%PACKAGE plates
%    For placement of special float enviornment `plates'.  Allows
%    user to put plate floats in document as if they were figure, but
%    the plates are all gathered and printed at the specified location.
%    Designed to be helpful when including color figures at the back of
%    a document.  Optionally, the `figures' option can be supplied and then
%    the plates will just be printed in the document.
%%just use like figure enviornment
%\ProcessPlates - at point of issue the plates are gathered together and printed.
%\listofplates - prints the list of plates just like \listoffigures
%\setplatename - sets the name of the float enviornment - default `plates'
%figures - treats plates like regular floats.  Plates are printed inside the document
%            and \autoref{} will now use Figure instead of Plate in referencing.
%            \listofplates & \ProcessPlates has no effect
%memoir - if using memoir class creates an added appendix page where \ProcessPlates is issued.
%onefloatperpage - only allows one float per page, after each float \cleardoublepage is issued.
%   otherwise default is to gather floats together but will print as many as will fit to a page
%   as well as printing on both sides of a two sided document. *Probably should fix this
%   or make an option to turn off both sides.    
%This Package includes code from the Memoir class and uses
%the endplate package, a modification of endfloat.
%Anthony A. Tanbakuchi
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{plates}[2002/03/18 v0.1 FigSize sizes graphics for graphicx package]

    %Option to process all plates as figures (ie --- the package is disables, plate enviornments act like figures.)

%The real setplatename definition comes later... this is just to ensure that 
%when figures option is used setplatename is still valid.

\ifthenelse{\value{optfigures} = 0}{%
%COMMANDS for the new float env & list of are from memoir.  
%If memoir is not in use then define the commands
\@ifundefined{newlistof}{%TRUE TEXT
%%***************COPIED from MEMOIR CLASS***************************
  \@ifundefined{c@#2}{% counter is not defined
    \ifx \@empty#1\relax
      \expandafter\edef\csname the#2\endcsname{%
        \expandafter\noexpand\csname the#1\endcsname.\noexpand\arabic{#2}}

  \@namedef{ext@#2}{#3}  % file extension

  \@namedef{fps@#2}{tbp}                     % position
  \@namedef{fnum@#2}{#4~\@nameuse{the#2}}    % caption naming
  \@namedef{fleg#2}{#4}                      % legend naming
  \@namedef{flegtoc#2}##1{}                  % legend name in ToC

} % end \newfloat

  \@ifundefined{c@#2}{%    check & set the counter
    \ifx \@empty#1\relax
      \expandafter\edef\csname the#2\endcsname{%
        \expandafter\noexpand\csname the#1\endcsname.\noexpand\arabic{#2}}

    \ifnum \@nameuse{c@#3depth} > #4\relax
      \vskip \@nameuse{cftbefore#2skip}
      {\leftskip \@nameuse{cft#2indent}\relax
       \rightskip \@tocrmarg
       \parfillskip -\rightskip
       \parindent \@nameuse{cft#2indent}\relax\@afterindenttrue
       \@tempdima \@nameuse{cft#2numwidth}\relax
       \expandafter\let\expandafter\@cftbsnum\csname cft#2presnum\endcsname
       \expandafter\let\expandafter\@cftasnum\csname cft#2aftersnum\endcsname
       \expandafter\let\expandafter\@cftasnumb\csname cft#2aftersnumb\endcsname
       \advance\leftskip\@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip
  }  % end of \l@#2

  \expandafter\newlength\csname cftbefore#2skip\endcsname
    \setlength{\@nameuse{cftbefore#2skip}}{\z@ \@plus .2\p@}
  \expandafter\newlength\csname cft#2indent\endcsname
  \expandafter\newlength\csname cft#2numwidth\endcsname
  \ifcase #4\relax  % 0   (level 1)
  \or               % 1   (level 2)
  \or               % 2   (level 3)
  \or               % 3   (level 4)
  \else             % anything else
} % end \newlistentry

  \@namedef{ext@sub#1}{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}
  \@namedef{p@sub#1}{\csname the#1\endcsname}




%%%      \parindent\z@ \parskip\cftparskip

%%%      \parindent\z@ \parskip\cftparskip

   {\parindent\z@ \parskip\cftparskip

  \@namedef {after#2title}{\afterchaptertitle}
} % end \newlistof
%%***********END*COPIED from MEMOIR CLASS***************************
}{%FALSE TEXT -- nothing needed

%Plates Commands

\newcommand{\listplatename}{List of \platenames}%
%Make sure plate pages don't have seciton headers
%% \headwidth has already been defined for the companion style
%Ensure proper autoref for subplates
%Set up what is to happen when \ProcessPlates is issued
%Command to print out the plates at given location

    %If option MEMOIR is supplied then add an appendix page to front of plates
\ifthenelse{\value{optmemoir} = 1}{%
%Allow multiple floats per page
%Option for one float per page
\ifthenelse{\value{optonefloatperpage} = 1}{%
}{%OPTION FIGURES is being used, so we just make the plate enviornment a figure enviornment
%ProcessPlates command now does nothing!%
%\listofplates now does nothing

