% relsize.sty       2.0       Mar 15, 1995

% New LaTex2e version by Donald Arseneau <asnd@reg.triumf.ca> and
% Matt Swift <swift@bu.edu>.
% Original LaTex2.09 smaller.sty author: Bernie Cosell <cosell@WILMA.BBN.COM> 
% Setting the font size relative to the current size
% commands are:
% \relsize{n}  where n gives the number of steps to change the size by;
%              n = -3 changes from \large to \footnotesize.
% \smaller == \relsize{-1}
% \larger  == \relsize{1}
% \textsmaller{text}, \textlarger{text} - versions that take an argument
% \mathsmaller{A}, \mathlarger{B}       - math versions 
%   (The math versions are quite different from the text versions.)

% There are more instructions at the end of the file (after \endinput).

\ProvidesPackage{relsize}[1995/03/15 ver 2.0]

\ifmmode \@nomath\relsize\else
 \@tempcnta % assign number representing current font size
   \ifx\@currsize\normalsize 4\else   % funny order is to have most ...
    \ifx\@currsize\small 3\else       % ...likely sizes checked first
     \ifx\@currsize\footnotesize 2\else
      \ifx\@currsize\large 5\else
       \ifx\@currsize\Large 6\else
        \ifx\@currsize\LARGE 7\else
         \ifx\@currsize\scriptsize 1\else
          \ifx\@currsize\tiny 0\else
           \ifx\@currsize\huge 8\else
            \ifx\@currsize\Huge 9\else
            4\rs@unknown@warning % unknown state: \normalsize as starting point
%  Change the number by the given increment:
%  watch out for size underflow:
 \ifnum\@tempcnta<\z@ \rs@size@warning{small}{\string\tiny}\@tempcnta\z@ \fi
 \ifcase\@tempcnta  % set new size based on altered number
    \tiny \or \scriptsize \or \footnotesize \or \small \or \normalsize \or 
    \large \or \Large \or \LARGE \or \huge \or \Huge \else 

 Size requested is too #1.\MessageBreak Using #2 instead}}

\newcommand\rs@unknown@warning{\PackageWarning{relsize}{Current font size 
 is unknown! (Why?!?)\MessageBreak Assuming \string\normalsize}}



R E L S I Z E . S T Y           ver 2.0      Mar 15, 1995

by Donald Arseneau,  asnd@reg.triumf.ca,  based on smaller.sty by Bernie 
Cosell, cosell@WILMA.BBN.COM, and combined with the version by Matt Swift, 

It is frequently the case that something should be typeset somewhat larger
or smaller than the surrounding text, whatever that size happens to be.
Specifying such sizing commands explicitly makes it difficult to modify the
font sizes of a document at a later time, and makes it hard to write macros
that work at arbitrary sizes.  Relsize.sty defines several commands for LaTeX
to set font sizes relative to the current size. 

To refresh your memory, the font sizing commands in LaTeX are, in order:
\tiny, \scriptsize, \footnotesize, \small, \normalsize, \large, \Large,
\LARGE, \huge, \Huge.  The main new command provided is \relsize, which 
takes one (positive or negative) number as its argument; the number specifies
how many increments by which to change the font size.  For example, if  
{\relsize{-2} smaller}   appears in normal sized text, the word "smaller" 
is printed in footnote sized type.  If the same command appears in a \Large
section title, then "smaller" is printed in normal size. 

There are also the commands \larger and \smaller, which normally change the
font size by one step in the obvious direction; \larger is an abbreviation
for \relsize{+1}, and \smaller is an abbreviation for \relsize{-1}. For
example, {\large... \larger{WOW!}} prints "WOW" in \Large type.  You can
also specify bigger steps as an optional argument for \larger and \smaller: 
\larger[3] is equivalent to \relsize{3}; \smaller[2] is like \relsize{-2}.
Both \larger and \smaller accept negative arguments, but please don't make
things so obscure!  If you want to change size by several steps it is 
much better to give an increment than to string several \larger commands
together; i.e., \relsize{3} or \larger[3], but not \larger\larger\larger.

If the size requested is too small or too large, a warning is given, and
the size will only change as far as \tiny or \Huge, as appropriate.

All of the \relsize, \larger, and \smaller commands are "switches" just
like the regular sizing commands.  That is, they change the size for all
following text until the scope is ended by a closing brace.  There are
alternate versions called \textlarger and \textsmaller that take some text
as an argument and apply the size change to only that text:

All of the commands described above are text commands; they cannot be used
in math mode.  There are special \mathsmaller and \mathlarger commands
provided, but these do not use the same sizes that the text versions use.
Instead, they step between the usual math "styles" which you can explicitly
set using the commands \displaystyle, \textstyle, \scriptstyle, and
\scriptscriptstyle [see Lamport, LaTeX/Manual (1st ed, p.54); GMS The LaTeX
Comapnion, p.255].  However, the \mathlarger command will also increase the
size beyond regular \displaystyle by selecting a larger regular font size
(using \larger).  (Yes, this is a kludge, but it is too useful to leave
out.)  If you want to use this to create big integral signs, then you must
also load the package "exscale" so that math symbols can change size.   
The sizes selected are: 

Current style       \mathsmaller gives         \mathlarger gives
---------------     ----------------------     ------------------------
\displaystyle       \textstyle (almost same)   \displaystyle in a \larger font
\textstyle          \scriptstyle               \displaystyle (almost same)
\scriptstyle        \scriptscriptstyle         \textstyle
\scriptscriptstyle  \scriptscriptstyle (same)  \scriptstyle

For example, try $\frac{\mathlarger{E}}{E}$.  Note that, for most symbols,
\displaystyle and \textstyle are the same size, so $N \mathlarger{N}$ 
gives two identical N's, but \sum and \int do get bigger in display style: 
$\int\mathlarger{\int}$, and fractions are treated differently too: 
$\frac{1}{2} \mathlarger{\frac{1}{2}}$.  As you might have guessed, 
\mathlarger and \mathsmaller should only be used in math mode. 

Fine point:  The combination \relsize{n}\relsize{-n} is not guaranteed to 
restore the current font size!  That is because the increment "n" may be
enough to overflow the range of sizes.  Say you are in \huge text already,
and you do \relsize{4}.  There is nothing bigger than \Huge so that is the
size you get.  Then an ensuing \relsize{-4} will take four steps smaller
and change the size to \large.  You should use grouping to undo relative 
size changes because it is unsafe to counteract one change with an "equal" 
change in the opposite direction.

Donald Arseneau                         asnd@reg.triumf.ca