% refcheck.sty
% checks lost and useless labels, shows `keys' of \label
% in the margins
% version 1.9 for LaTeX2e
% 31 March 2004
% Copyright 1997--2004 by Oleg Motygin
% (mov@snark.ipme.ru, mov@mail15.com)
% this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
% modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
% Usage is \usepackage{refcheck} with options showrefs, norefs, showcites,
% nocites, msgs, nomsgs, chkunlbld, ignoreunlbld
% Options showrefs and norefs, e.g. \usepackage[showrefs]{refcheck}
% sets on and off (`on' is default) writing label keys to output margins.
% '{?}' instead of a key means that the equation is not labelled.
% '?'s appear around a label name if the label is not used in references.
% Option showcites and nocites sets on and off (`on' is default)
% refcheck to show keys of bibitems in the margins.
% Options msgs (default) and nomsgs state whether refcheck writes
% its messages to .log file or not.
% The messages have the format
% <Info by RefCheck> Unused bibitem..
% <Info by RefCheck> Unused label..
% <Info by RefCheck> Unlabelled equation..
% The check of unlabelled equations can be switched off by the option
% ignoreunlbld and on (default) by the option chkunlbld.
% refcheck generally works with AMS-LaTeX and HyperRef
% but amsmath and/or hyperref packages must be loaded before
% the refcheck package.
% refcheck can be used with the xr package. Suppose one invokes
% \usepackage{xr} \externaldocument[A:]{apps} in document foo1.tex and
% \usepackage{xr} \externaldocument[B:]{apps} in document foo2.tex.
% Then the commands \refcheckxrdoc[A:]{foo1} and \refcheckxrdoc[B:]{foo2}
% used in apps.tex allows to check usage of labels from apps.tex in the
% external files foo1.tex and foo2.tex.
% NOTE the problem with implicitly cited labels.
% For example, if there is a set of equations which are
% labelled by a1, a2,... an and referred in document by
% (\ref{a1})--(\ref{an}), then the labels a2, a3,...an-1
% cannot be recognized as `used'.

\ProvidesPackage{refcheck}[2004/03/31 v1.9]





\def\@warning@rc@#1{\if@give@msgs\typeout{<Info by RefCheck> #1}\else\relax\fi}



\typeout{Package: `refcheck' v1.9\space<2004/03/31>}%
\typeout{options: showrefs, showcites, msgs, chckunlbld}%
  \@warning@rc@{Unused label `#1' on page \thepage}}%
  {\csname relax\string\ref\endcsname}[1]{\@@ref@@{#1}\wrtusdrf{#1}}%
\expandafter\let\expandafter\ref\csname relax\string\ref\endcsname
  {\csname relax\string\pageref\endcsname}[1]{\@@pageref@@{#1}\wrtusdrf{#1}}%
\expandafter\let\expandafter\pageref\csname relax\string\pageref\endcsname
  \@warning@rc@{Unused bibitem `#2' on page \thepage}%
\@ifpackageloaded{amsmath}{% With AMS-LaTeX tags
    \@warning@rc@{Unused label `#1' on page \thepage}}%
  {\csname relax\string\eqref\endcsname}[1]%
\expandafter\let\expandafter\eqref\csname relax\string\eqref\endcsname
      \@warning@rc@{Unlabelled equation (\theequation) on page \thepage}%
    \@warning@rc@{Unlabelled equation (\theequation) on page \thepage}%


      \hbox to \textwidth{\makebox[0pt][r]{{\mark@size{\bfseries
      \hbox to \textwidth{\makebox[0pt][r]{{\mark@size$\langle$%







\def\used@write#1#2{% \protected@write, but \immediate


    \PackageWarning{refcheck}{^^JNo file #1^^JLABELS USAGE NOT IMPORTED.^^J}%
    \PackageInfo{refcheck}{IMPORTING LABELS USAGE FROM #1}%
  \read\@inputcheck to\rchXD@line
  \if#1\@empty \usedref{#2}\else
    \ifx\@tempb\@empty \relax\else \ifx\@tempa\@empty
      \ifx\@tempa\@empty \relax\else\usedref{\@tempa}\fi

%% End of file `refcheck.sty'.