The IFPLATFORM package
v0.3a       2009/09/10

This package uses heuristics to establish whether
the document is being processed on Windows or a *NIX
platform (Mac OS X, Linux, etc.).

Shell escape is required to differentiate different *NIX platforms.

Booleans provided are: 
 - ifwindows
 - iflinux
 - ifmacosx
 - ifcygwin

Finally, the \platformname macro is also provided that
expands to a string of the platform name.

Will Robertson         wspr 81 at gmail dot com
Johannes Große

Copyright 2007, 2009 Will Robertson
Distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License
\input docstrip.tex
  Copyright (C) 2007, 2009  Will Robertson & Johannes Große
  License information appended.
Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 by Will Robertson & Johannes Große

Distributable under the LaTeX Project Public License,
version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of
this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt

This work is "author-maintained" by Will Robertson.

This work consists of the file  ifplatform.dtx
          and the derived files ifplatform.pdf,
                                ifplatform.sty, and 
\immediate\write18{makeindex -s gind.ist -o \jobname.ind  \jobname.idx}
\immediate\write18{makeindex -s gglo.ist -o \jobname.gls  \jobname.glo}
\linespread{1.1}       % A bit more space between lines
\frenchspacing         % Remove ugly extra space after punctuation
\usepackage{ifplatform}% for version info
  \typeout{ifplatform debug: using Windows.}
  \typeout{ifplatform debug: using Linux.}
  \typeout{ifplatform debug: using Mac OS X.}
  \typeout{ifplatform debug: using Cygwin.}
% \GetFileInfo{\jobname.sty}
% \CheckSum{0}
% \makeatletter
% \title{The \pkg{\jobname} package}
% \author{Original code by Johannes Gro\ss{}e\\
%         Package by Will Robertson\\
%         \color[gray]{0.5}
%         \texttt{wspr\,81\,at\,gmail\,dot\,com}}
% \date{\fileversion\thanks{Thanks to Ken Brown, Joseph Wright, Zebb Prime, and others for testing this version.}\qquad \filedate}
% \maketitle
% \section{Main features and usage}
% This package provides the three following conditionals to test
% which operating system is being used to run \TeX:
% \begin{itemize}[nolistsep,label={}]
% \item \cs{ifwindows}
% \item \cs{iflinux}
% \item \cs{ifmacosx}
% \item \cs{ifcygwin}
% \end{itemize}
% If you only wish to detect \cs{ifwindows}, then it does not matter how you 
% load this package. Note then that use of (Linux \emph{or} \macosxname\ \emph{or} Cygwin) can 
% then be detected with \cs{ifwindows}\cs{else}.
% If you also wish to determine the difference between which Unix-variant
% you are using (i.e., also detect \cs{iflinux}, \cs{ifmacosx}, and \cs{ifcygwin}) then shell
% escape must be enabled.
% This is achieved by using the |-shell-escape| command line option when 
% executing \LaTeX.
% If shell escape is not enabled, \cs{iflinux}, \cs{ifmacosx}, and \cs{ifcygwin} will all return \emph{false}. A warning will be printed in the console output to remind you in this case.
% \section{Auxiliary features}
% \cs{ifshellescape} is provided as a conditional to test whether
% shell escape is active or not. (Note: new versions of pdf\/\TeX\ 
% allow you to query shell escape with \verb|\ifnum\pdfshellescape>0|\,.)
% Also, the \cmd\platformname\ command is defined to expand to a 
% macro that represents the operating system. Default definitions are 
% (respectively):
% \begin{quote}
% \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{\quad$\to$\quad}l}
% \cmd\windowsname & `\windowsname' \\
% \cmd\notwindowsname & `\notwindowsname' (when shell escape is disabled) \\
% \cmd\linuxname & `\linuxname' \\
% \cmd\macosxname & `\macosxname' \\
% \cmd\cygwinname & `\cygwinname' \\
% \cmd\unknownplatform & \emph{whatever is returned by} |uname| \\
% \end{tabular}
% \end{quote}
% E.g., if \cs{ifwindows} is \emph{true} then \cs{platformname}
% expands to \cs{windowsname}, which expands to `\windowsname'.
% Redefine the macros above to customise
% the output of \cmd\platformname.
% \begin{center}\itshape
%  This documentation was compiled on \platformname.
% \end{center}
% \section{Other platforms}
% If greater granularity is required to differentiate between various \textsc{unix}-like operating systems, then \cmd\unknownplatform\ can be interrogated for the platform based on the output of |uname|. Table~\ref{table} lists possible outputs for a range of operating systems.
% For example, to test whether the AIX operating system is being used, you could use the following code:
% \begin{quote}
% \begin{verbatim}
%  ... AIX is being used ...
%  ... or not ...
% \end{verbatim}
% \end{quote}
% The \pkg{ifthen} and \pkg{xifthen} packages might be of interest to those who prefer more \LaTeX-like methods of conditional testing.
% \begin{table}[hp]
% \centering
% \begin{tabular}{@{}l>{\ttfamily}c@{}}
% \toprule
% Platform & uname \textrm{string} \\
% \midrule
% FreeBSD & {FreeBSD} \\
% OpenBSD & {OpenBSD} \\
% Solaris & {SunOS} \\
% HPUX & {HP-UX} \\
% IRIX & {IRIX64} \\
% AIX & {aix6} \\
% Cray UNICOS & {sn5176} \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \caption{List of operating systems and their \texttt{uname} strings. Adapted from % \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uname}.}
% \label{table}
% \end{table}
% \section{Limitations}
% Some technical information in case things go wrong.
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \pkg{ifplatform} checks for Windows by the presence or absence of the file `|nul:|'. If you have a file in your search path in *nix called `|nul:.tex|' (or without the |.tex|) then things may become confused.
% \item \pkg{ifplatform} checks for *nix by the presence or absence of the file `|/dev/null|'. If you have the file in Windows called |/dev/null.tex| (or without the extension) then things might similarly get mixed up.
% \item When both null files are detected (i.e., things aren't right with one of the two tests above), \pkg{ifplatform} uses another test to try and sort itself out. For interest, the test is: `|echo # > \jobname.w18|'. Under Windows you should end up with a text file containing an octothorpe. On *nix, the |#| will be seen as a comment char and the test will be ignored and the file will not be written.
% This `last resort' test will fail if shell escape is not enabled, or if the file |\jobname.w18| 
% somehow already exists, or if the behaviour of |#| isn't as reliable as I think.
% \item Note that if you're running \TeX\ binaries from Cygwin on Windows, then your platform will \emph{not} be Windows. It will appear to be a *nix system, with platform name `Cygwin'.
% \item If you ever see the error
% \begin{quote}\ttfamily I can't tell if this is Windows or *nix; you 
% appear to be neither.\end{quote}
% then I'd dearly like to know how it happened. It should 
% never occur, as far as I know.
% \end{itemize}
% Keep these points in mind and you'll never run into trouble.
% I hope you won't run into trouble in any case.
% \StopEventually{\clearpage\PrintIndex}
% \section{Implementation}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  [2009/09/10 v0.3a  Testing for the operating system]
%    \end{macrocode}
% Packages required: (thanks Heiko)
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Conditionals we provide:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\windowsname}
% \begin{macro}{\notwindowsname}
% \begin{macro}{\linuxname}
% \begin{macro}{\macosxname}
% \begin{macro}{\cygwinname}
% \begin{macro}{\unknownplatform}
% Names of operating systems:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% For internal stuff later:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\ifshellescape}
% Determine if shell escape is enabled:
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \PackageWarningNoLine{ifplatform}{^^J \space\space\space
    shell escape is disabled,
    so I can only detect \@backslashchar ifwindows%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% An error message for when things go wrong:
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \PackageWarningNoLine{ifplatform}{^^J \space\space\space
    I can't tell if this is Windows or *nix;
    you appear to be both%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Test for the null files of Windows and *nix. In a normal situation, this is all we need to do:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{table}
% \centering
% \begin{tabular}{@{}llll@{}}
% \toprule
% File & Exists & Windows? & *nix? \\
% \midrule
% \texttt{nul:} & true & Probably & Maybe \\
% &  false & Definitely not & Definitely \\
% \texttt{/dev/null} & true & Maybe & Probably \\
% & false & Definitely & Definitely not \\
% \bottomrule
% \end{tabular}
% \caption{Possibilities for testing null files and their prospects for determining the platform.}
% \label{tbl}
% \end{table}
% However, sometimes that's not good enough.
% If things go wrong above, we still don't know which platform. Can only proceed if shell escape is on; fallback heuristic:
% \begin{itemize}[nolistsep]
% \item If the tmp file exists
% \begin{itemize}[nolistsep]
% \item Tell them to delete it and abort.
% \item Otherwise:
% \end{itemize}
% \item Write to it with |echo| that only works on Windows
% \item Then see again if it exists
% \begin{itemize}[nolistsep]
% \item If the tmp file exists: Windows (and delete the file)
% \item Otherwise: *nix
% \end{itemize}
% \end{itemize}
% Here's the code for the above `last resort' test:
%    \begin{macrocode}
\edef\ip@windows@echo@test{echo \string# > "\ip@file"}
    \PackageWarningNoLine{ifplatform}{^^J \space\space\space
      Please delete the file "\ip@file" and try again%
      \immediate\write18{del "\ip@file"}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now we use some odd logic to deduce what's happening in the edge cases when things go wrong: (see table~\ref{tbl})
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \PackageWarningNoLine{ifplatform}{^^J \space\space\space
      I can't tell if this is Windows or *nix;
      you appear to be neither%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Needed below:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\iflinux}
% \begin{macro}{\ifmacosx}
% \begin{macro}{\ifcygwin}
% Now test for the others; directly test for Linux and Mac\,OS\,X; but what about Solaris or FreeBSD or \dots\ ?
% Define \cmd\unknownplatform\ as the output of |uname| rather than enumerate the possibilities.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \immediate\write18{uname -s > "\ip@file"}
    \immediate\write18{rm -- "\ip@file"}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Kill a trailing space:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\platformname}
% Defined in terms of macros so the output is user-customisable.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \Finale
% \typeout{------------------------------------------------------}
% \typeout{ To finish the installation please move the following}
% \typeout{ file into a directory searched by LaTeX:}
% \typeout{ \space- ifplatform.sty}
% \typeout{------------------------------------------------------}