% \iffalse meta-comment %%% etextools : e-TeX tools for LaTeX Users and package Writers (v.3.1415 - 2009/10/14) % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later % version. The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % This work consists of the main source file etextools.dtx % and the derived files % etextools.sty, etextools.ins, etextools.drv % etextools-examples.tex % etextools.pdf and etextools-examples.pdf % % Unpacking: % (a) If etextools.ins is present: % etex etextools.ins % (b) Without etextools.ins: % etex etextools.dtx % (c) If you insist on using LaTeX % latex \let\install=y\input{etextools.dtx} % (quote the arguments according to the demands of your shell) % % Documentation: % (pdf)latex etextools.dtx % (pdf)latex etextools-examples.tex %<*ignore> \begingroup \def\x{LaTeX2e}% \expandafter\endgroup \ifcase 0\ifx\install y1\fi\expandafter \ifx\csname processbatchFile\endcsname\relax\else1\fi \ifx\fmtname\x\else 1\fi\relax \else\csname fi\endcsname %</ignore> %<*install> \input docstrip.tex \Msg{************************************************************************} \Msg{* Installation *} \Msg{* Package: etextools 2009/10/14 v.3.1415 e-TeX tools for LaTeX Users and package Writers *} \Msg{************************************************************************} \keepsilent \askforoverwritefalse \let\MetaPrefix\relax \preamble This is a generated file. 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\marginpar{\pdfFEbox{-2pt}} \AddtoFE\pdfFEcmdlist\seeimpl@display[+1.5em] % \fi}} % \newcommand\FEI{\@ifstar{\AddtoFE\FEIcmdlist\AddtoFE\FEcmdlist} % {\ifx\macroenvirname\@currenvir \marginpar{\FEIbox{-\the\baselineskip*2-4pt}} % \else \marginpar{\FEIbox{-2pt}} \AddtoFE\FEIcmdlist\AddtoFE\FEcmdlist\seeimpl@display % \fi}} % \newcommand\FEII{\@ifstar{\AddtoFE\FEIIcmdlist\AddtoFE\FEcmdlist} % {\ifx\macroenvirname\@currenvir \marginpar{\FEIIbox{-\the\baselineskip*2-4pt}} % \else \marginpar{\FEIIbox{-2pt}} \AddtoFE\FEIIcmdlist\AddtoFE\FEcmdlist\seeimpl@display % \fi}} % \newcommand\notFE{\@ifstar\relax\seeimpl@display} % \def\macroenvirname{macro}\let\lastcmditem\@empty \let\laststarredcmditem\@empty % ^^A Patching of \cmditem to make automatic cross reference with \FE symbol: % \let\Org@ltd@cmditem\ltd@cmditem % \let\Org@ltd@pdfbookmark\ltd@pdfbookmark % \renewcommand\ltd@pdfbookmark[2]{\begingroup\let\stform\@empty % \protected@edef\ltd@pdfbookmark{\endgroup\noexpand\Org@ltd@pdfbookmark{#1}{#2}}\ltd@pdfbookmark} % \def\@ifchar#1#2{\expandafter\@ifnextchar\string#1{\@firstoftwo{#2}}} % ^^A\let\cmditem\relax % \renewrobustcmd\ltd@cmditem[1][]{\goodbreak % \@ifchar-{\my@cmditem@starred[{#1}]\@gobble} % {\@ifstar{\my@cmditem@starred[{#1}]\@firstofone}{\my@cmditem[{#1}]}}} % \newcommand\my@cmditem@starred[3][]{% % \edef\laststarredcmditem{\ifblank{#1}{#3}{#1}}% % \edef\cmditem@end@hook{\cmditem@labelize{\ifblank{#1}{#3}{#1}}}% % #2{\refstepcounter{command} % \expandafter\addcommand\expandafter{\laststarredcmditem}{}{#3}}% % \Org@ltd@cmditem{#3}}^^A Make bookmark anyway (no star form) % \newrobustcmd\my@cmditem[1][]{\@ifchar+% % {\@ifchar @{\my@cmd@item[{#1}]{\spot}\@gobble}{\my@cmd@item[{#1}]{\spot}\@firstofone}} % {\@ifchar @{\my@cmd@item[{#1}]\@firstofone\@gobble}{\my@cmd@item[{#1}]\@firstofone\@firstofone}}} % \newrobustcmd\my@cmd@item[4][]{% % \let\lastcmditem\@empty\let\laststarredcmditem\@empty % \edef\lastcmditem{\ifblank{#1}{#4}{#1}}% % \def\cmditem@end@hook{\cmditem@labelize@display{\avoidvoid[\laststarredcmditem]\lastcmditem}} % \refstepcounter{command} % \expandafter\addcommand\expandafter{\lastcmditem}{#2}{#4}% % #3{\Org@ltd@cmditem{#4}}} % \newrobustcmd\addcommand[3]{% % \addcontentsline{cmd}{command}{\protect\numberline{\cftcommandnum{#1}{#2\arabic{command}}}\cftcommandfont#2{\protect\textbackslash#3}}} % \newrobustcmd\cftcommandnum[2]{\ifinlist{#1}\listofFEcommands \FEtiny{}\cftcommandfont \mdseries\sffamily\scriptsize\hfill #2\kern.4em} % \AtEndDocument{\immediate\write\@mainaux{% % \begingroup\catcode124 3\relax\gdef\noexpand\listofFEcommands{\detokenize\expandafter{\FEcmdlist}}\endgroup}} % \unless\ifdefined\listofFEcommands\let\listofFEcommands\@empty\fi % \newrobustcmd\seeimpl@display[1][]{\seeimpl[{#1}]{\avoidvoid[\laststarredcmditem]\lastcmditem}}% % \newrobustcmd\cmditem@labelize@display[1]{\cmdlabel{#1}\hfill\par} % \newrobustcmd\cmditem@labelize[1]{\cmdlabel{#1}\hfill\par} % ^^A At the end of the ltxdockit scanner for \cmditem, the labelize-macro must be expanded: % \apptocmd\ltd@parseargs@end{\cmditem@end@hook}{}{} % ^^A Now Macro envir may use the labels: % \def\@Macro#1{\begin{macro}{#1}} % \newenvironment{Macro}[2][]{% % \expandafter\@Macro\expandafter{\@backslashchar#2} \cmdlabel{impl:#2}% % \ifblank{#1}{\Check@FEList{#2}\cmdlabel{impl:#2}}% % {\Check@FEList{#1}\cmdlabel{impl:#1}}} % {\end{macro}} % \def\Check@FEList#1{% % \ifinlist{#1}\FEIcmdlist \FEI % {\ifinlist{#1}\FEIIcmdlist \FEII % {\ifinlist{#1}\FEcmdlist \FE % {\ifinlist{#1}\pdfFEcmdlist \pdfFE{}}}} % \everypar\expandafter{\the\everypar\seedesc{#1}\everypar{}}} % % \newenvironment{Macro*}[2][]{% % \expandafter\@Macro\expandafter{\@backslashchar#2}% % \ifblank{#1}{\cmdlabel{impl:#2}}{\cmdlabel{impl:#1}}} % {\end{macro}} % \newlistof{command}{cmd}{\listcommandname}\let\listcommandname\@empty % \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{VerbLines}{Verbatim}{gobble=1,frame=lines,framesep=6pt,fontfamily=txtt,fontseries=b} % \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Verb}{Verbatim}{gobble=1} % \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{VerbZ}{Verbatim}{gobble=1} % \cftbeforepartskip=6pt % \cftsubsecnumwidth=1.5em % \renewcommand\cftsubsecpresnum{\hbox to.5em\bgroup\hss} % \renewcommand\cftsubsecaftersnum{\egroup\hbox to1em{\hss\tinybullet\hss}} % \renewcommand\cftsubsecpagefont{\scriptsize} % \renewrobustcmd\cftsubsecleader{\kern.4em\mydotleader[1pt]\z@\hfill} % \cftbeforesubsecskip=-.7pt^^Aplus.01fil % \cftbeforesecskip=3pt^^Aplus.01fil % \cftsecnumwidth=1.5em % \renewrobustcmd\cftsecfont{\usekomafont{section}\large\bfseries\red} % \renewcommand\cftpartfont{\usekomafont{section}\large\bfseries} % \renewcommand\cftsecpresnum{\cftsecfont\hbox to.5em\bgroup\hss} % \renewcommand\cftsecaftersnum{\egroup\raise.2ex\hbox to1em{\hss\scriptsize\Forward\hss}} % \cftcommandnumwidth=1.5em % \let\cftcommandleader\cftsubsecleader % \renewcommand\thecommand{\arabic{command}} % \renewrobustcmd\cftcommandfont{\large\sfbf\db} % \newlength\thesecwidth\thesecwidth=2.2cm % \titleformat\section[hang]{\LARGE\bfseries} % {\llap{\hbox to\thesecwidth{\hfil\arabic{section}\hfil\kern.4em{\spot\Forward}\kern.4em\hfil}}}\z@{} % \titlespacing\section\z@{6pt plus4pt minus2pt}{3pt plus2pt minus1pt} % \newcommand\sectionbreak{\penalty-3000} % \newrobustcmd\normalsubsecformat{% % \titleformat\subsection[hang]{\Large\bfseries} % {\llap{\hbox to\thesecwidth{\arabic{section}\textbullet\arabic{subsection}\hfil{\fecc\manerrarrow}\hfil}}}\z@{}% % \titlespacing\subsection\z@{6pt plus4pt minus2pt}{3pt plus2pt minus1pt}% % \renewcommand\sectionmark[1]{\addcontentsline{cmd}{section}{\protect\numberline{\arabic{section}}##1}}}% % \newrobustcmd\implementationsubsecformat{% % \titleformat\subsection[hang]{\Large\bfseries} % {\llap{\hbox to\thesecwidth{I\textbullet\arabic{subsection}\hfil{\fecc\manerrarrow}\hfil}}}\z@{}% % \titlespacing\subsection\z@{6pt plus4pt minus2pt}{3pt plus2pt minus1pt}% % \titleformat\subsubsection[hang]{\large\bfseries} % {\llap{\hbox to\thesecwidth{I\textbullet\arabic{subsection}\textbullet\arabic{subsubsection}\hfil{\fecc--}\hfil}}}\z@{}% % }% % ^^A\renewcommand\sectionmark[1]{\addcontentsline{cmd}{section}{\protect\numberline{I.\arabic{subsection}}##1}}} % \newrobustcmd\firstsubsecformat{% % \titleformat\subsection[hang]{\large\bfseries} % {\llap{\hbox to\thesecwidth{\hss\arabic{subsection}\hfil{\fecc\manerrarrow}\hfil}}}\z@{} % \titlespacing\subsection\z@{5pt plus2pt minus2pt}{3pt plus2pt minus1pt}% % \let\sectionmark\@gobble % }\firstsubsecformat % \newcommand\subsectionbreak{\penalty-500} % \newcommand\Section{\@ifstar{\section*}{\@ifchar.{\@dblarg{\@Section.}}{\@dblarg{\@Section{}}}}} % \long\def\@Section#1[#2]#3{% % \ifblank{#1}{}{\let\WriteBookmarks\relax}% % \section[{\texorpdfstring{\protect\cftsecfont}{}#2}]{#3}% % \ifblank{#1}{}{\let\WriteBookmarks\@empty\numdef\Hy@currentbookmarklevel{\Hy@currentbookmarklevel-1}}} % \newcommand\Subsection{\@ifstar{\subsection*}{\@ifchar.{\@dblarg{\@Subsection.}}{\@dblarg{\@Subsection{}}}}} % \long\def\@Subsection#1[#2]#3{% % \ifblank{#1}{}{\let\WriteBookmarks\relax}% % \subsection[{#2}]{#3}% % \ifblank{#1}{}{\let\WriteBookmarks\@empty\numdef\Hy@currentbookmarklevel{\Hy@currentbookmarklevel-1}}} % \newsavebox\helpbox \newsavebox\helpboxx % \newcommand\hpbox{\copy\helpbox} \newcommand\hpboxx{\copy\helpboxx} % \lastlinefit999 \parindent\z@ \topsep\z@ \partopsep\z@ \parskip.3\baselineskip % \fontfamily{ua1}\selectfont \pagestyle{corpus} % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % \makeatother % % ^^A TITLE PAGE + TABLE OF CONTENTS % \begingroup \movepage{2cm}\voffset-1.5\baselineskip \skip\footins=-1.5cm % \tocloftpagestyle{toc} % \pretocmd\pagenumberdisplay{\vspace*{1cm}}{}{} \enlargethispage{1.5cm} % \definecolor{reflink}{gray}{0}\makeatletter % \newrobustcmd\corner[2][\spot\umranda]{\hbox{#1\rlap{\char'115}\char'#2}} % \setbox\helpbox\vbox to\z@{\lineskip-1.3pt\baselineskip\lineskip % \parshape 9 -1.5ex \z@ -3ex \z@ -4.3ex \z@ -5ex \z@ -5.6ex \z@ -5ex \z@ -4.3ex \z@ -3ex \z@ -1.5ex \z@\relax % \noindent\rlap{\Large\leftmoon\corner[\spot\umrandasmall]{17}}\strut\linebreak % \rlap{\Large\leftmoon}\strut\linebreak % \rlap{\Large\leftmoon}\strut\linebreak % \rlap{\Large\leftmoon}\strut\linebreak % \rlap{\Large\leftmoon}\strut\linebreak % \rlap{\Large\leftmoon}\strut\linebreak % \rlap{\Large\leftmoon}\strut\linebreak % \rlap{\Large\leftmoon}\strut\linebreak % \rlap{\Large\leftmoon\corner[\spot\umrandasmall]{21}}\vss} % \newsavebox\myb \setbox\myb\vtop to\z@{\hbox{\rlap{\lower1.9ex\hbox{\spot\umranda\char'111}}\lower17.2ex\hbox{\lower1.9ex\hbox{\spot\umranda\char'111}}}\vss} % \setbox\helpboxx\vbox{\hbox to\z@{\hbox to\hsize{\hfil\copy\helpbox\cleaders\copy\myb\hskip14cm\reflectbox{\copy\helpbox}\hfil}\hss}\printtitlepage} % \box\helpboxx % ^^A\printtitlepage % \AddBookMark{attr{/F 2}goto page 1{/FitH}{etextools}} % % \begingroup\makeatletter\parfillskip\z@ % ^^A\cftsetpnumwidth{0pt} % \renewcommand\cfttoctitlefont{\mydotleader{.5ex}\hfill\kern.5em\Large\bfseries} % \renewcommand\cftaftertoctitle{\kern.5em\mydotleader{.5ex}\hfill\kern\z@\par\vskip-12pt} % \renewcommand\cftpartleader{\kern.4em\mydotleader{.4ex}\hfill\hbox to\z@{\mydotleader{.4ex}\hskip\@pnumwidth\kern\z@\hss}} % \cftbeforesubsecskip=-.7ptplus.01fil % \cftbeforesecskip=2ptplus.01fil % \definecolor{reflink}{rgb}{0.37,0.00,0.37} % ^^A\immediate\write18{copy \jobname.tocc \jobname.toc} % \vskip-2pt\tableofcontents % \vskip-2\parskip\leavevmode\mydotleader{0pt}\hfill\kern0pt\par\vskip-\parskip % \endgroup ^^A\the\pagetotal % % \vskip-6pt\begin{shaded}\parindent0pt\noindent\normalsize\topsep=-\parskip\itemsep=-\parskip % \let\reflink\reflinkabstract % % {\bfseries\catcode`\ \active\let =\,\hfil\NibSolidRight��\raise3pt\hbox{ A b s t r a c t }��\NibSolidLeft\hfil}\par % % The \thispackage package is based on the \xpackage{etex} and \xpackage{etoolbox} % packages and defines a lot of macros for \LaTeX\ Users or package Writers. % Before using this package, it is highly recommended to read the % documentation (of this package and...) of the \xpackage{etoolbox} package. % % This package requires the \xpackage{etex} package from David Carlisle % and the \xpackage{etoolbox} package from Philipp Lehman. % They are available on CTAN under the \sty{/latex/contrib/} directory \footnotemark. % % \underline{\bfseries The main contributions of \thispackage are :}\hfill\smex\hyperref{}{Part}{ListOfCommands}{\blue see the complete list} % \begin{itemize} % \item \cmdref{expandnext}: a vectorized form of \csbf{expandafter} and \cmdref{ExpandNext} that works like % \cs{expandnext} but expands infinitely (with \cmdref{expandaftercmds} and \cmdref{ExpandAftercmds}) % \item a \hyperref{}{cmdlabel}{DeclareStringFilter}{\underline{\vb\reflink String-Filter constructor}} % to compare strings in a purely expandable way and many other macros on strings among them \cmdref{ifstrnum} % \item \cmdref{futuredef}: a macro (and vectorized) version of \CSbf{futurelet}. % \item the ability to define fully expandable macros with optional parameters or star form (with a small restriction) % -- \cmdref{FE@testopt}, \cmdref{FE@ifstar}, \cmdref{FE@ifchar} and \cmdref{FE@modifiers} % \item a Command-List Parser constructor that uses those new features: command-list parsers are fully expandable: % \cmdref{csvloop}, \cmdref{listloop}, \cmdref{toksloop}, \cmdref{naturalloop} and more... % \end{itemize} % \end{shaded} % \footnotetext{This documentation is produced with the \xpackage{ltxdockit} % classe and package by Philipp Lehman using the |DocStrip| utility. % \begin{tabbing} % \qquad\=\smex\=To get the documentation, \= run (twice):\quad\= \sty{pdflatex etextools.dtx} \\ % \>\smex\>To get the package, \> run:\> \sty{etex etextools.dtx} % \end{tabbing} % The .dtx file is embeded in this pdf thank to \xpackage{embedfile} by H. Oberdiek.\vskip0ptplus1filll} % % ^^A END OF FIRST PAGE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \clearpage % \endgroup % ^^A\stop % \begingroup \movepage{1cm} % \Section*{Introduction} % \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\hskip\cftsecnumwidth\texorpdfstring\dr{} Introduction} % \renewcommand\thesubsection{\arabic{subsection}}^^A for toc % % \Subsection{Motivation} % % The first motivation for this package was to define a powerful list-parser macro that enhance the one % provided by \xpackage{etoolbox}. Loops are a basic in programming, and the need for them comes sooner or % later when using \LaTeX. % % As a result, a lot of ``derived'' macro have been build, their definition and name carefully chosen... % For exemple, removing an element in a list is the same as removing a substring in a string, and then % quite the same as testing if two strings are equal... % % Finally, \thispackage provides a lot a tools to make definitions of new commands more flexible (modifiers...) % maintain list for special purpose (like the lists of purely expandable macros in this very pdf document), % to get rid of catcode considerations when dealing with characters (the \emph{character-test}): the list of (nearly all) % commands defined by \thispackage lies on next page... % % \Subsection{Purely Expandable macros} % % A \textbf{purely expandable command} is a command whose expected result can be obtained in an |\edef|. % They can also be placed inside |\csname|...|\endcsname|, and are totally expanded after % |\if|, |\ifnum|, |\ifcase|, |\ifcat|, |\number|, |\romannumeral|. % % The\FE fully expandable (or purely expandable) commands defined in \thispackage % can be easily spotted with the special marker displayed here in the margin for information. % % A purely expandable macro may require one, two or many more \textbf{levels of expansion} in order % to reach its goal. Such macros that expands to the expected result at once\FEI are marked with the % special sign displayed here in the \textsf{marginpar}. And such macros that requires only two levels % of expansions are marked with the special sign displayed here\FEII in the \textsf{marginpar}. % % \hfil\begin{tabular}{|>{\rred}c|l|}\hline % \thead{levels} & \thead{sequence to get the result} \\ \hline % $\mathbf1$ & \cs[\red]{expandnext}|{\def\result}{|\cs[\copper]{FEmacro}\mprm{arguments}|}| \\ \hdashline[1pt/1pt] % $\mathbf2$ & \cs[\red]{expandnext}\cs[\red]{expandnext}|{\def\result}{|\cs[\copper]{FEmacro}\mprm{arguments}|}| \\ \hdashline[1pt/1pt] % more & \cs[\red]{ExpandNext}|{\def\result}{|\cs[\copper]{FEmacro}\mprm{arguments}|}| \footnotemark \\ \hline % \end{tabular}\hfil % \footnotetext{\cs{ExpandNext} is not alway enough: \cs{csvloop} for exemple requires \cs{edef} (or \cs{csname}...) to be completely expanded.}. % % A few\pdfFE macros are only expandable if the |\pdfstrcmp| (or |\strcmp|) primitives are available % ^^A(this is notably the case of \cmdref{getlistindex}). % Those macros are marked with the special marker displayed here in the margin for information. % % \Subsection{The example file} % % The \hyperref{file:etextools-examples}{ettlex}{toc}{example file} provided with \thispackage\ illustrates the macros defined here. % % \Subsection{Requirements} % % This package requires the packages \Xpackage[etex-pkg]{etex} by David Carlisle and % \Xpackage{etoolbox} by Philipp Lehman. The \cmdref{aftergroup@def} macro uses the feature provided % by \Xpackage[oberdiek/letltxmacro]{letltxmacro} by Heiko Oberdiek. % % \Subsection{Acknowledgements -- Thank You !} % % Thanks to Philipp Lehman for the \xpackage{etoolbox} package (and also for this nice class of documentation). % Much of my work on lists are based on his work and package. % % \Subsection{A note for package writers} % % If you are interested in writing your own purely expandable macros (using the features of \thispackage...) % it's important to know well the basics: you must understand the job of \cmdref[impl:ettl@nbk]{ettl@nbk} and \cs{romannumeral}, % and take a lot of care of malicious spaces. % \vfill % {\hfill\spot\usefont{T1}{txss}{b}{n}\LARGE\raise1.5ex\hbox{\scalebox{1}[-1]\Lightning}\kern14pt Happy \eTeX ing\kern12pt\raise1.5ex\hbox{\scalebox{-1}[-1]\Lightning}\hfill} % \vfill\clearpage % \endgroup \normalsubsecformat % % \begingroup\makeatletter \movepage[-2cm]{2.5cm}% % ^^A\immediate\write18{copy \jobname.ccmd \jobname.cmd} % \def\@begincmdhook{\multicolsep\z@\let\normalcolor\spot\columnseprule.4pt\columnsep=1.5cm\begin{multicols}{2}} % \def\@endcmdhook{\AfterGroup{\enlargethispage{2\baselineskip}\mydotleader{-1ex}\hfill\kern\z@}\end{multicols}} % \cftsecindent=\glueexpr-\wd\FEtiny@box-.35em % \renewrobustcmd\cftsecfont{\sfbf\large\black} % \renewcommand\cftcmdtitlefont{\leavevmode\mydotleader{.4ex}\hfill\kern.5em\LARGE\bfseries} % \renewcommand\cftaftercmdtitle{\kern.5em\mydotleader{.4ex}\hfill} % \renewcommand\listcommandname{\makecellbox[bc]{\thispackage\\[-1ex]List of Commands Provided}} % \cftaftercmdtitleskip=6pt % \cftbeforesecskip=2pt plus.1fil % \cftbeforecommandskip=2pt plus.1fil % \tocloftpagestyle{empty}\catcode`\+ 12 \catcode`\! 12 % \pdfdest name{ListOfCommands} xyz\hyperdef{Part}{ListOfCommands}{} % \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{part}{\protect\colorbox[rgb]{1.00,1.00,0.79}{\protect\hyperref{}{Part}{ListOfCommands}{\blue List of commands}}}{}{}} % \vspace*{-18mm}\listofcommand % \AddBookMark{attr{/F 2/C[0 0 1]}goto name{ListOfCommands}{List of commands}} % \clearpage % \endgroup % ^^A\stop % % \part*{{\spot\blacksmiley}\hfill All User Commands\hfill{\spot\blacksmiley}} % % \hypersetup{bookmarksopenlevel=1} % \Section{General Helper Macros} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem{@gobblespace}{ code } % % This macro\FEI first gobbles the next space token and then expands the \prm{code}. % Truly, a ``space token'' means any character of category $10$. % % \cmditem{@gobblescape} % % Just gobble\FEII the first character on the result of \cmd{string} (escape character). % % {\rmk \cs{@gobblescape} is used in the definition of \cmdref{DeclareStringFilter}, \cmdref{DeclareCmdListParser} and % for the general constructor to remove elements from lists (\cs{listdel} etc.): \cmdref*{ettl@RemoveInList}.} % % \cmditem[@swap]+@{@swap\tsptb @swaparg\tsptb @swaplast} % \cmditem-{@swap}{ token1 }{ token2 } % % Just\FEI reverse the order of the two tokens:\hfill \cs[\red]{@swap}\#1\#2| |\smex\#2\#1. % % \CSbf{@swap} does not add any curly braces (be aware that it does not remove them, however). % % \csbf{@swap} is so simple that it requires a special attention: \cs{@swap} is powerful...�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!red\@swap){ }\meaning !smex blank space % \expandafter(!red\@swap)\expandafter{!PRM[!copper](codeA)}{!PRM[!copper](codeB)} % !nnn will expand !PRM[!copper](codeA) once and the put !PRM[!copper](codeB) just before % \end{VerbLines} % % {\rmk \cs{@swap} is used in the definitions of \cmdref{expandaftercmds} and \cmdref{protectspace}.} % % \cmditem-{@swaparg}{ code }{ command } % % Just\FEI make \prm{code} the first argument of \prm{command}:\hfill \cs[\red]{@swaparg}\#1\#2| |\smex\#2|{|\#1|}|. % % {\rmk \cmd{@swaparg} is used in the definition of \cmdref{expandnext}}. % % \cmditem-{@swaplast}{ token1 }{ token2 }{ token3 } % % \CSbf{@swaplast}\FEI swaps \prm{token2} and \prm{token3} but \prm{token1} remains in first position:� % \hfill \cs[\red]{@swaplast}\#1\#2\#3| |\smex| |\#1\#3\#2 % % {\rmk \cs{@swaplast} is used in the definition of the command-list-parser defined with \cmdref{DeclareCmdListParser}.} % % \cmditem{@swaptwo}{ token1 }{ token2 } % % Just\FEI reverse the order of the \textbfsf{arguments:}\hfill \cs[\red]{@swaptwo}\#1\#2| |\smex|{|\#2|}{|\#1|}|. % % \CSbf{@swaptwo} keeps the curly braces around its arguments (be aware that it does not add them, however). % % {\rmk \cmd{@swaptwo} is used in the definition of \cmdref{gettokslistindex} and \cmdref{getcharlistindex}.} % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \Section{Expansion control} % % We often want a control sequence to be expanded after its first argument. It is normally the job % of \cs{expandafter}. With many \cs{expandafter}s it is always possible to expand once, twice, thrice % or more, the \textbfsf{very first token that occurs after the begin-group character} delimiting the argument. % % \cmdref{expandnext} simplifies the syntax (without making the execution process too heavy). % % Now it is also possible to expand the \textsfsl{very first} token \textsfbf{infinitely}: % this is the aim of \cmdref{ExpandNext}. % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % \ClearPage* % \cmditem+{expandaftercmds}{ code }{ control sequences } % % \csbf{expandafter}\FE is sometimes limited because it affects only the very next token. % \csbf{expandaftercmds} works just like the \csbf{expandafter} primitive but may be followed by % arbitrary \prm{code}, not only a single token. % % A typical example is the following code, which detokenizes the character \CH{\#{}}:� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!red\expandaftercmds{)\expandafter\@gobble\string(!red}){\csname !#\endcsname} % \end{VerbLines} % without duplication (|\detokenize{|\#{}|}| leads to \CH{\#{}\#{}} if catcode of \#{} is $6$) % % {\rmk \cs{expandaftercmds} is used in the definition of \cs{ettl@Remove} and then in % \cmdref{listdel}, and the string-comparators declared with \cmdref{DeclareStringFilter}}. % % \cmditem+{expandnext}{ code }{ control sequences } % % \CSbf{expandnext}\FE is quite the same as \CSbf{expandaftercmds} except that the \prm{control sequences} % are the \textbfsf{argument of} \prmb{code}, \ie they are enclosed with curly braces after expansion. % % Suppose you want to test if the replacement text of a macro is blank (only spaces). You will say:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!blue\expandafter)(!copper\ifblank)(!blue\expandafter) {\foo}{!prm(true part)}{!prm(false part)} % !normalfont(With !cs(expandnext) you'll just have to say:) % (!red\expandnext)(!copper\ifblank){\foo}{!prm(true part)}{!prm(false part)} % \end{VerbLines} % % % \textbfsf{\prmb{code} may be arbitrarily \TeX{} code, unlike \CSbf{expandafter},} you may say:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!red\expandnext{)(!copper\def\test)(!red}){\csname name\endcsname} !hfil!nsl and it is exactly: % !mdseries\edef\test{\expandafter\noexpand\csname name\endcsname} % !nsl and also exactly: % !mdseries!small \expandafter\def\expandafter\test\expandafter{\csname name\endcsname} % (!mdseries!normalfont!itshape Genauer gesagt:) \meaning\test = macro:->\name % \end{VerbLines} % % \csbf{expandnext} can be used for macros with optional arguments:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % ($red expandnext{)($copper\Macro[option])($red}){$prm(argument)} %\end{VerbLines} % % \csbf{expandnext} can be used to test if a purely expandable macro is expandable at once. % (If it is not, the \cmdref{ExpandNext} macro can be used intead.) % % Now \csbf{expandnext} behaves like \cs{expandafter} and is cumulative: if you need two levels % of expansions you may say:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!red\expandnext\expandnext)(!copper{\def\test}){\csname name\endcsname} % !normalfont and it is exactly: % !mdseries!small\edef\test{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\noexpand\csname name\endcsname} % !normalfont and also exactly: % !mdfs\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\test % !mdfs \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname name\endcsname} % (!mdseries!normalfont!emph(Genauer gesagt:)) \meaning\test = macro:-> !prmb(the meaning of !csbf(name)) % \end{VerbLines} % \cs{expandnext} is an \cs{expandafter} saver ! % % {\rmk % Now observe the following game : % \begin{tabbing} % \qquad\= |\def\foo{foo}| \qquad \= \smex \qquad \= |\def\Foo{\foo}| \quad \= \eol \\ % \> |\def\\FOo{\Foo}| \> \smex \> |\def\FOO{\FOo}| \> \eol \\ % \> |\def\fool{\FOO}| % \end{tabbing} % Guess how many \cmd{expandafter} are needed to test ``|\ifblank{foo}|'' directly from |\fool| ??? % % |\expandnext| solves this problem : |\fool| has 5 degrees of expansion until it expands to ``foo'', therefore exactly 5 % |\expandnext| are required. The solution is:� % \qquad |\expandnext\expandnext\expandnext\expandnext\expandnext\ifblank{\fool}|} % % \cmditem{expandnexttwo}{ code }{ control sequences }{ control sequences } % % \csbf{expandnexttwo}\FE will act as \cs{expandnext} on two arguments: % % \qquad\cs{expandnexttwo}:\enspace\#1\#2\#3$\longrightarrow$ % \cs{expandnext} {\textbf\{}\cs{expandnext}\{\#1\}\Underbrace{\{\#2\}}_{\scriptsize\makecellbox[c]{expanded\\\bfseries once after}}\textbf\}\Underbrace{\{\#3\}}_{\scriptsize\makecellbox[c]{expanded\\\bfseries once first}} % % You may easily define \cs{expandnextthree} the same way, if you need it... % % {\rmk \cs{expandnexttwo} is used in \cmdref{iffirstchar}.} % % \cmditem{ExpandAftercmds}{ code }{ control sequences } % % \csbf{ExpandAftercmds}\FE acts like the primitive \cs{expandafter} but:\enlargethispage{\baselineskip} % \begin{enumerate}[label=--~] % \item the \textslsf{very first} token in \prmb{control sequences} is \textbfsf{totally expanded} % \item \prmb{code} may be arbitrarily code (not necessarily a single token) % \end{enumerate} % % \ClearPage % \cmditem+{ExpandNext}{ code }{ control sequences } % % More\FE on expansion! Suppose you have a string say "12345"\ and you wish to reverse the order of % the letters (here, the \textit{figures}). To do that we need a macro that swaps two elements, and then % group them in order to swap with the next in a loop: the idea is to do: % \quad |12345|\smex swap |{21}345| \smex swap |{321}45| \smex swap |{4321}5|. % % \thispackage provides a tool to loop against natural integers from $1$ to $n$. \cmdref{naturalloop} % is purely expandable and we get the result with:� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!(),fontseries=m] % \def\swap!#1!#2{{!#2!#1}} % \def\do[!#1]!#2!#3{\swap !#3} % (!bfseries\edef\result{\naturalloop[\do]{4}{12345}} !smex macro:->54321) % (!bfseries(!red\ExpandNext{)(!copper\def\RESULT)(!red }){\naturalloop{4}{12345}}!smex:->54321) % \end{VerbLines} % % \textbfsf{\CSbf{ExpandNext} has expanded the second argument totally without the use of \CSbf{edef}!} % % In fact, it is possible because \CSbf{naturalloop} is defined in terms of \CSbf{ExpandNext}. % % {\rmk \cs{ExpandNext} is used in the definition of \cmdref{naturalloop} and \cmdref{DeclareStringFilter}.} % % \cmditem+{ExpandNextTwo}{ code }{ arg1 }{ arg2 } % % \cs{ExpandNextTwo}\FE will act like \cs{ExpandNext} on two arguments: % % \qquad\cs{ExpandNextTwo}:\enspace\#1\#2\#3$\longrightarrow$ % \cs{ExpandNext} {\textbf\{}\cs{ExpandNext}\{\#1\}\Underbrace{\{\#2\}}_{\scriptsize\makecellbox[c]{totally\\expanded\\\bfseries after}}\textbf\}\Underbrace{\{\#3\}}_{\scriptsize\makecellbox[c]{totally\\expanded\\\bfseries first}} % % You may easily define \cs{ExpandNextThree} the same way, if you need it... % % {\rmk \cs{ExpandNextTwo} is used in the final step of \cmdref{gettokslistindex} and \cmdref{getcharlistindex}.} % % % \cmditem{noexpandcs}{ csname } % % In an \FEI expansion context (|\edef|) we often want a control sequence whose name results % from the expansion of some macros and/or other tokens to be created, but not expanded at that point. % Roughly:� % \qquad |\edef{\noexpandcs{<balanced text to be expanded as a cs-name>}}|� % will expand to: |\"cs-name"| but this (new) control sequence itself will not be expanded. % A typical use is shown in the following code:� % \smex |\edef\abc{\noexpandcs{abc@\@gobblescape\controlword}}|� % \smex if equivalent to:\quad|\def\abc{\abc@controlword}|. % % {\hint|\noexpandcs| may be abbreviated f.ex. in |\"#1"| in |\edef| that take place in a group. } % % \cmditem{noexpandafter} % % |\noexpandafter|\FEI only means |\noexpand\expandafter| and is shorter to type. % % {\rmk This command is used in the definition of \cmdref{DeclareCmdListParser}.} % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \ClearPage* % \Section[Meaning of control sequences]{Meaning of control sequences -- determining their type.} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem+{thefontname} % % \csbf{thefontname} will display (in Computer Modern font at 10 points) the name of the current font selected. % Something like:� % \qquad|select font musix11 at 10.0pt| % % \cmditem{showcs}{ csname } % % \cs{showcs} does \cs{show} on the named control sequence. % % \cmditem{meaningcs}{ csname } % % \cs{meaningcs}\FEII gives the \cs{meaning} of the named control sequence. However, if the control sequence is % not defined, \cs{meaningcs} expands to |\meaning\@undefined| (\ie the word \CH{undefined}) rather than the expected |\relax|. % % \cmditem{strip@meaning}{ cs-token } % \cmditem*{strip@meaningcs}{ csname } \FEII* % % \csbf{strip@meaning}\FEII gives the \cs{meaning} of the \prm{cs-token}: % \begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*)~] % \item without the prefix `\,|macro:|\#1\#2...|->|)\,` � if \prm{cs-token} is a macro % \item integrally if \prm{cs-token} is defined and is not a macro % \item expands to an empty string if \prm{cs-token} is undefined. % \end{enumerate} % % \cs{strip@meaningcs} does the same for named control sequences. % % \cmditem{parameters@meaning}{ cs-token } % \cmditem*{parameters@meaningcs}{ csname } \FEII* % % \csbf{parameters@meaning}\FEII expands to the part of the \cs{meaning} which corresponds % to the \textitbf{parameter string}. If a macro has no parameter, then it expands to an empty string. % If the \prm{cs-token} or the \prm{csname} given is not a macro, it also expands to an empty string. % % \newcommand*\mycell{\small\makecell[c]} \newcommand*\macpf{\vb macro:} \let\theadfont=\nbf % \hskip-1.5em\begin{tabular}{|>{\vb\cs{}}l|c|c|c|}\hline % \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbfbf{to summarize}} \\ \hline % \omit&\omit&\omit&\omit \\[.3ex] \cline{2-4} % \multicolumn{1}{l|}{} & \thead{macro} & \thead{not macro} & \thead{undefined} \\ \hline % meaning & \mycell{the meaning \\ \eg \macpf[\#1]\#2->\#1\#2} & \mycell{the meaning \\ \eg \cs{count21}} & \vb undefined \\ % meaningcs & \mycell{the meaning \\ \eg \macpf[\#1]\#2->\#1\#2} & \mycell{the meaning \\ \eg \cs{count21}} & \vb undefined \\\hdashline[1pt/1pt] % strip@meaning & \mycell{the replacement text \\ \eg \#1\#2} & \mycell{the meaning \\ \eg\cs{count21}} & an empty string \\ % strip@meaningcs & \mycell{the replacement text \\ \eg \#1\#2} & \mycell{the meaning \\ \eg\cs{count21}} & an empty string \\\hdashline[1pt/1pt] % parameters@meaning & \mycell{the parameter string \\ \eg[\#1]\#2} & an empty string & an empty string \\ % parameters@meaningcs & \mycell{the parameter string \\ \eg[\#1]\#2} & an empty string & an empty string \\ \hline % \end{tabular} % \medbreak % % \cmditem{ifdefcount}{ single token }{ true }{ false } % \cmditem*{ifdeftoks}{ single token }{ true }{ false } \FEII* % \cmditem[ifdefskip]@{ifdefdimen\tsptb ifdefskip\tsptb ifdefmuskip} % \cmditem-{ifdefdimen} {cs-token }{ true }{ false } \FEII* % \cmditem-{ifdefskip}{ single token }{ true }{ false } \FEII* % \cmditem-{ifdefmuskip}{ single token }{ true }{ false } \FEII* % \cmditem[ifdefchar]@{ifdefchar\tsptb ifdefmathchar} % \cmditem-{ifdefchar}{ single token }{ true }{ false } \FEII* % \cmditem-{ifdefmathchar}{ single token }{ true }{ false } \FEII* % % \xpackage{etoolbox}\FEII provides \cs{ifdefmaco} to test if a given control sequence is defined as a macro. % \thispackage provides tests for other types of tokens. % % Test is made by a filter on the meaning of the \prm{single token} given as argument. The test is always false % if this \prm{single token} is an undefined control sequence. % \iffalse % \cs{ifdefblankspace} will expand \prm{true} if the \prm{single token} is a blank space.� % \cs{ifdefthechar} will expand \prm{true} is the \prm{single token} has a meaning of the form: |the character|\stform[\blue]\textellipsis� % \cs{ifdeftheletter} will expand \prm{true} is the \prm{single token} has a meaning of the form: |the letter|\stform[\blue]\textellipsis� % % {\rmk \cs{ifdefcount} is used -- indirectly -- in the definition of \cmdref{getlistindex} and the other macros % for getting indexes: \cmdref{getcsvlistindex} etc.} % \fi % \ClearPage % % \cmditem[avoidvoid]+@{avoidvoid \tsptb avoidvoidcs} % \cmditem-{avoidvoid} [ replacement code ]{ cs-token / string } \FEII* % \cmditem-{avoidvoid\stform*}[ replacement code ]{ cs-token / string } \FEII* % % \csbf{avoidvoid}\FEII will test the \prm{cs-token} with \cs{ifdefvoid} (from \xpackage{etoolbox}). In case % \prm{cs-token} is void (that means: it is either undefined or has been |\let| to |\relax| or it is a parameterless macro % with blank -- \ie empty or space -- replacement string), then \cs{avoidvoid} expands \prm{replacement code} % (optional parameter whose default is an empty string). % % Otherwise, \prm{cs-token} is not void (that means: it is defined, its meaning is not |\relax| AND it is either % a macro with parameters or a parameterless macro with a replacement string which is NOT blank) % then \cs{avoidvoid} expands \prm{cs-token}:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % ($red\avoidvoid) {\@undefined} ($nnn will expand to an empty string) % ($red\avoidvoid) [($copper\macro)]\relax ($nnn will expand) ($md$copper\macro) % ($red\avoidvoid) [($copper$!$!$! string is blank)]{$spview} ($nnn will expand$vb$copper string is blank) % ($red\avoidvoid$stform*)[($copper$!$!$! string is empty)]{$spview} ($nnn will expand $spview) % ($red\avoidvoid) [($copper\errmessage{string must not be empty})]{some text} % ($nnn will expand$vb some text) % ($red\avoidvoid) [($copper\errmessage{macro is void$})]\macro % ($nnn will expand ($vb$copper\errmessage{...}) if ($vb\macro) is void) % \protected\def($dg\test){$spview} % \edef($copper\result){($red\avoidvoid$stform*)($dg\test)} % \meaning($copper\result) macro:->($dg\test) ($nnn1-expansion of ($dg\test) not empty) % \edef($copper\result){($red\avoidvoid)[other]($dg\test)} % \meaning($copper\result) macro:->other ($nnn1-expansion of ($dg\test) is blank) % \end{VerbLines} % % \cs{avoidvoid} is based on \cs{ifblank} test, either onto \prm{string} or, if \prm{string} is in fact a % control word (tested with \cmdref{ifiscs}) on the replacement text of this control word\footnote{if it is defined % as a macro. Well: the test occurs on the result of \cmdref{strip@meaning} onto the control-sequence!}. If for your % special purpose, you prefer to test if the \prm{string} (or the replacement text of \prm{cs-token}) is \textbfsf{really empty % and not only blank}, the \stform* star-form of \cs{avoidvoid} is made for you! % % \cs{avoidvoid} is purely expandable and uses \cmdref{FE@ifstar} and \cmdref{FE@testopt}: % if the mandatory argument is a \prm{string} equal to \CH{\stform[\blue]*$__{12}$} or \CH{\stform[\blue][$__{12}$}^^A] % there will be a problem (and most probably an error). Therefore, \textbfsf{when using \csbf{avoidvoid} you are encourage to % specify always an option, even if it is empty.} % % \cmditem-{avoidvoidcs} [ replacement code ]{ csname } \FEII* % \cmditem-{avoidvoidcs\stform*}[ replacement code ]{ csname } \FEII* % % \csbf{avoidvoidcs}\FEII will do the same as the former (\cs{avoidvoid}) but the mandatory argument \prm{csname} % is interpreted as a control sequence name. \enlargethispage\baselineskip % Therefore, \textbfsf{you cannot test a \textvbbf{string} with \csbf{avoidvoidcs}!}�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % ($red\avoidvoidcs){@undefined} ($nnn will expand to an empty string) % ($red\avoidvoidcs)[\deblank]{zap@space} ($nnn will expand to $cs(zap@space)) % \def($dg\test){This is a test} % ($red\avoidvoidcs)[($copper\errmessage{void macro})]{test} % ($nnn will expand) $dg\test % ($red\avoidvoidcs)[($copper\errmessage{void macro})]{($dg\test)} % ($nnn will expand) ($md$copper\errmessage{void macro}) % ($nnn this is because) \csname This is a test\endcsname($nnn is not defined !) % ($nbf Finally, clever !) % \protected\def($dg\test){$spview} % ($red\avoidvoidcs) [other]{test} ($nnn will expand) other ($nnn: $cs(test) is void) % ($red\avoidvoidcs*)[other]{test} ($nnn will expand) ($dg\test) ($nnn: $cs(test) is not $cs(@empty)) % ($red\avoidvoidcs) [other]($dg\test) ($nnn will expand) \ ($nnn: control space, which is not void) % ($red\avoidvoidcs*)[other]($dg\test) ($nnn will expand) \ ($nnn: control space, which is not void) %\end{VerbLines} % % \end{ltxsyntax} % \ClearPage* % % \Section{Single tokens/single characters} % % A single token is either a control word (that means a caracter of category $0$ followed by caracters of category $11$) % or a single character with a valid category code (\ie $\ne 15$ and $\ne 9$). % % % \Subsection{The \cs{ifx} test and the character test} % \cmdlabel{character-test} % % When dealing with single tokens, we need an \emph{equality-test} macro that expands to |\@firstoftwo| in case of % equality and |\@secondoftwo| in case of inequality. % % \thispackage implements two such \textbfsf{\slshape equality-test macros}: % % \begin{enumerate}[label={\blue\arabic*)~}] % \item The \csbf[\blue]{ifx} test: is the standard test for tokens:\\ % \null��\prm{tokenA} is equal to \prm{tokenB} if:�� {\rred\cs{ifx}\PRM[\black]{tokenA}\PRM[\black]{tokenB}}� returns \textbf{true}\\ % {\rmk* The \csbf{ifx} test is implemented in \cmdref*{ettl@ifx}.} % \item The \textbfsf{\blue character test} is a bit more sophisticated and works as follow:� % \begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*)~,labelwidth=1em] % \item if \prm{tokenA} and \prm{tokenB} have the same category code (tested with an unexpandable |\ifcat|):\\ % \prm{tokenA} is equal to \prm{tokenB} if:�� {\rred\cs{ifx}\PRM[\black]{tokenA}\PRM[\black]{tokenB}}� returns \textbf{true} % \item otherwise:\\ % \prm{tokenA} is equal to \prm{tokenB} if:�{\rred\cs{if}\cs{noexpand}\PRM[\black]{tokenB}\cs{string}\PRM[\black]{tokenA}}\\ % \null\hphantom{\prm{tokenA} is equal to \prm{tokenB} if:�� {\rred\cs{ifx}\PRM[\black]{tokenA}\PRM[\black]{tokenB}}�} returns \textbf{true} % \end{enumerate}\vskip-\parskip % {\rmk* The \textbfsf{character test} is implemented in \cmdref*{ettl@ifchar} and its behaviour may be tested with \cmdref{ifsinglechar}.} % \end{enumerate} % % \Subsection.{Basic test macros} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem[ifsingletoken]+@{ifsingletoken\db~\tsptb ifOneToken} % \cmditem-{ifsingletoken}{ single token }{ code }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifsingletoken}\FEII expands to \prm{true} only if \textsfbf{\prmb{code} is a single token and is equal % to \prmb{single token} in the sense of \cs{ifx}.} % % \cs{ifsingletoken} is a \textbfsf{safe \cs{ifx} test}: \prm{code} may be anything (including |\if| conditionals, % even not properly closed):�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % ($red\ifsingletoken){A}{A} $nnn will expand $prmb(true) % ($red\ifsingletoken){\else}{($blue$textvisiblespace)\else}$nnn will expand $prmb(false) % ($red\ifsingletoken){($blue$textvisiblespace)}{($blue$textvisiblespace)} $nnn will expand $prmb(true) % ($red\ifsingletoken){\ifx}{\else D\fi} $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % ($red\ifsingletoken){}$mprm( whatever ) $nnn will expand $prmb(true) only if $prmb(whatever) is empty !! % $md$dg \begingroup\catcode`\: 13\global\def($copper\test){:}\endgroup \catcode`\: 12 % \expandnext($red\ifsingletoken){($copper\test)}{:} $nnn will expand $prmb(false) %$nnn$!$!$!now clever ! % $md$dg\begingroup\catcode`\: 13 \global\let$stform[$blue]:=\fi \gdef($copper\test){($red\ifsingletoken) $stform[$blue]:} % $md$dg\endgroup % ($copper\test)\fi$mprm(true)$mprm(false) $nnn will expand $prmb(true) % \end{VerbLines} % % Be aware that \prm{single token} (the first parameter) must be a single token (or empty, but then the test is always false unless \prm{code} is empty). % % \ClearPage % \cmditem-{ifOneToken}{ code }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifOneToken}\FEII expands to \prm{true} if \textbfsf{\prmb{code} is a single token}. \prm{code} may be % anything (including |\if| conditionals, even not properly closed):�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % ($red\ifOneToken){\relax}{($blue$textvisiblespace)\relax} $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % ($red\ifOneToken){\relax}{\relax($blue$textvisiblespace)} $nnn will expand $prmb(true) % ($red\ifOneToken){A}{A($blue$textvisiblespace)} $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % ($red\ifOneToken){\ifx AB C\else D\fi} $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % ($red\ifOneToken){C\else D\fi} $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % \end{VerbLines} % % {\rmk \cs{ifOneToken} is used in the definition of \cmdref{FE@modifiers}.} % % \ClearPage* % \cmditem[ifsinglechar]+@{ifsinglechar~\db\tsptb ifOneChar} % \cmditem-{ifsinglechar}{ single token }{ string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifsinglechar}\FEII expands to \prm{true} only if \textbfsf{\prmb{string} is a single token and is equal % to \prmb{single token} in the sense of the \cmdref={character-test}.} % % \cs{ifsinglechar} is a \textbfsf{safe \slshape character-test}: \prm{string} may be anything (including |\if| conditionals, % even not properly closed):�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % ($red\ifsinglechar){A}{A} $nnn will expand $prmb(true) % ($red\ifsinglechar){A}{($blue$textvisiblespace)A} $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % ($red\ifsinglechar){($blue$textvisiblespace)}{($blue$textvisiblespace)} $nnn will expand $prmb(true) (no matter the number of spaces) % ($red\ifsinglechar){\ifx}{\ifx\test\relax YES\else NO\fi} $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % ($red\ifsinglechar){}$mprm( whatever )$nnn will expand $prmb(true) only if $prmb(whatever) is empty % ($red\ifsinglechar){\scantokens}{\scantokens} $nnn will expand $prmb(true) % $vbmd$dg\begingroup\catcode`\: 13\global\def($copper\test){:}\endgroup \catcode`\: 12 % \expandnext($red\ifsinglechar){($copper\test)}{:} $nnn will expand $prmb(true) %$nnn$!$!$!now clever! % \catcode`\$stform[$blue]: \active \let$stform[$blue]:=\fi % \def($copper\test){($red\ifsinglechar)$stform[$blue]:} % \let:=\else % ($copper\test):$mprm(true)$mprm(false) $nnn will expand $prmb(true) % ($copper\test)\fi$mprm(true)$mprm(false) $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % ($copper\test)\else$mprm(true)$mprm(false) $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % \end{VerbLines} % % {\rmk \cs{ifsinglechar} is used in the definition of \cmdref{FE@ifchar}.} % % \cmditem-{ifOneChar}{ string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifOneChar} \FEII expands to \prm{true} if \textbfsf{\prmb{string} is a single character}. % % \textbfsf{\prmb{string} is detokenized} before the test (therefore, |\relax| for example does not contain a single \textsfsl{character}):�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$\[\]] % [$red\ifOneChar]{A} $nnn will expand $prmb[true] % [$red\ifOneChar]{[$blue$textvisiblespace]A} $nnn will expand $prmb[false] % [$red\ifOneChar]{A[$blue$textvisiblespace]} $nnn will expand $prmb[false] % [$red\ifOneChar]{[$blue$textvisiblespace]} $nnn will expand $prmb[true] (even if there are many spaces !) % [$red\ifOneChar]{} $nnn will expand $prmb[false] % [$red\ifOneChar]{\relax} $nnn will expand $prmb[false] ($cs[relax] is detokenized) % [$vbmd$dg\let\ZERO=0] % [$red\ifOneChar]{\ZERO} $nnn will expand $prmb[false] ($cs[ZERO] is detokenized) % \end{VerbLines} % % {\rmk \cs{ifOneChar} is used in \cmdref{detokenizeChars} } % % \cmditem-{ifOneCharWithBlanks}{ string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifOneCharWithBlanks}\FEII switches to \prm{true} if and only if \prm{string} contains a single \textsfbf{character} % possibly with blank spaces before and/or after. It's an optimisation of:� % \qquad|\ExpandNext\ifOneChar{\expandnext\deblank{\detokenize{|\prm{string}|}}}| % % If \prm{string} contains \textbfsf{only spaces}, \cs{ifOneCharWithBlanks} expands \prmb{false}. % % \cmditem{iffirstchar}{ string1 }{ string2 }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{iffirstchar}\FEII compares the character codes of the \textbf{first} characters of each \prm{string}. The % comparison is \emph{catcode agnostic} and the macro is fully expandable. Neither \prm{string1} nor \prm{string2} % is expanded before comparison. Example:� % \qquad|\iffirstchar *{*hello*}{begins with a star}{begins with something else}| % % Alternatively, you may use the \cmdref{ifstrmatch} test. % % \qquad|\iffirstchar|\mprm{}\mprm{whatever}�expands\prmb{true} only if \prmb{whatever} is empty. % % \ClearPage* % \cmditem+{ifiscs}{ string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifiscs}\FEII will expand \prmb{true} only \textbfsf{if \prmb{string} is a single control word.} \prm{string} % may be anything, including \cs{if}-conditional, even not properly closed:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!red\ifiscs){\MyMacro} !nnn will expand !prmb(true) % (!red\ifiscs){x} !nnn will expand !prmb(false) !textemdash even if x is active % (!red\ifiscs){\ifx AB C\else D\fi} !nnn will expand !prmb(false) % (!red\ifiscs){(!blue!textvisiblespace)\else} !nnn will expand !prmb(false) % (!red\ifiscs){\else(!blue!textvisiblespace)} !nnn will expand !prmb(true) % (!red\ifiscs){(!blue!textvisiblespace)} !nnn will expand !prmb(false) % (!red\ifiscs){\@sptoken} !nnn will expand !prmb(true) % (!red\ifiscs){} !nnn will expand !prmb(false) % (!dg!md\let\ALPHA=A) % (!red\ifiscs){\ALPHA} !nnn will expand !prmb(true) % \end{VerbLines} % % \cs{ifiscs} is an optimized form of: ``\cs{ifOneToken} AND NOT \cs{ifOneChar}''. % % {\rmk \cs{ifiscs} is used in the definition of the \cmdref=[DeclareCmdListParser]{command-list parsers}.} % % \cmditem{detokenizeChars}{ list of single tokens } % % \csbf{detokenizeChars}\FE will selectively detokenize the tokens in \prm{list of single tokens}. That means: single % characters (tested with \cmdref{ifOneChar}) are detokenized while control sequences are not detokenized:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % \edef(!copper\result){(!red\detokenizeChars){!blue*+=!spview[!black]$@(!dg\relax\else);}} % (!copper\result): !chcat*(12)!chcat+(12)!chcat=(12)!chcat(!spview)(10)!chcat$(12)!chcat@(12)(!dg\relax\else)!chcat;(12) % \end{VerbLines} % % {\rmk \cs{detokenizeChars} is used in the normal form of \cmdref{futuredef}.} % % \cmditem{protectspace}{ code } % % \csbf{protectspace}\FEII will protect the spaces in \prm{code}, replacing spaces by a space surrounded by braces:�� % \setbox\helpbox\hbox{\texthl{\spview[\red]}} \setbox\helpboxx\hbox{\hl{\hbox{\{\spview[\red]\}}}} % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % \def($copper\test){abc$hpbox$hpbox$!$!$! def\else\relax\fi ghi$hpbox$hpbox$!$!$! j$hpbox} % \edef($dg\result){\unexpanded\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{% % ($red\protectspace){($copper\test)}}} % \meaning($dg\result): macro:->abc$hpboxx$!$!$! def\else \relax \fi ghi$hpboxx$!$!$! j$hpboxx % \end{VerbLines} % % N.B.: there is no space after |\fi| in the definition of \cs[\copper]{test}... % % {\rmk \cs{protectspace} is used in \cmdref{detokenizeChars}.� % \cs{protectspace} is an example of a \textbf{recursive macro which is 2-purely expandable. }} % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \Section{Characters and Strings} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem+{ifempty}{ string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifempty}\FEII is similar to |\ifblank| but it test if a string is really empty % (it shall not contain any character nor spaces). To test if the replacement % text of a macro is empty, one may use |\ifempty| in conjunction with \cmdref{expandnext}: % % \begin{tabbing} % \quad\=|\expandnext\ifempty{\macro}| \prm{true}\prm{false} % \end{tabbing} % % |\ifempty| is based on |\detokenize| and accept anything in its argument. % % {\rmk This is NOT: |\expandafter\ifx\expandafter\relax\detokenize{\#1}\relax| !} % % \cmditem{xifempty}{ string or cs-token }{ true }{ false } % % |\xifempty|\pdfFE is similar to |\ifempty| but the argument is expanded during comparison. % % \begin{tabbing} % \quad\=|\def\x{\@empty}\def\y{}| \\ % \>|\xifempty{\x\y}| \prm{true}\prm{false}�� will expand \prm{true} % \end{tabbing} % % {\rmk If pdf\TeX{} is in use, the macro is based on the \cs{pdfstrcmp} primitive.} % % \cmditem{ifnotempty}{ string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifnotempty}\FEII reverses the test of |\ifempty|. % % % \cmditem{xifblank}{ string }{ true }{ false } % % |\xifblank|\notFE\\ is similar to |\ifblank| except that the \prm{string} is first expanded % with \cs{protected@edef}. % % \cmditem{ifnotblank}{ string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifnotblank} \FEII reverses the test of |\ifblank|. % % {\rmk |\ifnotblank| is a foundamental of purely expandability. It is extensively used in \thispackage % but in an optimized form: \cmdref[impl:ettl@nbk]{ettl@nbk}.} % % % \cmditem+{deblank}{ string } % % |\deblank|\FEII removes all leading and trailing blank spaces from its argument.\medbreak % % An application is for the normalisation of comma separated lists:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % \csvloop!stform*[(!red\deblank)]{ item1 , item2 , item3 % , item4 , item5 ,item6 , % item7 , item8}% % !nnn will normalize the list:� % {item1,item2,item3,item4,item5,item6,item7,item8} % \end{VerbLines} % % This construction is purely expandable:� % \qquad |\edef\result{|\cmdref{csvloop}|[|\cs[\red]{deblank}|]{|...|}}|� % will normalize the list and assign the result to the replacement text of \cs{result}. % % For more on normalisation, refer to the \Xpackage{kvsetkeys}\footnote{\xpackage{kvsetkeys}-normalisation also % include a replacement of \CH{,} and \CH{=} to ensure that their category code are 12.} package. % % % \cmditem{ifstrcmp}{ string1 }{ string2 }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifstrcmp}\pdfFE is based on the |\pdfstrcmp| primitive (or the XeTeX-|\strcmp|) if available. Otherwise, % |\ifstrcmp| is |\let| to \xpackage{etoolbox}-\cs{ifstrequal}. % % Neither \prm{string1} nor \prm{string2} is expanded during comparison. The comparison is % \emph{catcode agnostic} (use of |\detokenize |). % % \cmditem{xifstrequal}{ string1 }{ string2 }{ true }{ false } % % |\xifstrequal|\notFE\ is the same as \xpackage{etoolbox}-|\ifstrequal| apart that each parameter string is expanded % (with |\protected@edef|) before comparison. % % \cmditem{xifstrcmp}{ string1 }{ string2 }{ true }{ false } % % |\xifstrcmp|\pdfFE is the \LaTeX{} form of |\pdfstrcmp| primitive. If this primitive is not available, % |\xifstrcmp| is |\let| to |\xifstrequal|. % % \prm{string1} and \prm{string2} are expanded during comparison. % % \cmditem[ifcharupper]@{ifcharupper\tsptb ifcharlower} % \cmditem-{ifcharupper}{ single char }{ true }{ false } % \cmditem-{ifcharlower}{ single char }{ true }{ false } \FEII* % % \csbf{ifcharupper}\FEII compares with |\ifnum| the character code of \prm{single char} with its |\uccode|. % % \csbf{ifcharlower} compares with |\ifnum| the character code of \prm{single char} with its |\lccode|. % % \cmditem{ifuppercase}{ string }{ true }{ false } % \cmditem-{iflowercase} {string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifuppercase}\notFE\ compares the \prm{string} with |\uppercase{|\prm{string}|}|. % % \csbf{iflowercase} compares the \prm{string} with |\lowercase{|\prm{string}|}|. % % The commands are robust. % % \cmditem{ifstrmatch}{ pattern }{ string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifstrmatch}\pdfFE is based on the |\pdfmatch| primitive that implements POSIX-regex. % % You can test the last character of a string in a purely expandable way by: % \begin{tabbing} % \quad\=\cs{ifstrmatch}\{[\textasteriskcentered]\$\}\{\prm{string}\} % \end{tabbing} % for example to test \CH{\textasteriskcentered} at the end of a string. % % \ClearPage % \cmditem{ifstrdigit}{ string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifstrdigit}\FEII expands to \prm{true} if \prm{string} is a single digit. % % A \emph{single digit} is $0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8$ or $9$ without spaces around, no matter of the category code. % % \ClearPage % \cmditem+{ifstrnum}{ string }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ifstrnum}\FEII expands to \prm{true} if \prm{string} is a \textbfsf{number in the sense of \eTeX}, that means: % % \qquad|\number|\prm{string}\qquad will be the same as:\qquad|\deblank|\mprm{string} % % under the standard catcode regime, if \prm{string} is a positive integer. % % in other words:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % \edef(!copper\resultA){(!red\number)(!nnn!prm(string))} % \edef(!dg\resultB){(!red\deblank)(!nnn!mprm(string))} % \ifx(!copper\resultA)(!dg\resultB) !nnn is(!nbf true) if !mprm(string) is a positive integer % \end{VerbLines} % % \prm{string} must be of the form:�{\Large{\blue\textvisiblespace--\textvisiblespace--\textvisiblespace}{\red$\mathbf{\star\star\star}$}{\blue\textvisiblespace}}\par % \hfil where {\blue blue} is optional (one ore more spaces and/or minus signs)\hfil� % \hfil {\red$\mathbf{\star\star\star}$} denotes 1 or more digit(s) without spaces around\hfil� % for \cs{ifstrnum} to expand to \prm{true}. % % To tell all the truth, \cs{ifstrnum} expands \prm{true} even if digits have a category code$\neq 12$ whereas % |\number| throws an error or stops. % But if numbers and minus signs are of category 12 (more than recommended after all...) % {\sfbf\csbf{ifstrnum} is a purely expandable test to check if it is possible to expand % \csbf{number} {\md(or \cs{romannumeral})} onto \prmb{string}} (but \cs{ifstrnum} does not expand \prm{string}.) % % \bigbreak % % \ClearPage % \cmditem+{DeclareStringFilter}[\cs{global}]{ command-name }{ stringA } % \newcommand\myitem[1]{\item[\hss{\stform[\rred\large]{#1}}\hss]} \newcommand*\interitem{\item[]\hskip-\leftmargin} % % With \csbf{DeclareStringFilter}\notFE, you will define \textbf{a purely expandable command} designed to test % if a string: % \begin{itemize}[labelsep=2em,leftmargin=5em] % \myitem= is is \textbfsf{equal} to a \textsl{given} string \prm{stringA} (with possibly spaces before and after) % \myitem{==} is \textbfsf{strictly equal} to a \textsl{given} string \prm{stringA} (no spaces allowed) % \myitem< \textbfsf{begins with} \prm{stringA} (possibly with leading spaces) % \myitem{<=} \textbfsf{strictly begins with} \prm{stringA} (no leading spaces allowed) % \myitem> \textbfsf{ends with} \prm{stringA} (possibly with trailing spaces) % \myitem{>=} \textbfsf{strictly ends with} \prm{stringA} (no trailing spaces allowed) % \myitem? \textbfsf{contains} \prm{stringA}, and optionally how many times % \interitem and also your \textitbf{\sffamily string-filter} will be able to % \myitem\textendash \textbfsf{remove} \prm{stringA} from any string $0$, $1$ or more times\\ % ��(maximum = |\ettl@intmax|$ = 2^{13}-1 = $\numprint{2147483647}) % \myitem+ \textbfsf{replace} \prm{stringA} by any other string $0$, $1$ or more times % \myitem! \textbfsf{count} the number of occurences of \prm{stringA} in any string % \end{itemize} % % {\hfill\mycolorbox{\bf Equality is \CSbf{catcode} dependent.}\hfill} % % You may also check that \prm{stringA} may be a blank space (but as for now, you cannot % replace blank spaces at the end of the string...). % \ClearPage*\newcommand\�[1][]{\textcolor{blue}{\bfseries{\vbbf\textvisiblespace}#1}} % % Let's see how this works (\�\ is zero or more spaces):��\enlargethispage{5\baselineskip} % \def\YES{\textcolor{blue}{\bfseries YES}} \newcommand\bigskipneg{\vskip-8pt} % \def\YYESS{\�[YES]\�} % \def\YYES{\�[YES]} % \def\YESS{\textcolor{blue}{\bfseries YES}\�} % \let\verbatimfont\tt % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$(),fontseries=b] % ($red\DeclareStringFilter)($copper\CompareYES){$YES} ($nnn defines $CSbf(CompareYES)) % ($nnn$csbf(CompareYES) is the ($itbf$sffamily string-filter) for the string "$YES" $quad$smex $prm(stringA)) % % ($copper\CompareYES) $mprm(string)$mprm(true)$mprm(false)($nnn expands $prm(true) if $prm(string) $nbf is "$YYESS") % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large=) $mprm(string)$mprm(true)$mprm(false)($nnn is the same) % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large=.)$mprm(string)$mprm(true)$mprm(false)($nnn is also the same) % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large==)$mprm(string)$mprm(true)$mprm(false)($nnn expands $prm(true) if $prm(string)$nbf is "$YES") % % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large<) $mprm(string)$mprm(true)$mprm(false)($nnn expands $prm(true) if $prm(string)$nbf begins with "$YYES") % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large<=)$mprm(string)$mprm(true)$mprm(false)($nnn expands $prm(true) if $prm(string)$nbf begins with "$YES") % % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large>) $mprm(string)$mprm(true)$mprm(false)($nnn expands $prm(true) if $prm(string)$nbf ends with "$YESS") % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large>=)$mprm(string)$mprm(true)$mprm(false)($nnn expands $prm(true) if $prm(string)$nbf ends with "$YES") % % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large?) $mprm(string)$mprm(true)$mprm(false)($nnn expands $prm(true) if $prm(string)$nbf contains "$YES") % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large?[($itbf$!$!$! n)])$mprm(string)$mprm(true)$mprm(false)$nnn expands $prm(true) if $prm(string) % $hfill$nbf contains "$YES" more than($itbf n) times % % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large-) $mprm(string) $nbf removes all occurences $nnn of "$YES" in $prm(string) % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large-[($itbf$!$!$! n)])$mprm(string) $nbf removes at most($itbf n) occurences $nnn of "$YES" % % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large+) $mprm(string)$mprm(stringB) $nbf replaces all occurences % $hfill$nbf of "$YES" by $prm(stringB) in $prm(string) % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large+[($itbf$!$!$! n)])$mprm(string)$mprm(stringB) $nbf replaces at most($it n) occurences % $hfill$nbf of "$YES" by $prm(stringB) in $prm(string) % ($nnn And finally:) % ($copper\CompareYES)($rred$large!){$prm(string)} $nnn expands to($nbf the number of times "$YES") can be found in $prm(string) % \end{VerbLines} % % \let\verbatimfont\verbfont % A problem may arise if the \prm{string} to compare is the string \CH{\vbbf\blue=}, because purely expandable % tests for modifiers don't make difference between \CH{=} and \CH{\{=\}}. To avoid this problem, % you may say {\vbbf\red=.} or {\vbbf\red>.} or {\vbbf\red>.} instead of {\vbbf\red=}, {\vbbf\red>} and {\vbbf\red<}. % % All the same, you may say {\vbbf\red?.}, {\vbbf\red+.} and {\vbbf\red-.} to avoid problems if the \prm{string} is \CH{\stform[\blue][}.^^A] % % {\rmk \cs{CompareYES} and each of its form are purely expandable thank to \cmdref{FE@modifiers}.} % % You should not test a \prm{string} which contains the following sequence:� % \hfill\colorbox{ly}{$/__8$E$__{11}$n$__{11}$d$__{11}\S__7$S$__{11}$t$__{11}$r$__{11}$i$__{11}$n$__{11}$g$__{11}/__8$}\hfill\kern0pt\par % % {\rmk nor a string which contains \CH{\chcat/8} because \chcat/8 has a special meaning for \thispackage-\cmdref*{ettl@nbk}.} % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \ClearPage* % % \Section{Fully expandable macros with options and modifiers} % % With \cs{ifblank} and \cs{ifempty} which are purely expandable macros, it becomes possible to write fully expandable % macros with an option, \textbf{provided that this macro has at least one non-optional argument}, % as far as we don't use |\futurelet| nor any assignment. % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem{FE@testopt}{\#1}{ commands }{ default option } % % \csbf{FE@testopt}\FE mimics the behaviour of |\@testopt| but is Fully Expandable (\sty{FE}) and can be used as follow:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % \def(!copper\MacroWithOption)!#1{(!red\FE@testopt){!#1}\MacroHasOption{default}} % \end{VerbLines} % % \textbfsf{Limitation:} \cs{FE@testopt} will look for an option if \#1 is \CH{\chcat{[}{12}} (without spaces around). Therefore:� % \qquad|\MacroWithOption{|{\stform[\blue][}|}{|...|}|� will most probably lead to an error... because \cs{FE@testopt} is looking % for an option. This is the price, for purely expandability (all the same for \cmdref{FE@ifstar}, \cmdref{FE@ifchar} % and \cmdref{FE@modifiers}). % % Just like \cs{@testopt}, \cs{FE@testopt} is sensitive to the category code of \CH{\chcat\textasteriskcentered{12}} which must be \textvb{other}. % % {\rmk |\FE@testopt| is used in the definition of \cmdref{DeclareStringFilter}, \cmdref{avoidvoid}, \cmdref{ettl@supergobble} % and \cmdref{csvtolist}.} % % \cmditem{FE@ifstar}{\#1}{ star-commands }{ non-star commands } % % Similarly, it\FE becomes possible to mimic the behaviour of |\@ifstar| but in a fully expandable(\sty{FE}) way. % \csbf{FE@ifstar} can be used as follow:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % \def(!copper\StarOrNotCommand)!#1{(!red\FE@ifstar){!#1} % {\StarredCommand} % {\NotStarredCommand}} % \end{VerbLines} % % Just like \cs{@ifstar}, \cs{FE@ifstar} is sensitive to the category code of \stform* which must be \textvb{other}. % % {\rmk |\FE@ifstar| is used in the definitions of \cmdref{csvtolist}, \cmdref{listtocsv} and \cmdref{tokstolist}.} % % \cmditem{FE@ifchar}{ Variant Character }{\#1}{ special-commands }{ normal-commands } % % As a\FE generalisation of \cs{FE@ifstar} \thispackage provides \csbf{FE@ifchar} for use with other variants than the \stform*-form. % % For example, to define a \CH{\stform+} variant:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % \def(!copper\SpecialFormMacro)!#1{(!red\FE@ifchar)(!blue!ttbf+){!#1} % {\SpecialFormMacro} % {\NormalFormMacro} % \end{VerbLines} % % Like \cmdref{@ifchar} but \textsfsl{\bfseries unlike} \cs{@ifstar} and \cs{FE@ifstar}, \cs{@testopt} and \cs{FE@testopt} % \csbf{FE@ifchar} is NOT sensitive to the category code of the \prm{Variant Character} (the \cmdref={character-test} is used). % % \textsfsl{Really, \csbf{FE@ifchar} is based on \cmdref{ifsinglechar} therefore the ``caracter'' to test may be any token, % and you may define a purely expandable macro with a \CH{\cs{relax}} form, a \CH{\cs{ignorespaces}} form and a % \CH{\cs{afterassignment}} form.} But may be this is useless... % % % \ClearPage* % \cmditem+{FE@modifiers}{ Allowed Modifiers }{\#1}{ 1st case }{ 2nd case }{...}{ Normal case } % % \csbf{FE@modifiers}\FE is a generalization of \cmdref{FE@ifchar} to allow different modifiers for a single macro. % The first argument is the \prm{Allowed Modifiers} for this macro. % % For example, if you want to define a \textbf{purely expandable} macro with a \stform[\blue]* \textbfsf{star} form, a % \stform[\blue]+ \textbfsf{plus} form and a \stform[\blue]{--} \textbfsf{minus} form you may say:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=&()] % \def(&copper\MySuperMacro) {(&red\FE@modifiers{(&blue * + - )}){} % {(&mdseries\MySuper(&blue&!Starred)Macro)} (&nnn&% first position) % {(&mdseries\MySuper(&blue&!Plus)Macro)} (&nnn&% second position) % {(&mdseries\MySuper(&blue&!Minus)Macro)} (&nnn&% third position) % {(&mdseries\MySuperMacro(&blue&!Without)Modifier)}} (&nnn&% next to last position) % \end{VerbLines} % Then when called by the user, {\copper|\MySuperMacro|} will switch to the sub-macro corresponding % to the modifier specified (purely expandable macro with different modalities). % \iffalse % If you don't care on pure-expandability, you may define macros with modifiers yet more easily with % the \cmdref={macromodifiers} environment. % \fi % % \cs{FE@modifiers} works as follow:\par\nobreak % \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*)~,beginpenalty=10000] % \item it checks if \#1 is a single character (\cmdref{ifOneToken} does the job) % \item then it tries to find it in the list of \prm{Allowed Modifiers} (this is a \cmdref={list of single tokens}) % \item if found, the index of the modifier in the list is known, as well as the length of the list. Then, % \cmdref{ettl@supergobble} expands the chosen one. % \end{enumerate} % % \cs{FE@modifiers} uses the \cmdref={character-test}. Therefore, single \textbfsf{\slshape character tokens} are found % in the list of \prm{Allowed Modifiers} even if their category code don't match. % % {\rmk \cs{FE@modifiers} is used in the definition of the string-filters defined with \cmdref{DeclareStringFilter}.� % An intesting example of use of \cs{FE@modifiers} is given in the implementation of \cmdref*{ettl@lst@modif}.} % % \cmditem{ettl@supergobble}[code]{\blue$\mathbf n$}{\blue $\mathbf N$}{tok$_1$}|...|{tok$_n$}{\blue\bfseries TOK$_{\mathbf{n+1}}$}{tok$_{n+2}$}|...|{tok$_{\blue\mathbf N}$} % % \csbf{ettl@supergobble}\{\PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf n$}\}\{\PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf N$}\}\FE will: % \begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*)~] % \item gobble the first \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf n$} tokens (or groups of tokens) it founds just after % \item keep the \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{n+1}$} token % \item gobble the last tokens \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{n+2}$} to \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{N}$} % \item then and after all, expand to \PRM[\blue\bfseries]{TOK$_{\mathbf{n+1}}$} % \end{enumerate} % % In other words, the list contains \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{N}$} tokens, \csbf{ettl@supergobble} expands the \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{n+1}$} % and discards the rest. % % Now if \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{n}$}$=$\PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{N}$}, \csbf{ettl@supergobble} % gobbles the \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{N}$} tokens (including the last). % % And if \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{n}$}$>$\PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{N}$} or if \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf{n}$}$<0$, % \csbf{ettl@supergobble} expands to \PRM[\blue]{\bfseries TOK$_\mathbf{N}$} (the last). % % Finally, if the optional parameter \oprm{code} is specified, it will be appended to the list after \prm{tok$_{N}$} (but not in the % special case where $n$=$N$...). % % {\rmk \cs{ettl@supergobble} has been designed for and is used in \cmdref{FE@modifiers}.� % If you're interested in what \cs{ettl@supergobble} does when \PRM[\blue]{$\mathbf N$}$\leq 0$: it does nothing!} % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \ClearPage* % \Section{Define control sequences through groups} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem[AfterGroup]@{AfterGroup\tsptb AfterGroup\stform*} % \cmditem-{AfterGroup}{ code } % \cmditem-{AfterGroup\stform*}{ code } % % The \cs[\red]{aftergroup}\notFE\ primitive does not allow arbitrary code: only a single token may be placed after \cs{aftergroup}. % \csbf{AfterGroup} allows arbitrary \prm{code} to be expanded after \cs{endgroup} or an end-group character. % % The \stform* star form of \cs{AfterGroup} does the same, but expands its argument with |\edef|:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] %!md \newcommand(!copper\macro)[1]{\textbf{Just to see...!#1}} % (!dg\begingroup) %!md \newcommand(!copper\othermacro)[1]{\textbf{will we see...!#1}} % (!red\AfterGroup)!md{(!copper\macro){if it works}} % (!red\AfterGroup*)!md{\expandonce{(!copper\othermacro){if it works}}} % (!dg\endgroup) % (!nnn and here) (!md(!copper\macro){if it works}) (!nnn will be executed) % (!nnn and here) (!md\textbf{will we see...if it works}) (!nnn will be executed) % \end{VerbLines} % % \cmditem{AfterAssignment}{ code } % % In the same order of idea,\notFE\ \csbf{AfterAssignment} allows arbitrary \prm{code} to be expanded \cs{afterassignment}. % % \cmditem+{aftergroup@def}{ command } % % When leaving\notFE\ a group with the end-group character \CH{\stform[\dg]\}} or the execution of \csbf[\dg]{endgroup} % the meaning of the control sequences that where locally defined inside the group are restored to % what they were before. % % The idea of \cs{aftergroup@def} is to keep a control sequence though \csbf[\dg]{endgroup} or \CH{\stform[\dg]\}}. % This is done by redefining it after the group. \cs{aftergroup@def} is based on \Xpackage[oberdiek/letltxmacro]{letltxmacro} and % on \cmdref{AfterGroup} just defined. Therefore, \cs{aftergroup@def} works with commands with optional arguments declared % with \LaTeX's \cs{newcommand}, with robust commands from \xpackage{etoolbox}-\cs{newrobustcmd} and % with \LaTeX's robust commands (\cs{DeclareRobustCommand}). % % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % { (!dg\newcommand)(!copper\test)[2][default]{ !#1 and !#2 } % (!red\aftergroup@def)(!copper\test) % } % (!copper\test)[option]{mandatory} (!nnn is defined outside the group - but NOT globally) % \end{VerbLines} % % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \ClearPage* % % \Section[{Vectorized \texorpdfstring{\cs[\sfbf]{futurelet}}{\cs{futurelet}}}]{Vectorized \csbf{future{\blue let}}: \csbf{future{\spot def}}} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem+{@ifchar}{ single token }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{@ifchar}\notFE\ does the same as \LaTeX'\cs{@ifstar} but for any character (or \textsfsl{modifier}). Whereas % \cs{@ifstar}-test is sensitive to the category code of the star (the \textsfsl{character % \CH{\chcat[\blue\vbbf]\textasteriskcentered{12}}} -- that means that the category code of \stform[\blue]* must be $12$ % as defined in \LaTeX's kernel), \csbf{@ifchar} is based on the \cmdref={character-test} % and does not check the equality of category code for single \textbf{characters}. % % \cs{@ifchar} is NOT purely expandable. It relies on |\futurelet| and on the \cmdref={character-test}. % The syntax is the same as for \cs{@ifstar} with the specification of the (character) token to test:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % \newcommand(!copper\SpecialMacro){(!red\@ifchar)(!blue+)% % {\let\modifier=+\GeneralMacro} % {\let\modifier=\relax\GeneralMacro}} % \end{VerbLines} % % {\rmk Unless \cs{@ifstar}, \cs{@ifchar} is a |\long| macro...} % % \cmditem{ettl@ifnextchar}{ single token }{ true }{ false } % % \csbf{ettl@ifnextchar}\notFE\ is the engine for \csbf{@ifchar}. It is based on \cs{futurelet} and on the \cmdref={character-test}:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % $dg\begingroup \catcode`\$stform[$blue]! \active \let$stform[$blue]!=\else % $dg\gdef ($copper\test) {($red\ettl@ifnextchar) $stform[$blue]!{true}{false\@gobble}} % $dg\endgroup % \catcode`\$stform[$dc]!\active \let$stform[$dc]!=\ifodd % ($copper\test)$stform[$dc]! $nnn will expand $prmb(true) % ($copper\test)\ifodd $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % ($copper\test)\else $nnn will expand $prmb(false) % \end{VerbLines} % \bigbreak % % \thispackage defines a vectorized version of \cs{futurelet}. The idea is to say: % % \quad|\futuredef[|\prm{list of allowed tokens}|]\macro{|\prm{commands to execute next}|}| % % Then \cs{futuredef} is a kind of simple scanner for tokens. It can be used to define an \textbf{\textit{undelimited macro}} % \ie a macro that has no delimiter but whose content of arguments is restricted. % % % \cmditem+{futuredef}[ list of allowed tokens ]{ \cs{macro} }{ commands to expand after } % \cmditem-{futuredef\stform*}[ list of allowed tokens ]{ \cs{macro} }{ commands to expand after } % % \csbf{future\spot def}\notFE\ will read the following token with \csbf{future\blue let}. If that token is in the % \prm{list of allowed tokens}, then it will append it to \cs{macro} and continue, scanning the tokens one after another. % \end{ltxsyntax} % % Until it founds a token which is not in the \prm{list of allowed tokens}. Then it stops reading % and executes the \prm{commands to expand after}. Those commands may use the \cs{macro} % just defined for analyse or whatever the user want. % % The space token must be \textbfsf{explicitly specified} in the \prm{list of allowed tokens}: % otherwise \cs{futuredef} stops at a space (and executes the \prm{commands to expand after}). % % \textbfsf{A token is in the \prmb{list of allowed tokens} \textcolor{blue}{if it can be found in this list using % the \cmdref={character-test}}.} This means that if \cs[\blue]{relax} is in the \prmb{list of allowed tokens}, then it will % be appended to \cs{macro} (if encountered) and if \CH{\chcat\${3}} is in the \prmb{list of allowed tokens}, any % \CH{\stform[\blue]\$} character will be appended to \cs{macro} (if encountered) no matter of its category code. If you really % absolutely need the \cs{ifx}-test, you shall use \cmdref[futuredef=]{futuredef\stform=}\footnote{this may be the case if, % for some reason, you have detokenized the \prm{list of allowed tokens} before, and want to skip the expansion of \cs{detokenizeChars} % which occurs at the beginning of the normal form of \cs{futuredef}...}. % % \textbfsf{If the \prmb{list of allowed tokens} is not specified,} \cs{futuredef} will read all tokens until the next % \textsfsl{begin-group} or \textsfsl{end-group} token. % % \cs{futuredef} may be used instead of \cs{FE@modifiers} for (non purely expandable) macros with multiple modifiers. % (The modifiers of the \cs{newkeycommand} macro in the \Xpackage{keycommand} package are scanned with this feature.) % As far as it is based on \cs{futurelet}, the limitation of \cs{FE@modifiers} (\ie |{|\stform*|}| is the same as \stform* % without the braces) is not applicable to \cs{futuredef}. % % \textbf{Limitation: } as far as \cs{macro} has to be correctly defined (it's replacement text must be balanced % in begin-group\slash end-group delimiters) \textbfsf{it is not allowed to have a character of category code $\mathbf1$ or $\mathbf2$} % (or a token having been |\let| to such a character)\textbfsf{ in the } \prmb{list of allowed tokens}: % \cs{futuredef} will stop scanning the next tokens if it encounters a begin-group or an end-group character. % % The \textbfsf{star-form} of \cs{futuredef} is more dangerous: \csbf{futuredef\stform*} captures the tokens as \cs{futuredef} does, % storing them into \cs{macro} as long as they are in the \prm{list of allowed tokens}. But if the next token is not in the % list, \cs{futuredef\stform*} does not stop at first stage but expands this very token and starts again. % \ClearPage % % Example:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % \def\test{TeX\relax{*}} % (!red\futuredef)(!blue[TeX\relax])(!copper\macro){"\meaning\macro"}eTeX\test. % !hfill "macro:->eTeX" (!nnn each token is allowed until !cs(test)) % (!red\futuredef!stform*)(!blue[TeX\relax])(!copper\macro){"\meaning\macro"}eTeX\test. % !hfill "macro:->eTeXTeX\relax " (!nnn!cs(test) is expanded and) % !hfill(!nnn futuredef stops at begin-group character) %\end{VerbLines} % % \medskip % As an application, it can be used to define an easy interface for |\hdashline| (the dashed lines in tabulars and arrays % provided by the \xpackage{arydshln} package): modifying \cmd{hline} in order to give sense to the following: % \begin{tabbing} % \qquad\=|\hline..|\qquad\=|\hline--|\qquad\=|\hline==|\qquad\= |\hline.-|\qquad\=|\hline.-.|\ \= etc. % \end{tabbing} % % After having collected the allowed tokens with:� % \csbf{futuredef}\textvbbf{[.-=]}\csbf{nexttokens}\{\prm{commands next}\} \quad it is possible to % test the pattern given using \cs{pdfstrcmp} or \cs{ifstrequal} (or even a \cmdref[DeclareStringFilter]{string-filter}) % and, for example, the \CSbf{switch} construction of the \xpackage{boolexpr} package: % \begin{VerbLines}[fontseries=m] % \switch[\pdfstrcmp{\nexttokens}]% % \case{{..}}\hdashline[parameters]% % \case{{--}}\hdashline[parameters]% % \case{{==}}\hdashline[parameters]% % \case{{.-.}}\hdashline[parameters]% % \otherwise \original@hline% % \endswitch % \end{VerbLines} % % \CSbf{switch} is purely expandable. See \Xpackage{boolexpr} for more information on \cs{switch}. % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % \cmditem[starredfuturedef]{futuredef\stform=}[ list of allowed tokens ]{ \cs{macro} }{ commands to expand after } % \cmditem-{futuredef\stform*\stform=}[ list of allowed tokens ]{ \cs{macro} }{ commands to expand after } % % The \CH{\stform=} form\notFE\ of \cs{futuredef} is the same as \cs{futuredef} but the checking of single characters % is sensitive to their category code. If a control sequence is in the \prm{list of allowed tokens} it is appended to \cs{macro} % (if encountered) just like the normal \cs{futuredef} does. But if it is a single character token, then it is appended to \cs{macro} % only if the same character with the same ccategory code is found in the \prm{list of allowed tokens}: otherwise, \cs{futuredef} % stops reading and executes the \prm{commands to expand after}. % \end{ltxsyntax} % % In general, we are not willing this behaviour and the \stform= form of \cs{futuredef} would probably never be used, unless you know % that the \prm{list of allowed tokens} is already detokenized... % Anyway, it was not difficult at all to \cmdref=[impl:futuredef=]{implement}. % % {\rmk You may use indifferently \cs{futuredef\stform*\stform=} or \cs{futuredef\stform=\stform*}.} % % \ClearPage* % \Section{Lists management} % % \Subsection{The natural loop} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % \cmditem{naturalloop}[auxiliary commands]{ number of times }{ argument } % % {\bfseries The \csbf{naturalloop}\FE macro applies the \prmb{auxiliary commands} exactly $n$ times onto the % \prmb{argument},} \ie:� % \begin{framed} % \begin{tabbing} % ��\hskip2em\=\CSbf[\red]{naturalloop} [\csbf[\copper]{MyCommand}]\textbf{\{3\}}\{\prmb{argument}\} \\ % will expand to:\\ % \> \Underbrace{\csbf[\copper]{MyCommand} \{\Underbrace{\csbf[\copper]{MyCommand} \{\Underbrace{\csbf[\copper]{MyCommand} \{\prmb{argument}\}}_{expanded first}\}}_{expanded second}\}}_{expanded last} % \end{tabbing} % \end{framed} % \csbf{MyCommand} should be purely expandable. % \ClearPage % In fact, it's a bit more sophisticated: \csbf{MyCommand} should be defined as: % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!copper\MyCommand):macro [!#1]!#2!#3 -> (!normalfont!bfseries Something to do with !#1 !#2 and !#3) %!normalfont Where: % !#1: (!normalfont is the current index of the loop (1, 2, 3 until to n)) % !#2: (!normalfont is the original !prm(argument)) % !#3: (!normalfont is the result of the recursion :ie) \do{\do{\do{\do{!prm(argument)}}}} % (!normalfont f.ex. in loop of index 4.) %\end{VerbLines} % % If you want a list of integers from 17 to 24 separated by semi-colon: % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % \def\do[#1]#2#3{#3 ; \number\numexpr#2+#1} % \naturalloop{7}{17} (!nnn !smex 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24) %\end{VerbLines} % % Another example is given in the \cmdref{ExpandNext} section. % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % % \Subsection{Lists of single tokens / characters} \cmdlabel{list of single tokens} % % Lists of single tokens are a special case of lists: they have no separator. The test for equalty of tokens % is made by \csbf[\red]{ifx} and therefore, finding a token in a list of single tokens is always a purely expandable operation. % % A \textsfbf{\slshape list of single tokens} is a list of \textitbf{single} tokens: that means you can't group them with braces % (the list may contain the |\bgroup| and |\egroup| tokens however). % % Lists of single tokens may also be tested with a special test which is |\ifx| in case of control sequences and % a detokenized-|\if| in case of single characters. % % Lists of single characters are used for testing \textsl{modifiers} in a purely expandable way. \textsfbf{\slshape modifiers} are % a vectorialisation of \cs{FE@ifstar} (and \cs{FE@ifchar}). % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \ClearPage % \cmditem[ifintokslist]+@{ifintokslist\tsptb ifincharlist} % \cmditem-{ifintokslist}{ single token }{ list of single tokens }{ true }{ false } \FEII* % \cmditem-{ifincharlist}{ single token }{ list of single tokens }{ true }{ false } \FEII* % % \csbf{ifintokslist} will switch\FEII to \prm{true} if the \prm{single token} is found % in the \prm{list of single tokens} while testing against each token of the list using \csbf{ifx}. % % {\rmk\cs{ifintokslist} could be tested with |\ifnum\getokslistindex{|\prm{token}|}{|\prm{list of tokens}|}| % but \cs{ifintokslist} optimises the loop in case the token is in the list.} % % \csbf{ifincharlist} will expands \prm{true} if the \prm{single token} is found in the \prm{list of single tokens} % but the test for equality of tokens is the \cmdref={character-test}. % % \end{ltxsyntax} % \ClearPage* % % Therefore, \cs{ifincharlist} behaves as follow:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % \begingroup \catcode`\!=13 \catcode`\.=8 \catcode`\: 3 % \global\def($copper\mylist){($blue:!\relax=.0)} ($nbf|) ($red\ifintokslist) % \endgroup $nbf| % $cs(expandnext){($red\ifincharlist)($blue!)}($copper\mylist){true}{false} $nbf true | false % \expandnext{($red\ifincharlist)($blue0)}($copper\mylist){true}{false} $nbf true | true % \expandnext{($red\ifincharlist)($blue:)}($copper\mylist){true}{false} $nbf true | false % \expandnext{($red\ifincharlist)($blue\relax)}($copper\mylist){true}{false} $nbf true | true % \end{VerbLines} % % {\rmk \cs{ifincharlist} is used in the definition of \cmdref{futuredef}.} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % \cmditem+{gettokslistindex}{item}{list of single tokens} % % \csbf{gettokslistindex}\FEII expands to the index of \prmb{item} in the list of single tokens given as a second argument. % % % \textbf{Note that the \opt{index} is $\mathbf0-$based} for consistency with |\ifcase| ({\mdfs and also with % \cmdref{ettl@supergobble}}). % \ClearPage % % It is possible to say:��\makeatletter\setbox\helpbox\hbox{\colorbox{yellow}{\vbbf 3}}\setbox\helpboxx\hbox{\colorbox{yellow}{\vbbf -1}} % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!\[\]] % \newcount[!copper\result] % [!copper\result] = [!red\gettokslistindex]{d}{abcdef} !smex \result=!box!helpbox % \ifcase [!red\gettokslistindex]{d}{abcef} % [!nnn what to do if ] a % \or [!nnn what to do if ] b % \or [!nnn what to do if ] c % \or [!nnn etc. etc. etc.] % \else [!nnn what to do if] d [!nnn is not in the list:] !smex result=!box!helpboxx % \fi % \end{VerbLines} % \makeatother % % Please, refer to the examples... % % This feature is extensively used in \cmdref{FE@modifiers}. % % {\rmk \cmdref*{gettokslistindex} is kind of masterpiece of purely expandable programming with \eTeX} % % \cmditem+{getcharlistindex}{item}{list of single tokens} % % \csbf{getcharlistindex}\FEII expands to the index of \prmb{item} in the list of single tokens % (the index is $\mathbf0$ for the first item, $\mathbf{-1}$ if \prm{item} is not in the list). % The character-test is used instead of |\ifx| (see \cmdref{ifincharlist}). % % {\rmk \cmdref{getcharlistindex} is used - indirectly - in the definition of \cmdref{FE@modifiers}.} % % \ClearPage % \cmditem[gettokslistcount] @{gettokslistcount/token} % \cmditem-{gettokslistcount}{list of single tokens} \FEII* % \cmditem-{gettokslisttoken}{item}{list of single tokens} \FEII* % % \csbf{gettokslistcount},\FEII \csbf{gettokslisttoken} and \csbf{gettokslistindex} work all three with % the same engine, and this is also the case for \cmdref{getcharlistcount}, \cmdref{getcharlisttoken} and \cmdref{getcharlistindex}. % All are fully expandable. % \ClearPage % % \cs{gettokslistcount} gives the number of tokens in the list, while \cs{gettokslisttoken} should be seldom used (but % it was natural to define it as well).�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!(),fontseries=m] % (!nnn if you say:) \let(!dg\plus) = !stform[!blue]+ % (!red\gettokslisttokens){(!dg\plus)}{ABCD!stform[!blue]+EFG} (!nnn will expand to: )!stform[!blue]+ % (!nnn and:) % (!red\gettokslisttokens){!stform[!blue]+}{ABCD(!dg\plus) EFG} (!nnn will expand to: )!dg\plus % \end{VerbLines} % % The idea is to loop into the list, testing each token of the list against \prm{item} with |\ifx|. % The \textsl{test-macro} (together with its own parameters) is a parameter of the \textsl{loop-macro}, % and therefore, it can be changed without redefining it. As a result, the loop is purely expandable. % % Finally, when the loop is finished, the test macro becomes the \textsl{give-result-macro} (without |\let|) % and its own parameters are \textsl{extracted using projections} (like |\@firstoftwo|). % % The parameters of the \textsl{test-macro} include: % \begin{enumerate}[label=--~] % \item the current index in the list % \item the index of the \prm{item} found if |\ifx| returned \textvb{true} % \item the name of the \textsl{test-macro} to use at the next iteration. Usually it is the \textsl{test-macro} % itself, but for the last token in the list, this parameter is the \textsl{give-result-macro}. % \end{enumerate} % % Definition of \cmdref*{ettl@getsinglelist} worth a close look! % % Back to the begining: lists of single tokens are also lists without separator. Therefore, the other standard % macros \cmdref{toksloop} is provided by the general constructor % \cmdref{DeclareCmdListParser} invoked with an empty separator. % % {\rmk Unlike \cmdref{getlistindex}, \cmdref{getcsvlistindex} etc., \cs{gettokslistindex}, \cs{gettokslistcount} % and \cs{gettokslisttoken} have no star form nor optional parameter. This is because we might be able to test:� % ��|\gettokslistindex{*}{|\prm{list of single tokens}|}|��or��|\gettokslistindex{[}{|\prm{list of single tokens}|}|� % and \cmdref{FE@ifstar} or \cmdref{FE@testopt} don't allow this. }^^A] % \ClearPage % % \cmditem[getcharlisttoken]@{getcharlistcount/token} % \cmditem-{getcharlistcount}{list of single tokens} \FEII* % \cmditem-{getcharlisttoken}{item}{list of single tokens} \FEII* % % They work\FE the same way as the \textsf{-tokslist} versions but with the \cmdref[ifincharlist]{character test}. % % {\rmk \cs{getcharlistcount} is exactly the same as \cs{gettokslistcount} and is {\rred2}-expandable.} % % \end{ltxsyntax} % \bigskip % % \Subsection[The General Command-List-Parser]{The General Command-List Parser Constructor} % % The \xpackage{etoolbox} package provides a way to define list parsers as fully expandable macros: % the list parser is able to expand the auxiliary command |\do| on each item of a list. % \iffalse % Declaration of a list parser is done via the |\DeclareListParser| macro\footnotemark. % \footnotetext{besides, \xpackage{etoolbox} defines the \xpackage{\textbackslash docsvlist} and the % \xpackage{\textbackslash dolistloop} macros: the choice of this name is not very friendly % and we expected to have a \xpackage{\textbackslash docsvloop} macro instead...}. % \fi % % Here we provide a |\DeclareCmdListParser| macro that is compatible and slightly different, because \textbfsf{the auxiliary % command is not necessarily \csbf{do}.} Such a command-list-parser is fully expandable. % % The idea is that if \cmdref{csvloop} has been defined as a command-list-parser then, thank to the fully expandable macro % \cmdref{FE@testopt} we can call for expansion: % \begin{tabbing} % \qquad\= |\csvloop|\itemitemitem[{\stform[\blue],}]\,\= as a shortcut for\,\= |\csvloop[\do]|\itemitemitem[{\stform[\blue],}]\\ % or:\> |\csvloop[\listadd\mylist]|\itemitemitem[{\stform[\blue],}] % \end{tabbing} % for example to convert the csv-list into internal \xpackage{etoolbox} list. % % {\rmk The star-form of \cmdref{csvloop} will be explained below.} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % \ClearPage % % \cmditem+{DeclareCmdListParser}[\cs{global}]{ command }{ separator } % \cmditem-{breakloop}{ code } \FE* % % |\DeclareCmdListParser| acts\notFE\ in the same way as \xpackage{etoolbox}-|\DeclareListParser| and the % command-list-parsers defined are sensitive to the category codes of the \prm{separator}. This % \prm{separator} may be any sequence of tokens, but the special sequence:� % \hfill\colorbox{ly}{$/__8$E$__{11}$n$__{11}$d$__{11}\S__7$L$__{11}$i$__{11}$s$__{11}$t$__{11}$/$__8$}\hfill\kern0pt� % which is used as the end-of-list-delimiter for any list. % % As long as \cmdref*{ettl@nbk} is used to check the end of the list, \CH{\chcat/8} is not % allowed in the list as well. Therefore, you may not try to define lists with \CH{\chcat/8} as separator: % they are \textsfsl{useless}\footnote{Unfortunately, \cmdref*{ettl@nbk} requires a single character as a delimiter... The choice for % \CH{\chcat/8} is explained in the \cmdref=[catcode choice]{implementation part.}}. % % To declare a new command-list-parser with \CH{\ttbf\blue,} (with the current catcode) as a separator you say:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!red\DeclareCmdListParser)(!copper\myParser){(!blue,)} % \end{VerbLines} % \ClearPage* % % \begin{framed} % The Command-List-Parser declared: (here \csbf[\copper]{MyParser}) % \begin{enumerate}[label=\smex,labelsep=.7em] % \item is a \textbfsf{purely expandable macro} with three modifiers (\stform*, \stform+ and \stform!) % an optional parameter (the \textbfsf{\slshape auxiliary macro} whose default is \csbf{do}) % and a mandatory argument (the expanded List or the List-macro) % \item iterates into the list, giving each element to the \textslbf{\sffamily auxiliary macro} % \item the \textsfbf{\slshape auxiliary macro} must be of one of the following form: \\[1ex] % \hspace*{-\leftmargin}\begin{tabular}{l>{\sfbf}r@{}c@{}c>{\small}l}\hdashline[1pt/1pt] % \cs[\copper]{MyParser} & macro:\#1 & -> & |{| something to do with \#1|}| & \makecell{\#1 is an element \\ of the list} \\ \hdashline[1pt/1pt] % \cs[\copper]{MyParser}{\stform+} & macro:[\#1]\#2 & -> & |{ " " " |\#1 and \#2|}| & \makecell{\#1 is the index \\ and \#2 the element} \\ \hdashline[1pt/1pt] % \cs[\copper]{MyParser}{\stform!} & \multicolumn{3}{l}{expands to the number of elements in the list\bottopstrut} \\ \hdashline[1pt/1pt] % \end{tabular} % \end{enumerate} % \end{framed} % % The default is to define command-list-parsers \textbfsf{globally}, in order to make easier the % modifications of category code inside a group: if you wish \CH{\ttbf\blue+\black$_8$} to be the separator of your list, % you will say:� % \begin{VerbZ}[commandchars=!()] % \begingroup\catcode`\(!blue+)=8 % (!red\DeclareCmdListParser)(!copper\MyParser){(!blue+)} % \endgroup % \end{VerbZ} % % {\rmk If you rather like a locally-defined command-list-parser, it is always possible, specifiying an empty option: % ��|\DeclareCmdListParser|\textvb[\red]{[]}|\MyLocalParser{+}|.� The default option is |\global|, command-list-parsers are % always |\long| macros.} % \ClearPage % % You may then use the following syntaxes:�� % \newcommand\UserCmd{[\cs[\dg]{UserCommands}]} % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % ($copper\MyParser) \myList % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser) $UserCmd\myList % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser)$stform+ \myList % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser)$stform+ $UserCmd\myList % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser) $itemitemitem % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser) $UserCmd$itemitemitem % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser)$stform+ $itemitemitem % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser)$stform+ $UserCmd$itemitemitem % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser) [$stform(n)]\myList ($nnn expands to item$textsubscript(n)) % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser) [$stform(n)]$itemitemitem ($nnn expands to item$textsubscript(n)) % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser)$stform! \myList ($nnn expands to the number of elements) % ($nnn or:) ($copper\MyParser)$stform! $itemitemitem ($nnn expands to the number of items) % % ($nnn or:) $mdfs($copper\MyParser)$stform* $itemitemitem % ($nnn or:) $mdfs($copper\MyParser)$stform* $UserCmd$itemitemitem % ($nnn or:) $mdfs($copper\MyParser)$stform+$stform*$itemitemitem % ($nnn or:) $mdfs($copper\MyParser)$stform+$stform*$UserCmd$itemitemitem % ($nnn or:) $mdfs($copper\MyParser)$stform*$stform!$UserCmd$itemitemitem % \end{VerbLines} % % It's possible to break the loop by saying \csbf[\red]{breakloop} in your \cs[\dg]{UserCommands}. \csbf{breakloop} will % gobble anything until the end-of-list delimiter % (\footnotesize\colorbox{ly}{$/__8$E$__{11}$n$__{11}$d$__{11}\S__7$L$__{11}$i$__{11}$s$__{11}$t$__{11}$/$__8$}) % and will append the \textbf{mandatory} parameter \prmb{code} after. % % \CH{\stform+\stform*} and \CH{\stform*\stform+} are identical, as well as \CH{\stform!\stform*} and \CH{\stform*\stform!}. % \ClearPage % % The \textbfsf{star-form} of \cs[\copper]{MyParser} \textbfsf{is seldom used:} \cs[\copper]{MyParser} abide by the following rules: % \begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*)~] % \item it checks if the list parameter (here \cs{mylist} or |{item|\mysep|item|\mysep|item}| is a single control word % (\cmdref{ifiscs} does the job) % \item if this is a single control word, then it is expanded once % \item otherwise, no expansion of the list occurs % \end{enumerate} % \textsfsl{Therefore, the need for the \stform* form is only in the special case where % the \textbf{expanded List} contains a single control-word, not followed by a separator.} % % {\rmk The reader interested in macros with multiple modifiers which may be used in any order % can have a look at the definition of \cmdref*{ettl@lst@modif}.} % % Moreover, \cs{DeclareCmdListParser} defines a macro named \csbf{\ttbf\red for\copper MyParser} to do loops with a syntax % very close to \LaTeX's |\@for|: see \cmdref{forcsvloop} for more explanation. % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \ClearPage % \Subsection{Loops into lists} % % The following macros are purely expandable loops into comma-separated lists (\cs{csvloop}), % \xpackage{etoolbox} list (\cs{listloop}) and token lists (lists of tokens without a separator). % % All of them are defined using \cmdref{DeclareCmdListParser}. % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % \ClearPage % % \cmditem[csvloop]+@{csvloop\tsptb csvloop\stform+\tsptb csvloop\stform!} % \cmditem-{csvloop}[ auxiliary commands ]{ csvlist-macro \textsfsl{or} \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]} \FE* % \cmditem-{csvloop\stform+}[ auxiliary commands ]{ csvlist-macro \textsfsl{or} \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]} \FE* % \cmditem-{csvloop\stform!}[ auxiliary commands]{ csvlist-macro \textsfsl{or} \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]} \FE* % \cmditem-{csvloop\stform*}[ auxiliary commands ]{ \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}] } \FE* % \cmditem-{csvloop\stform*\stform+}[ auxiliary commands]{ \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}] } \FE* % \cmditem-{csvloop\stform*\stform!}[ auxiliary commands]{ \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}] } \FE* % % Examples:\FE �� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % ($red\csvloop)($copper\mylist) ($nnn is the same as:) ($red\csvloop)($blue[\do])($copper\mylist) % ($nnn and applies ($blue$CSbf(do)) sequentially to each element of the comma-separated list.) % ($nnn($blue$CSbf(do)) is a user command of the form:) % macro: $#1 -> {($nnn something to do with ($vbbf$#1 = item)) } % ($nnn The star form ($red$vbbf\csvloop$stform[$rred]*) ($nitbf may be) used when ($vbbf$copper\mylist) is already expanded.) % ($nnn The plus form ($red$vbbf\csvloop$stform[$rred]+) ($nitbf is) used when) $CSbf[$blue](do) ($nnn is of the form:) % macro: [$#1]$#2 -> {($nnn something to do with ($vbbf$#1=index) and ($vbbf$#2=item)) } % ($nnn If) $CSbf[$blue](do) ($nnn is in fact a number:) % ($red\csvloop)[($blue4)]($copper\mylist) ($nnn will expand to the($nitbf fifth) element of )($copper\mylist) % ($red$vbbf\csvloop$stform[$rred]!)($copper\mylist) ($nnn will expand to the number of elements in) ($copper\mylist) % \end{VerbLines} % % \textbfsf{Be aware that indexes in lists are 0-based: they begin with 0.} % % Remember that the \stform* form is seldom used: you probably will forget it! % % \cmditem[listloop]@{listloop\tsptb listloop\stform+\tsptb listloop\stform!} % \cmditem-{listloop}[ auxiliary commands ]{ Listmacro or expanded List } \FE* % \cmditem-{listloop\stform+}[ auxiliary commands ]{ Listmacro or expanded List } \FE* % \cmditem-{listloop\stform!}[ auxiliary commands ]{ expanded List } \FE* % \cmditem[listloop*]-{listloop\stform*(\stform+)(\stform!)}[ auxiliary commands ]{ expanded List } \FE* % % \csbf{listloop}\FE is designed to work with \xpackage{etoolbox} lists (lists with \CH{\stform[\blue]\textbar$_3$} as separator). % \cs{listloop} enhances \xpackage{etoolbox}-|\dolistloop| with an optional argument to change % the default auxiliary command |\do| to apply to each item of the list, a \stform+ form a \stform! form and a \stform* form. % It behaves exactly as \cmdref{csvloop} does. % % \cmditem[toksloop]@{toksloop\tsptb toksloop\stform+\tsptb toksloop\stform!} % \cmditem-{toksloop}[ auxiliary commands ]{ tokenslistmacro or list of single tokens } \FE* % \cmditem-{toksloop\stform+}[ auxiliary commands ]{ tokenslistmacro or list of single tokens } \FE* % \cmditem-{toksloop\stform!}[ auxiliary commands ]{ tokenslistmacro or list of single tokens } \FE* % \cmditem[toksloop*]-{toksloop\stform*(\stform+)(\stform!)}[ auxiliary commands ]{ list of single tokens } \FE* % % \csbf{toksloop}\FE is a list parser for lists without separator (\cmdref={list of single tokens}). % % With \cs{toksloop} you are able to count the number of characters in a string:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % ($red\toksloop$stform[$rred]!){abcdef} $smex 6 % \end{VerbLines} % Spaces are not counted, however... % \ClearPage* % % \cmditem[forcsvloop]+@{forcsvloop\tsptb forcsvloop\stform+} % \cmditem[forlistloop]@{forlistloop\tsptb forlistloop\stform+} % \cmditem[fortoksloop]@{fortoksloop\tsptb fortoksloop\stform+} % \cmditem-{forcsvloop}{ csvlistmacro \textsfsl{or} \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]}|\cs[\spot]{do}\{\prm{...\#1...}\}| % \cmditem-{forlistloop}{ Listmacro \textsfsl{or} expanded List }|\cs[\spot]{do}\{\prm{...\#1...}\}| % \cmditem-{fortoksloop}{ tokenslistmacro \textslsf{or} list of single tokens }|\cs[\spot]{do}\{\prm{...\#1...}\}| % \cmditem-{forcsvloop\stform+}{ csvlistmacro \textsfsl{or} \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]}|\cs[\spot]{do}\{\prm{...\#1=index...\#2=element...}\}| % \cmditem-{forlistloop\stform+}{ Listmacro \textsfsl{or} expanded List }|\cs[\spot]{do}\{\prm{...\#1=index...\#2=element...}\}| % \cmditem-{fortoksloop\stform+}{ tokenslistmacro \textslsf{or} list of single tokens }|\cs[\spot]{do}\{\prm{...\#1=index...\#2=element...}\}| % \cmditem-{forcsvloop\stform*(\stform+)}{\itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]}|\cs[\spot]{do}\{\prm{...\#1...}\}| % \cmditem-{forlistloop\stform*(\stform+)}{ expanded List }|\cs[\spot]{do}\{\prm{...\#1...}\}| % \cmditem-{fortoksloop\stform*(\stform+)}{ list of single tokens }|\cs[\spot]{do}\{\prm{...\#1...}\}| % % Those macros\notFE\ are just like \cmdref{csvloop}, \cmdref{listloop} and \cmdref{toksloop} but the syntax is quite the % same as \LaTeX's \CSbf{@for}, but instead of giving a name to the current item being parsed, it is \#1! (or \#2 with the \stform+ form). % % |forloop| construct may by nested. Here is an example (merely silly): % \begin{tabbing} % \qquad\=|\forcsvloop|\stform*|{|\=|\relax\meaning|\=|\csname|\=|,%|\\ %\>\> |\afterassignment\global\count,%|\\ % \>\>|\endgroup\topskip}\do{%|\\ % \>\>\> |\fortoksloop|\stform*|{|\#1|}\do{\meaning|\#{\#1}|}}| % \end{tabbing} % % Of course, those macros are NOT purely expandable... They are automatically defined by \cmdref{DeclareCmdListParser} % with the name: \csbf{\red for\md\copper name-of-parser}. % % The \stform+ form of \cs{forcsvloop} et al. are relative to the \stform+ form of \cs{csvloop} et al.: % \#1 is the index and \#2 the element. There is no \stform! form. % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \Subsection{Adding elements to csv lists} % % \thispackage provides a facility to add items to a csvlist. % \begin{ltxsyntax} % \cmditem[csvlistadd]@{csvlistadd/gadd/eadd/xadd} % \cmditem-{csvlistadd}{ csvListmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{csvlistgadd}{ csvListmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{csvlisteadd}{ csvListmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{csvlistxadd}{ csvListmacro }{ item } % % \csbf{csvlistadd}\notFE adds an item to a csvlist. \cs{csvlisteadd} expands the \prm{item} % (with |\protected@edef|) \textsfbf{before} appending it to \prm{csvListmacro}, whilst with \cs{csvlistgadd} % the final assignment to \prm{csvListmacro} is global. Finally, \cs{csvlistxadd} both expands the \prm{item} % and makes the assignment global. % % These macros are robust. % \end{ltxsyntax} % \ClearPage\enlargethispage{2\baselineskip} % % \Subsection{Converting lists} % % Since \cmdref=[DeclareStringFilter]{string filters} are sensitive to the category code of the caracters, it is always possible % to convert lists (\ie changing their separator) using them. For exemple, if one wish to convert a comma separated list into % a list with \CH{\stform[\blue]\&$_4$} as separator one may say:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % \def(!copper\mycsvlist){one,two,three,four,five} % \DeclareStringFilter(!vbbf\CompareComma){!stform[!blue],} % (!dg\begingroup) \catcode`\!stform[!blue]& = 4 (!nsl this is its standard catcode anyway) % (!dg\xdef)(!copper\myNewList){(!red\expandnext){(!vbbf\CompareComma+)}(!copper\mycsvlist){!stform[!blue]&}} % (!dg\endgroup) % \end{VerbLines} % But there is another way, may be easier:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!dg\begingroup) \catcode`\!stform[!blue]& = 4 (!nsl this is its standard catcode anyway) % (!dg\global\def)(!red\do)#1{\unexpanded{#1!stform[!blue]&}} % (!dg\endgroup) % (!dg\edef)(!copper\myNewList){\csvloop[(!red\do)](!copper\mycsvlist)} % \end{VerbLines} % % Nevertheless, some conversions could be used very often and \thispackage provides a few macros to convert % lists easily: % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % \ClearPage % % \cmditem[csvtolist]@{csvtolist\tsptb tokstolist\tsptb listtocsv} % \cmditem-{csvtolist}[ target: Listmacro ]{ source: csvlistmacro \textsfsl{or} \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]} % \cmditem-{csvtolist\stform*}[ target: Listmacro ]{ source: \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}] } \FE* % % \csbf{csvtolist}\FE converts a comma separated list into an internal \xpackage{etoolbox} list. It is useful to insert more than one item % at a time in a list. The \prm{Listmacro} (target parameter) is optional and the user may prefer obtain the result in an |\edef|:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!red\csvtolist)[(!copper\myList)]{one,two,three} % (!nnn is the same as:) % (!dg\edef)(!copper\myList){(!red\csvtolist){one,two,three}} % (!nnn if you want )(!copper\myList)(!nnn to be global, use the second form with )(!dg\xdef)(!nnn instead of )(!dg\edef). %(!nnn!rmk* N.B.: the items are not expanded.) % \end{VerbLines} % % The \stform* star form is seldom used: it is there to inhibits the expansion of \prm{source: \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]}. % But expansion occurs only if this parameter is a single control word... % \ClearPage % % \cmditem[tokstolist]-{tokstolist} [ target: Listmacro ]{ source: tokenslistmacro \textsfsl{or} list of single tokens } % \cmditem-{tokstolist\stform*}[ target: Listmacro ]{ source: list of single tokens } \FE* % % \csbf{tokstolist}\FE converts a list of tokens (no separator) into an internal \xpackage{etoolbox} list:�� % \newcommand\etbsep{\stform[\blue]\textbar$__3$\!\!\!} % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!red\tokstolist)[(!copper\myList)]{\alpha\beta\gamma\ifeof+*$} % (!nnn is the same as:) % (!dg\edef)(!copper\myList){(!red\tokstolist){\alpha\beta\gamma\ifeof+*$}} % \meaning\myList: macro:->\alpha!etbsep \beta!etbsep \gamma!etbsep \ifeof!etbsep +!etbsep *!etbsep $!etbsep % (!nnn if you want )(!copper\myList)(!nnn to be global, use the second form with )(!dg\xdef)(!nnn instead of )(!dg\edef). %(!nnn!rmk* N.B.: the items are not expanded.) % \end{VerbLines} % % This is also the first application of the \cmdref{toksloop} macro just defined. % % \cmditem[listtocsv]-{listtocsv}[ target: csvlistmacro ]{ source: Listmacro \textsfsl{or} expanded List } % \cmditem-{listtocsv\stform*}[ target: csvlistmacro ]{ source: Listmacro \textsfsl{or} expanded List } \FE* % % \csbf{listtocsv}\FE converts an \xpackage{etoolbox}-List into a comma separated list. Be aware that the items in the % list does not contain commas (\cs{listtocsv} does not check this point!):�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!red\listtocsv)[(!copper\csvList)]\etbList !nnn is the same as: % \edef(!copper\csvList){(!red\listtocsv)\etbList} % (!nnn if you want )(!copper\csvList)(!nnn to be global, use the second form with )(!dg\xdef)(!nnn instead of )(!dg\edef). %(!nnn!rmk* N.B.: the items are not expanded.) % \end{VerbLines} % % \cmditem[csvtolistadd]@{csvtolistadd\tsptb tokstolistadd} % \cmditem-{csvtolistadd}{ target: Listmacro }{ source: csvlistmacro \textsfsl{or} \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]} % \cmditem-{csvtolistadd\stform*}{ target: Listmacro }{ source: \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}] } % % \csbf{csvtolistadd}\notFE\ acts similarly but both arguments are mandatory:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!(),codes={\catcode`\$=3}] % \listadd(!copper\myList){one} \listadd(!copper\myList){two} % (!red\csvtolistadd)(!copper\myList){three,four,five} % \meaning\myList: macro:->one!etbsep two!etbsep three!etbsep four!etbsep five!etbsep % \end{VerbLines} % % \cmditem[tokstolistadd]-{tokstolistadd} { target: Listmacro }{ source: tokenslistmacro \textsfsl{or} list of single tokens} % \cmditem-{tokstolistadd\stform*}{ target: Listmacro }{ source: list of single tokens } % % \csbf{tokstolistadd}\notFE\ acts similarly but both arguments are mandatory. % % The \stform* star-form inhibits the expansion of \prm{source} (which otherwise occurs only if \prm{source} % is a single control word). % % \end{ltxsyntax} % \ClearPage* % % \Subsection{Test if an element is in a list} % % \xpackage{etoolbox} provides \cmd{ifinlist} and \cmd{xifinlist}. Similarly, \thispackage provides: % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem[ifincsvlist]@{ifincsvlist\tsptb xifincsvlist} % \cmditem-{ifincsvlist}{ item }{ csvlistmacro \textsfsl{or} \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]}{ true }{ false } % \cmditem-{xifincsvlist}{ item }{ csvlistmacro \textsfsl{or} \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]}{ true }{ false } \notFE* % \cmditem-{ifincsvlist\stform*}{ item }{ \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]}{ true }{ false} % \cmditem-{xifincsvlist\stform*} { item }{ \itemitemitem*[{\stform[\blue],}]}{ true }{ false} % % These macros\notFE\ are not purely expandable. The search is sensitive to the category code % of the characters in \prm{item}. % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \Subsection{Removing elements from lists} % % \subsubsection{\xpackage{etoolbox} lists} % % The \xpackage{etoolbox} package provides \cs{listadd}, \cs{listgadd}, \cs{listeadd} and \cs{listxadd} commands % to add items to a list. \thispackage provides \cs{listdel}, \cs{listgdel}, \cs{listedel} and \cs{listxdel} to % remove elements from a list. % \ClearPage % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem[listdel]+@{listdel/gdel/edel/xdel} \enlargethispage\baselineskip % \cmditem-{listdel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ Listmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{listgdel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ Listmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{listedel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ Listmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{listxdel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ Listmacro }{ item } % % The \csbf{listdel}\notFE\ command removes the element \prm{item} from the list \prm{Listmacro}. Note that the % \prm{Listmacro} is redefined after deletion. If the list contains more than one element equal to \prm{item} % each is removed. % % \csbf{listedel} expands the \prm{item} (with |\protected@edef|) \textsfbf{before} deletion, whilst with \csbf{listgdel} % the final assignment to (the \emph{shortened}) \prm{Listmacro} is global. Finally, \csbf{listxdel} both expands the \prm{item} % and makes the assignment global. % % If the optional parameter \prm{deleted $n$ times} is specified as a control sequence, the macro does the same but % but assigns to this control sequence the number of times \prm{item} has been found in the list. If this parameter % is not a counter, it is (possibly \textit{re-})defined as a macro:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=$()] % \newcount($dg\mycounter) % \def($copper\myList){one,two,($dgray$!$!$! three),two,($dgray$!$!$! three),four,five,($dgray$!$!$! three)} % ($red\listdel)[($dg\mycounter)]($copper\myList){($dgray$!$!$! three)} % \the($dg\mycounter) ($nnn will be ) 3 % \end{VerbLines} % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \subsubsection{csv-lists} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem[csvdel] @{csvdel/gdel/edel/xdel} % \cmditem-{csvdel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ csvlistmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{csvgdel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ csvlistmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{csvedel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ csvlistmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{csvxdel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ csvlistmacro }{ item } % % Are similar for\notFE\ comma-separated lists. Those macros are NOT purely expandable. % % \subsubsection{Lists of single tokens} % % \cmditem[toksdel]@{toksdel/gdel/edel/xdel} % \cmditem-{toksdel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ tokslistmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{toksgdel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ tokslistmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{toksedel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ tokslistmacro }{ item } % \cmditem-{toksxdel}[ deleted $n$ times ]{ tokslistmacro }{ item } % % Are similar\notFE\ for lists of single tokens (lists without separator). % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \Subsection{Index of an element in a list} % % \subsubsection{\xpackage{etoolbox}-lists} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % % \cmditem{getlistindex}[result-index(counter or macro)]{item}{Listmacro} % \cmditem-{xgetlistindex}[result-index(counter or macro)]{item}{Listmacro} % \cmditem-{getlistindex*}[result-index(counter or macro)]{item}{list} % \cmditem-{xgetlistindex*}[result-index(counter or macro)]{item}{list} % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % Sometimes\notFE\ it is interesting to know at which offset in a list lies a given item. |\getlistindex| answers to this question. % |\xgetlistindex| does the same thing but expands the \prm{item} while looking for it in the list. % % As for the command-list-parser, the star versions are designed in case the list (in the second argument) is already expanded. % % \begin{itemize} % \item \ If \prm{item} is not found in the list, \cs{getlistindex} expands to 0 % \item \ If \prm{item} is found in first position then \cs{getlistindex} expands to 1 and so on. % \end{itemize} % % Those macros are not purely expandable. % % N.B. If \prm{result-index} is not a counter it is (possibly \textit{re-})defined as macro. % % \subsubsection{Comma-separated lists} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % \cmditem{getcsvlistindex}[result-index(counter or macro)]{item}{csvlistmacro} % \cmditem-{xgetcsvlistindex}[result-index(counter or macro)]{item}{csvlistmacro} % \cmditem-{getcsvlistindex*}[result-index(counter or macro)]{item}{item,item,item,...} % \cmditem-{xgetcsvlistindex*}[result-index(counter or macro)]{item}{item,item,item,...} % \end{ltxsyntax} % % This\notFE\ is the same as \cmdref{getlistindex} but for comma-separated lists. % % As for the command-list-parser, the star versions are designed in case the list (in the second argument) is already expanded. % % If \prm{result-index} is not a counter it is (possibly \textit{re-})defined as macro. % % \subsection[\texorpdfstring\blue{}Arithmetic: lists of numbers]{Arithmetic: lists of numbers} % % \begin{ltxsyntax} % \cmditem+{interval}{ number }{ sorted comma separated list of numbers } % % \csbf{interval}\FE will expand to the interval of \prm{number} into the \prm{sorted csv list of numbers}:�� % \begin{VerbLines}[commandchars=!()] % (!red\interval){0}{3,5,12,20} (!nnn will expand to ) 0 % (!red\interval){3}{3,5,12,20} (!nnn will expand to ) 1 % (!red\interval){4}{3,5,12,20} (!nnn will expand to ) 1 % (!red\interval){5}{3,5,12,20} (!nnn will expand to ) 2 % (!red\interval){19}{3,5,12,20} (!nnn will expand to ) 3 % (!red\interval){20}{3,5,12,20} (!nnn will expand to ) 4 % (!red\interval){21}{3,5,12,20} (!nnn will expand to ) 4 % \end{VerbLines} % % \cmditem+{locinterplin}{ number }{ sorted csv list of numbers }{ csv list of numbers } % % \abovedisplayskip=2pt \belowdisplayskip=2pt % % \csbf{locinterplin}\FE will locally and linearly interpolate the series $Y_i$ in \prm{csv list of numbers}:� % \hfill \csbf[\red]{locinterplin}\mprm{\dg$X$}\mprm{\dg$X_i$}\mprm{\blue$Y_i$} \hfill\null % $$\llap{finds $i$ such that:��} \dg X_i\leqslant X\leqslant X_{i+1}$$ % and expands to the local linear interpolation $\blue Y$: % $${\blue Y} = {\blue Y_i} + \dfrac{\dg X-X_i}{\dg X_{i+1}-X_i} \left({\blue Y_{i+1}-Y_i}\right)$$ % % $\dg X_i$ and $\blue Y_i$ must have the same number of elements. % % \end{ltxsyntax} % % \StopEventually{ % } % % \part*{{\spot\smiley}\hfill \LaTeX{} code\hfill{\spot\smiley}} % \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\contentsline{part}{\LaTeX{} code}{}{}} % \implementationsubsecformat % % \Section*{Implementation} \refstepcounter{section}% % ^^A\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\texorpdfstring\dr{}\hskip\dimexpr\cftsecnumwidth-4pt Implementation}^^A do not add to .cmd file % \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{I}\cftsecfont Implementation}^^A do not add to .cmd file % \addtocontents{toc}{\cftbeforesubsecskip=-2pt plus\gluestretch\cftbeforesubsecskip\relax % \renewrobustcmd\noexpand\cftsubsecfont{\footnotesize}} % \renewcommand\thesubsection{I.\arabic{subsection}}^^A for toc % % \Subsection{Package identification} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1996/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{etextools} [2009/10/14 v3.1415 e-TeX more useful tools for LaTeX package writers] \csname ettl@onlyonce\endcsname\let\ettl@onlyonce\endinput % \end{macrocode} % % \Subsection{Requirements} % % This package requires the packages \xpackage{etex} package by David Carlisle % \xpackage{etoolbox} by Philipp Lehman and \xpackage{letltxmacro} by Heiko Oberdiek (for \cmdref*{aftergroup@def}): % % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{etex,etoolbox,letltxmacro} % \end{macrocode} % % The divide sign \CH{\stform[\rred]/} (or slash) is given a catcode of $\mathbf8$. \textbfsf{It is used as a delimiter.} % This choice is driven by three reasons:\cmdlabel{catcode choice} % \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*)~] % \item \CH{\stform[\rred]/} cannot be used in |\numexpr| expressions if its catcode is different of $12$, % making unlikely that someone changes its catcode in his document. However, the same is true % for \CH{\stform<}, \CH{\stform>}, \CH{\stform=}, \CH{\stform+}, \CH{\stform-} and \CH{\stform.} (for dimensions) but: % \item \CH{\stform[\rred]/} is not used in \thispackage but as a delimiter (whereas \CH+, \CH-, \CH<, \CH>, \CH= and \CH. % are used with their normal meaning). % \item but why {$\rred\mathbf8$} ? if someone changes the catcode of \CH{\stform[\rred]/} it is unlikely that she will choose % $\rred\mathbf8$ (the \textit{\rred math subscript} which has nothing to do with \stform[\rred]/...) whereas it is not so unlikely that % someone needs \CH{\stform[\rred]/} as a \emph{tab alignment character} (catcode $4$) or a \emph{math shift} (catcode $3$) % or another special need (catcode $13$)... Moreover, catcode $4$ may have indesirable side effects if read inside \cs{halign} or \cs{valign}. % Finally, we could have chosen {$\blue\mathbf7$} but then a sequence like: \CH{\stform[\blue]/$\mathbf{_7}$\stform[\blue]/$\mathbf{_7}$} % is read by \TeX{} like \CH{\stform[\blue]{\string^}$\mathbf{_7}$\stform[\blue]{\string^}$\mathbf{_7}$} with a very special meaning... % \end{enumerate} % Therefore, the choice might not be bad... % \begin{macrocode} \let\ettl@AtEnd\@empty \def\TMP@EnsureCode#1#2{% \edef\ettl@AtEnd{% \ettl@AtEnd \catcode#1 \the\catcode#1\relax }% \catcode#1 #2\relax } \TMP@EnsureCode{32}{10}% space... just in case \TMP@EnsureCode{47}{8}% / \TMP@EnsureCode{167}{7}% � \TMP@EnsureCode{164}{7}% � \TMP@EnsureCode{95}{11}% _ \TMP@EnsureCode{42}{12}% * \TMP@EnsureCode{43}{12}% + \TMP@EnsureCode{45}{12}% - \TMP@EnsureCode{46}{12}% . \TMP@EnsureCode{60}{12}% < \TMP@EnsureCode{61}{12}% = \TMP@EnsureCode{62}{12}% > \TMP@EnsureCode{33}{12}% ! \TMP@EnsureCode{152}{13}% ~ for the character test \ifundef\pdfstrcmp{% \TMP@EnsureCode{163}{9}% � ignore \TMP@EnsureCode{128}{14}% \texteuro comment � }{\TMP@EnsureCode{163}{14}% � comment \TMP@EnsureCode{128}{9}% \texteuro ignore } \AtEndOfPackage{\ettl@AtEnd\undef\ettl@AtEnd} % \end{macrocode} % % \Subsection{Some ``helper'' macros} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>% A few helper macros % \fi % %\begin{macro}{helper macros} \FE % \begin{macrocode} \let\ettl@ifdefined\ifdefined%\ifdefined% turn to \iffalse to test other implementation on pdfTeX \long\def\ettl@fi#1\fi{\fi#1} \long\def\ettl@else#1\else#2\fi{\fi#1} \long\def\ettl@or#1\or#2\fi{\fi#1} \def\ettl@expandaftwo{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter} \def\ettl@expandafthree{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter} \cslet{ettl@1of1}\@firstofone %% for internal use only \cslet{ettl@1of2}\@firstoftwo %% for internal use only \cslet{ettl@2of2}\@secondoftwo %% for internal use only \long\def\rmn@firstoftwo#1#2{\z@#1} %% for romannumeral \long\def\rmn@secondoftwo#1#2{\z@#2}%% for romannumeral \long\def\ettl@cdr#1#2\@nil{#2} %% \@cdr should be a LONG macro \long\def\ettl@car#1#2\@nil{#1} %% \@car should be a LONG macro \long\csdef{ettl@1of3}#1#2#3{#1} \long\csdef{ettl@2of3}#1#2#3{#2} \long\csdef{ettl@3of3}#1#2#3{#3} \long\csdef{ettl@12of3}#1#2#3{{#1}{#2}} \long\def\ettl@carcar#1#2#3#4{#4} \long\def\ettl@firstspace#1#2#3{\expandafter\ettl@firstsp@ce\detokenize{#1} \\{#3}{#2}//} \long\def\ettl@firstsp@ce#1 #2\\{\ettl@nbk#1//} \long\def\ettl@csname#1\endcsname{\fi\endcsname}%% useful to get out of \if % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@char} % \cs{ettl@char} expands to \prm{true} if its argument is a single character token. It is used in % \cmdref*{ettl@ifnextchar}. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@char#1{\csname ettl@\if @\expandafter\ettl@cdr\detokenize{#1}\@nil @% 1\else2\fi of2\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@intmax} % This\FE is the maximum integer allowed by e\TeX{} for |\numexpr| ($2^31-1$) and all arithmetic operations: % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\@intmax{2147483647} \def\ettl@intmax{2147483647} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ettl@onlypdfTeX for internal use % \fi % % \begin{macro}{\ettl@onlypdfTeX} % This is an \textit{internal macro} used by the package: if the \prm{primitive} % in \#1 is available (\eg \cs{pdfstrcmp}) then the \prm{command} in \#2 % can be defined, otherwise, the \prm{command} is \cs{let} to the optional argument \#3. % If there is no such optional argument, the \prm{command} throws an error (\eg \cs{ifstrmatch}). % \begin{macrocode} \def\ettl@onlypdfTeX#1#2{\@testopt{\ettl@only@pdfTeX{#1}{#2}}{}} \def\ettl@only@pdfTeX#1#2[#3]{\ifundef{#1} {\ifblank{#3} {\def#2{\PackageError{etextools}{\string#1\space primitive not found\MessageBreak pdfTeX seems not to be running} {\string#2\space works only if used with pdfTeX (requires \string#1)}}} {\AtEndOfPackage{\let#2=#3}% \PackageWarning{etextools}{\string#1\space primitive not found\MessageBreak Macro \string#2\space has been replaced by \string#3\space\MessageBreak It is not purely expandable}} }\relax} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ettl@nbk argument to be tested//{ true }{ false }// %<package>% `/` has a catcode of 3 all along this package % \fi % % \begin{Macro*}{ettl@nbk} % \CSbf{ettl@nbk}\FEI is an optimized form of |\ifblank|. \TeX{} switches to the % \prm{true} part if the expanded argument (delimited by \CH{\chcat/8\chcat/8}) is % \txtbf[\rred]not \txtbf[\rred]blan\txtbf[\rred]k. % % Usage: |\ettl@nbk |\prm{string}\chcat/8\chcat/8\prm{true}\prm{false}\chcat/8\chcat/8 % \begin{tabbing} % \qquad\=if \prm{string} is blank:�\=\#1=\CH/,�`\#2=\o,�\#3=\prm{true},�\=\#4=\prm{false}\\ % \>\hfil otherwise:\>\#3=\CH/,\>\#4=\prm{true}�(and \#5=\prm{false}) %\end{tabbing} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@nbk #1#2/#3#4#5//{#4} \long\def\ettl@nbk@else#1#2/#3#4#5//#6\else#7\fi{\fi#4} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro*} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@ney} % \cs{ettl@ney}\FEII is exactly |\ifnotempty| but with the syntax of |\ettl@nbk|: it may be used in place of |\ettl@nbk|: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@ney#1//#2#3//{\romannumeral 0\csname @% \if @\detokenize{#1}@first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname { #2}{ #3}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>% The following macros are not used (here just for memory, in case of...) % \fi % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@nbk@cat} \FE % \CSbf{ettl@nbk@cat} switches to \prm{true} if \prm{string} is not blank AND if its first token has the % same category code of \prm{tokenA}: % % Usage: |\ettl@nbkcat |\prm{tokenA}\prm{string}|//|\prm{same catcodes}\prm{different catcodes}|//| % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@nbk@cat#1#2#3/#4#5#6//{\ettl@nbk#6//% {\ifcat#1#2\ettl@else#5\else\ettl@fi#6\fi}{#5}//} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@nbk@ifx} \FE % \CSbf{ettl@nbk@ifx} switches to \prm{true} if \prm{string} is not blank AND if its first token is % equal to \prm{tokenA} in the sense of \cs{ifx}: % % USAGE: |\ettl@nbk@ifx |\prm{tokenA}\prm{string}|//|\prm{true}\prm{false}|//| % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@nbk@ifx#1#2#3/#4#5#6//{\ettl@nbk#6//% {\ifx#1#2\ettl@else#5\else\ettl@fi#6\fi}{#5}//} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@nbk@if} \FE % \CSbf{ettl@nbk@if} switches to \prm{true} if \prm{string} is not blank AND if its first token is % equal to \prm{tokenA} in the sense of \cs{if}: % % USAGE: |\ettl@nbk@if |\prm{tokenA}\prm{string}|//|\prm{true}\prm{false}|//| % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@nbk@if#1#2#3/#4#5#6//% {\ettl@nbk#6//{\if#1#2\ettl@else#5\else\ettl@fi#6\fi}{#5}//} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@nbk@IF} \FE % More generally: |\ettl@nbk@IF[cat]|=|\ettl@nbk@ifcat|�|\ettl@nbk@IF[x]|=|\ettl@nbk@ifx|�|\ettl@nbk@IF[]|=|\ettl@nbk@if|: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@nbk@IF[#1]#2#3#4/#5#6#7//{\ettl@nbk#7//% {\csname if#1\endcsname\ettl@else#6\else\ettl@fi#7\fi}{#6}//} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % %\iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \@gobblespace and The Space Token % \fi %\begin{Macro}{@gobblespace} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\@gobblespace#1 {#1} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \@gobblescape \cs-token % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{@gobblescape} % This sequence of commands is very often used (even in \sty{latex.ltx}). So % it appears to be better to put it in a macro. It's aim is to reverse the % mechanism of |\csname|...|\endcsname|: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\@gobblescape{\romannumeral-`\q\expandafter\@gobble\string} % \end{macrocode} % {\rmk May be we could do better, testing first if the next token is a control sequence...} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>% The swap macros % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{@swap} % \CS{@swap} reverses the order and does not add any curly braces: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\@swap[2]{#2#1} \@swap{ }{\let\ettl@sptoken= }% This makes \ettl@sptoken a space token % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \begin{Macro}{@swaparg} % \CS{@swaparg} reverses the order: the first argument (that will become the second), is % considered to be the first argument of the second (\textbf{!}): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\@swaparg[2]{#2{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % %\begin{Macro}{@swaplast} % \CS{@swaplast} reverse the order of two tokens, but keeps the first in first position: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\@swaplast[3]{#1#3#2} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \begin{Macro}{@swaptwo} % \CS{@swaptwo} reserves the order but keeps the curly braces: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\@swaptwo[2]{{#2}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % {\rmk this macro is used in \cmdref{gettokslistindex}} % \end{Macro} % % \Subsection{Expansion control} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \expandaftercmds : expansion control %<package>% level 1 : \expandaftercmds { code }{ cs-token } %<package>% level 2 : \expandaftercmds\expandaftercmds { code }{ cs-token } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{expandaftercmds} % \CSbf{expandaftercmds} generalizes \CSbf{expandafter}: arbitrarily \prm{code} might be % put as a first argument. % % The idea is to \textit{swap} the arguments in order to expand the second (in first position after the swap) % as many times as there are \cs{expandnext}s. At exit, swap again. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\expandaftercmds[2]{% \ifsingletoken\expandaftercmds{#1} {\expandafter@cmds{#2}{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter}} {\expandafter\@swap\expandafter{#2}{#1}}} \long\def\expandafter@cmds#1#2#3{% \ifsingletoken\expandaftercmds{#1} {\expandafter@cmds{#3}{\expandafter#2#2}} {#2\@swap#2{#3}{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % % \begin{Macro}{expandnext} % % This code is not properly tricky but if you're eager to understand the job of each \cs{expandafter}, % it's best to go straight at the log. % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \expandnext : expansion control %<package>% level 1 : \expandnext { code }{ control sequences : the first is expanded before code } %<package>% level 2 : \expandnext\expandnext{ code }{ control sequences } % \fi % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\expandnext[2]{% \ifsingletoken\expandnext{#1} {\@expandnext{#2}{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter}} {\expandafter\@swaparg\expandafter{#2}{#1}}} \long\def\@expandnext#1#2#3{% \ifsingletoken\expandnext{#1} {\@expandnext{#3}{\expandafter#2#2}} {#2\@swaparg#2{#3}{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \expandnexttwo{ code }{ control sequences }{ control sequences } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{expandnexttwo} \newcommand\expandnexttwo[3]{\expandnext{\expandnext{#1}{#2}}{#3}} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ExpandAfter { code } { cs-token } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{ExpandAftercmds} % \cs{ExpandAftercmds} acts like the primitive \cs{expandafter} but expands totally the second \textbfsf{token}: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ExpandAftercmds[2]{\expandafter\@swap\expandafter{\romannumeral-`\q#2}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ExpandNext { code } { argument } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{ExpandNext} % \cs{romannumeral} forces the expansion of the second \textbfsf{argument.} % \begin{macrocode} % I'm not sure it is interesting to use \expandnext here... %\newcommand\ExpandNext[2]{\expandnext{#1}{\romannumeral-`\q#2}} \newcommand\ExpandNext[2]{\expandafter\@swaparg\expandafter{\romannumeral-`\q#2}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ExpandNextTwo { code } { arg1 }{ arg2 } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{ExpandNextTwo} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ExpandNextTwo[3]{\ExpandNext{\ExpandNext{#1}{#2}}{#3}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>% noexpandcs { csname } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{noexpandcs} % {\rmk|\noexpandcs| may be abbreviated f.ex. in |\`#1`| or |\"#1"| in |\edef| that take place in a group.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\noexpandcs[1]{\expandafter\noexpand\csname #1\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>% noexpandafter % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{noexpandafter} % {\rmk \cmd{noexpandafter} only means \cmd{noexpand}\cmd{expandafter} and is shorter to type.} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\noexpandafter{\noexpand\expandafter} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{Macro} % % \Subsection{Meaning of control sequences} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \thefontname % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{thefontname} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\thefontname{{\expandafter\ettl@thefontname\expandafter\strip@meaning\the\font}} \font\ettl@thefontname=ecrm1000 % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \showcs { csname } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{showcs} % \cs{showcs} shows the meaning of a named control sequence: % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\showcs[1]{\expandafter\show\csname#1\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \meaningcs { csname } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{meaningcs} % \cs{meaningcs} expands in one level: % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand\meaningcs[1]{\romannumeral-`\q \csname\ifcsdef{#1}{ettl@meaningcs\endcsname{#1}} {meaning\endcsname\@undefined}} \def\ettl@meaningcs#1{\expandafter\meaning\csname#1\endcsname}% here we don't need \z@ to stop \romannumeral % because \meaning is never blank nor begins with a space... % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \strip@meaning { cs-token } %<package>%% \strip@meaningcs { csname } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{strip@meaning} % Just give the meaning without the prefix `|macro:|`. \cs{strip@prefix} will expand to an empty string if % its argument is undefined, and to the |\meaning| if it is not a macro. % \begin{Macro}{strip@meaningcs} % The same but for named control sequences: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\strip@meaning[1]{\romannumeral\csname\ifdef{#1}% {\ifdefmacro{#1}{ettl@strip@meaning}{ettl@meaning}\endcsname#1}{z@\endcsname}} \providecommand*\strip@meaningcs[1]{\romannumeral\csname\ifcsdef{#1}% {\ifcsmacro{#1}{ettl@strip@meaning}{ettl@meaning}% \expandafter\endcsname\csname#1\endcsname} {z@\endcsname}} \def\ettl@strip@meaning{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\z@% for \romannumeral in case the \meaning is blank... \expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning} \def\ettl@meaning{\expandafter\z@\meaning} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \parameters@meaning { cs-token } %<package>%% \parameters@meaningcs { csname } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{parameters@meaning} % \begin{Macro*}{parameters@meaningcs} % Expands to the \textit{parameter string} of a macro, or to an empty string if not a macro: % \begin{macrocode} \providecommand*\parameters@meaning[1]{} \edef\parameters@meaning#1{\unexpanded{\romannumeral\expandafter \expandafter\expandafter\z@\expandafter\ettl@params@meaning% \meaning}#1\detokenize{macro:->}/} \providecommand*\parameters@meaningcs[1]{} \edef\parameters@meaningcs#1{\unexpanded{\romannumeral\ettl@expandafthree\z@ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ettl@params@meaning% \expandafter\meaning\csname}#1\endcsname\detokenize{macro:->}/} \edef\ettl@params@meaning{% \def\noexpand\ettl@params@meaning\detokenize{macro:}##1\detokenize{->}##2/{##1}% }\ettl@params@meaning % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifdefcount { cs-token }{ true }{ false } \FEII %<package>%% \ifdefdimen { cs-token }{ true }{ false } \FEII %<package>%% \ifdeftoks { cs-token }{ true }{ false } \FEII %<package>%% \ifdefskip { cs-token }{ true }{ false } \FEII %<package>%% \ifdefmuskip { cs-token }{ true }{ false } \FEII %<package>%% \ifdefchar { cs-token }{ true }{ false } \FEII %<package>%% \ifdefmathchar { cs-token }{ true }{ false } \FEII % \fi % %\begin{Macro*}{ifdefcount} %\begin{Macro*}{ifdeftoks} %\begin{Macro*}{ifdefdimen} %\begin{Macro*}{ifdefskip} %\begin{Macro*}{ifdefmuskip} %\begin{Macro*}{ifdefchar} %\begin{Macro*}{ifdefmathchar} %\begin{Macro*}{ifdefblankspace} %\begin{Macro*}{ifdefthechar} %\begin{Macro}[ifdefcount]{ifdeftheletter} % \cs{ettl@ifdef} will defined those five macros (and be undefined itself at the end): % \begin{macrocode} \def\ettl@ifdef[#1]{\expandafter\ettl@ifd@f\expandafter{#1}} \def\ettl@ifd@f#1#2{% \csdef{ettl@ifdef#2}##1#1##2/End�Meaning/{\ettl@nbk##2//{\rmn@firstoftwo}{\rmn@secondoftwo}//} \csedef{ifdef#2}##1{\noexpand\romannumeral\noexpandafter% \noexpandcs{ettl@ifdef#2}\noexpand\meaning##1#1/End�Meaning/}%//{##2}{##3}//} } \ettl@ifdef[\string\count]{count} % defines \def\ifdefcount \ettl@ifdef[\string\toks]{toks} % \def\ifdeftoks \ettl@ifdef[\string\dimen]{dimen} % \def\ifdefdimen \ettl@ifdef[\string\skip]{skip} % \def\ifdefskip \ettl@ifdef[\string\muskip]{muskip} % \def\ifdefmuskip \ettl@ifdef[\string\char]{char} % \def\ifdefchar \ettl@ifdef[\string\mathchar]{mathchar} % \def\ifdefmathchar \ettl@ifdef[\detokenize{blank space}]{blankspace}% \def\ifdefblankspace \ettl@ifdef[\detokenize{the character}]{thechar}% \def\ifdefthechar \ettl@ifdef[\detokenize{the letter}]{theletter} % \def\ifdeftheletter \undef\ettl@ifdef\undef\ettl@ifd@f % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro*} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \avoidvoid [ replacement code ]{ cs-token / string } %<package>%% \avoidvoid*[ replacement code ]{ cs-token / string } % \fi % \begin{Macro*}{avoidvoid} % \begin{Macro}{avoidvoid*} % \cs{avoivoid}\oprm{replacement code}\prm{cs-token} will expand the optional parameter (default: an empty string) if the mandatory argument is void (\ie % is either undefined, a token whose meaning is |\relax|, a parameterless macro whose replacement text is empty). % Otherwise, it will expand its mandatory argument (\prm{cs-token}): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\avoidvoid[1]{\romannumeral\FE@ifstar{#1} {\ettl@voidvoid{\ettl@ifdefempty\ifempty}} {\ettl@voidvoid{\ettl@ifdefvoid\ifblank}}} \long\def\ettl@voidvoid#1#2{\FE@testopt{#2}{\ettl@voidv@id#1}{}} \long\def\ettl@voidv@id#1#2[#3]#4{\ifiscs{#4}{#1{#4}}{#2{#4}}{\z@#3}{\z@#4}} % \end{macrocode} % and the helper macros: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@ifdefvoid#1{\csname @\ifx#1\relax first% \else\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ettl@nbk\strip@meaning#1//{second}{first}//% \fi oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@ifdefempty#1{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ifempty% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\strip@meaning#1}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} %\end{Macro*} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \avoidvoidcs [ replacement code ]{ cs-name } %<package>%% \avoidvoidcs*[ replacement code ]{ cs-name } % \fi % %\begin{Macro*}{avoidvoidcs} %\begin{Macro}{avoidvoidcs*} % \cs{avoidvoidcs} does the same as \cs{avoidvoid} but the mandatory argument \prm{cs-name} is interpreted % as a control sequence name. Therefore, you cannot test a |string| with \cs{avoidvoidcs}. % % \cs{avoidcsvoid} is an alias (for |neu-neu|...): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\avoidvoidcs[1]{\romannumeral\FE@ifstar{#1} {\ettl@avoidvoidcs{\ettl@ifdefempty}} {\ettl@avoidvoidcs{\ettl@ifdefvoid}}} \long\def\ettl@avoidvoidcs#1#2{\FE@testopt{#2}{\ettl@@voidvoidcs#1}{}} \long\def\ettl@@voidvoidcs#1[#2]#3{\csname @\ifcsname#3\endcsname \expandafter#1\csname#3\endcsname{first}{second}\else first\fi oftwo\endcsname{\z@#2}{\z@\csname#3\endcsname}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} %\end{Macro*} % % \Subsection{Single tokens / single characters} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% The ifx-test and the character-test % \fi % % \begin{Macro*}{ettl@ifx} \FE % \cs{ettl@ifx} is the \emph{equality-test macro} for \cmdref={character-test}{\cs{ifx} test}. In is designed to be used % inside |\csname|...|\endcsname| like:� % ��|\ettl@ifx|\prm{tokenA}\prm{tokenB}{first}{second}: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@ifx#1#2{\csname ettl@\ifx#1#21\else2\fi of2\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro*} % %\begin{Macro*}{ettl@ifchar} \FE % \cs{ettl@ifchar} is the \emph{equality-test macro} for \cmdref={character-test}. It is designed to be in place of \cs{ettl@ifx}: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@ifchar#1#2{\csname ettl@\if\noexpand#2\string#11of2\ettl@csname\fi \unless\ifcat\noexpand#1\noexpand#22of2\ettl@csname\fi \ifx#1#21\else2\fi of2\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro*} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifsingletoken{ tokenA }{ tokenB }{ true }{ false } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{ifsingletoken} % \cs{ifsingletoken} is a safe \cs{ifx}-test: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ifsingletoken[2]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\ettl@firstspace{#2} {\ettl@nbk#1#2//{second}{\if @\detokenize{#1#2}@first\else\ifx#1#2first\else second\fi\fi}//} {\if @\detokenize\expandafter{\ettl@cdr#2\@nil}@% \expandafter\ettl@ifxsingle \else\expandafter\ettl@carcar \fi{#1}{#2}{first}{second}}% oftwo\endcsname} \def\ettl@ifxsingle#1#2#3#4{\ettl@nbk#1//{\ifx#1#2#3\else#4\fi}{#4}//} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifOneToken{ token }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{ifOneToken} % \cs{ifOneToken} test if its argument contains only one token (possibly a space token): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ifOneToken[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\ettl@firstspace{#1} {\ettl@nbk#1//{second}{\if @\detokenize{#1}@second\else first\fi}//} {\if @\detokenize\expandafter{\ettl@cdr#1\@nil}@% first\else second\fi}oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifsinglechar character{ string }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{ifsinglechar} % Test if \#2 is a single character equal to \#1: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ifsinglechar#1#2{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\ettl@firstspace{#2} {\ettl@nbk#2//{second}{\if @\detokenize{#1#2}@first\else\ifx#1#2first\else second\fi\fi}//} {\if @\detokenize\expandafter{\ettl@cdr#2\@nil}@% \expandafter\ettl@ifchar \else\expandafter\ettl@carcar \fi{#1}{#2}{first}{second}}% oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifOneChar{ string }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{ifOneChar} % \cs{ifOneChar}\prm{string}\prm{true}\prm{false}� detokenizes \prm{string} first (see also \cmdref*{ifOneToken}): % \begin{macrocode} \ettl@ifdefined\pdfmatch \newcommand\ifOneChar[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@% \ifnum\pdfmatch{\detokenize{^.$}}{\detokenize{#1}}=1 first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \else \newcommand\ifOneChar[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\ettl@firstspace{#1} {\ettl@nbk#1//{second}{\if @\detokenize{#1}@second\else first\fi}//} {\if @\expandafter\ettl@cdr\detokenize{#1}\@nil @% first\else second\fi}oftwo\endcsname} \fi%\pdfmatch % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifOneCharWithBlanks{ string }{ true }{ false } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{ifOneCharWithBlanks} % \begin{macrocode} \ettl@ifdefined\pdfmatch \newcommand\ifOneCharWithBlanks[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@% \ifnum\pdfmatch{\detokenize{^[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]][[:space:]]*$}}{\detokenize{#1}}=1 % first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \else \newcommand\ifOneCharWithBlanks[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\ettl@nbk#1//% {\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ettl@nbk \expandafter\ettl@cdr\detokenize{#1}\@nil//{second}{first}//}% {second}//oftwo\endcsname} \fi % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \iffirstchar{ string1 }{ string2 }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{iffirstchar} % |\iffirstchar| test if \#1 and \#2 begins with the same character or token (the \cmdref={character-test} is used): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\iffirstchar[2]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@% \ettl@nbk#2//% {\ettl@nbk#1//% {\expandnexttwo\ettl@ifchar{\ettl@car#2\@nil}{\ettl@car#1\@nil}{first}{second}} {\if @\detokenize{#1}@secondoftwo\ettl@csname\fi \ettl@firstspace{#2}{first}{second}}//}% {\ettl@nbk#1//% {\if @\detokenize{#2}@secondoftwo\ettl@csname\fi \ettl@firstspace{#1}{first}{second}} {\if @\detokenize{#1#2}@first\else second\fi}}//% oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifiscs { string }{ true }{ false } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{ifiscs} % \cs{ifiscs}\prm{string} expands \prm{true} only if \prm{string} is a single control-word: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ifiscs[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\ettl@nbk#1//% {\if @\expandafter\ettl@cdr\detokenize{#1}\@nil @secondoftwo\ettl@csname\fi \if @\detokenize\expandafter{\ettl@cdr#1\@nil}@% \expandafter\ettl@firstspace \else secondoftwo\ettl@csname\fi{#1}{second}{first}} {second}//oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \detokenizeChars { list of single tokens } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{detokenizeChars} % \cs{detokenizeChars} selectively detokenizes the tokens of the \cmdref={list of single tokens}: single characters are % detokenized while control sequences remain the same: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\detokenizeChars[1]{\expandafter\ettl@dosinglelist \expandafter\ettl@do@detokenChars\expandafter{\romannumeral\protectspace{\z@#1}}} \long\def\ettl@do@detokenChars#1{\ifOneChar{#1}\detokenize\unexpanded{#1}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \protectspace { string } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{protectspace} % \cs{protectspace} puts curly braces (group characters) around spaces in the string given as argument. % This is useful for loops into lists (\cs{listloop}, \cs{csvloop}...). \cs{protectspace} is an exemple % of a loop which is 2-purely expandable: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\protectspace[1]{\romannumeral\ettl@protectspace#1 /End�String/} \long\def\ettl@protectspace#1 #2/End�String/{\ifempty{#2}{\z@#1} {\expandafter\@swap\expandafter{\romannumeral\ettl@protectspace#2/End�String/}{\z@#1{ }}}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \Subsection{Character and Strings} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifempty{ text }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{ifempty} % |\ifempty| is based on |\detokenize| and can manage with any argument. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ifempty[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\if @\detokenize{#1}@% first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifnotempty{ text }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{ifnotempty} % |\ifnotempty| is based on |\detokenize| and can manage with any argument. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ifnotempty[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\if @\detokenize{#1}@% second\else first\fi oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \xifempty{ text }{ true }{ false } % \fi % \begin{Macro}{xifempty} % |\xifempty| is based on pdf-TeX{} |\pdfstrcmp| and work with any argument. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\xifempty[1]{\xifstrcmp{#1}{}} \ettl@onlypdfTeX\pdfstrcmp\xifempty[\xifstrempty] % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifnotblank{ text }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{ifnotblank} % \cs{ifnotblank} \CS{ifnotblank} |\ifnotblank| \CSbf{ifnotblank} \textvb{ifnotblank} reverses the test of \cs{ifblank}. % % {\usefont{T1}{pcr}{m}{n}ifnotblank}{\usefont{T1}{txtt}{m}{n}ifnotblank} % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ifnotblank#1#2#3{\ettl@nbk#1//{#2}{#3}//} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \xifblank{ string }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{xifblank} % Just expands the parameter using |\protected@edef| before testing for |\ifblank|: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\xifblank[1]{\begingroup \protected@edef\@xifblank{\endgroup \noexpand\ifblank{#1}% }\@xifblank} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \deblank{ string } % \fi % \begin{Macro}{deblank} % From a code in \xpackage{environ.sty}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\deblank[1]{\romannumeral\ettl@deblank#1/ /} \long\def\ettl@deblank#1 /{\ettl@deblank@i#1/} \long\def\ettl@deblank@i#1/#2{\z@#1} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % %\begin{Macro*}{ettl@stringify} \FE % \cs{ettl@stringify} is used in the definition of \cs{ettl@safe@ifx}: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ettl@stringify[1]{\romannumeral-`\q\ettl@expandafthree\@gobblescape% \expandafter\ettl@deblank\detokenize{#1}/ /} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro*} % % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifstrcmp{ string1 }{ string2 }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{ifstrcmp} % The macro is based on the |\pdfstrcmp| primitive if it is available. % Otherwise, \cs{ifstrcmp} is the same as \xpackage{etoolbox}-\cs{ifstrequal}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ifstrcmp[2]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@% \ifnum\pdfstrcmp{\detokenize{#1}}{\detokenize{#2}}=0 first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \ettl@onlypdfTeX\pdfstrcmp\ifstrcmp[\ifstrequal] % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \xifstrcmp{ string1 }{ string2 }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{xifstrcmp} % The macro is based on the |\pdfstrcmp| primitive. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\xifstrcmp[2]{\csname @% \ifnum\pdfstrcmp{#1}{#2}=0 first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \ettl@onlypdfTeX\pdfstrcmp\xifstrcmp[\xifstrequal] % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \begin{Macro}{xifstrequal} % The macro is based on \xpackage{etoolbox}-|\ifstrequal|. % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\xifstrequal[2]{\begingroup \protected@edef\@xifstrequal{\endgroup\noexpand\ifstrequal{#1}{#2}% }\@xifstrequal} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifcharupper{ string }{ true }{ false } %<package>%% \ifcharlower{ string }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro*}{ifcharupper} % Test if the character code equals to its upper case code: % \begin{Macro}{ifcharlower} % Test if the character code equals to its lower case code: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ifcharupper[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@% \ifnum`\#1=\uccode`\#1 first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \newcommand\ifcharlower[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@% \ifnum`\#1=\lccode`\#1 first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % \end{Macro*} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifuppercase{ string }{ true }{ false } %<package>%% \iflowercase{ string }{ true }{ false } % \fi % \begin{Macro}{ifuppercase} % Compares the |\uppercase| transformation of a string with itself: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\ifuppercase[1]{\uppercase{\ifstrcmp{#1}}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \begin{Macro}{iflowercase} % Compares the |\lowercase| transformation of a string with itself: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\iflowercase[1]{\lowercase{\ifstrcmp{#1}}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifstrmatch{ pattern }{ string }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{ifstrmatch} % The macro is base on the |\pdfmatch| primitive. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ifstrmatch[2]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@% \ifnum\pdfmatch{#1}{#2}=1 first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \ettl@onlypdfTeX\pdfmatch\ifstrmatch % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifstrdigit{ string }{ true }{ false } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{ifstrdigit} % \cs{ifstrdigit} expands \prm{true} if \prm{string} is a single digit (without spaces): % \begin{macrocode} \ettl@ifdefined\pdfmatch \newcommand\ifstrdigit[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\ifnum\pdfmatch{\detokenize{^[[:digit:]]$}}% {\detokenize{#1}}=1 first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \else \def\do#1{\cslet{ettl@number#1}=#1% }\docsvlist{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} \newcommand\ifstrdigit[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@% \ifcsname ettl@number\detokenize{#1}\endcsname first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \fi%\pdfmatch % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifstrnum{ string }{ true }{ false } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{ifstrnum} % \cs{ifstrnum} expands \prm{true} if \prm{string} is a number (integer) in the sense of \eTeX: % \begin{macrocode} \ettl@ifdefined\pdfmatch \newcommand\ifstrnum[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\ifnum\pdfmatch {\detokenize{^([[:space:]]*-?)*+[[:digit:]]+[[:space:]]*$}}{\detokenize{#1}}=1 % first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \else \newcommand\ifstrnum[1]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@\ettl@nbk#1//% {\expandafter\ettl@numberminus\detokenize{#1}-/End�String/}{second}//oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@numberminus#1-#2/End�String/{\ettl@nbk#2//% {\ettl@nbk#1//{second}{\ettl@numberminus#2/End�String/}//}% {\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ettl@numberspace\deblank{#1} /End�String/}//}% \long\def\ettl@numberspace#1 #2/End�String/{\ettl@nbk#2//{second}{\ettl@ifstrnum#1/End�String/}//} \long\def\ettl@ifstrnum#1#2/End�String/{% \ifcsname ettl@number#1\endcsname% #1 detokenized before, ok \ettl@nbk#2//{\ettl@ifstrnum#2/End�String/}{first}//% \else second% \fi} \fi%\pdfmatch % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \DeclareStringFilter[\global]{ \StringFilterMacro }{ string } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{DeclareStringFilter} % \csbf{DeclareStringFilter} is the general contructor for purely expandable % \textbfsf{string-filter} macros: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\DeclareStringFilter[3][\global]{\@ifdefinable#2% {\expandnext\ettl@declarestrfilter% {\csname\@gobblescape#2\detokenize{->"#3"}\endcsname}{#1}{#2}{#3}}} \newcommand\ettl@declarestrfilter[4]{% #2\csdef{\@gobblescape#1}##1#4##2/End�String/{##1/##2}% This the FILTER #2\long\def#3##1{\FE@modifiers{=<>?-+!}{##1} {\ettl@strfilt@mod 0{{#4}{}{#1}[1]}}%= {\ettl@strfilt@mod 1{{#4}{}{#1}[1]}}%< {\ettl@strfilt@mod 2{{#4}{}{#1}[\ettl@intmax]}}%> {\ettl@strfilt@mod 3{{#4}{}{#1}}}%? {\ettl@strfilt@mod 4{{#4}{}{#1}}}%- {\ettl@strfilt@mod 5{{#4}{}{#1}}}%+ {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@count{#4}{}{#1}[\ettl@intmax]}%! {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@equal{#4}{}{#1}[1]}}}% default % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@strfilt@mod} \FE % \cs{ettl@strfilt@mod} test the possible second modifier and choose the right macro to expand with % the right arguments: % \begin{macrocode} \def\ettl@strfilt@mod #1#2#3{% \ifcase#1 \ettl@or\ettl@ifchardot{#3}% {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@equal#2} {\FE@ifcharequal{#3}% {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@equaleq#2}% {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@equal#2}}% \or\ettl@or\ettl@ifchardot{#3}% {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@start#2}% {\FE@ifcharequal{#3} {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@starteq#2}% {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@start#2}}% \or\ettl@or\ettl@ifchardot{#3}% {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@endby#2}% {\FE@ifcharequal{#3} {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@endbyeq#2}% {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@endby#2}}% \or\ettl@or\ettl@ifchardot{#3}% {\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@instr#2[1]} {\FE@testopt{#3}{\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@instr#2}{1}}% \or\ettl@or\ettl@ifchardot{#3}% {\ettl@strfilt@REMOVE{#2}[\ettl@intmax]}% {\FE@testopt{#3}{\ettl@strfilt@REMOVE{#2}}{\ettl@intmax}}% \or\ettl@fi\ettl@ifchardot{#3}% {\ettl@strfilt@REPLACE#2[\ettl@intmax]}% {\FE@testopt{#3}{\ettl@strfilt@REPLACE#2}{\ettl@intmax}}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@strfilt} \FE % \cs{ettl@strfilt} is the common start for the loop: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@strfilt#1#2#3#4[#5]#6{% % #1 = test macro % #2 = substr % #3 = replacement % #4 = filter macro % #5 = number of times % #6 = user-given string \ExpandAftercmds#1{\ettl@Remove #6/End�String/{#2}{#3}[{#5}]{#4}}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@strfilt@REMOVE} \FE % \cs{ettl@strfilt@REMOVE} is a pre-stage just before the common \cs{ettl@strfilt}: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@REMOVE #1[#2]{% % #1 = arguments for \ettl@strfilt % #2 = number of times \ifnum\numexpr#2>0 \ettl@else\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@remove#1[#2]% \else\expandafter\@firstofone% \fi} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@strfilt@REPLACE} \FE % \cs{ettl@strfilt@REPLACE} is a pre-stage just before the common \cs{ettl@strfilt}: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@REPLACE #1#2#3#4[#5]#6#7{% \ifnum\numexpr#5>0 \ettl@else\ettl@strfilt\ettl@strfilt@replace{#1}{#7}{#3}[{#5}]{#6}% \else\expandafter\@firstoftwo% \fi} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@Remove} \FE % \cs{ettl@Remove} applies the filter (\#5) and give the result to \cs{ettl@Remove@loop}: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@Remove#1/End�String/#2#3[#4]#5{% % #1 = string or list % #2 = substring or item to remove % #3 = REPLACEMENT % #4 = number of times to remove % #5 = filter macro \expandafter\ettl@Remove@loop #5#1//#2/End�String//End�String/{#3}[{#4-1}]{#5}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@Remove@loop} \FE % \cs{ettl@Remove@loop} is entitled to break the loop: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@Remove@loop#1/#2//#3/End�String/#4[#5]#6{% % #1 = str before filter % #2 = str after filter % #3 = substr to remove % #4 = REPLACEMENT % #5 = iterindex % #6 = filter macro \ifnum\numexpr#5>0 \ettl@nbk@else#2//% {\ettl@Remove #1#4#2/End�String/{#3}{#4}[{#5}]{#6}} {{#1}{#4#2}{#3}{#5}}//% \else\ettl@fi{#1}{#4#2}{#3}{#5}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{test and result macros} \FE % Those macros are expanded after the end of the loop: they give the final expected result % from the four registers avaiblable at the end of the loop: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@equal #1#2#3#4{\csname @% \ettl@nbk#3//{\ettl@nbk#1#2//{second}{first}//}{second}//oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@equaleq #1#2#3#4{\csname @% \ettl@nbk#3//{\ifnotempty{#1#2}{second}{first}}{second}//oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@start #1#2#3#4{\csname @% \ettl@nbk#1//{second}{first}//oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@starteq #1#2#3#4{\csname @% \ifnotempty{#1}{second}{first}oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@endby #1#2#3#4{\csname @% \ettl@nbk#3//{first}{second}//oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@endbyeq #1#2#3#4{\csname @% \ettl@nbk#3//{\ifempty{#2}{first}{second}}{second}//oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@count #1#2#3#4{\number\numexpr\ettl@intmax-(#4)-\ettl@nbk#3//01//} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@instr #1#2#3#4{\csname @% \ifnum\numexpr#4>0 second% \else\ifnum\numexpr#4<0 first% \else\ettl@nbk#3//{first}{second}//% \fi\fi oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@remove #1#2#3#4{#1#2} \long\def\ettl@strfilt@replace #1#2#3#4{#1\ettl@nbk#3//{#2}{}//} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \Subsection{Purely expandable macros with options} % % \iffalse %<package>%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %<package>% Purely Expandable Macros With Options / Star Forms / Variants %<package>%% \FE@testopt{ #1 }{ commands }{ default option } % \fi % %\begin{macro}{basic string filter} \FE % This basic string filter will be used for \cs{FE@testopt} and \cs{FE@ifstar}. As far as\linebreak the later are used in % the definition of \cs{FE@modifiers} we can't use the \linebreak % \cmdref[DeclareStringFilter]{general string filter contructor} to do the job (infinite recursion). % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@BasicFilter#1#2#3/End�String/{\expandafter\ettl@B@sicFilter #1#3//#2/End�String//End�String/} \long\def\ettl@B@sicFilter#1/#2//#3/End�String/{@\ettl@nbk#3//% {\if @\detokenize{#1#2}@first\else second\fi} {second}//oftwo} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % \begin{Macro}{FE@testopt} % Purely expandable |\@testopt|-like test: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\FE@testopt[3]{\ettl@FE@testopt#1/[/% {#2#1}% {#2[{#3}]{#1}}}%] \long\def\ettl@FE@testopt#1[#2/#3#{\csname @\if @\detokenize{#1#2}@% first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \FE@ifstar{ #1 } { \StarredMacro }{ \NotStarredMacro } % \fi % \begin{Macro}{FE@ifstar} % Purely expandable |\@ifstar|-like test: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\FE@ifstar[3]{\ettl@FE@ifstar#1/*/% {#2}% {#3{#1}}} \long\def\ettl@FE@ifstar#1*#2/#3#{\csname @\if @\detokenize{#1#2}@% first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \FE@charequal{ #1 } { \MacroWith= }{ \NormalMacro } % used by the string filters % \fi % %\begin{macro}{\FE@ifcharequal} \FE % This is the same as \cs{FE@ifstar} but for \CH{=} character (used in \cmdref*{DeclareStringFilter}): % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\FE@ifcharequal[3]{\ettl@FE@charequal#1/=/% {#2}% {#3{#1}}} \long\def\ettl@FE@charequal#1=#2/#3#{\csname @\if @\detokenize{#1#2}@% first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ettl@strfilt@dot{ #1 } { \MacroWith= }{ \NormalMacro } % used by the string filters % \fi % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@ifchardot} \FE % Used by |\ettl@strfilt@mod| to test if a character is a dot. It is used internally and is not the same % as |\FE@ifchar.| % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ettl@ifchardot[1]{\ettl@FE@chardot#1/./} \long\def\ettl@FE@chardot#1.#2/#3#{\csname @\if @\detokenize{#1#2}@% first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro}% % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \FE@ifchar{ <Character> }{ #1 }{ \SpecialFormMacro }{ \NormalMacro } % \fi % \begin{Macro}{FE@ifchar} % \cs{FE@ifchar} test if the character token following the macro is a single character equal to \prm{Character}:� % USAGE:�|\FE@ifchar{|\prm{Character}|}{|\#1|}{\SpecialFormMacro}{\NormalMacro}|: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\FE@ifchar[4]{\ifsinglechar{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \FE@modifiers{ Allowed Characters }{ #1 }{ \MacroA }{ \MacroB }{ \MacroC }...{ \MacroZ }{ \MacroDefault } % \fi %\begin{Macro}{FE@modifiers} % \cs{FE@modifiers} test if the character token following the macro is in the list of \prm{Allowed Characters}: USAGE:� % |\FE@modifiers{|\prm{Allowed Characters}|}{|\#1|}{\MacroA}|...|{\MacroZ}{\NormalMacro}|: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\FE@modifiers[2]{% \ifOneToken{#2}% {\ExpandAftercmds\ettl@FE@modifiers% {\ExpandAftercmds{\ettl@setresult 12of3><} {\ettl@getsinglelist{\ettl@ifchar{#2}}{#1}}}{#2}} {\ExpandNextTwo{\ettl@supergobble[{{#2}}]}{-1}{\getcharlistcount{#1}+1}}} \long\def\ettl@FE@modifiers#1#2#3{\expandafter\ettl@supergobble% \expandafter[\romannumeral-`\q\ifnum#2<0 \@swap{{#3}}\fi]{#2}{#1+1}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ettl@supergobble{ p }{ q }{token_1}{token_2}...{token_p}{TOKEN_p+1}{token_p+2}...{token_p+q+1} % \fi %\begin{Macro}{ettl@supergobble} % \cs{ettl@supergobble} gobbles the $n$ first (groups of) tokens in the following list of $N$ (groups of) tokens % and expands the $n+1$. The macro is optimized (cf \cs{ettl@supergobbleeight} etc.) to avoid too long loops. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ettl@supergobble[1]{\FE@testopt{#1}\ettl@superg@bble{}} \long\def\ettl@superg@bble[#1]#2#3{% % #1 = commands to put after the list (optional) % #2 = number to gobble first % #3 = total number of items \ifnum\numexpr#3>0 \ifnum\numexpr#3-(#2)=0 \ettl@supergobble@loop{#3+2}0{\ettl@supergobble@end{}{}}% \else \expandafter\ettl@supergobble@loop\expandafter{% \number\numexpr\ifnum\numexpr#2*(#2-(#3))>0 #3+1\else#2+2\fi}{#3+2}% {\ettl@supergobble@next{}{#1}}% \fi\fi} \long\def\ettl@supergobble@loop#1#2#3{% \ifcsname ettl@supergobble\number\numexpr#1\endcsname \csname ettl@supergobble\number\numexpr#1\endcsname {#3{#2-(#1)-1}}% \else\ettl@supergobbleeight{\ettl@supergobble@loop{#1-8}{#2-8}{#3}}% \fi} \long\def\ettl@supergobble@end#1#2#3{\fi\fi\fi#1#2} \long\csdef{ettl@supergobbleeight}#1\fi#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{\fi#1} \long\csdef{ettl@supergobble7}#1#2\fi#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{#1} \long\csdef{ettl@supergobble6}#1#2\fi#3#4#5#6#7#8{#1} \long\csdef{ettl@supergobble5}#1#2\fi#3#4#5#6#7{#1} \long\csdef{ettl@supergobble4}#1#2\fi#3#4#5#6{#1} \long\csdef{ettl@supergobble3}#1#2\fi#3#4#5{#1} \long\csdef{ettl@supergobble2}#1#2\fi#3#4{#1} \long\csdef{ettl@supergobble1}#1#2\fi#3{#1} \long\csdef{ettl@supergobble0}#1#2\fi{#1} \long\def\ettl@supergobble@next#1#2#3#4{\fi \ettl@supergobble@loop{#3}0{\ettl@supergobble@end{#4}{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % % \Subsection{Define control sequence through groups} % %\iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \AfterGroup{ code } / \AfterGroup*{ code } the star form expands its argument once %\fi % %\begin{Macro}{AfterGroup} %\begin{Macro*}{AfterGroup*} % \cs{AfterGroup} enhances the \cs{aftergroup} primitive: arbitrary code may be given to \cs{AfterGroup}. % We use the |\edef|...|\unexpanded| trick already implemented in \cmdref*{ettl@ifnextchar} to allow macro % definitions (with arguments) inside the argument of \cs{AfterGroup}: % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\ettl@fter \newrobustcmd\AfterGroup{\@ifstar{\ettl@AfterGroup\@firstofone}{\ettl@AfterGroup\unexpanded}} \newrobustcmd\ettl@AfterGroup[2]{% \csxdef{ettl@fterGroup\number\numexpr\the\ettl@fter+1}% {\global\csundef{ettl@fterGroup\number\numexpr\the\ettl@fter+1}#1{#2}}% \global\advance\ettl@fter\@ne \expandafter\aftergroup\csname ettl@fterGroup\the\ettl@fter\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro} % %\iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \AfterAssignment{ code } %\fi % %\begin{Macro}{AfterAssignment} % \cs{AfterAssignment} can be given arbitray code: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\AfterAssignment{\@ifstar{\ettl@AfterAssignment\@firstofone}{\ettl@AfterAssignment\unexpanded}} \newrobustcmd\ettl@AfterAssignment[2]{% \csedef{ettl@afterassignment@hook\number\numexpr\the\ettl@fter}{#1{#2}}% \global\advance\ettl@fter\@ne \expandafter\afterassignment\csname ettl@afterassignment@hook\the\ettl@fter\endcsname} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % %\iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \aftergroup@def{ cs-token } %\fi % % % \begin{Macro}{aftergroup@def} % The macro is based on \xpackage{letltxmacro} package. Therefore, \cs{aftergroup@def} works with commands with optional % arguments and with the ones defined using \LaTeX's \cs{DeclareRobustCommand}. % {\rmk: we could have used the \cmdref*{AfterGroup} macro but execution is lighter with $5$ call to \cs{aftergroup} primitive.}:�� % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\aftergroup@def[1]{% \let\etex@let@primitive\let \def\let{\global\etex@let@primitive}% \expandafter\LetLtxMacro\csname ettl@ftergroup@def\number\numexpr\the\ettl@fter+1\endcsname#1% \global\advance\ettl@fter\@ne \etex@let@primitive\let=\etex@let@primitive \aftergroup\LetLtxMacro \aftergroup#1% \expandafter\aftergroup\csname ettl@ftergroup@def\the\ettl@fter\endcsname \aftergroup\global \aftergroup\undef \expandafter\aftergroup\csname ettl@ftergroup@def\the\ettl@fter\endcsname} \let\ettl@aftergroup@def\aftergroup@def % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \Subsection{\textbackslash futuredef} % % \iffalse %<package>%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %<package> %<package>%% \@ifchar{ single token }{ true }{ false } %<package> % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{@ifchar} % \cs{@ifchar} works just like \cs{@ifstar} but uses the \cmdref={character-test}. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\@ifchar#1#2{\ettl@ifnextchar #1{\@firstoftwo{#2}}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ettl@ifnextchar{ character token }{ true }{ false } %<package> % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{ettl@ifnextchar} % \cs{ettl@ifnextchar} is based on the \cmdref={character-test} rather than the |\ifx|-test. See the example for % explanation on its behaviour.� % \csbf{ettl@ifnextchar} is used in the definition of \cmdref*{aftergroup@def} and \cmdref*{@ifchar} (of course...).� % We take advantage of delimited definitions to exits from |\if|...|\fi| conditionnals (even in the case where % the macro parameter may be |\else|, |\if| or |\fi|...): % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\ettl@ifnextchar[3]{\begingroup \edef\1##1/##2/##3{##1\endgroup\unexpanded{#2}##3}% \edef\2##1/##2/##3{##1\endgroup\unexpanded{#3}##3}% \ifOneToken{#1} {\csname ettl@\if @\expandafter\ettl@cdr\detokenize{#1}\@nil @% OneChar xifnch\else xifntk\fi\endcsname{#1}} {\2//{}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ettl@xifnch} %\begin{macro}{\ettl@ifnch} % \cs{ettl@xifnch} is used in case the token to test (first parameter of \cs{ettl@ifnextchar} is a character token. % It gobbles the possible spaces and exits at one if a begin-group or end-group character is found: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@xifnch#1{% \ifx#1\@sptoken \def\ettl@xifnch{\ifx\@let@token\@sptoken\1\else\2\fi//{}}% \else \def\ettl@xifnch{% \ifx\@let@token\bgroup \2 \else\ifx\@let@token\egroup \2 \else\ifx\@let@token\@sptoken \ettl@ifnspace\ettl@xifnch% \else\ettl@ifnch% \fi\fi\fi/{#1}/{}}% \fi\futurelet\@let@token\ettl@xifnch} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@ifnch} does the final comparison: the token is taken into the macro parameter % to check if it is a single character (it was not possible to ensure this point for active characters that % have been |\let| to something, unless by eating it in the parameter of a macro. It the test fails, % the parameters is appended again to the input): % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@ifnch#1/#2/#3{#1\long\def\ettl@ifnch##1{\ettl@char{##1} {\if\string##1\string#2\1\else\2\fi}\2//{##1}}\ettl@ifnch} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@xifntk} %\begin{macro}{\ettl@ifntk} % \cs{ettl@xifntk} is quite the same as \cs{ettl@xifnch} but for the case the token to test (\ie the first parameter % of \cs{ettl@ifnextchar} is a control sequence: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@xifntk#1{% \ifx#1\bgroup\def\ettl@xifntk{\ifx\@let@token\bgroup\1\else\2\fi//{}}% \else\ifx#1\egroup\def\ettl@xifntk{\ifx\@let@token\egroup\1\else\2\fi//{}}% \else\def\ettl@xifntk{% \ifx\@let@token\bgroup \2 \else\ifx\@let@token\egroup \2 \else\ifx\@let@token\@sptoken \ettl@ifnspace\ettl@xifntk% \else\ettl@ifntk% \fi\fi\fi/{#1}/{}}% \fi\futurelet\@let@token\ettl@xifntk} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@ifntk} finishes the job. We need to ensure that |\@let@token| is not an active character having been % let to the token to test: there is no such thing as an active character for \cs{ettl@ifnextchar}! % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@ifntk#1/#2/#3{#1\long\def\ettl@ifntk##1{\ettl@char{##1} \2{\ifx##1#2\1\else\2\fi}//{##1}}\ettl@ifntk} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@ifnspace} % \cs{ettl@ifnspace} is used to gobble a space and go back to the loop (this is very rare...): % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@ifnspace#1#2/#3/#4 {#2\futurelet\@let@token#1} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \futuredef[list of allowed tokens]{ command }{ commands to expand after } %<package>%% \futuredef*[list of allowed tokens]{ command }{ commands to expand after } %<package>%% \futuredef=[list of allowed tokens]{ command }{ commands to expand after } %<package>%% \futuredef*=[list of allowed tokens]{ command }{ commands to expand after } (or \futuredef=*[...] ) % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{futuredef} % \begin{Macro*}{futuredef*} % \begin{Macro*}{futuredef=} % \begin{Macro*}{futuredef*=} % This is the scanner. % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*\futuredef{\begingroup\ettl@futdef\ettl@futuredef\detokenize} \protected\def\ettl@futdef#1#2{\@ifstar% {\ettl@futdef\ettl@futured@f#2} {\@ifchar={\ettl@futdef#1\unexpanded} {\@testopt{\ettl@futur@def#1#2}{}}}} \long\def\ettl@futur@def#1#2[#3]{% \csname ettl@\if @\detokenize{#3}@1\else2\fi of2\endcsname {\let \ettl@x \@empty \letcs \ettl@futur@def@collect{\@gobblescape#1@collectall}}% {\def \ettl@x {#3}\edef \ettl@y {#2{#3}}% \ifx\ettl@x\ettl@y \let\ettl@y\@gobble \else \ifx#2\unexpanded \let\ettl@y\@gobble \else \def\ettl@y{\edef\ettl@x}% \fi\fi\ettl@y{\detokenizeChars{#3}}% \letcs\ettl@futur@def@collect{\@gobblescape#1@collect}}% \expandafter#1\expandafter#2\expandafter{\ettl@x}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro} % % \begin{macro}{futuredef (not starred)} % \cs{ettl@futuredef} defines the \textsfsl{test-macro} (which is entitled to break the loop) and the \textsfsl{loop-macro}: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futuredef#1#2#3#4{% #1=detokenize #2=list, #3=macro result, #4=code-next \def \ettl@futuredef@loop{\ettl@futuredef@test{}}% \long \def \ettl@futuredef@test##1{% \ifcat\noexpand\ettl@x\bgroup\ettl@futuredef@end{}\else \ifcat\noexpand\ettl@x\egroup\ettl@futuredef@end{}\else \ifcat\noexpand\ettl@x\ettl@sptoken\ettl@futuredef@space#1\else \ettl@futur@def@collect#1\fi\fi\fi/Ne�t/{#2}{##1}}% \long \def \ettl@futuredef@end##1##2/Ne�t/##3##4{##2\endgroup\def#3{##4}#4##1}% \futurelet \ettl@x \ettl@futuredef@loop} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@futuredef@collect} captures the next token (because it was found in the list) and selectively % append it to the \textsfsl{result} (the argument of \cs{ettl@futuredef@test}). Then it loops: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futuredef@collect#1#2/Ne�t/#3#4#5{#2% \ifcat\noexpand#5\relax \ettl@futuredef@filt\unexpanded \else \ettl@futuredef@filt#1 \fi{#5}{#3} {\def\ettl@futuredef@loop{\ettl@futuredef@test{#4#5}}\futurelet\ettl@x\ettl@futuredef@loop} {\ettl@futuredef@end{#5}/Ne�t/{}{#4}}/Ne�t/} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@futuredef@space} gobbles the space token and append a space to the \textsfsl{result}. Then it loops: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futuredef@space#1#2/Ne�t/#3#4 {% \ettl@futur@def@collect#1#2/Ne�t/{#3}{#4}{ }} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@futuredef@collectall} is used when no option (no \prm{list of allowed tokens}) has been given to \cs{futuredef}. % In this case, \cs{futuredef} will stop only at the next begin-group or end-group token: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futuredef@collectall#1#2/Ne�t/#3#4#5{#2% \def\ettl@futuredef@loop{\ettl@futuredef@test{#4#5}}\futurelet\ettl@x\ettl@futuredef@loop} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@futur@def@filt} % \cs{ettl@futur@def@filt} defines the \textslsf{filter macro} to check if the token is in the \prm{list of allowed tokens}: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futur@def@filt#1#2{% #1=token to check, #2=allowed list \long\def\ettl@futdef@filt##1#1##2##3/##4##5##6/Ne�t/{##5}% \ettl@futdef@filt#2#1//} \long\def\ettl@futuredef@filt#1#2\fi#3#4{\fi % #1=detokenize/unexpanded, #2=discard, #3=token,#4=allowed list \expandafter\ettl@futur@def@filt\expandafter{#1{#3}}{#4}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{futured@f (starred)} \cmdlabel{impl:starredfuturedef} % \cs{ettl@futured@f} defines the \textsfsl{test-macro} (which is entitled to break the loop) and the \textsfsl{loop-macro}: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futured@f#1#2#3#4{% #1=detokenize #2=list, #3=macro result, #4=code-next \let \ettl@y \@undefined \def \ettl@futured@f@loop{\ettl@futured@f@test{}}% \long \def \ettl@futured@f@test##1{% \ifcat\noexpand\ettl@x\bgroup\ettl@futured@f@end\else \ifcat\noexpand\ettl@x\egroup\ettl@futured@f@end\else \ifcat\noexpand\ettl@x\ettl@sptoken\ettl@futured@f@space#1\else \ettl@futur@def@collect#1\fi\fi\fi/Ne�t/{##1}{#2}{}}% \long \def \ettl@futured@f@end##1/Ne�t/##2##3##4{##1\endgroup\def#3{##2}#4##4}% \futurelet \ettl@x \ettl@futured@f@loop} \long\def\ettl@futured@f@space#1#2/Ne�t/#3#4#5 {% \ettl@futur@def@collect#1#2/Ne�t/{#3}{#4}{#5}{ }} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@futured@f@collect} collects the next token which is appended to the argument of \cs{ettl@futured@f@test} (the \textsfsl{result}) % if it is in the \prm{list of allowed tokens}, otherwise expansion is tried: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futured@f@collect#1#2/Ne�t/#3#4#5#6{#2% \ifcat\noexpand\ettl@x\relax \ettl@futuredef@filt\unexpanded \else \ettl@futuredef@filt#1 \fi{#6}{#4} {\let \ettl@y \@undefined \ettl@futured@f@append/Ne�t/{#3}{}{#6}}% {\ettl@futured@f@try@expand{#3}\ettl@futured@f@end{#6}}/Ne�t/} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@futured@f@collectall} is used when \cs{futuredef*} is called with an empty optional argument: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futured@f@collectall#1#2/Ne�t/#3#4#5#6{#2% \ettl@futured@f@try@expand{#3}\ettl@futured@f@append{#6}} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@futured@f@space} is used in case the token is a space token: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futured@f@space#1#2/Ne�t/#3#4#5 {% \ettl@futur@def@collect#1#2/Ne�t/{#3}{#4}{#5}{ }} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@futured@f@try@expand} checks if the token shall be expanded, or if the loop shall be broken (in case the % \prm{list of allowed tokens} is specified) or if this token shall be appended to the result % (in case the \prm{list of allowed token} is empty): % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futured@f@try@expand#1#2#3{% \expandafter\ifx\noexpand\ettl@x\ettl@x \let\ettl@y=#2% \else\ettl@futured@f@CheckSpecials{#3}% {\let \ettl@y=#2}% {\ifx\ettl@x\ettl@y \let \ettl@y \ettl@futured@f@end\else \let \ettl@y \ettl@futured@f@expand\fi}% \fi\ettl@y/Ne�t/{#1}{}{#3}} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@futured@f@expand} expands the next token because it is not in the list and % goes back to the loop: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futured@f@expand/Ne�t/#1#2#3{\let\ettl@y\ettl@x \expandafter\futurelet\expandafter\ettl@x\expandafter\ettl@futured@f@loop#3} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@futured@f@CheckSpecials} checks if the token is undefined or a |\if|... or |\else| etc. This is compulsory % because we do not have to attempt expansion of such tokens (unless we want to get an error from \TeX): % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@futured@f@CheckSpecials#1{\ifintokslist{#1}{% \@undefined\if\ifcat\ifnum\ifdim\ifodd% \ifvmode\ifhmode\ifmmode\ifinner\ifvoid\ifhbox\ifvbox% \ifx\ifeof\iftrue\iffalse\ifcase\ifdefined\ifcsname\iffontchar% \else\fi\or}} % \end{macrocode} % Finally, \cs{ettl@futured@f@append} appends the token to the result and goes back to the loop: % \begin{macrocode} \def\ettl@futured@f@append/Ne�t/#1#2#3{% \def\ettl@futured@f@loop{\ettl@futured@f@test{#1#3}}% \futurelet\ettl@x\ettl@futured@f@loop}% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % \fi % % \Subsection{Loops and Lists Management} % % \subsubsection{naturalloop} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \naturalloop [ auxiliary commands (default \do) ]{ n times }{ argument } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{naturalloop} % This macro uses the capability of \eTeX{} to build purely expandable loop using \cs{numexpr}: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\naturalloop[1]{\FE@testopt{#1}\ettl@naturalloop{\do}} \def\ettl@naturalloop[#1]#2#3{% \ifnum\numexpr#2>0 \expandafter\@swaparg\expandafter{\romannumeral-`\q#1[0]{#3}{#3}}% {\ettl@naturall@@p[{#1}]{#2-1}{0}{#3}} % \ExpandNext{\ettl@naturall@@p[{#1}]{#2-1}{1}{#3}}{#1[1]{#3}{#3}}% \else\@swap{\unexpanded{#3}}% \fi} \def\ettl@naturall@@p[#1]#2#3#4#5#6\fi{\fi% \ifnum\numexpr#2>0 \expandafter\@swaparg\expandafter{\romannumeral-`\q% \expandafter\@swap\expandafter{\expandafter[\number\numexpr#3+1]}{#1}{#4}{#5}}% {\ettl@naturall@@p[{#1}]{#2-1}{#3+1}{#4}}% \else\@swap{\unexpanded{#5}}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} % % \end{Macro} % % \subsubsection{Lists of single tokens} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \ifinttokslist{ item }{ list of tokens }{ true }{ false } % \fi % %\begin{Macro*}{ifintokslist} \FE % \cs{ifintokslist}\prm{token}\prm{list of single tokens} breaks the loop at once when \prm{token} % is found in the list. The test for the end of the list is made by \cs{ettl@nbk}... of course: %\begin{Macro}{ifincharlist} % \cs{ifincharlist}\prm{character or token}\prm{list of single characters or tokens} is the same, with a % different test macro: \cs{ettl@ifchar} is used instead of \cs{ettl@ifx}: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ifintokslist[2]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@% \expandafter\ettl@nbk\romannumeral\ettl@dosinglelist{\ettl@ifintokslist{#1}}{#2}\z@//% {first}{second}//oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@ifintokslist#1#2{\ifx#1#2\ettl@breakloop\z@\fi} \newcommand\ifincharlist[2]{\romannumeral\csname rmn@% \expandafter\ettl@nbk\romannumeral\ettl@dosinglelist{\ettl@ifincharlist{#1}}{#2}\z@//% {first}{second}//oftwo\endcsname} \long\def\ettl@ifincharlist#1#2{\ettl@ifchar{#1}{#2}{\ettl@breakloop\z@}{}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} %\end{Macro*} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@dosinglelist} \FE % We define a very simple loop for single tokens (for internal use): it is the same as \cs{toksloop} but % avoids overhead due to the parsing of modifiers: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@dosinglelist#1#2{\ettl@nbk#2//% {\ettl@dosinglelist@loop{#1}#2//{\ettl@dosinglelist@loop{#1}}{\ettl@breakloop{}}} {\ettl@breakloop{}}///End�List/} \long\def\ettl@dosinglelist@loop#1#2#3#4/#5#6#7/End�List/{% #1{#2}#6{#3}#4//{#6}{#7}/End�List/} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \gettokslistindex { item }{ list of tokens } %<package>%% \gettokslistcount { item }{ list of tokens } %<package>%% \gettokslisttoken { item }{ list of tokens } % \fi % % \begin{Macro*}{gettokslistindex} % \begin{Macro*}{getcharlistindex} % \begin{Macro*}{gettokslistcount} % \begin{Macro*}{getcharlistcount} % \begin{Macro*}{gettokslisttoken} % \begin{Macro}{getcharlisttoken} % % \cs{gettokslistindex}\prm{item}\prm{tokenlist-macro} % % \cs{gettokslistindex} is always purely expandable (|\ifx| test). % % The following three macros are the \textsl{entry points}. % \cs{ExpandAftercmds} is applied to \cs{ettl@getsinglelist} which initiates the loop: we ask for total expansion. % After expansion, \cs{ettl@setresult} will extract the wanted register by projection: % The result comes from in the first % register for \textvb{count}, the second for \textvb{index} and the third for \textvb{token}, therefore, we use the % \cs{ettl@XofY} macros: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\gettokslistindex[2]{\number\ifnotempty{#2}{\ettl@nbk#1//% {\ExpandAftercmds{\ettl@setresult 2of3><}{\ettl@getsinglelist{\ettl@ifx{#1}}{#2}}} {-1}//}{-1}} \newcommand\getcharlistindex[2]{\number\ifnotempty{#2}{\ettl@nbk#1//% {\ExpandAftercmds{\ettl@setresult 2of3><}{\ettl@getsinglelist{\ettl@ifchar{#1}}{#2}}} {-1}//}{-1}} \newcommand\gettokslistcount[1]{\number\ifnotempty{#1}% {\ExpandAftercmds{\ettl@setresult 1of3><}{\ettl@getsinglelist{\ettl@ifx{\\}}{#1}}} 0} \newcommand\getcharlistcount[1]{}% \let\getcharlistcount=\gettokslistcount \newcommand\gettokslisttoken[2]{\ifnotempty{#2}{\ettl@nbk#1//% {\ExpandAftercmds{\ettl@setresult 3of3><}{\ettl@getsinglelist{\ettl@ifx{#1}}{#2}}} {}//}{}} \newcommand\getcharlisttoken[2]{\ifnotempty{#2}{\ettl@nbk#1//% {\ExpandAftercmds{\ettl@setresult 3of3><}{\ettl@getsinglelist{\ettl@ifchar{#1}}{#2}}} {}//}{}} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@getsinglelist}\cmdlabel{impl:ettl@getsinglelist} initiates the loop (we test if the list or the \prm{item} is empty first): % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@getsinglelist#1#2{\ettl@singlelist@loop{-1}{-1}{}#2//% {\ettl@expandafthree\ettl@singlelist@loop#1}% {\expandafter\ettl@singlelist@result\@thirdofthree}/End�List/} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@singlelist@loop} tests each token and update registers: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@singlelist@loop#1#2#3#4#5/#6#7#8/End�List/{% #7{#4} {{#1+1}{#2+1+0*(0}{#4}} {{#1+1}{#2+1}{#3}}#5//{#7}{#8}/End�List/} % \csname @#1#5{first}{second}oftwo\endcsname % {#8{#1}{#2+1}{#3+1+0*(0}{#5}#6//#8#9} % {#8{#1}{#2+1}{#3+1}{#4}#6//#8#9}/End�List/} % \end{macrocode} % Well! \#1 is the \textsl{test-macro} to test against \#5, the current token of the list. % % \#2 is the current index. It is incremented by $1$ and will be equal to the length of the list, at the end. % \#3 is the index of the \prm{item} (if found): it is incremented by $1$ but at the time % \prm{item} is found is the list, the next increments are canceled (multiplication by $0$). % % The fourth parameter remains the same (\#4=\#4=|empty|, set at the initiation of the loop) but at the time \prm{item} % is found, \#4 becomes this \prm{item} (precisely the matching item found in the list: \#5). % % \#6 is the remainder of the list. \#7, \#8 and \#9 are the usual parameter for \textsfsl{blank-test} (see \cmdref*{ettl@nbk}). % % \cs{ettl@tokslist@result} extracts the |count|, the |index| and the |token| from the parameters of the \textsl{test-macro}: % \begin{macrocode} \def\ettl@singlelist@result#1#2#3#4/End�List/{\ExpandNextTwo\@swaptwo% {\number\numexpr\ifempty{#3}{-1}{#2)}}{\number\numexpr#1}{#3}} % \end{macrocode} % Then \cs{ettl@setresult} finishes the job: % \begin{macrocode} \def\ettl@setresult#1of#2>#3<{\ettl@nbk #3//% {\ifdefcount{#3}{#3=\csname ettl@#1of#2\endcsname} {\edef#3{\csname ettl@#1of#2\endcsname}}}% {\csname ettl@#1of#2\endcsname}//} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % % \subsubsection{General Lists and Loops Constructor} % % \begin{Macro}{DeclareCmdListParser} % % |\DeclareCmdListParser| acts in the same way as % \xpackage{etoolbox}-|\DeclareListParser| and the command-list-parser % are sensitive to the category code of the \prm{separator} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \DeclareCmdListParser : general constructor for command-list parsers %<package>%% \DeclareCmdListParser\ParserName{separator} % \fi % % The command-list-parser will be defined only if it is definable: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\DeclareCmdListParser[3][\global]{\@ifdefinable{#2}{\begingroup \protected\def\ettl@defcmdparser##1{% \edef\ettl@defcmdparser{\endgroup\ettl@defcmdparser {#1}{\noexpand#2}{\unexpanded{#3}} {\noexpandcs{##1->start}} {\noexpandcs{##1->loop}} {\noexpandcs{##1->loop+}} {\noexpandcs{for##1}}% }\ettl@defcmdparser }\expandafter\ettl@defcmdparser\expandafter{\romannumeral-`\q\@gobblescape#2}}} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@defcmdparser} doeas the definitions: \cs{parser->start} initiates the loop (and add a separator % at the end of the list) and \cs{parser->loop} loops into the list, expanding the (optional, default |\do|) user code % for each item. % % In case the \CH{\ttbf+} form is used, the auxiliary macro \cs{ettl@doitemidx} overloads % the user-code. Otherwise (simple form without index): \cs{ettl@doitem} overloads the user-code. % \begin{macrocode} \protected\long\def\ettl@defcmdparser#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{%#1=global,#2=command,#3=sep,#4=start,#5=loop,#6=loop+ #1\long\def#4##1##2[##3]##4{% ##1=case, ##2=expandafter??? , ##3=do, ##4=list ##2{##4}% ifiscs or @thirdofthree {\expandafter\@swaparg\expandafter{##4}{#4{##1}\@thirdofthree[{##3}]}} {\ettl@nbk##4//% {\ifcase##1 \ettl@or\@swaplast{\number\numexpr#60{\ettl@lst@count}}#6% \or \ettl@or\@swaplast{#60{\ettl@lst@getitem{##3}}}#6% \or \ettl@or\@swaplast{#5{##3}}#5% \or \ettl@fi\@swaplast{#60{##3}}#6% \fi{##4#3//}{\ettl@breakloop{\ifx##10\expandafter\relax\fi}}% }{\ettl@breakloop{}}///End�List/}}% #1\long\def#5##1##2#3##3##4/##5##6##7/End�List/{% \if @\detokenize{##2}@\expandafter\@gobbletwo\fi\@firstofone{##1{##2}}% ##6{##1}##3##4//{##6}{##7}/End�List/} #1\long\def#6##1##2##3#3##4##5/##6##7##8/End�List/{% \if @\detokenize{##3}@\expandafter\@gobbletwo\fi\@firstofone{##2[##1]{##3}}% \expandafter##7\expandafter{\number\numexpr##1+1}{##2}##4##5//{##7}{##8}/End�List/} #1\protected\def#7{\@ifchar*% {\@ifchar+{\ettl@forloop{\expandafter#2\expandafter*\expandafter+}{[####1]####2}} {\ettl@forloop{\expandafter#2\expandafter*\expandafter+}{####1}}} {\@ifchar+{\@ifchar*% {\ettl@forloop{\expandafter#2\expandafter*\expandafter+}{[####1]####2}} {\ettl@forloop{\expandafter#2\expandafter+}{[####1]####2}}} {\ettl@forloop{\expandafter#2}{####1}}}} #1\def#2{\ettl@lst@modif#423\ifiscs}} % \end{macrocode} % \cs{ettl@lst@doitem} gives the current item to the auxiliary macro, while \cs{ettl@lst@doitemidx} gives the index as well. % \cs{ettl@lts@getitem} is the helper macro in case we ask for an item (cf. |\csvloop[4]\mylist|) and % \cs{etttl@lst@count} is as basic as it can be! % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@lst@getitem#1[#2]#3{% \ifnum\numexpr#1<0 \@swap{\breakloop{}}\fi \ifnum\numexpr#1=#2 \@swap{\breakloop{#3}}\fi} \long\def\ettl@lst@count[#1]#2{+\ettl@nbk#2//10//} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ettl@lst@modif} \cmdlabel{impl:ettl@lst@modif} \FE % \cs{ettl@lst@modif} is used by any command-list-parser at the beginning to set the options. This macro is interesting % because it is recursive: each allowed modifier is parsed one after the other in a purely expandable way, setting % the registers (\#1 to \#4) to the value corresponding to the modifier used (the registers are initialized to their default value). % % Such a code is interesting because it may be used elsewhere: the aim is to parse modifiers without taking care of their % order (\cs{csvloop}\stform*\stform+ is the same as \cs{csvloop}\stform{+*}): % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@lst@modif#1#2#3#4#5{\FE@modifiers{*+![}{#5}% {\ettl@lst@modif{#1}#2#3\@thirdofthree}% * case {\ettl@lst@modif{#1}#3#2{#4}}% + (case 3/default 2) {\ettl@lst@modif{#1}00{#4}}% ! (case 0) {\ettl@lst@opt{#1}{#2}{#4}#5}% [ (option) {\ettl@lst@opt{#1}{#2}{#4}[\do]}}% (default option) \long\def\ettl@lst@opt#1#2#3[#4]{% \expandafter#1\expandafter{\number\ifnum#2=0 0\else\ifstrnum{#4}{1}{#2}\fi}{#3}[{#4}]} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{Macro}{breakloop} % \cs{breakloop} gobbles anything until the \CH{/End�List/} delimiter: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\ettl@breakloop#1#2/End�List/{#1} \let\breakloop\ettl@breakloop % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % %\begin{macro}{forloops} % In order to define for |\for|...|loop| macros, and to handle the case they are nested, we need a counter. % \begin{macrocode} \globcount\ettl@for@nested \long\def\ettl@forloop#1#2#3\do{% \global\advance\ettl@for@nested\@ne\relax \csdef{ettl@for@loop\the\ettl@for@nested}{% #1\expandafter[\csname ettl@for@do\the\ettl@for@nested\endcsname]{#3}% \csundef{ettl@for@do\the\ettl@for@nested}% \csundef{ettl@for@loop\the\ettl@for@nested}% \global\advance\ettl@for@nested\m@ne\relax} \expandafter\afterassignment\csname ettl@for@loop\the\ettl@for@nested\endcsname \long\csdef{ettl@for@do\the\ettl@for@nested}#2} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package> %<package>%% \csvloop[\command]\csvListMacro %<package>%% \csvloop*[\command]{item,item,item} % \fi % % \begin{Macro*}{csvloop} % Definition of |\csvloop|: \cs{forcsvloop} is also defined by \cmdref{DeclareCmdListParser} but is not purely expandable: %\begin{Macro}{forcsvloop} % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCmdListParser\csvloop{,} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} %\end{Macro*} % % \begin{codecomment} % \begin{Macro*}{listloop} %\begin{Macro}{forlistloop} % Definition of |\listloop| (with a `\,\textbar\,' of catcode 3 (math shift) -- cf.\xpackage{etoolbox}). \cs{forlistloop} is % defined by \cmdref{DeclareCmdListParser} but is not purely expandable: % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup\catcode`\|=3 \DeclareCmdListParser\listloop{|}% global declaration \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} %\end{Macro*} % \end{codecomment} % % \begin{codecomment} % \begin{Macro*}{toksloop} %\begin{Macro}{fortoksloop} % Definition of |\toksloop| (with no delimiter). \cs{fortoksloop} is defiined by \cmdref{DeclareCmdListParser} but is not % purely expandable: % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareCmdListParser\toksloop{} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % \end{Macro*} % \end{codecomment} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \forcsvloop\csvListMacro\do{...#1...} %<package>%% \forcsvloop*{item,item,item,...}\do{...#1...} % \fi % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \csvlistadd \csvListMacro { item } %<package>%% \csvlist(g|e|x)add \csvListMacro { item } % \fi % %\begin{Macro*}{csvlistadd} %\begin{Macro*}{csvlistgadd} %\begin{Macro*}{csvlisteadd} %\begin{Macro}{csvlistxadd} % \begin{macrocode} \providerobustcmd\csvlistadd[2]{\ettl@nbk#2//{\appto#1{#2,}}{}//} \providerobustcmd\csvlistgadd[2]{\ettl@nbk#2//{\gappto#2{#2,}}{}//} \providerobustcmd\csvlisteadd[2]{\begingroup \protected@edef#1{#2}% \expandafter\ettl@nbk#1//{\expandafter\endgroup \expandafter\appto\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1,}}\endgroup//} \providerobustcmd\csvlistxadd[2]{\begingroup \protected@edef#1{#2}% \expandafter\ettl@nbk#1//{\expandafter\endgroup \expandafter\gappto\expandafter#1\expandafter{#1,}}\endgroup//} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro*} %\end{Macro*} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \csvtolist [\ListMacro] \csvListMacro %<package>%% \csvtolist* [\ListMacro] {item,item,item} %<package>% Recommended use: \edef\ListMacro{\csvtolist{item,item,item}} % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{csvtolist} % This is the first application of |\csvloop|: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\csvtolist[1]{\FE@ifstar{#1}{\ettl@convertlist{{\csvloop*}\ettl@do@csvtolist}} {\ettl@convertlist{\csvloop\ettl@do@csvtolist}}} \long\def\ettl@convertlist#1#2{\FE@testopt{#2}{\ettl@convert@list#1}{}} \long\def\ettl@convert@list#1#2[#3]#4{\ettl@nbk#3//% {\edef#3{#1[#2]{#4}}} {#1[#2]{#4}}//} \begingroup\catcode`\|=3% etb catcode \long\gdef\ettl@do@csvtolist#1{\unexpanded{#1}|} \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \listtocsv [\csvListMacro] \ListMacro %<package>%% \listtocsv* [\csvListMacro] { expanded List } %<package>% Recommended use: \edef\csvListMacro{\listtocsv\ListMacro} % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{listtocsv} % This is the first application of |\listloop|: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\listtocsv[1]{\FE@ifstar{#1}{\ettl@convertlist{{\listloop*}\ettl@do@listtocsv}} {\ettl@convertlist{\listloop\ettl@do@listtocsv}}} \long\def\ettl@do@listtocsv#1{\unexpanded{#1,}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package>%% \tokstolist [\ListMacro] { \toksListMacro / token token token } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{tokstolist} % This is the first application of |\toksloop|: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\tokstolist[1]{\FE@ifstar{#1}{\ettl@convertlist{{\toksloop*}\ettl@do@tokstolist}} {\ettl@convertlist{\toksloop\ettl@do@tokstolist}}} \begingroup\catcode`\|=3% etb catcode \long\gdef\ettl@do@tokstolist#1{\unexpanded{#1}|} \endgroup % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \csvtolistadd \ListMacro \csvListMacro %<package>%% \csvtolistadd* \ListMacro {item,item,item} % \fi % \begin{Macro}{csvtolistadd} % \cs{csvtolistadd} is not purely expandable: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*\csvtolistadd{\@ifstar{\ettl@csvtolistadd*}{\ettl@csvtolistadd{}}} \long\def\ettl@csvtolistadd#1#2#3{\eappto#2{\csvtolist#1[]{#3}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \tokstolistadd \ListMacro { \toksListMacro / token token token } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{tokstolistadd} % \cs{tokstolistadd} is not purely expandable: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd*\tokstolistadd{\@ifstar{\ettl@tokstolistadd*}{\ettl@tokstolistadd{}}} \long\def\ettl@tokstolistadd#1#2#3{\eappto#2{\tokstolist#1[]{#3}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % %\begin{macro}{\ettl@RemoveInList} \cmdlabel{impl:ettl@RemoveInList} % This is the general constructor for deletion into lists with any separator: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\ettl@RemoveInList[2]{\begingroup % #1 = \global #2 = macro name \def\ettl@RemoveInList##1{% \edef\ettl@RemoveInList####1####2{% \ettl@Rem@veInList{####1}####2\noexpandcs{##1->remove}\noexpandcs{##1->result}% }\ettl@RemoveInList{#1}#2% }\expandafter\ettl@RemoveInList\expandafter{\romannumeral-`\q\@gobblescape#2}} \protected\long\def\ettl@Rem@veInList#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{% \long\def#3[##1]##2#5#8#5##3##4/##5##6##7/End�List/{##6[##1+1]##2#5##3##4//##6##7/End�List/}% \ifnotempty{#5}%% special case if no separator {\long\def#4[##1]#5##2#5#5##3//##4/End�List/{\unexpanded{#1\def#7{##2#5}}% \ettl@nbk#6//\ettl@setresult 1of1>#6<{\number\numexpr##1-1\relax}{}//}}% {\long\def#4[##1]##2//##3/End�List/{\unexpanded{#1\def#7{##2}}% \ettl@nbk#6//\ettl@setresult 1of1>#6<{\number\numexpr##1-1\relax}{}//}}% \long\def#2##1{#3[0]#5##1#5#5#8#5//#3#4/End�List/}% \edef#7{\endgroup\expandafter#2\expandafter{#7}}#7} \def\ettl@gobble@relax#1\relax{} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \listdel \listMacro { item } %<package>%% \listgdel \listMacro { item } %<package>%% \listedel \listMacro { item } %<package>%% \listxdel \listMacro { item } % \fi % % \begin{Macro*}{listdel} % \begin{Macro*}{listedel} % \begin{Macro*}{listgdel} % \begin{Macro}{listxdel} % \cs{listdel} removes an \prm{item} from a list, \cs{listedel} expands the \prm{item} (with |\protected@edef|) first, % \cs{listgdel} make the assignment to the (shorter-)list global and \cs{listxdel} both expands the \prm{item} and % makes the assignment global: % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup\catcode`\|=3 \newrobustcmd\listdel[1][]{\ettl@RemoveInList{}\listdel|{#1}} \newrobustcmd\listgdel[1][]{\ettl@RemoveInList\global\listdel|{#1}} \newrobustcmd\listedel[1][]{\ettl@listedel{}\listdel|{#1}} \newrobustcmd\listxdel[1][]{\ettl@listedel\global\listdel|{#1}} \aftergroup@def\listdel \aftergroup@def\listgdel \aftergroup@def\listedel \aftergroup@def\listxdel \endgroup% \catcode group \newrobustcmd\ettl@listedel[6]{\begingroup\protected@edef#5{#6}\expandafter\endgroup \expandafter\@swaparg\expandafter{#5}{\ettl@RemoveInList#1#2{#3}{#4}#5}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \csvdel \listMacro { item } %<package>%% \csvgdel \listMacro { item } %<package>%% \csvedel \listMacro { item } %<package>%% \csvxdel \listMacro { item } % \fi % % \begin{Macro*}{csvdel} % \begin{Macro*}{csvedel} % \begin{Macro*}{csvgdel} % \begin{Macro}{csvxdel} % \cs{csvdel} removes an \prm{item} from a list, \cs{csvedel} expands the \prm{item} (with |\protected@edef|) first, % \cs{csvgdel} make the assignment to the (shorter-)list global and \cs{csvxdel} both expands the \prm{item} and % makes the assignment global: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\csvdel[1][]{\ettl@RemoveInList{}\csvdel,{#1}} \newrobustcmd\csvgdel[1][]{\ettl@RemoveInList\global\csvdel,{#1}} \newrobustcmd\csvedel[1][]{\ettl@listedel{}\csvdel,{#1}} \newrobustcmd\csvxdel[1][]{\ettl@listedel\global\csvdel,{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \toksdel \listMacro { item } %<package>%% \toksgdel \listMacro { item } %<package>%% \toksedel \listMacro { item } %<package>%% \toksxdel \listMacro { item } % \fi % % \begin{Macro*}{toksdel} % \begin{Macro*}{toksedel} % \begin{Macro*}{toksgdel} % \begin{Macro}{toksxdel} % \cs{toksdel} removes an \prm{item} from a list, \cs{toksedel} expands the \prm{item} (with |\protected@edef|) first, % \cs{toksgdel} make the assignment to the (shorter-)list global and \cs{toksxdel} both expands the \prm{item} and % makes the assignment global: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\toksdel[1][]{\ettl@RemoveInList{}\toksdel{}{#1}} \newrobustcmd\toksgdel[1][]{\ettl@RemoveInList\global\toksdel{}{#1}} \newrobustcmd\toksedel[1][]{\ettl@listedel{}\toksdel{}{#1}} \newrobustcmd\toksxdel[1][]{\ettl@listedel\global\toksdel{}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % \end{Macro*} % %\iffalse %<package> %<package> %<package>%% \getlistindex[\indexmacro]{ \Listmacro } %<package>%% \getlistindex*[\indexmacro]{ expanded List } % \fi % % \begin{Macro}{getlistindex} % \cmd{getlistindex} may be defined, with its star form (no expansion of the list) % and normal form (\prm{Listmacro} expanded once); % The search-index is initialised at 1: % % We first need to get into a group where delimiter \CH{\textbar} and \CH{\&} have catcode 3: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\ettl@getlistindex[6][]{% #1=result, #2=\expandafter, #3=loop macro, #4=separator, #5=list of list macro, #6=item \begingroup\def\ettl@getlistindex##1#4#6#4##2/End�List/{\endgroup \romannumeral-`\q\ettl@setresult 1of1>#1<{\ettl@nbk##2//{#3*!{##1}}{-1}//}% }#2\ettl@getlistindex#2#5#4#6#4/End�List/} \begingroup\catcode`\|=3% etb catcode \newrobustcmd\getlistindex[3][]{\@ifstar% {\ettl@getlistindex{}\listloop{|}{#1}{#2}{#3}} {\ifiscs{#1}{\ettl@getlistindex\expandafter\listloop|{#1}{#2}{#3}} {\ettl@getlistindex{}\listloop|{#1}{#2}{#3}}}} \aftergroup@def\getlistindex \endgroup%\catcode group % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%\getcsvlistindex [\result]{ item }{ csvlistmacro } %<package>%\getcsvlistindex*[\result]{ item }{ item,item,item } % \fi % \begin{Macro}{getcsvlistindex} % The command is robust, not purely expandable: % \begin{macrocode} \newrobustcmd\getcsvlistindex[3][]{\@ifstar% {\ettl@getlistindex{}\csvloop{,}{#1}{#2}} {\ifiscs{#1}{\ettl@getlistindex\expandafter\csvloop,{#1}{#2}} {\ettl@getlistindex{}\csvloop,{#1}{#2}}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ettl@ifinlist} % \cs{ettl@ifinlist} will build a \cs{ifinlist} macro for list with a given separator. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ettl@if@inlist#1#2{%#1=macro,#2=separator \newrobustcmd*#1{\@ifstar{\ettl@ifinlist{#2}{}}{\ettl@ifinlist{#2}\expandafter}}} \def\ettl@xif@inlist#1#2{% \newrobustcmd*#1{\@ifstar{\ettl@xifinlist{#2}{}}{\ettl@xifinlist{#2}\expandafter}}} \protected\long\def\ettl@ifinlist#1#2#3#4{\begingroup \def\ettl@tempa##1#1##2#1/End�List/{\endgroup\ifnotblank{##2}% }#2\ettl@tempa#2#1#3#1#4#1/End�List/} \protected\long\def\ettl@xifinlist#1#2#3#4{\begingroup \protected@edef\ettl@tempa{\endgroup\ettl@ifinlist{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}% }\ettl@tempa} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package> %<package>%% \ifincsvlist{ item }{ csvlistmacro }{ true }{ false } %<package>%% \ifincsvlist*{ item }{ item,item,item,... }{ true }{ false } %<package>%% \xifincsvlist{ item }{ csvlistmacro }{ true }{ false } %<package>%% \xifincsvlist*{ item }{ item,item,item,... }{ true }{ false } % \fi % % \begin{Macro*}{ifincsvlist} % A robust command with a star form. % \begin{Macro}{xifincsvlist} % The same with |\protected@edef|. % \begin{macrocode} \ettl@if@inlist\ifincsvlist{,} \ettl@xif@inlist\xifincsvlist{,} \undef\ettl@if@inlist \undef\ettl@xif@inlist % \end{macrocode} % \end{Macro} % \end{Macro*} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \interval{ number }{ sorted comma separated list of numbers } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{interval} % \cs{interval} will expand to the number of the interval of \prm{number} into the \prm{sorted comma separated list of integers}: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\interval[2]{\romannumeral-`\q% \ExpandNext{\avoidvoid[\csvloop!{#2}]}{\csvloop+[\ettl@do@interval{#1}]{#2}}} \def\ettl@do@interval#1[#2]#3{\ifdim#1\p@<#3\p@ \@swap{\breakloop{#2}}\fi} % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \iffalse %<package> %<package>%% \interplin{ number }{ sorted comma separated list of numbers }{ comma separated liist of numbers } % \fi % %\begin{Macro}{locinterplin} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\locinterplin[3]{\romannumeral-`\q \unless\ifnum\numexpr(\csvloop!{#2})-(\csvloop!{#3})=0 \PackageError{etextools}{Using \string\locinterplin\space the lists in argument 1 and 2\MessageBreak must have the same number of elements} {You're in trouble here and I cannot proceed...} \fi \ExpandNextTwo{\ettl@locinterplin{#1}{#3}{#2}}{\interval{#1}{#2}}{\csvloop!{#2}}} \begingroup\catcode`\/ 12% \gdef\ettl@locinterplin#1#2#3#4#5{% \ifnum#4=0 \csvloop[#4]{#2}% \else\ifnum#4=#5 \expandafter\csvloop\expandafter[\number\numexpr#5-1]{#2}% \else\ifdim#1\p@=\expandafter\csvloop\expandafter[\number\numexpr#4-1]{#3}\p@ \expandafter\csvloop\expandafter[\number\numexpr#4-1]{#2}% \else\strip@pt\dimexpr% \expandafter\csvloop\expandafter[\number\numexpr#4-1]{#2}\p@+% (#1\p@-\expandafter\csvloop\expandafter[\number\numexpr#4-1]{#3}\p@)*% (\expandafter\csvloop\expandafter[\number\numexpr#4-1]{#2}-\csvloop[#4]{#2})/% (\expandafter\csvloop\expandafter[\number\numexpr#4-1]{#3}-\csvloop[#4]{#3})\relax \fi\fi\fi} \endgroup% catcode group % \end{macrocode} %\end{Macro} % % \Subsection*{\thispackage package options (undocumented - not tested, not to be used)} % % \textsl{Undocumented option \xpackage{etoolbox}}. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption{etoolbox}{% \renewcommand\ifblank[3]{\ettl@nbk #1//{#2}{#3}//} \renewcommand\ifdef[1]{\csname @\ifdefined#1first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \renewcommand\ifcsdef[1]{\csname @\ifcsname#1\endcsname first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} \renewcommand\ifundef[1]{\csname @% \ifdefined#1\ifx#1\relax first\else second\fi\else first\fi oftwo\endcsname} \renewcommand\ifcsundef[1]{\csname @% \ifcsname#1\endcsname\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax first\else second\fi\else first\fi oftwo\endcsname} \edef\ifdefmacro#1{\unexpanded{\csname @% \expandafter\ettl@ifdefmacro\meaning}#1\detokenize{macro:}/oftwo\endcsname} \edef\ettl@ifdefmacro{% \def\noexpand\ettl@ifdefmacro##1\detokenize{macro:}##2/{\noexpand\ettl@nbk##2//{first}{second}//}% }\ettl@ifdefmacro \long\edef\ifcsmacro#1{\unexpanded{\csname @% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ettl@ifdefmacro\meaningcs}{#1}\detokenize{macro:}/oftwo\endcsname} \renewcommand\ifdefparam[1]{\csname @% \ettl@expandaftwo\ettl@nbk\expandafter\ettl@params@meaning\meaning#1///{first}{second}//oftwo\endcsname} \renewcommand\ifcsparam[1]{\csname @% \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\ettl@nbk\parameters@meaningcs{#1}//{first}{second}//oftwo\endcsname} \renewcommand\ifnumcomp[3]{\csname @% \ifnum\numexpr#1#2\numexpr#3 first\else second\fi oftwo\endcsname} }% etoolbox option - not to be used - experimental \ProcessOptions*\relax % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %</package> % \end{macrocode} % % \Section*{Revision history} % \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\texorpdfstring\dr{}\hskip\dimexpr\cftsecnumwidth-4pt Revision history}^^A not in .cmd file % % \begin{changelog}\footnotesize % % \begin{release}{3.1415}{2009-10-14} % \item Correction of a bug in \cmdref{locinterplin}. % \end{release} % % \begin{release}{3.141}{2009-10-08} % \item |\relax| added after \cmdref{listloop}\stform! (\cmdref{csvloop}\stform! etc.) in order to explicitly stop |\numexpr|. % \end{release} % % \begin{release}{3.14}{2009-10-04} % \item Stabilisation of some commands. % \end{release} % % \begin{release}{3.0}{2009-09-09} % \item Definition of \cmdref{DeclareStringFilter}, \cmdref{FE@modifiers} and \cmdref{ettl@supergobble} % % \end{release} % % \begin{release}{2k}{2009-09-04} % \item Addition of \\ % \cmdref{ExpandNext} \\ % \cmdref{naturalloop} \\ % the star form of \cmdref{futuredef} \\ % the \cs{global} option of \cmdref{DeclareCmdListParser} % \item Reimplementation of \\ % the lists macros for optimisation (cf \cmd{ettl@ifnotblank}) \\ % \cmdref{ifsinglechar} for optimisation % \item Addition of examples to the \sty{etextools-examples.tex} % \item Test on pdf\LaTeX{} and Xe\TeX. % \end{release} % % \begin{release}{2i}{2009-08-31} % \item % Addition of \cmdref{futuredef} a macro (and vectorized) version of \cs{futurelet}. % \item % Redesign of \cmdref{expandnext}: the first argument can now be arbitrary code % (before, it was necessarily a single control sequence, as for \CS{expandafter}). % \item % Redesign of \cmdref{deblank}, after a solution provided by \xpackage{environ.sty}. % \item % Addition of \cmdref{ifincsvlist}, \cmdref{ifintokslist} and \cmdref{xifincsvlist}. % \item % Addition of \cmdref{forcsvloop}, \cmdref{forlistloop} and \cmdref{fortoksloop}. % \item % Addition of \cmdref{csvdel}, \cmd{csvedel}, \cmd{csvgdel} and \cmd{csvxdel} % \item % Optimization of \cmdref{getlistindex} and \cmdref{getcsvlistindex} % \end{release} % % \begin{release}{2t}{2009-08-15} % \item % Addition of \cmdref{ifnotempty}, \cmdref{ifstrcmp}, \cmdref{ifstrmatch} % % \end{release} % % \begin{release}{2h}{2009-08-14} % \item % \cmdref{getlistindex} is now fully expandable % % \item Addition of\\ % \cmdref{toksloop} % % \item Addition of\\ % \cmdref{FE@ifchar} as a generalization of \cmdref{FE@ifstar}. % % \end{release} % % \begin{release}{2z}{2009-08-12} % \item Addition of \\ % \cmdref{ifempty}, \cmdref{toksloop}, \cmdref{tokstolist} and \cmdref{tokstolistadd} % \item % Modification of \cmdref{ifsinglechar}\\ % |\ifsinglechar| now works with |\ifempty| so that:\\ % \begin{tabbing} % \quad\=|\macro{ * }|\quad\= is no more considered as a starred form \\ % \>\>because of the spaces following the |*| \\ % \>\> however, the spaces \textbf{before} are skipped, \\ % \>\>as does |\@ifnextchar| from the \LaTeX{} kernel. % \end{tabbing} % % \item % Index added to this documentation paper. % \end{release} % \begin{release}{2e}{2009-07-14} % \item % First version (include an example file) % \end{release} % % \end{changelog} % % \begin{thebibliography}{9} % % \bibitem{etex} % David Carlisle and Peter Breitenlohner % \textit{The \xpackage{etex} package}; % 1998/03/26 v2.0; % \CTAN{macros/latex/contrib/etex-pkg/}. % % \bibitem{etoolbox} % Philipp Lehman % \textit{The \xpackage{etoolbox} package}; % 2008/06/28 v1.7; % \CTAN{macros/latex/contrib/etoolbox/}. % % \end{thebibliography} % % \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2}\clearpage % \PrintIndex % \makeatletter % \immediate\write\@mainaux{\noexpand\newlabel{LastPage}{{}{\thepage}{}{page.\arabic{page}}{}}} % \Finale