Here's a replacement for /pub/archive/macros/latex/misc/wrapfig.sty from its author, Donald Arseneau ( I know that picinpar is suggested by the doggie book as a solution to the problem of flowing text past figures, but this works well, too. People who have already made some use of it might like the bug fix. ------------------------------------- cut here -------------------------------- % % W R A P F I G . S T Y % % Copyright (C) 1991,1992 by Donald Arseneau % These macros may be freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified for % non-commercial purposes provided that this notice is left intact. % % Environment "wrapfigure" to manually place a figure at the side % of the page and wrap text around it. % % \begin{wrapfigure}[36]{r}{3in} <figure> <\caption> etc. \end{wrapfigure} % -- - --- % [number of narrow lines] {left or right} {width of figure} % % Usage: % This is a different type of *non-floating* figure environment for LaTeX. % A figure of the specified width appears on the left or right (as specified) % of the page. LaTeX will try to wrap text around the figure leaving a gap of % \columsep by producing a number of short lines of text. LaTeX calculates % the number of short lines needed based on the height of the figure plus % the length \intextsep. You can override this guess by giving the optional % argument specifying the number of shortened lines (counting each displayed % equation as 3 lines). Cautions: % o Wrapfigure should not be used inside another environment (e.g., list) % o It does work in two-column format, but that would be silly. % o Since it does not float, it may be out of sequence with floated figures. % o The automatic rules (lines) that may be placed above or below floats % are ignored here. You must insert the rules manually. % % Placement: % LaTeX will not move a wrapfigure to the best place, so it is up to YOU % to position it well. Any changes to the document can ruin your careful % positioning so wrapfigures should be positioned just before printing a % final copy. Here are the rules for good placement: % o The environment should be placed so as to not run over a page boundary. % o Only ordinary text should have to flow past the figure; no section % titles please. Equations are acceptable if they fit. % o It is convenient to give \begin{wrapfigure} just after a paragraph has % ended. But if you want to start in the middle of a paragraph, you must % put the environment between two words where there is a natural linebreak % (like "must" and "put" above). % \newcount \WF@wrappedlines % used globally \def\wrapfigure{\@ifnextchar[{\WF@raptfig}{\WF@raptfig[-1]}} \def\WF@raptfig[#1]#2#3{\relax\ifx\par\@@par\else\typeout {WARNING: wrapfigure used inside another environment.}\fi \ifnum#10>\z@ % 10*num. lines specified (0 if blank) \global\WF@wrappedlines#1\global\advance\WF@wrappedlines\@ne \else % calc num. lines later \global\WF@wrappedlines\z@ \fi \ifvmode % Between paragraphs: Start new one. Text will be indented... \noindent \aftergroup\indent % after the \endgroup of \end{wrapfigure} \else % In paragraph: End this one so it doesn't look ended; start new one. {\unskip\parfillskip\z@skip\par\penalty\interlinepenalty \parskip\z@skip\noindent}% text will start with no indentation \fi \hbox to \z@\bgroup % llap or rlap depending on {l} or {r} parameter. \@tempdimb\hsize \advance\@tempdimb-#3 \advance\@tempdimb-\columnsep \if r#2\relax% fig on right \@tempdima\z@ % no hanging indentation \kern-#3\kern\hsize % position to the right of the text, past gutter \def\@tempa{\hss}% figure overlaps space to the right \else % fig on left \@tempdima#3\advance\@tempdima\columnsep % indent past figure \hss % figure overlaps space to the left \def\@tempa{\kern\columnsep}% position to left of the gap \fi \xdef\WF@wrapil{\the\@tempdima \the\@tempdimb}% indentation and length \setbox\z@\vtop\bgroup \hsize=#3\relax \hrule \@height\z@ \@parboxrestore \def\@captype{figure}% set up figure } \def\endwrapfigure{\leftline{}\egroup % ensure \hsize wide \ifnum \WF@wrappedlines=\z@ % measure figure box to count lines \@tempdima\dp\z@ \advance\@tempdima\intextsep \divide\@tempdima\baselineskip \global\WF@wrappedlines\@tempdima \global\advance\WF@wrappedlines\tw@ \fi \dp\z@\z@ \box\z@ % smash the vtop \@tempa\egroup \aftergroup\WF@startwrapping \global\@ignoretrue} \def\WF@startwrapping{\everypar{\WF@setwrapping}\WF@setwrapping \def\WF@savedclubp{\the\clubpenalty}\clubpenalty\@M % prevent bad pagebreak \def\WF@restoretol{\tolerance\the\tolerance}\tolerance\@M \def\par{\@@par \clubpenalty\WF@savedclubp % will wrap more than one \global\advance\WF@wrappedlines-\prevgraf % paragraph if necessary \ifnum\WF@wrappedlines<\tw@ \everypar{}\let\par\@@par\WF@restoretol\fi }} % Create \parshape command \def\WF@setwrapping{\@tempcnta\@ne \let\@tempb\relax \def\@tempc{}% \@whilenum \@tempcnta<\WF@wrappedlines\do{% repeated indentation, length \edef\@tempc{\@tempc\@tempb}\advance\@tempcnta\@ne }\let\@tempb\WF@wrapil \parshape \WF@wrappedlines \@tempc \z@ \hsize} % % 1992: change boxing so there is no height. % interim version: added \@parboxrestore % % Send problem reports to asnd@Reg.TRIUMF.CA % % test integrity: % brackets: round, square, curly, angle: () [] {} <> % backslash, slash, vertical, at, dollar, and: \ / | @ $ & % hat, grave, acute (apostrophe), quote, tilde, under: ^ ` ' " ~ _