gtex-letter THANKS file

gtex-letter has been written by Christian Folini.

The idea for the application is from an article in 
German 'Linux-Magazin'. I do not remember neither 
volume nor author of the article on 'gnome-druids'.

The thank goes to the gtk, gnome and python communities 
who provide us with such powerful tools.

- Philipp Grau helped me finding out, what packages 
  gtex-letter depends on.
- Yamabe Kazuharu, gave me a lot of hints in the same area.
- So did Olivier Berger.
- Christoph Appel provided the g-brief support.
- Diego Restrepo submitted the Spanish rc-file.
- Dimitri Pogosyan informed me of a few shortcomings
  of the application.
- Kenneth N. Flaxman reported a serious bug in
  handling of the addressbook. I would have been able
  to fix it without his helpful hints.