Most files in this directory have been binhexed and
stuffed using StuffIt Deluxe. Once the
file has been un-binhexed, double-click on the
self-extracting archive (.sea) file and select a
target destination on your hard drive for the
resulting folder and files. The free utility "Stuffit 
Expander" (available from our 3rd party folder, or from will handle most stuffed and 
encoded files.

% BibTeX %

BibTeX is a utility program for producing
bibliographies with LaTeX.  For documentation and
help please see the BibTeX Notes folder (in the
archive) and either Leslie Lamport's LaTeX book
or Kopka & Daly's.

% DeleteTypeset %

This utility will delete the information in the
resource fork of a Textures file, making it much

% DVIimport %

DVI import will import dvi (device independent)
files into Textures.  No longer needed with
Textures v. >1.8, which open DVI files directly.

% EdMetrics %

Edmetrics is a tool which creates metrics files
for Textures.  See the Textures User Guide
(chapter 7) for more information. 

EdMetrics has been improved recently (4 Aug 1995)
to allow the addition of Custom... PostScript
encodings from user-made text files.

% ehandler %

I think this is some kind of PostScript printer
error-reporting utility. In newer printer drivers
this is not needed---and you should be using a
newer (version 8.2) printer driver.  Get one from in the
Apple_SW_updates/Mac/Printing directory. It's
free, and it's better.

% font_chart %

Font_chart is a TeX file which produces a table
showing all the characters in a given font and
the positions they are mapped to.  For more
information see the Textures User Guide chapter 7.

% ListFonts %

ListFonts will tell you what fonts are called for
in a Textures document.

% HideFonts %

Hide_fonts works on Macintosh font suitcases 
(NOT on Metrics!).  It renames each font so that
its name begins with the percent (%) character
thus hiding them from the system. You still must
modify any metrics that point to these fonts
by changing the QuickDraw font names inside the metrics.
See the Readme file that comes with the tool for 

% MacMakeIndex %

MakeIndex creates indexes by using information
generated by LaTeX's \index command.  This is a
newer version which should work with 32-bit

% MFutilities %

The MetaFont utilities are a set of Macintosh
Programmer's Workshop (MPW) executable utilities
which will perform various tasks for font conversion
(including gftopk and pktofond.) No documentation or
help is available.  What do you want for nothing?

%Reader.sea.hqx       %

This is the Textures Reader� for Macintosh, a free 
companion program to Classic Textures.  The Reader 
allows users to read and print Textures documents 
and DVI files from any platform.  The Reader's document
display and printing facilities are identical to the 
full Textures system, with control of page selection, 
position and magnification.  We have included sample 
DVI files to demonstrate the Reader's functionality. 
If you wish to preview   the mathematical files, first 
place the subset of Computer Modern Fonts we have provided 
into your System Fonts folder.

%  RTF->TeX.sit.hqx  %

This is a program meant to convert Microsoft Word's 
output (Rich Text Format) into TeX code.  It must
do some good. . . . but that's a hard job.