 1968      Yale University                                   New Haven, CT
               BA in Mathematics GPA: abolished 11/30/67; class percentile:
summers, 1970, The University of Michigan                        Ann Arbor, MI
1971           Instructor, teaching undergraduate introductory and
               intermediate calculus courses.
summers,       Perkin-Elmer Corporation                            Norwalk, CT
1965--1969     Scientific programming for problems in engineering and
Skills         Programming in FORTRAN, IBM 360 Assembler, SNOBOL4, LISP, C.
Honors         National Science Foundation Traineeship, September, 1968 to
               August, 1972.
               BA Magna Cum Laude, honors with exceptional distinction, 1968.
               Election to Phi Beta Kappa, November, 1967.
Publications   The seventh coefficient of odd symmetric univalent functions,
               G. B. Leeman, Jr., to appear in Duke Mathematical Journal,
               vol. 43, no. 2, June, 1973.
               A new proof for an inequality of Jenkins, G. B. Leeman, Jr.,
               Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 54,
               Jan. 1973, 114--116.
               The constrained coefficient problem for typically real
               functions, G. B. Leeman, Jr., Transactions of the American
               Mathematical Society, vol. 186, Dec. 1972, 177--189.
Miscellaneous  Member of Board of Directors, Ridgefield Symphony Orchestra,
               Ridgefield, CT.
References     Peter L. Duren, Professor, The University of Michigan, (313)
               764-0202. Email: duren@um.cc.umich.edu
               Bernard A. Galler, Professor, The University of Michigan,
               (313) 764-5832. Email: bernard_a._galler@um.cc.umich.edu
               Maxwell O. Reade, Professor, The University of Michigan, (313)
The University of Michigan
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1301 Beal Avenue,
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
George B. Leeman, Jr.
leeman at um.cc.umich.edu
(313) 764-8504
                                                            September 21, 1993
Manager, PhD Recruiting
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
P. O. Box 218
Yorktown Heights, New York 10598
Dear Sir:
I would like to apply for a position in the research and development divisions
of your corporation. I have included a resume and if necessary can send a few
abstracts from some of my published papers.
I can be reached at the number shown above every afternoon from 1:00 P.M. to
5:00 P.M. I answer electronic mail throughout each day, including weekends.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely yours,
George B. Leeman, Jr.
encl: resume