American Mathmatical Society

All commands below came with package amsmath.
\usepackage{amsmath} ::amsmath::

mathematical subenviroments
Subenviroments must be invoked within a mathmatical enviroment.
for example :
\[\begin{split} ... \end{split}\] 
subenviroment : split ::split::

allows multible formulas with only one number.
enviroment : multline ::multline::

for breaking one formula into several lines with only one number
enviroment : gather ::gather::

a group of formulas
enviroment : align ::align::
 a&=b & c&=d \\
 e&=f & g&=h \\
 i&=j & k&=l

an array of formulas
\intertext{text} ::intertext::

allows normal textoutput within this mathmatical enviroment
enviroment : subequation ::subequation::

mainnumbering gets an additional subnumbering with small letters
\label{} does not distinguish between subnumbers
subenviroment : ?matrix 
 1 & 2 & 3 & a \\
 4 & 5 & 6 & b \\
 7 & 8 & 9 & c

produces a matrix
matrix  : without brackets
pmatrik : with round brackets
bmatrix : with angular brackets
vmatrix : with vertical lines
Vmatrix : with doubled vertical lines
subenviroment : cases ::cases::
 -1 & \forall\ x<0  \\
  0 & x=0           \\
  1 & \forall\ x>0

for "Cases" constructions
Sonstige Hilfen
size of brackets :
\bigl  \bigr     little bit larger	::bigl::bigr::
\Bigl  \Bigr     faktor 1.5	::Bigl::Bigr::
\biggl \biggr    faktor 2		::biggl::biggr::
\Biggl \Biggr    faktor 2.5	::Biggl::Biggr::
left  right    of the formula

behind this should follow one of these bracket forms "(" "|" "[" ... "]" ")"  
\substack{ \\ ...\\ \text{Hi} ... \\ } ::substack::
example :

Pushes several lines of indices above or below.
\text{text} ::text::

text within a mathematical enviroment
\sideset{}{} ::sideset::
example :

sets indices at the corners ..
left above 1, left below 2, right above 3 and right below 4
xleftarrow{above} ::xleftarrow::xrightarrow::

An arrow which adapting the necessary length for displaying a text
above itself and optionaly below, too. 
\boxed{formula} ::boxed::

formula with a frame

Allows the declaration of own new mathematical functions like
 \sin \cos etc.
* makes it display indices like \lim with in math enviroment.