%% hepthesis
%%   LaTeX class for writing PhD theses, particularly those for
%%   high energy physics (HEP)
%% Author: Andy Buckley <andy@insectnation.org>
%% This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
%% See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html
%% or the details of that license.
%% Please let me know if you use hepthesis and what you think of it.
%% I'll try to implement any suggested options or geometry changes,
%% provided I think they're a good idea!

%% ========================================================================
%% Admin
%% ========================================================================
\ProvidesClass{hepthesis}[\filedate\space HEP thesis class by Andy Buckley (v\fileversion)]

%% ========================================================================
%% Option parsing
%% ========================================================================
%% Conditional packages (can be disabled)
%% TODO: Make "yes" by default...
%% TODO: how to handle this?

%% Part-wise spacing commands and definitions

%% One-sided or two-sided (bound copies may have to be single-sided)

%% Sans serif titles?

%% Pad inner margins for binding
%% Use binding margins if output is not PDF

%% Use AMS math packages

%% Change footnote markers to alphabetic

%% Draft mode with line numbers and draft over-print

%% Disable the frontmatter

% Use hyperref package (with decent options)

% Use hyperref package (with decent options) only if output is PDF

%% Don't break enumerations (etc.) across pages in 
%% an ugly manner
\clubpenalty = 10000
\widowpenalty = 10000

%% Use nice-looking tables

%% Allows us to make an index

%% Allows us to make an index

%% Particle physics options

%% Paper size (wide A4 is default)
%% Handle the A4 default paper size

%% Options to be passed to the hep package

%% Process the options (no package requirement allowed above here)

%% ========================================================================
%% Base class and packages
%% ========================================================================

%% Base class

%% Use wide format if using A4 paper

%% Need to be able to locally change the text width.

%% Used to center the variable width page quote (must be version >= 0.9a)

%% AMS math package (optional)
    %% Displayed maths environments re-defined to be the same as AMS' align
      {\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldoldalignstar \csname align*\endcsname \@oldoldalignstar}%
      {\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldoldendalignstar \csname endalign*\endcsname \@oldoldendalignstar \ignorespacesafterend}
      {\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldoldalignstar \csname align*\endcsname \@oldoldalignstar}%
      {\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldoldendalignstar \csname endalign*\endcsname \@oldoldendalignstar \ignorespacesafterend}

%% Index building (optional)

%% Use the \title and \author arguments to build the front page etc.
%% Re-define \title and \author to store their args in \thetitle, \theauthor variables

%% Serif titles

%% In standard tabular: aligns \hline properly with vertical 
%% lines (check with zoom). But you shouldn't using vertical 
%% lines, should you? See booktabs documentation ;-)

%% Nice tables (optional)
    %% Tabular environment, defined to use the booktabs facilities

%% Convenience-included HEP packages (optional)

%% ``DRAFT'' underprint and line numbering in draft mode (optional)
  \RequirePackage[pagewise, mathlines]{lineno}

%% The right way to do custom spacing
%% \singlespacing, \onehalfspacing, \doublespacing
%% \begin{spacing}{2.5} ...

%% Funky headers

%% Make sure bibliography (but not ToC) appears in the ToC

%% Verbatim things

%% Rotated figures

%% Re-defines captions of figures and tables
%% TODO: make configurable / optional?

%% Hyperlinks (optional, has to come late in the package list)
%pdfpagemode=None, FullScreen, UseThumbs, UseOutlines

%% Misc tweaks
  %% Make maths in titles go automatically bold
  %% Declare a bold version of the typewriter font

%% ========================================================================
%% Length definitions
%% ========================================================================

\setlength{\parindent}{0.6cm}          % tweak the initial indent in paras
\setlength{\parskip}{0.3cm}            % tweak the intra-para gap size
%% Increase inner margins for binding


%% Redefine bits of document shape

%% Reset rule widths and the header width

%% Extra margins for various sections

%% Top vertical spacing in the front matter

%% Figure widths

%% Figure width aliases

%% ========================================================================
%% Headers and footers
%% ========================================================================
%% No header or footer on the title page
%% Use funky headers and footers

%% Normal headers and footers (headers are all like RH pages for oneside)
%% Lower case header content

%% Headers and footers for plain (blank) pages
  %\fancyhead[RO,LE]{\bfseries \thepage}%
  \fancyfoot[C]{\bfseries \thepage}%

%% Treat forced blank pages in the same way as chapter title pages
\def\cleardoublepage{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else%

%% Provide mixed-case versions of the Table of contents,
%% List of tables, List of figures, Bibliography etc. header names 
\DeclareRobustCommand{\listfigurename}{List of figures}
\DeclareRobustCommand{\listtablename}{List of tables}

%% Commenting out front and back matter

%% ========================================================================
%% Internal environments and commands
%% ========================================================================

%% Provide dumb quoting commands in case the csquotes package hasn't been used.

%% ========================================================================
%% Public environments and commands
%% ========================================================================

%% Change the spacing of lines

%% Change the extra margin size

%% An environment for the rubbish at the front of a typical thesis
  \setcounter{tocdepth}{2}% show down to subsections in contents
  \setcounter{secnumdepth}{2}% number down to subsections

%% Environment for the thesis main body

%% Environment for appendices

%% Environment for all the junk at the end of the thesis

%% Environment for acknowledgements page in frontmatter

%% Environment for preface page in frontmatter
  \ignorespacesafterend %

%% Environment for declaration rubrik page in frontmatter
%% (flushright doesn't work in this macro for some reason,
%% so you'll have to do that bit yourself like in the 
%% example file)
  %\newline \newline \newline%
  %  \thesisauthor\newline
  %  \today\newline

%% Environment for thesis abstract in frontmatter
%% (argument is the thesis title)

%% Deprecated: combined command for defining the title and author in the preamble
%% TODO Remove in 1.5
  \typeout{hepthesis: definethesis macro is deprecated. Use author and title macros instead.}

%% Makes a thesis title page
    {\Large{{\theauthor} \\ {#1}}}\\%

%% A quote on its own page
    \indent --- {#3}%
%% Alias

%% A quote on its own page

%% Environment for colophon in backmatter
  \ignorespacesafterend %

%% Typesets a chapter quote
  \indent --- #3%

%% Typesets the first para of a chapter slightly differently
%% (I don't use it, so maybe it needs some work)

%% Bold inline section heading with a finishing colon

%% Table environment

%% Figure environment

%% Figure* environment (lots of \expandafter and \csname gubbins reqd... *sigh*)
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldfigurestar \csname figure*\endcsname
\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldendfigurestar \csname endfigure*\endcsname

%% Sideways figure environment

%% ``Thesis''-prefixed duplicate commands and environments (deprecated)
\newcommand{\thesistypeout}{\typeout{hepthesis: thesis- prefix commands are deprecated and will be removed from hepthesis v1.5 onwards}}
\newenvironment{thesisfigure}{\thesistypeout\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldoldfigurestar \csname figure*\endcsname \@oldoldfigurestar}%
  {\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldoldendfigurestar \csname endfigure*\endcsname \@oldoldendfigurestar \ignorespacesafterend}
\newenvironment{thesisdisplaymath*}{\thesistypeout\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldolddisplaymathstar \csname displaymath*\endcsname \@oldolddisplaymathstar}%
  {\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldoldenddisplaymathstar \csname enddisplaymath*\endcsname \@oldoldenddisplaymathstar \ignorespacesafterend}
\newenvironment{thesisequation*}{\thesistypeout\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldoldequationstar \csname equation*\endcsname \@oldoldequationstar}%
  {\expandafter\let\expandafter\@oldoldendequationstar \csname endequation*\endcsname \@oldoldendequationstar \ignorespacesafterend}

%% In-document references
%% Standard way to refer to a page number

%% Reference terms with built-in reference