% The following package was originally pinched (with permission) from % similar makros in symbols.tex, written by Scott Pakin <pakin@uiuc.edu>. % The following explanation was also taken from symbols.tex. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % There are a number of symbols (e.g., \Square) that are defined by % % multiple packages. In order to typeset all the variants in this % % document, we have to give glyph a unique name. To do that, we define % % \savesymbol{XXX}, which renames a symbol from \XXX to \origXXX, and % % \restoresymbols{yyy}{XXX}, which renames \origXXX back to \XXX and % % defines a new command, \yyyXXX, which corresponds to the most recently % % loaded version of \XXX. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The implementation of \savesymbol and \restoresymbol was changed by % Heiko Oberdiek <oberdiek@uni-freiburg.de> % and % Rolf Niepraschk <rolf.niepraschk@ptb.de> % in May 2003. Thank you! % % Copyright 2003 Juergen Goebel, <juergen.goebel@sysde.eads.net> % distributable under the LPPL \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{savesymbol}[2003/06/01 v1.1 Saves and restores symbols] % Save a symbol that we know is going to get redefined. \newcommand*\savesymbol[1]{% \expandafter\let\csname orig#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname#1\endcsname \expandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname\relax } % Restore a previously saved symbol, and rename the current one. \newcommand*\restoresymbol[2]{% \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname#1#2\expandafter\endcsname% \csname#2\endcsname \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname#2\expandafter\endcsname% \csname orig#2\endcsname } \endinput % EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF EOF