\typeout{Document Style laletter. September 18, 1989}
%  Steve Sydoriak wrote this software.
%  Copyright, 1990, The Regents of the University of California.
%  This software was produced under a U.S. Government contract
%  (W-7405-ENG-36) by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is
%  operated by the University of California for the U.S. Department
%  of Energy.  The U.S.  Government is licensed to use, reproduce,
%  and distribute this software.  Permission is granted to the public
%  to copy and use this software without charge, provided that this
%  notice and any statement of authorship are reproduced on all
%  copies.  Neither the Government nor the University makes any
%  warranty, express or implied, or assumes any liability or
%  responsibility for the use of this software.
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January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
\space\number\day, \number\year}
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\else \@tokstoinput{to}{#1}%
\ifnum\@countto>0 \@totoleftto\fi \@tokstoinput{leftto}{#1}}%
\ifnum\@countto>0 \@totoleftto\fi \@tokstoinput{rightto}{#1}}%
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\typeout{^^JThis letter will be marked SECRET.^^J}%
\typeout{^^JThis letter will be marked CONFIDENTIAL.^^J}%
\typeout{^^JThis letter will be marked UNCLASSIFIED.^^J}%
\def\@toksname{\csname @toks#1\endcsname}%
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\hbox{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{##1}}%
\ifnum\@countvia>0 %
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{\def\@complimentaryclose{Sincerely yours,}\@errorundeclaredcompclose}{}%
\@errorshowexample{\signature}{Betty J. Donaldson}}{}%
\ifnum\@countto=0\ifnum\@countleftto=0\ifnum\@countrightto=0 %
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\@errorshowexample{\telephone}{(505) 665-0859}%
{\def\@serialnumber{}}{\ifx\@symbol\@empty \@errorserialnosymbol\fi}%
\@serialnumber\ }%
\ifnum\@countattn=0 %
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\font\tenit = \@cmtimei at 10pt %
\font\tenbf = \@cmtimeb at 10pt %
\or %
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\font\elvtt = \@cmcour at 11pt %
\font\elvit = \@cmcouro at 11pt %
\font\elvbf = \@cmcourb at 11pt %
\font\elvit = \@cmtimei at 11pt %
\font\elvbf = \@cmtimeb at 11pt %
\or %
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\font\twltt = \@cmcour at 12pt %
\font\twlit = \@cmcouro at 12pt %
\font\twlbf = \@cmcourb at 12pt %
\font\twlit = \@cmtimei at 12pt %
\font\twlbf = \@cmtimeb at 12pt %
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L\@kern o\@kern s\ \kern -2.5pt A\@kern l\@kern a\@kern m\@kern
o\@kern s\ \kern -2pt N\@kern a\@kern t\@kern i\@kern o\@kern
n\@kern a\@kern l\ \kern -3pt L\@kern a\@kern b\@kern o\@kern
r\@kern a\@kern t\@kern o\@kern r\@kern y}}%
\def\@kern{\kern -.5pt}%
L\@kern o\@kern s\kern -2.5pt\ A\@kern l\@kern a\@kern m\@kern
o\@kern s\kern -1pt ,\kern -4.5pt\ New\kern -3pt\ Mexico\kern -3pt
\ 87545}%
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L\@kern a\kern .43pt b\@kern o\@kern r\@kern a\@kern
t\kern -.22pt o\@kern r\@kern y}%
L\kern -.4pt o\kern .35pt s\ \kern -.8pt 
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A\kern .6pt l\kern .1pt a\kern .6pt m\kern .1pt o\kern .35pt s,%
\ \kern -1.5pt 
N\kern -.2pt ew\ \kern -.1pt 
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8\kern -.65pt 7\kern -.9pt 54\kern -.7pt 5}%
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o\kern -.75pt s}%
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Los\kern -2pt\ Alamos\kern -1.5pt\ National\kern -2pt
\ Laboratory}}%
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Los\kern -2pt\ Alamos\kern -1pt,\kern -3.5pt\ N\@kern e\@kern
w\kern -2pt\ M\@kern e\@kern x\@kern i\@kern c\@kern
o\kern -2pt\ 87545}%
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77 0 MV (a) SO
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X 770 Topdist sub moveto 
X Botdist moveto
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{\par Attachments a/s%
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\ifx #1\@blank
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\def\@errorundeclared#1{\typeout{^^JWarning: you have not called \protect #1
before calling \protect\opening.^^J}}%
\def\@errorundeclaredcallout#1{\typeout{^^JWarning: you have not specified
the callout \protect #1^^J
\@eightspaces before calling \protect\opening.^^J}}%
\def\@errorundeclaredto{\typeout{^^JWarning: you have not specified 
an address
before calling \protect\opening.^^J^^J
\@eightspaces Use \protect\to\space to specify an address, 
for example^^J^^J
\@eightspaces \protect\to{Vieno Severi Alanne \protect\\^^J
\@eightspaces 414 Rio Seco \protect\\^^J
\@eightspaces Santa Fe, NM 87501}^^J}}%
\def\@errorshowexample#1#2{\typeout{\@eightspaces\space For example, use^^J^^J
\@eightspaces\protect #1{#2}^^J}}%
\def\@errorundeclaredsalutation{\typeout{^^JWarning: you have not called 
\protect\salutation\space before calling \protect\opening.^^J}%
\@errorshowexample{\salutation}{Dear Henry,}}%
\def\@errorundeclaredcompclose{\typeout{^^JWarning: you have not called
\protect\complimentaryclose\space before calling \protect\opening.^^J
\@eightspaces\protect\complimentaryclose{Sincerely Yours,} 
will be used by default.^^J}}%
\def\@errorserialnosymbol{\typeout{^^JWarning: you have called 
\protect\serialnumber, but you have not called \protect\symbol.^^J}%
^^JWarning: you have called \protect\leftto\space
and/or \protect\rightto\space as well as \protect\to.^^J
\@eightspaces All addresses called by \protect\to\space will be printed in
the left column.^^J}}%
\def\@erroruseas#1#2{\typeout{^^JWarning: you specified 
\@eightspaces yet you have not specified \protect#2.^^J^^J
\@eightspaces The first line of the addressee will be used ^^J
\@eightspaces on headers after page one.^^J}}%
\def\@errorattn{\typeout{^^JWarning: \protect\attn\space must be used only
within the argument of \protect\to, for example,^^J^^J
\@eightspaces \protect\to{Genie Electronics \protect\\ ^^J
\@eightspaces \protect\attn{Mr. Robert Mercer, Sales Manager} \protect\\ ^^J
\@eightspaces P.O. Box 8501 \protect\\ ^^J
\@eightspaces Midwest City, OK 73110}^^J}}%
\def\@errorthruandvia{\typeout{^^JWarning: you have used both
\protect\thru\space and \protect\via\space in this letter.^^J
\@eightspaces Use one or the other, but not both.}}%
\typeout{^^JFatal error: \protect\classlabel{\@classlabel} 
calls for an invalid classification label.^^J}%
\typeout{^^JFatal error: you have called \protect\classlabel \space
more than once, or you have^^J
\@eightspaces\space\space\space\space called 
\protect\classlabel \space after having called 
\space You are allowed to declare only one classification label
per letter.^^J
\space You must call \protect\classlabel\space before using 
\space\space To print CONFIDENTIAL on the top and bottom
of your letter,^^J
\space use \protect\classlabel{c}^^J^^J
\space To print SECRET on the top and bottom
of your letter,^^J
\space use \protect\classlabel{s}^^J^^J
\space To print UNCLASSIFIED on the top and bottom
of your letter,^^J
\space use \protect\classlabel{u}^^J^^J
\space If you do not want a classification label on your letter,^^J
\space use \protect\classlabel{}^^J
\space or do not use the \protect\classlabel\space command.^^J^^J
\space Change your file, and rerun LaTeX.^^J}}%
\typeout{^^JFatal error: \protect\typeface{\@typeface} calls for an invalid
\space Use \protect\typeface{tt} or \protect\typeface{rm}^^J^^J
\space Change your file, and rerun LaTeX.^^J}}%
\typeout{^^JFatal error: \@fontcommand{\@fontarg} calls for 
an invalid font.^^J^^J
\space Use \@fontcommand{lafonts}, \@fontcommand{texfonts},^^J
\space or \@fontcommand{postscript}\space
depending on what fonts^^J \space are available on your machine.^^J^^J
\space Using \@fontcommand{} will give you the default fonts.^^J^^J
\space Use \@fontcommand{letterpaper} if you wish to print your letter^^J
\space on pre-printed letter paper.^^J^^J
\space Change your file, and rerun LaTeX.^^J}}%
\typeout{^^JFatal error: \@fontcommand{\@fontarg} calls 
for an invalid font.^^J^^J
\space Use \@fontcommand{texfonts} or \@fontcommand{postscript}^^J
\space depending on what fonts are available on your machine.^^J^^J
\space Using \@fontcommand{} will give you the default fonts.^^J^^J
\space Change your file, and rerun LaTeX.^^J}}%
\typeout{^^JWarning: You are using the obsolete Almost Modern (AM) 
\@eightspaces Only cursory debugging has been attempted using AM fonts.^^J
\@eightspaces The Computer Modern (CM) fonts are fully supported
by laletter.^^J}}%
\typeout{^^JFatal error: Your system is using an obsolete version 
of lafonts.^^J^^J
\@eightspaces Get the manual called "TeX Fonts for Los Alamos 
Memos and Letters^^J
\@eightspaces Installation Reference," CIC \protect##1128,
from the Computer^^J
\@eightspaces Information Center, 667-6992.^^J}}%
\typeout{^^JWarning: Use of the \protect\shortletterstyle\space macro
is intended^^J
\@eightspaces for use with letters of ten lines or less.^^J^^J}}%
\typeout{^^JWarning: You have used both \protect#1\space and
\@eightspaces Use one or the other but not both.^^J
\@eightspaces "#3" will not be printed on this letter.^^J^^J}}%
\if@noparitem \@donoparitem
\else \if@inlabel \indent \par \fi
\ifhmode \unskip\unskip \par \fi 
\if@newlist \if@nobreak \@nbitem \else
\addvspace\@topsep \addvspace{-\parskip}\fi
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\advance \@countletterlist by -1
\hskip -\parindent
\penalty\z@ \fi
\if@noitemarg\@noitemargfalse \if@nmbrlist\refstepcounter{\@listctr}\fi\fi
\hbox{\unhbox\@labels \hskip \itemindent
\hskip -\labelwidth \hskip -\labelsep 
\ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\labelwidth 
\else \hbox to\labelwidth {\makelabel{#1}}\fi
\hskip \labelsep}\ignorespaces
\def\@outputpage{\begingroup\catcode`\ =10 
\let\-\@dischyph \let\'\@acci \let\`\@accii \let\=\@acciii
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\else \let\@thehead\@evenhead
\let\@thefoot\@evenfoot \let\@themargin\evensidemargin
\vbox{\normalsize \baselineskip\z@ \lineskip\z@
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\vskip \headsep
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\@colht\textheight \@colroom\textheight \vsize\textheight
\columnwidth\textwidth \@clubpenalty\clubpenalty
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\hsize\columnwidth \linewidth\hsize
\if@filesw \immediate\openout\@mainaux=\jobname.aux
\if@makemaillabels \immediate\openout\@mainmlb=\jobname.mlb
\def\do##1{\let ##1\@notprerr}
\if@makemaillabels \immediate\closeout\@mainmlb 
\makeatletter\input \jobname.mlb\clearpage\fi
\if@filesw \immediate\closeout\@mainaux 
\def\global\@namedef##1##2{}\def\newlabel{\@testdef r}%
\def\bibcite{\@testdef b}\@tempswafalse \makeatletter\input \jobname.aux
\if@tempswa \@warning{Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get
cross-references right}\fi\fi\endgroup\deadcycles\z@\@@end}