%  Provides fonts for an approximation of the style in _Concrete Mathematics_.
% History.....................
%  96-10-08 Jim Hefferon jhefferon@smcvt.edu
%    It is an FAQ on comp.text.tex that people look on CTAN for a style 
%    with this name.  Seems reasonable.  They are always advised to 
%    \usepackage the two packages below.  So here is a wrapper style
%    to do that.
% Remarks.....................
% 96-10-08 jh
%   There are other styles for Concrete Math (concmath and something
%   from AMS-LaTeX 1.1 are the ones that I know of), but this one is
%   modular in that if the packages it calls are updated then of
%   course, this is updated also).  In particular, there are no font 
%   parameters, etc.
% Bugs........................
%  *Unlike the AMS-LaTeX v. 1.1 style file, this makes no attempt to
%  provide any grafitti, etc. macros.  Just the fonts.  (One could
%  argue that those are document-style, not font, macros.)
\RequirePackage{beton} % for the text fonts
\RequirePackage{euler} % for the math fonts