%%%	Matthew Allen
%%%	January 14, 2007
%%%	This package provides a newspaper style heading
%%%	for the standard Article class.  The default plain
%%%	page style is redefined to accomodate headings 
%%%	at the top of all subsequent pages.
%%%	a good idea to use with this package is
%%%	the multicols package and the picinpar package

%******* 	Identification   *****

%******* 	Declaration of options *****

% no options at this time

%******* 	Execution of options   *****

%****** 	Package Loading   *****
\RequirePackage{yfonts}  % used for the paper title font

%******		main code *****

%define font for page title

%%%%%%%%%%% Define Text Dimensions  %%%%%%%

\setlength\topmargin{-48pt} 		% article default = -58pt
\setlength\headheight{0pt}  		% article default = 12pt
\setlength\headsep{34pt}		% article default = 25pt
\setlength\marginparwidth{-20pt}	% article default = 121pt
\setlength\textwidth{7.0in}		% article default = 418pt
\setlength\textheight{9.5in}		% article default = 296pt

%%%% counters for volume and number %%%%


%%%% set internal variables %%%%

\def\@papername{Committee Times:}
\def\@headername{Committee Times}   % because of the yfonts you may need both papername and headername
\def\@paperlocation{Washington DC}
\def\@paperslogan{``All the News I Feel Like Printing.''}
\def\@paperprice{Zero Dollars}


%%%%%%%%%%% Redefine \maketitle     %%%%%%%

{\setlength\fboxsep{3mm}\raisebox{12pt}{\framebox[1.2\width]{\parbox[c]{1.15in}{\begin{center}\small \@paperslogan\end{center}}}}}\hfill%
{\textgoth{\huge\usefont{LYG}{bigygoth}{m}{n} \@papername}}\hfill%	
\raisebox{12pt}{\textbf{\footnotesize \@paperlocation}}\\
{\small VOL.\MakeUppercase{\roman{volume}}\ldots No.\arabic{issue}} \hfill \MakeUppercase{\small\it\@date} \hfill {\small\MakeUppercase{\@paperprice}}\\

%%%%%%%   redefine plain page style  %%%%%%%
		\renewcommand\@oddfoot{}%					% empty recto footer
		\let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot						% empty verso footer
			{\small VOL.\MakeUppercase{\roman{volume}}\ldots No.\arabic{issue}}\hfill\normalfont\textbf{\@headername}\quad\MakeUppercase{\it\@date}\hfill\textrm{\thepage}\\

%%%%%%%%%%%  Headline (with byline) command  %%%%%%%%%

\newcommand\headline[1]{\begin{center} #1\\ %
			\rule[3pt]{0.4\hsize}{0.5pt}\\ \end{center} \par}
\newcommand\byline[2]{\begin{center} #1 \\%
			{\footnotesize\bf By \MakeUppercase{#2}} \\ %
			\rule[3pt]{0.4\hsize}{0.5pt}\\ \end{center} \par}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of Package   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%