\def\fileversion{v1.0a -- (c) 2001 by Hans-Christoph Wirth} \def\filedate{2005/06/15} % \iffalse % File `formular.dtx'. See below for Copyright. % %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \CheckSum{639} \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \usepackage{formular} \title{The \textsf{formular} Package.\thanks{This file has version number \fileversion, dated \filedate.}} \date{\filedate} \author{Hans-Christoph Wirth\\hcw@gmx.de} \begin{document} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{0.3\baselineskip} \maketitle \DocInput{formular.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % % \fi % \parindent 0pt % \begin{quote}\itshape % This package provides some commands useful for typesetting % fields in formulars which are intended to be filled either manually % or using \TeX. % \end{quote} % %% %\begin{verbatim} %% Copyright 2001 Hans-Christoph Wirth (hcw@gmx.de) %% %% This program/package may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is available at %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 1999/12/01 or later. %% %% The quintessence of LPPL is: %% - Distribute the package only in its full contents %% - If you modify any files, rename them before %% %% This program/package consists of the files %% formular.ins (driver file) %% formular.dtx (source and documentation) %% formular.sty (actual style file, generated) %% formular.dvi (documentation, generated) %\end{verbatim} %% % \section{Examples} % % When typesetting forms there often arises the need for defining % fields which consists of one or more lines where the customer can % write something down manually. To support a unique appearance of % those fields we contribute some commands which define general % fields. % % \subsection{One-line Fields} % % The following piece of code declares and uses a simple % one-line field |namef|: % \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim} %\newFRMfield{namef}{15mm} % %This is \useFRMfield{namef}[John] % and \useFRMfield{namef}. % \end{verbatim}\end{quote} % % The output is the following: % \begin{quote} %\newFRMfield{namef}{15mm} %This is \useFRMfield{namef}[John] % and \useFRMfield{namef}. % \end{quote} % % More complicated fields may have a description and a default content. % % \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim} %\newFRMfield{namef}{15mm}[Name][nobody] % %This is \useFRMfield{namef}[John] % and \useFRMfield{namef} % and \useFRMfield{namef}[] % and \useFRMfield{namef}[Fred Long Name] % \end{verbatim}\end{quote} % % Notice that the field growths with the content: % \begin{quote} %\newFRMfield{namef}{15mm}[Name][nobody] %\renewFRMfield{namef}{15mm}[Name][nobody] %This is \useFRMfield{namef}[John] % and \useFRMfield{namef} % and \useFRMfield{namef}[] % and \useFRMfield{namef}[Fred Long Name] % \end{quote} % % \subsection{Different Styles} % % Each class of fields can have its own font style. Additionally % there is a \emph{ruled} style implemented. In the % following we declare two one-line fields with different appearance: % % \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim} %\newFRMfield{placef}{40mm}[Place] % %\setFRMfontfamily{cmr} %\setFRMfontshape{it} %\setFRMfontsize{12} %\setFRMruledstyle %\newFRMfield{sigf}{30mm}[Signature] % %\useFRMfield{placef}[Sometown], \useFRMfield{sigf}[U. N. Known] % \end{verbatim}\end{quote} % % \begin{quote} %\newFRMfield{placef}{40mm}[Place] %\setFRMfontfamily{cmr} %\setFRMfontshape{it} %\setFRMfontsize{12} %\setFRMruledstyle %\newFRMfield{sigf}{30mm}[Signature] % %\useFRMfield{placef}[Sometown], \useFRMfield{sigf}[U. N. Known] % \end{quote} % % \subsection{Multi-line Environments} % % The following piece of code declares and uses two multi-line % environments. Notice that there are two styles: The description of the % field may appear on a separate line or not. Each environment has a % description and a minimal number of lines. % % \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim} %\setFRMbreakstyle %\newFRMenvironment{env1}{Foobar}{2} %\setFRMinlinestyle %\newFRMenvironment{env2}{Barfoo}{3} % %\begin{env1} This is break style \end{env1} %\begin{env2} This is inline style \end{env2} % \end{verbatim}\end{quote} % %\setFRMbreakstyle %\newFRMenvironment{env1}{Foobar}{2} %\setFRMinlinestyle %\newFRMenvironment{env2}{Barfoo}{3} % %\begin{env1} This is break style \end{env1} %\begin{env2} This is inline style \end{env2} % % \subsection{Containers} % \label{sec:example:container} % A container is a collection of fields. The container specifies % which fields belong to it, and where the fields are to be printed. % The following piece of code declares a container which contains three % fields. % \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim} %\newFRMcontainer{Grades} % {\setFRMruledstyle % \newFRMfield{Ma}{30mm}[][////] % \newFRMfield{Ph}{30mm}[][////] % \newFRMfield{En}{30mm}[english grade][////] % }{% % \parbox[t]{0.45\linewidth}{\baselineskip18pt % Maths \dotfill\ \useFRMfield{Ma}\newline % Physics \dotfill\ \useFRMfield{Ph}}\hfill % \parbox[t]{0.45\linewidth}{% % English \dotfill\ \useFRMfield{En}}% % } %\begin{Grades} % \setMa{excellent} % \setPh{very good} %\end{Grades} % \end{verbatim}\end{quote} % %\newFRMcontainer{Grades} % {\setFRMruledstyle % \newFRMfield{Ma}{30mm}[][////] % \newFRMfield{Ph}{30mm}[][////] % \newFRMfield{En}{30mm}[english grade][////] % }{% % \parbox[t]{0.45\linewidth}{\baselineskip18pt % Maths \dotfill\ \useFRMfield{Ma}\newline % Physics \dotfill\ \useFRMfield{Ph}}\hfill % \parbox[t]{0.45\linewidth}{% % English \dotfill\ \useFRMfield{En}}% % } %\begin{Grades} % \setMa{excellent} % \setPh{very good} %\end{Grades} % % \section{Command Description} % % \subsection{Style Parameters} % % The commands explained in this section select the general appearance % of the fields. A call to a command affects all fields which are % declared subsequently (within the same scope). % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMrulewidth} % The command % \begin{quote}|\setFRMrulewidth|\marg{dimen}\end{quote} % sets the thickness of the underlining rules to \meta{dimen} % (default: 0.1pt). The instruction |\setFRMrulewidth{0pt}| makes % rules disappear. % % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMrulesep} % The command % \begin{quote}|\setFRMrulesep|\marg{dimen}\end{quote} % sets the vertical distance between the font baseline and the % underlining rules (default: 2pt). % % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMmargin} % The command % \begin{quote}|\setFRMmargin|\marg{dimen}\end{quote} % sets the horizontal indentation of the content of multi-line % |FRMenvironment|s (default: 5pt). % % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMbaselineskip} % The command % \begin{quote}|\setFRMbaselineskip|\marg{dimen}\end{quote} % sets the baselineskip of the content of multi-line % |FRMenvironment|s (default: 18pt). % % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMfontencoding} % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMfontsize} % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMfontfamily} % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMfontseries} % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMfontshape} % The |\setFRMfont|\ldots{} commands select the font used for the content, and % the corresponding |\setFRMdfont|\ldots{} commands select the font % of the description of one-line fields. For a description of the % meaning of the parameters we refer to command |\usefont| in standard % \LaTeX2e{} documentation. Notice that |\setFRMfontsize| has only % one parameter, since the baselineskip is selected with a separate % command. % % \bigskip % All above commands can be supplied with an optional parameter % specifying a (already declared) field. This enables to change the % appearance of fields after declaration. The following example % illustrates this: % \begin{quote}\begin{verbatim} %\newFRMfield{foo}{3cm} %\setFRMfontsize[foo]{20pt} % \end{verbatim}\end{quote} % % To this end, there are some more commands which have only effect when this % optional parameter is supplied: % % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMcontent} % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMdescription} % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMwidth} % The commands \begin{quote}|\setFRMcontent|\oarg{field}\marg{content}\newline % |\setFRMdescription|\oarg{field}\marg{content}\end{quote} set the % (default) content and the description of the field, while % \begin{quote}|\setFRMwidth|\oarg{field}\marg{width}\end{quote} % changes the (minimal) width. % % \subsection{One-line Fields} % A |FRMfield| consists of three ingredients: % % \begin{enumerate} % \item The \emph{content} of the field. This is a (maybe empty) % one-line string. % \item A \emph{horizontal rule}. The length of the rule is at least % the minimal width of the field, but it grows with the content or the % description. It is guaranteed that the rule exceeds the content at % least by the amount which is set with |\setFRMmargin|. % \item The \emph{description}. This is a (maybe empty) one-line % string printed below the rule. % \end{enumerate} % % \bigskip\DescribeMacro{\newFRMfield} % A |FRMfield| must be declared as follows: % \begin{quote} % |\newFRMfield|\marg{field id}\marg{width}\newline % |\newFRMfield|\marg{field % id}\marg{width}\oarg{description}\newline % |\newFRMfield|\marg{field % id}\marg{width}\oarg{description}\oarg{default content} % \end{quote} % The field is associated with the style setting which is valid at % this moment. % % \DescribeMacro{\useFRMfield} % When a field is declared, it can be used with the command % \begin{quote} % |\useFRMfield|\marg{name}\newline % |\useFRMfield|\marg{name}\oarg{content} % \end{quote} % If the \meta{content} is not supplied to |\useFRMfield|, then the % \meta{default content} is printed. % % \bigskip\DescribeMacro{\renewFRMfield} % The macro |\renewFRMfield| is nearly the same as |\newFRMfield|, % but it changes an existing field rather than defining a new one. % % \bigskip % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMruledstyle} % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMplainstyle} % Besides the style parameters discussed above, the user has the % additional choice between the following two styles: With % \begin{quote}|\setFRMplainstyle|\end{quote} % the content is underlined by a single rule. With % \begin{quote}|\setFRMruledstyle|\end{quote} % the content is printed over a field of rules. The height of the % ruled field adjusts automatically to the current font size. % % \subsection{Multi-line Environments} % A |FRMenvironment| consists of three ingredients: % % \begin{enumerate} % \item The \emph{content} of the field. This is a (possibly empty) % text. % \item A collection of \emph{rules} which underline the content. % \item The \emph{description}. This is a one-line string printed at % the beginning of the environment. % \end{enumerate} % % \bigskip\DescribeMacro{\newFRMenvironment} % A |FRMenvironment| must be declared as follows: % % \begin{quote} % |\newFRMenvironment|\marg{envid}\marg{description}\marg{default lines} % \end{quote} % % As one may expect, the current style settings are associated with % the environment from this point on. The |FRMenvironment| is used in % the following way: % % \begin{quote} % |\begin|\marg{envid} \meta{content} |\end|\marg{envid}\newline % |\begin|\marg{envid}\oarg{lines} \meta{content} |\end|\marg{envid} % \end{quote} % % This will print a |FRMenvironment| with description % \meta{description} and content \meta{content}. The environment % extends to at least \meta{default lines} many lines (or to % \meta{lines} lines, if the optional argument is supplied). If the % \meta{content} does not fit into this space, the environment is % further extended and a warning is issued. % % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMbaselineskip} % The baselineskip of the content can be adjusted with % \begin{quote}|\setFRMbaselineskip|\marg{dimen}\end{quote} % % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMmargin} % The indentation of the content can be adjusted with % \begin{quote}|\setFRMmargin|\marg{dimen}\end{quote} % It defaults to 5pt. % % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMbreakstyle} % \DescribeMacro{\setFRMinlinestyle} % There are two styles implemented: % The content may start in the same line as the description % (|\setFRMinlinestyle|), or the description may appear on its own % line (|\setFRMbreakstyle|). Notice that in |break| style, the % description's line is not counted within the line range. % % \subsection{Containers} % % A |FRMcontainer| is a simple way to collect several |FRMfield|s into % one logical unit. The container defines the set of fields, their % default content, and how to print the individual fields. This % definition can go to the preamble of the document. % % The content of the container will usually consist solely of commands % which set the field's content. So the user must not care about the % actual typesetting of the fields. % % \DescribeMacro{\newFRMcontainer} % The command % \begin{quote}|\newFRMcontainer|\marg{cid}\marg{init code}\marg{apply % code}\end{quote} % defines a new container \meta{cid}. The container will be used % afterwards like a environment % \begin{quote}|\begin|\marg{cid} \meta{container % content} |\end|\marg{cid}\end{quote} % % The \meta{init code} may contain any code needed for setup of the % container. In particular, one may employ at this point: % \begin{itemize} % \item All style setting commands |\setFRM|\ldots{} of this package % % Notice that the container always initializes the % settings to the situtation which was valid when the call to % |\newFRMcontainer| happens. This ensures that multiple calls to the % same container always appear in the same style. % \item The command |\newFRMfield| to declare local fields. % \end{itemize} % % \DescribeMacro{\set...} % Within the \meta{init code} of a container, a call to % |\newFRMfield|\marg{field} defines one more command, namely % |\set|\meta{field}. The command % \begin{quote}|\set|\meta{field}\marg{content}\end{quote} % is a convenient shortcut for % \begin{quote}|\setFRMcontent|\oarg{field}\marg{content}\end{quote} % It may be used in the content of the container to define the content % of the individual fields. (See example in % Section~\ref{sec:example:container}.) % % \StopEventually{} % % \section{The Implementation} % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{formular}[\filedate \space \fileversion] \RequirePackage{xspace} \def\FRM@err{\PackageError{formular}} \def\FRM@warn{\PackageWarning{formular}} \newlength\frm@margin \newlength\frm@baselineskip \newbox\frm@namebx \newbox\frm@contbx \newcount\frm@cnt \newcount\frm@lbound \newif\iffrm@breakstyle \newif\iffrm@ruledstyle % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Global defaults} % The current and global settings are stored internally in |\frm@...|. % The settings of individual field \meta{f} is stored in % |\frm@|\meta{f}|@...|. % % Auxiliary macros to define the |\setFRM|\ldots{} commands. Those % commands, when called with optional argument containing a field id, % must check whether the field is declared and then modify its settings. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\FRM@generatesetcommand}[1]{% \expandafter \newcommand\expandafter{\csname setFRM#1\endcsname}[2][]{% \ifx##1\relax\relax \expandafter\def\csname frm@#1\endcsname{##2}\else \@ifundefined{frm@##1@content} {\FRM@err{FRMfield `##1' not declared.}}{% \expandafter\def\csname frm@##1@#1\endcsname{##2}}\fi } } % \end{macrocode} % This is for the handling of |\setFRM...style| commands. The call\newline % |\FRM@generatesetstylecommand|\marg{a}\marg{b}\marg{c}\newline % generates |\setFRM|\meta{a}|style| which itself will let % |\iffrm@|\meta{b}|style| to be |\if|\meta{c}. For individual % fields, the |\if...| are stored in one macro only. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\FRM@generatesetstylecommand}[3]{% \expandafter \newcommand\expandafter{\csname setFRM#1style\endcsname}[1][]{% \ifx##1\relax\relax \csname frm@#2style#3\endcsname \else \@ifundefined{frm@##1@content} {\FRM@err{FRMfield `##1' not declared.}}{% \expandafter\let\csname iffrm@##1@#2style\expandafter \endcsname \csname if#3\endcsname }\fi } } % \end{macrocode} % This is for the handling of |\setFRM...| counters and lengths. % Since we do not want to waste registers, we store the contents of % registers in macros (rather than in registers) for the individual fields. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\FRM@generatesetlengthcommand}[1]{% \expandafter \newcommand\expandafter{\csname setFRM#1\endcsname}[2][]{% \ifx##1\relax\relax \csname frm@#1\endcsname=##2\relax \else \@ifundefined{frm@##1@content} {\FRM@err{FRMfield `##1' not declared.}}{% \expandafter\def\csname frm@##1@#1\endcsname{##2}}\fi } } % \end{macrocode} % The first two commands generated have no effect if called without % the optional parameter. % \begin{macrocode} \FRM@generatesetcommand{content} \FRM@generatesetcommand{description} % \end{macrocode} % Thickness of all rules % \begin{macrocode} \FRM@generatesetcommand{rulewidth} \setFRMrulewidth{0.1pt} % \end{macrocode} % Vertical distance between baseline and an underlining rule % \begin{macrocode} \FRM@generatesetcommand{rulesep} \setFRMrulesep{2pt} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Defaults for one-line environments} % Style of a one-line environment % \begin{macrocode} \FRM@generatesetstylecommand{plain}{ruled}{false} \FRM@generatesetstylecommand{ruled}{ruled}{true} % \end{macrocode} % Default width of fields (not user accessible) % \begin{macrocode} \def\frm@width{0pt} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Defaults for multi-line environments} % Indentation of the content of a multi-line environment % \begin{macrocode} \FRM@generatesetlengthcommand{margin} \setFRMmargin{5pt} % \end{macrocode} % |\baselineskip| within a multi-line environment % \begin{macrocode} \FRM@generatesetlengthcommand{baselineskip} \setFRMbaselineskip{18pt} % \end{macrocode} % Style of a multi-line environment % \begin{macrocode} \FRM@generatesetstylecommand{break}{break}{true} \FRM@generatesetstylecommand{inline}{break}{false} % \end{macrocode} % Default number of lines (not user accessible) % \begin{macrocode} \frm@lbound=0 % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Font selection for the fields} % Font shape of the content of all fields % \begin{macrocode} \FRM@generatesetcommand{fontencoding} \FRM@generatesetcommand{fontsize} \FRM@generatesetcommand{fontfamily} \FRM@generatesetcommand{fontseries} \FRM@generatesetcommand{fontshape} \setFRMfontencoding{T1} \setFRMfontsize{10} \setFRMfontfamily{cmtt} \setFRMfontseries{m} \setFRMfontshape{n} % \end{macrocode} % Font shape of the description of one-line fields % \begin{macrocode} \FRM@generatesetcommand{dfontencoding} \FRM@generatesetcommand{dfontsize} \FRM@generatesetcommand{dfontfamily} \FRM@generatesetcommand{dfontseries} \FRM@generatesetcommand{dfontshape} \setFRMdfontencoding{T1} \setFRMdfontsize{6} \setFRMdfontfamily{cmss} \setFRMdfontseries{m} \setFRMdfontshape{n} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{Auxiliary Macros for saving and restoring the settings} % % Store the current settings for a individual field. All \TeX{} % registers are also stored in macros. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\FRM@storeappearance}[1]{% \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@content\endcsname \frm@content \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@description\endcsname \frm@description \expandafter\let\csname iffrm@#1@breakstyle\endcsname \iffrm@breakstyle \expandafter\let\csname iffrm@#1@ruledstyle\endcsname \iffrm@ruledstyle \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@width\endcsname \frm@width \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@rulewidth\endcsname \frm@rulewidth \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@rulesep\endcsname \frm@rulesep \expandafter\edef\csname frm@#1@lbound\endcsname{\the\frm@lbound} \expandafter\edef\csname frm@#1@baselineskip\endcsname{\the\frm@baselineskip} \expandafter\edef\csname frm@#1@margin\endcsname{\the\frm@margin} \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@fontfamily\endcsname \frm@fontfamily \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@fontseries\endcsname \frm@fontseries \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@fontsize\endcsname \frm@fontsize \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@fontshape\endcsname \frm@fontshape \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@fontencoding\endcsname \frm@fontencoding \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@dfontfamily\endcsname \frm@dfontfamily \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@dfontseries\endcsname \frm@dfontseries \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@dfontsize\endcsname \frm@dfontsize \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@dfontshape\endcsname \frm@dfontshape \expandafter\let\csname frm@#1@dfontencoding\endcsname \frm@dfontencoding } % \end{macrocode} % Load the current settings from a individual field. All \TeX{} % registers which were stored in macros are retransformed into registers. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\FRM@restoreappearance}[1]{% \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@content \csname frm@#1@content\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@description \csname frm@#1@description\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\iffrm@breakstyle \csname iffrm@#1@breakstyle\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter \iffrm@ruledstyle \csname iffrm@#1@ruledstyle\endcsname % \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@width \csname frm@#1@width\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@rulewidth \csname frm@#1@rulewidth\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@rulesep \csname frm@#1@rulesep\endcsname % \expandafter \frm@lbound\expandafter=\csname frm@#1@lbound\endcsname \expandafter \frm@baselineskip=\csname frm@#1@baselineskip\endcsname \expandafter \frm@margin=\csname frm@#1@margin\endcsname % \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@fontencoding \csname frm@#1@fontencoding\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@fontseries \csname frm@#1@fontseries\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@fontshape \csname frm@#1@fontshape\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@fontsize \csname frm@#1@fontsize\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@fontfamily \csname frm@#1@fontfamily\endcsname % \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@dfontencoding \csname frm@#1@dfontencoding\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@dfontseries \csname frm@#1@dfontseries\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@dfontshape \csname frm@#1@dfontshape\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@dfontsize \csname frm@#1@dfontsize\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\frm@dfontfamily \csname frm@#1@dfontfamily\endcsname } % \end{macrocode} % Shorthands for actually switching to the font settings % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\FRM@selectfont}{% \fontsize{\frm@fontsize}{\the\frm@baselineskip}% \usefont{\frm@fontencoding}{\frm@fontfamily} {\frm@fontseries}{\frm@fontshape}% } \newcommand{\FRM@selectdfont}{% \fontsize{\frm@dfontsize}{\the\frm@baselineskip}% \usefont{\frm@dfontencoding}{\frm@dfontfamily} {\frm@dfontseries}{\frm@dfontshape}% } % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{One-line fields} % \begin{macro}{\newFRMfield} % Parameter list:\newline % |#1| field id\newline % |#2| minimum field width\newline % |#3| description (optional)\newline % |#4| default content (optional) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\newFRMfield}[1]{% \@ifundefined{frm@#1@content} {\new@FRMfield{#1}}{\FRM@err{cannot \string\new... existing field `#1'}} } \newcommand{\renewFRMfield}[1]{% \@ifundefined{frm@#1@content} {\FRM@err{cannot \string\renew... undeclared field `#1'}}{\new@FRMfield{#1}} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\new@FRMfield} % We first must fiddle around with the two optional parameters. Then % we set the default values (if any) and store all settings of the % individual field. % \begin{macrocode} \def\new@FRMfield#1#2{% \@ifnextchar[%] {\new@FRMfield@{#1}{#2}}{\new@FRMfield@@{#1}{#2}[][]}} \def\new@FRMfield@#1#2[#3]{% \@ifnextchar[%] {\new@FRMfield@@{#1}{#2}[#3]}{\new@FRMfield@@{#1}{#2}[#3][]}} \def\new@FRMfield@@#1#2[#3][#4]{% \def\frm@width{#2} \def\frm@description{#3} \def\frm@content{#4} \FRM@storeappearance{#1} \new@FRMcontainerhook{#1} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % The hook is used by |\newFRMcontainer| to define the |\set...| % shortcut afterwards. % \begin{macrocode} \let\new@FRMcontainerhook\@gobble \def\new@FRMfieldspecials#1{% \expandafter\def\csname set#1\endcsname##1{\setFRMcontent[#1]{##1}} % \expandafter\def\csname use#1\endcsname{\useFRMfield{#1}\relax} } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\useFRMfield} % Parameter list:\newline % |#1| field id\newline % |#2| field content (optional) % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\useFRMfield}[1]{% \@ifundefined{frm@#1@content} {\FRM@err{FRMfield `#1' is not declared.}} {\use@FRMfield{#1}} } \def\use@FRMfield#1{% \@ifnextchar[%] {\use@FRMfield@{#1}} {\use@FRMfield@{#1}[\csname frm@#1@content\endcsname]\xspace} } % \end{macrocode} % This macro does the actual typesetting job. We must open a group to % keep changes to the current settings (via |\FRM@restore...|) locally. % \begin{macrocode} \def\use@FRMfield@#1[#2]{\begingroup \FRM@restoreappearance{#1}% \setbox\frm@contbx=\hbox{% \FRM@selectfont \kern\frm@margin #2\kern\frm@margin}% \dp\frm@contbx0pt\relax % \end{macrocode} % The baseline of the final field is the baseline of the content and % has depth extending to the underlining rule. % This makes alignment of more than one field on the % same line less complex. % \begin{macrocode} \leavevmode \vtop to \frm@rulesep{% \halign{\hfil##\hfil\cr % \end{macrocode} % Enclose |\usebox| in braces. This circumvents a bug(?) in % \texttt{pdftex.def} v0.03k of standard \texttt{graphicx} and % \texttt{color} packages: Compiling with \emph{pdflatex} would % break here. % \changes{v1.0a}{2005/06/15}{Circumvent problem with pdflatex and graphicx/color.sty} % \begin{macrocode} {\usebox{\frm@contbx}}\cr \noalign{\kern\frm@rulesep \iffrm@ruledstyle \dimen0=\frm@fontsize pt\dimen2=0pt\relax \loop \kern-2pt\advance\dimen2 by 2pt% \hrule height\frm@rulewidth \kern-\frm@rulewidth \advance\dimen0 by-2pt% \ifnum\dimen0>0% \repeat \kern\dimen2\relax \fi \hrule height\frm@rulewidth depth0pt \kern2pt}% \FRM@selectdfont \frm@description\cr \vrule width \frm@width height 0pt\cr}\vss }\endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Multi-line fields} % \begin{macro}{\newFRMenvironment} % Parameter list:\newline % |#1| environment id\newline % |#2| description\newline % |#3| number of lines % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\newFRMenvironment}[3]{% \def\frm@description{#2}% \frm@lbound=#3\relax \FRM@storeappearance{env@#1}% \newenvironment{#1}{% \FRM@restoreappearance{env@#1}% \@ifnextchar[%] {\FRM@openenvironment} {\FRM@openenvironment[\the\frm@lbound]}% }{% \FRM@closeenvironment% }% } % \end{macrocode} % Define the |\begin{}| part of the |FRMenvironment|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\FRM@openenvironment[#1]{% \frm@lbound=#1\relax % \end{macrocode} % Set the description of the environment. If the current style is a % |break| style, then extend the box to |\hsize|. % The top line gets a ``strut'' of height |\frm@baselineskip| minus % |\frm@rulesep|. The lowest line will have depth |\frm@rulesep|. % Hence multiple environments fit smoothly to each other. % \begin{macrocode} \setbox\frm@namebx\hbox \iffrm@breakstyle to\hsize\fi {\frm@description\enspace \skip0=\frm@baselineskip \advance\skip0-\frm@rulesep \vrule width0pt height \skip0\hfil}% % \end{macrocode} % Start the box containing the body. % \begin{macrocode} \setbox\frm@contbx=\vtop\bgroup \advance\hsize-2\frm@margin % \end{macrocode} % Leave out the horizontal space needed for the description. If the % description extends the whole line, allow for a line break after this. % \begin{macrocode} \hskip-\frm@margin \hskip\wd\frm@namebx \hskip-\frm@margin\penalty0\relax \hskip2\frm@margin \FRM@selectfont } % \end{macrocode} % Define the |\end{}| part of the environment. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\FRM@closeenvironment}{% % \end{macrocode} % Close the content box and count the number of lines below the % baseline. Set the box with depth zero. % \begin{macrocode} \par\egroup \frm@cnt=\dp\frm@contbx \dimen0=\frm@baselineskip \divide\frm@cnt\dimen0\relax \leavevmode\rlap{\dp\frm@contbx0pt \kern\frm@margin \usebox\frm@contbx}% % \end{macrocode} % Now set the rules box. It must be shifted down, since the rules % should be below the actual baseline. % \begin{macrocode} \raise-\frm@rulesep\vtop{% % \end{macrocode} % The first line contains the description and a rule (if it does not % extend the whole line). The description is shifted back to be % aligned with the baseline. % \begin{macrocode} \hbox to\hsize{% \dp\frm@namebx0pt% \raise\frm@rulesep\hbox{\usebox{\frm@namebx}}\leaders \hrule height \frm@rulewidth \hfill} % \end{macrocode} % If there is no |break| style, then the first line contains already % one rule and the line bound must be decreased by one. % \begin{macrocode} \iffrm@breakstyle\else \advance\frm@lbound-1\fi\relax % \end{macrocode} % If the bound on the number of lines is exceeded then issue a % warning. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\frm@cnt>\frm@lbound\relax \@tempcnta\frm@cnt \advance\@tempcnta-\frm@lbound\relax \FRM@warn{Line bound in FRMenvironment exceeded by \the\@tempcnta\space line(s)} \else \frm@cnt\frm@lbound \fi % \end{macrocode} % In each case, |\frm@cnt| contains the number of remaining rules. % Plot them now. The depth of the final box is determined by the % lowest rule. % \begin{macrocode} \loop \ifnum\frm@cnt>0\relax \advance\frm@cnt-1\relax \kern\frm@baselineskip \kern-\frm@rulewidth \hrule height \frm@rulewidth\relax \repeat }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \subsection{Containers} % % \begin{macro}{\newFRMcontainer} % Parameter list:\newline % |#1| container id\newline % |#2| init code\newline % |#3| apply code\par % We store the current settings for restore at the beginning of the % init code. Moreover, we use the hook to let |\newFRMfield| also % define the |\set...| shortcut afterwards. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\newFRMcontainer#1#2#3{% \FRM@storeappearance{con@#1}% \newenvironment{#1}{% \let\new@FRMcontainerhook=\new@FRMfieldspecials \FRM@restoreappearance{con@#1}#2}{#3} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Seems to be a convention: % \begin{macrocode} \endinput % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale \PrintIndex \PrintChanges