% edited from version copied from CTAN April 12th 1997 % \def\filedate{1997/05/19}\def\fileversion{3.0} @TeXIndex{a4, abstract = {Originally for \LaTeX{} 2.09 but updated for \LaTeX2e. Mostly superceded by \LaTeX2e support for a4 paper but defines the extra option of widemargins. The \href{\#geometry}{geometry} package is usually better.}, author = {Nico Poppelier and Johannes Braams}, email = {N.Poppelier@elsevier.nl and JLBraams@cistron.nl}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ntgclass}, keywords = {a4, paper sizes}, version = {v1.2e}, also = {geometry,a4wide}, modified = {4 May 1996 07:18:08 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, doc = {http://www.loria.fr/tex/packages/a4.dvi}, modified = {12 Nov 1996 07:50:57 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{a4wide, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, abstract = {Increases the width of the printed area of the a4 page. The \href{\#geometry}{geometry} package is usually better.}, also = {geometry,a4}, modified = {18 May 1996 11:33:54 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{abbrevs, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/}, abstract = {Macros to expand abbreviations to text and insert the proper following space depending on context. These macros can also expand to one thing the first time they are used and another thing on subsequent invocations (to automatically spell-out abbreviations or acronyms at their first use). A generic facility is also provided for suffixes like |1900\BC| and |6:00\PM|, which correctly handles following periods.} } @TeXIndex{abc2mtex, abstract = {A package designed to notate tunes stored in an ascii format (henceforth abc notation). One of the most important aims of abc notation, and perhaps one that distinguishes it from most, if not all, computer-readable musical languages is that it can be easily read by humans. The package produces files that can be processed with \href{\#musictex}{MusicTeX}.}, author = {Chris Walshaw}, ctan = {support/abc2mtex/}, email = {C.Walshaw@gre.ac.uk}, doc = {INTRO.html}, version = {1.6}, modified = {27 Nov 1996 13:50:01 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{abstbook, abstract = {A \LaTeX2e class file for making ``books of abstracts'', commonly used on conferences. It is based on report class, however |\chapter| has been redefined and shouldn't be used.}, author = {Havlik Denis}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, email = {havlik@MERLIN.PAP.UNIVIE.AC.AT}, modified = {5 Mar 1997 16:28:20 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{achemso, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/achemso/}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} style for American Chemical Society}, author = {Mats Dahlgren}, email = {matsd@sssk.se}, modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:57:14 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{acronym, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/acronym/}, abstract = {This package ensures that all acronyms used in the text are spelled out in full at least once. It also provides an environment to build a list of acronyms.} } @TeXIndex{adobe, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/postscript/adobe/}, abstract = {Font metrics, and macro support in \LaTeX2e, for a large set of Adobe fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{adrlist, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/adrlist/}, abstract = {Using address lists in \LaTeX}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{advdate, abstract = {Provides macros which can add a specified number of days to the current date (as specified in |\today|) and print it. Intended for use, for example, in invoices payable within 14 days from today etc. Has only been tested with Czech dates. A version supporting English dates is expected soon.}, author = {Zdenek Wagner}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, modified = {5 Mar 1997 11:25:37 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{afterpage, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Implements a command that causes the commands specified in its argument to be expanded after the curent page is output. Useful to flush floats, for example.} } @TeXIndex{afthesis, abstract = {\LaTeX{} thesis/dissertation class for US Air Force Institute Of Technology}, author = {Joel D. Young}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/afthesis/}, email = {jdyoung@AFIT.AF.MIL}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:08:54 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{aguplus, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/aguplus/}, abstract = {Styles for American Geophysical Union.}, version = {15b}, author = {P.W.Daly}, email = {daly@LINPWD.MPAE.GWDG.DE}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:38:39 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{aiaa, abstract = {A bundle of \LaTeX{}/\BibTeX{} files and sample documents to aid those producing papers and journal articles according to the guidelines of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)}, author = {Bil Kleb}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/aiaa/}, email = {w.l.kleb@larc.nasa.gov}, version = {1.0}, modified = {12 Mar 1997 09:10:26 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{akletter, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/akletter/}, abstract = {An advanced letter document class which extends \LaTeX{}'s usual letter class. Provides support for building your own letterhead; can mark fold points for window envelopes; and more. Documentation in German, but sample file is sufficient for a basic understanding.}, author = {Axel Kielhorn}, email = {i0080108@ws.rz.tu-bs.de}, modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:55:33 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{alatex, texlive = {formats3}, ctan = {macros/alatex/}, abstract = {An extended \LaTeX{} with better modularity}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{alg, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/alg/}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} environments for typesetting algorithms}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{algorithms, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/algorithms/}, abstract = {Defines a floating algorithm environment designed to work with the \href{\#algorithmic}{algorithmic} package.}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{algorithmic, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/algorithms/}, abstract = {Provides an environment for describing algorithms. Within an algorithmic a number of commands for typesetting popular algorithmic constructs are available.} } @TeXIndex{alltt, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, abstract = {Defines the alltt environment which is like the verbatim environment except that |\| and braces have their usual meanings. Thus, other commands and environments can appear within an alltt environment.}, also = {moreverb,verbatim,vrb}, modified = {28 May 1996 16:23:49 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{altfont, abstract = {A generalised replacement for some parts of psnfss and mfnfss. Similar to \href{\#psfont}{psfont} with the PostScript specific code removed.}, author = {Sebastian Kirsch}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/altfont}, email = {Sebastian_Kirsch@kl.maus.de}, modified = {1 Jul 1996 21:06:06 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{amscd, abstract = {Part of the \href{\#amslatex}{AMS-\LaTeX{}} distribution, this package adapts the commutative diagram macros of AMS-\TeX{} for use in \LaTeX{}.}, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/amslatex/math/}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, version = {1.2a}, also = {amslatex}, modified = {1 Nov 1996 08:34:08 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{amsfonts, texlive = {ams2}, ctan = {fonts/amsfonts/}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, abstract = {A set of miscellaneous \TeX{} fonts from the American Mathematical Society that augment the standard set normally distributed with \TeX. The set includes: Extra mathematical symbols; Blackboard bold letters (uppercase only;) Fraktur letters; Subscript sizes of bold math italic and bold; Greek letters; Subscript sizes of large symbols such as sum and product; Added sizes of the Computer Modern small caps font; Cyrillic fonts (from the University of Washington); Euler math fonts.}, home = {http://www.ams.org/tex/amsfonts.html}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, version = {2.2}, modified = {9 Nov 1996 15:43:40 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{amslatex, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/amslatex/}, abstract = {A collection of loosely related files that are distributed together by the American Mathematical Society. These files are miscellaneous enhancements to \LaTeX{} whose aim is superior information structure of mathematical documents and superior printed output.}, home = {http://www.ams.org/tex/amslatex.html}, version = {1.2}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, also = {amsmath,amscd,amstext}, modified = {9 Nov 1996 15:40:28 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {ams2} } @TeXIndex{amsltx11, abstract = {Version of \href{\#amslatex}{AMS-\LaTeX{}} for version 2.09 of \LaTeX{}.}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/amslatex}, home = {http://www.ams.org/tex/}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, also = {amslatex}, modified = {9 Nov 1996 15:46:01 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{amsmath, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/amslatex/math/}, abstract = {This package is the principal package in the \href{\#amslatex}{AMS-\LaTeX{}} distribution. I adapts for use in \LaTeX{} most of the mathematical features found in \href{\#amstex}{AMS-\TeX{}}.}, home = {http://www.ams.org/tex/latex.html}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, also = {amslatex}, modified = {9 Nov 1996 16:15:32 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{amsppt, abstract = {AMS-TeX article preprint document style.}, author = {American Mathematical Society}, ctan = {macros/amstex/}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, version = {2.1a}, also = {amsppt1}, modified = {24 Sep 1996 08:42:35 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{amsppt1, abstract = {AMS-TeX conversion file to provide compatibility between amsppt.sty version 1 and amsppt.sty version 2.}, author = {American Mathematical Society}, ctan = {macros/amstex/}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, version = {2.1b}, also = {amsppt}, modified = {25 Sep 1996 09:41:18 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{amssym, abstract = {Defines names for all the math symbols in the AMS symbol fonts (msam and msbm). If not used with AMS-TeX, amssym.tex must be used with amssym.def (q.v.).}, author = {American Mathematical Society}, ctan = {fonts/amsfonts/plaintex/}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, version = {2.1}, also = {amssym,msam,msbm,amsfonts,amssymb}, modified = {25 Sep 1996 09:44:00 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{amssymb, abstract = {Part of the AMSFonts distribution, this \LaTeX{} option defines symbol names for all the math symbols in the fonts MSAM and MSBM, of the \href{\#amsfonts}{AMSFonts} package.}, home = {http://www.ams.org/tex/amsfonts.html}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, ctan = {fonts/amsfonts/doc/latex/}, also = {amsfonts}, modified = {11 Nov 1996 20:19:40 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{amstex, texlive = {ams2}, ctan = {macros/amstex/}, abstract = {American Mathematical Society plain \TeX{} macros}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, home = {http://www.ams.org/tex/amstex.html}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, version = {2.1}, modified = {9 Nov 1996 15:47:35 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{amstext, abstract = {Part of the \href{\#amslatex}{AMS-\LaTeX{}} distribution, this package defines a |\text| macro, which makes it easy to incorporate fragments of text inside a displayed equation or a sub or superscript. Font sizes are automatically scaled in sub/superscripts.}, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/amslatex/math/}, email = {Tech-Support@ams.org}, also = {amslatex}, modified = {11 Nov 1996 20:24:24 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{answers, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/answers/}, abstract = {Styles for setting questions (or exercises) and answers.}, also = {exams}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {29 May 1996 13:08:24 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{apa, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/apa/}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} class and \BibTeX{} style used to format text according to the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (4th ed.) specifications for manuscripts or, with an option to the package, in an APA journal style format or as a regular document.}, author = {Thanassi Protopapaswrites}, also = {apacite,mslapa}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {20 May 1996 10:06:40 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{apacite, abstract = {A \BibTeX{} style which closely follows the APA style citation, claiming to provide the closest match.}, author = {Erik Meijer}, ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/}, email = {Meijer@rulfsw.LeidenUniv.nl}, also = {apa,mslapa}, modified = {12 Jul 1996 10:10:07 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{arabtex, texlive = {lang3}, ctan = {language/arabtex/}, abstract = {Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{arosgn, abstract = {Support for the Bengali language.}, author = {Muhammad Masroor Ali}, ctan = {language/bengali/arosgn}, version = {2.1}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:32:18 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{array, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {An extended implementation of the array and tabular environments which implements options to format columns. The ! option, for example, is introduced with this package.} } @TeXIndex{arrow, abstract = {Eplain macros for arrow theoretic diagrams.}, author = {Steven T. Smith}, ctan = {macros/eplain/arrow.tex}, email = {smith@hrl.harvard.edu}, version = {v1.0 dated 20 Jan 1992}, modified = {7 Nov 1996 19:31:04 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{arseneau, texlive = {latex2}, abstract = {Miscellaneous macros by Donald Arseneau.}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ascii, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/ascii/}, abstract = {Support for IBM extended ASCII font.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{astro, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/astro/}, abstract = {Astronomical (planetary) symbols.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{at, abstract = {A package to remove a lot of tedious typing that ends up in \LaTeX{} documents, by expanding the number of short command names available. The new command names begin with the `|@|' character, rather than the conventional `|\|', so you can tell them apart.}, author = {Mark Wooding}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mdwtools/}, doc = {http://www.loria.fr/tex/ctan-doc/macros/latex/contrib/supported/mdwtools/at.dvi}, version = {1.02}, modified = {12 Nov 1996 09:27:11 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{auctex, ctan = {support/auctex/}, abstract = {Emacs Lisp support files for \TeX}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{aurora, texlive = {dvips3}, abstract = {Header files for dvips to make colour separations}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{babel, texlive = {latex1}, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/babel/}, version = {3.6}, author = {Johannes L. Braams}, email = {jlbraams@CISTRON.NL}, abstract = {Multilingual support for \LaTeX.}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:26:33 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{bakoma, texlive = {fonts2}, ctan = {fonts/cm/ps-type1/bakoma/}, abstract = {Computer Modern and AMS font in PostScript Type1 form.}, modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:26:36 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{bar, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Provides the barenv environment for bar charts.} } @TeXIndex{barcodes, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/barcodes/}, abstract = {Fonts for making barcodes.}, also = {code128,ean}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {7 Jun 1996 13:43:47 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{barr, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/barr/}, abstract = {Diagram macros by Michael Barr.}, author = {Michael Barr}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{bbding, author = {Peter M|ller Neergaard}, email = {turtle@diku.dk}, ctan = {fonts/bbding/}, abstract = {An NFSS-interface to the symbol font bbding containing many of the Zapf dingbats fonts.}, modified = {13 May 1996 06:15:45 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {fonts3} } @TeXIndex{bbm, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/cm/bbm/}, abstract = {Blackboard variant fonts for Computer Modern, with \LaTeX{} support}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{beebe, texlive = {bibtex2}, ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/beebe/}, abstract = {Nelson Beebe's collection of \TeX-related bibliographies, and \BibTeX{} style files}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{beton, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/beton/}, abstract = {Typeset a \LaTeX2e document with the Concrete fonts designed by Don Knuth and used in his book ``Concrete Mathematics''.}, also = {euler}, modified = {28 May 1996 16:24:30 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{bibindex, abstract = {A stand-alone tool for indexing \BibTeX{} documents to be searched using the corresponding \href{\#biblook}{biblook} tool.}, author = {Nelson Beebe}, home = {http://www.cs.duke.edu/~jeffe/biblook.html}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 14:53:39 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{biblios, abstract = {A Windows95 tool that uses the CGI (common gateway interface) protocol so that \BibTeX{} files can be managed remotely using an HTTP-server on the server side and a Web-browser such as Netscape on the client side.}, author = {Anders M�ller}, ctan = {systems/msdos/}, email = {moller@MSI.SE}, modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:40:47 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{biblist, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/biblist/}, abstract = {\BibTeX{} styles by Joachim Schrod}, author = {Joachim Schrod}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{biblook, abstract = {A stand-alone tool for searching \BibTeX{} documents which have been indexed by \href{\#bibindex}{bibindex}}, author = {Nelson Beebe}, home = {http://www.cs.duke.edu/~jeffe/biblook.html}, version = {2.8}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 14:53:39 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{bidstobibtex, abstract = {A tool to take input from a BIDS email message (generated using one of the downloading formats) to \BibTeX.}, author = {Anthony Stone}, ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/bids/}, platform = {Perl}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:54:10 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{bibsort, abstract = {Sort a bibliography.}, author = {Nelson H. F. Beebe}, home = {ftp://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/index.html}, email = {beebe@math.utah.edu}, version = {0.11}, modified = {12 Nov 1996 10:28:11 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{bitstrea, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/psfonts/bitstrea/}, abstract = {Font metrics, and macro support in \LaTeX2e, for the free Bitstream fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{bibtex8bit, abstract = {A fully 8-bit adaptation of \BibTeX{} 0.99.}, author = {Niel Kempson}, ctan = {biblio/bibtex/8-bit}, modified = {19 Aug 1996 22:05:26 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{bibtool, abstract = {Command line manipulation of \BibTeX{} files: Pretty-printing data bases; Syntactic checks with error recovery; Semantic checks. Sorting and merging of data bases; Generation of uniform reference keys according to predefined rules or according to user specification; Selecting references used in one publication which are found by analyzing an .aux file; Controlled rewriting of fields utilising regular expressions to specify the rewriting rules; Macro (String) expansion to eliminate the need of extra string definitions; Collecting statistics about one or more data bases.}, author = {Gerd Neugebauer}, email = {gerd@uni-koblenz.de}, ctan = {biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool/}, home = {http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~gerd/ftp/BibTool}, doc = {bibtool.dvi.gz}, modified = {31 May 1996 08:26:57 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{blue, texlive = {formats3}, ctan = {macros/blu/}, abstract = {Kees van der Laan's BLUe format, a concise but expressive document preparation system modelled on Knuth's manmac}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{bm, abstract = {This is a package for accessing bold symbols in math mode. (Similar to the AMS |\boldsymbol| command, but taking more care over spacing, delimiters etc.) }, author = {David Carlisle}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/bm/}, home = {http://www.yandy.com}, version = {1.0a}, modified = {5 Mar 1997 16:30:22 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex2} } @TeXIndex{booktabs, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/booktabs/}, abstract = {Nicer layout of tables}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{bophax, abstract = {PostScript related macros for landscape, mirror etc. of \TeX{} documents}, author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz}, ctan = {macros/TeX-PS/}, email = {staw@eti.pg.gda.pl}, modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{boxedminipage, abstract = {A very old (\LaTeX{} 2.09) style for producing boxed minipages. Refer to \LaTeX2e's usrguide.tex for an example of how to define your own boxed minipage with little effort in \LaTeX2e{} using the lrbox environment.}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, modified = {7 Jun 1996 09:30:29 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{borceux, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/borceux/}, abstract = {Diagram macros by Francois Borceux}, author = {Francois Borceux}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{brief, abstract = {German private letter class with address boxes for window envelopes, a hook to put a figure or any kind of box in the top right corner, fold-marks (option falt), setting the text in informal \tt (option tt), configurable by a configuration file.}, author = {Stephan Boettcher}, email = {stephan@alzt.tau.ac.il}, home = {http://zow00.desy.de:8000/~stephan/tex/LaTeX-styles.html}, modified = {30 May 1996 11:22:14 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{c2cweb, abstract = {A utility to prettyprint C and C++ source files using cweb.}, author = {Werner Lemberg}, ctan = {web/c_cpp/c2cweb/}, email = {xlwy01@uxp1.hrz.uni-dortmund.de}, version = {1.5}, modified = {29 Nov 1996 15:27:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{calc, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/calc/}, doc = {http://www.loria.fr/tex/packages/calc.dvi}, abstract = {Adds infix expressions to perform arithmetic in the \LaTeX{} commands |\setcounter|, |\addtocounter|, |\setlength|, and |\addtolength|.}, author = {Kresten Krab Thorup and Frank Jensen}, modified = {12 Nov 1996 09:09:07 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{calendar, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/}, abstract = {Plain macros for making nice calendars}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{calendar-fb, abstract = {A package for calendars and timetables. Includes, for example, a package which organizes date items in a format suitable for conference schedules, itineraries, academic teaching timetables and the like.}, author = {Frank Bennett}, authorurl = {http://rumple.soas.ac.uk/~fbennett/}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/calendar}, email = {fbennett@rumple.soas.ac.uk}, modified = {18 Mar 1997 13:07:53 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{calrsfs, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/calrsfs/}, abstract = {Nicer calligraphic letters.}, also = {rsfs}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 09:16:09 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{camel, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/camel/}, abstract = {Comprehensive bibliography manager (prototype citation engine for \LaTeX3). Will become \BibTeX{} 1.0 on release. Under development.}, version = {1.0t}, modified = {5 Mar 1997 16:31:57 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{caption, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/caption/}, abstract = {Extends caption capabilities for figures and tables, such as the caption width, style, font. Many aspects are tunable as options.}, author = {Harald Axel Sommerfeldt}, doc = {http://www.loria.fr/tex/ctan-doc/macros/latex/contrib/supported/caption/caption.dvi}, modified = {12 Nov 1996 20:23:42 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{caption2, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/caption/}, abstract = {Newer version of the caption package. Extends caption capabilities for figures and tables, such as the caption width, style, font. Many aspects are tunable as options.} } @TeXIndex{capt-of, abstract = {Defines a command |\captionof| for putting a caption to something that's not a float}, author = {Robin Fairbairns}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, email = {Robin.Fairbairns@CL.CAM.AC.UK}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:04:36 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{carlisle, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle/}, abstract = {Miscellaneous small packages by David Carlisle}, author = {David Carlisle}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{cases, abstract = {Multi-case equations with big brace, and a number for each case.}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, version = {2.2}, platform = {LaTeX2e}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:14:30 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{catalogue, abstract = {A catalogue of what's available on CTAN. Includes \BibTeX{} source and HTML browseable versions. Oh, by the way, you are currently looking at it.}, author = {Graham Williams}, email = {Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, ctan = {help/Catalogue}, modified = {22 May 1996 16:49:04 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{cellular, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/cellular/}, abstract = {Cellular table construction}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{changebar, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/changebar/}, abstract = {Generate changebars in \LaTeX{} documents.}, author = {Johannes Braams}, version = {3.2c}, modified = {3 Dec 1996 16:27:45 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{chapterbib, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/cite/}, abstract = {Support multiple bibliographies, one for each |\include| file.}, version = {1.6}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:13:07 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{chemcono, abstract = {A \LaTeX{} style file for using compound numbers in chemistry documents. It works like |\cite| and the |\thebibliography|, using |\fcite| and |\theffbibliography| instead. It allows compound names in documents to be numbered and does not affect the normal citation routines.}, author = {Stefan Schulz}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/chemcono/}, email = {sschulz@chemie.uni-hamburg.de}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 14:28:23 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{chemsym, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/chemsym/}, abstract = {Macros for typing chemical symbols}, author = {Mats Dahlgren}, email = {matsd@physchem.kth.se}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {19 Jun 1996 09:45:18 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{cherokee, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/cherokee/}, abstract = {Fonts for Cherokee scripts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{chicago, ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/}, abstract = {A bibliography style.} } @TeXIndex{chktex, ctan = {support/chktex/}, abstract = {This program catches some typographic errors \LaTeX{} overlooks, and can be viewed as Lint for \LaTeX. Filters are also provided for checking the \LaTeX{} parts of CWEB documents.}, author = {Jens T. Berger Thielemann}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:51:58 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{circ, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/circ/}, abstract = {Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams. Several electrical symbols like resistor, capacitor, transistors etc., are defined. The symbols can be connected with wires.}, modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:12:11 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{circuit_macros, abstract = {A set of macros for drawing electric circuits containing fundamental elements, amplifiers, transistors, and basic logic gates to include in \TeX, \LaTeX, or similar documents.}, author = {Dwight Aplevich}, ctan = {graphics/circuit_macros}, version = {4.2}, modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:49:43 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{cirth, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/cirth/}, abstract = {Fonts for Cirth}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{cite, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/cite/}, abstract = {Supports compressed, sorted lists of numerical citations: [8,11-16].}, version = {3.6}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:10:42 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{cjk, abstract = {A macro package which enables the use of Chinese/Japanese/Korean with \LaTeX2e.}, ctan = {language/chinese/CJK}, version = {4.1.2}, author = {Werner Lemberg}, email = {xlwy01@uxp1.hrz.uni-dortmund.de}, modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:54:15 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{cm, texlive = {fonts1}, ctan = {fonts/cm/}, abstract = {Computer Modern fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{cmbright, texlive = {fonts2}, ctan = {fonts/cmbright/}, abstract = {Computer Modern Bright fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{cmcyralt, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {fonts/cmcyralt/}, abstract = {Alternative Russian encoding support}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{cmextra, texlive = {fonts2}, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, abstract = {Extra Computer Modern fonts, from the American Mathematical Society}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{cmpica, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/cmpica/}, abstract = {A Computer Modern Pica variant}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{cmtt, abstract = {A package for handling the `cmtt' font better. It introduces a special encoding for the font, and provides a command which allows you to use all the characters without the disadvantages of verbatim text.}, author = {Mark Wooding}, email = {csuov@csv.warwick.ac.uk}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mdwtools}, modified = {1 Jun 1996 15:43:59 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{cmykhax, abstract = {TeX-PS macros for color separation and substitution.}, author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz}, ctan = {macros/TeX-PS/cmyk-hax/}, email = {staw@eti.pg.gda.pl}, modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{code128, abstract = {A set of barcode macros for the Code 128 standard.}, author = {Petr Olsak}, email = {olsak@math.feld.cvut.cz}, ctan = {macros/generic/code128}, also = {barcodes,ean}, modified = {7 Jun 1996 13:42:22 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{codepage, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/codepage/}, abstract = {Support for variant code pages.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{color, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/graphics/}, abstract = {Allows text and page background colors to be set.}, also = {pstricks,shading}, doc = {grfguide.ps}, modified = {24 Sep 1996 08:56:07 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{colorsep, texlive = {dvips3}, abstract = {Support for colour separation when using dvips}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{colortab, ctan = {graphics/pstricks/inputs/}, abstract = {Lets you shade or color the cells in the alignment environments such as |\halign| and \LaTeX's tabular and array environments.} } @TeXIndex{colortbl, abstract = {Add colour to \LaTeX{} tables.}, author = {David Carlisle}, ctan = {macros/contrib/supported/carlisle/}, modified = {22 Oct 1996 09:40:22 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{comma, abstract = {Enables the printing of counter values with a separator every three digits, ``12,345'' or ``12 345''}, author = {David Carlisle}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:35:17 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{comment, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Selectively include/exclude pieces of text. The user can define new comment versions, and each is controlled separately. Special comments can be defined where the user specifies the action that is to be taken with each comment line.} } @TeXIndex{compsci, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/}, abstract = {Macros for writing about macros, most often used to supplement the `ltxdoc' class.}, author = {Matt Swift}, version = {0.92 (beta)}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 14:11:57 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{concmath, texlive = {fonts3}, home = {http://www.thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de/~vieth/subjects/tex/software.html}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/concmath/}, abstract = {Concrete math fonts derived from Computer Modern math fonts using parameters from Concrete text fonts. A \LaTeX{} package providing the necessary font definition code is included.}, author = {Ulrik Vieth}, email = {vieth@thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de}, version = {1995/02/28}, also = {concrete,euler}, modified = {25 Dec 1996 UV} } @TeXIndex{concprog, abstract = {A class which provides the necessary macros to prepare a (classical) concert programme.}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/concprog/}, modified = {22 Oct 1996 09:37:54 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{concrete-jh, abstract = {A wrapper to load up the appropriate packages to use the concrete fonts.}, author = {Jim Hefferon}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, modified = {27 Nov 1996 13:57:24 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{concrete, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/concrete/}, abstract = {Concrete fonts}, author = {Donald Knuth}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{count1to, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/count1to/}, abstract = {Setting |\count1| to |\count9|}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{croatian, texlive = {lang3}, ctan = {language/croatian/}, abstract = {Fonts for typesetting Croatian scripts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{curves, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/curves/}, abstract = {Draws curves in the \LaTeX{} picture environment using parabolas between points with continuous slope at points. Equivalent to technical pens with compasses and French curves.} } @TeXIndex{custom-bib, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/custom-bib/}, email = {daly@linpwd.dnet.gwdg.de}, abstract = {Package generating customized \BibTeX{} bibliography styles from a generic file using docstrip.}, author = {P. W. Daly}, version = {382}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:24:49 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{cwebbin, abstract = {CWEB for the Commodore Amiga with SAS/C++ 6.56, MS/DOS with Borland C++ 3.1, and UNIX with CC or GCC. \TeX{} macros and CWEB macros are provided for German, French, and Italian program documentation on any machine.}, email = {Scherer@physik.rwth-aachen.de}, ctan = {web/c_cpp/cwebbin}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:41:09 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{cwpuzzle, abstract = {Typeset crossword puzzles.}, author = {Gerd Neugebauer}, ctan = {macros/latex/other/gene/crossword/}, email = {gerd@MAILHOST.UNI-KOBLENZ.DE>}, modified = {28 Nov 1996 10:09:18 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{dancers, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/dancers/}, abstract = {Font for the Sherlock Holmes `Dancing Men'}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{dante-src, abstract = {Contains the source code for a \TeX{} installation under UNIX (TeX, current release of \LaTeX2e, \MF, \BibTeX, MakeIndex, drivers for X11, HP LaserJet and PostScript).}, ctan = {systems/unix/dante-src/}, email = {rz32@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de}, modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:29:55 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{dc, texlive = {fonts2}, ctan = {fonts/dc/}, author = {Jorg Knappen}, email = {tex@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de}, version = {1.3pl4}, abstract = {The Extended/European (Cork) Computer Modern fonts.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {2 Jun 1996 11:09:21 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{dco, abstract = {A set of .vf and .tfm files for using the dc-fonts with so-called ``Gemeine'' or oldstyle numerals. It also contains a Bourne shell script which I used to create this set of virtual fonts.}, author = {Sebastian Kirsch}, ctan = {fonts/dco}, modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:14:54 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{dcolumn, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Align on the decimal point of numbers in tabulars.} } @TeXIndex{delarray, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Add delimiters (parentheses etc.) around arrays (nesting brackets are automatically inserted).} } @TeXIndex{deleq, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/deleq/}, author = {Mats Dahlgren}, email = {matsd@physchem.kth.se}, abstract = {Provides a more flexible numbering of equations, subequations, and `recycled' equations, including `partial' equation numbers (`3a', `3b' etc.).}, modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:56:51 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{devanagari, texlive = {lang3}, ctan = {language/devanagari/}, abstract = {Fonts for typesetting Devanagari}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{dialogl, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/dialogl/}, abstract = {Macros for constructing interactive \LaTeX{} scripts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{dinbrief, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/dinbrief/}, abstract = {German letter DIN style.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {4 Nov 1996 09:56:05 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{doc, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, abstract = {Contains the definitions that are necessary to format the documentation of package files (Literate \LaTeX) which incorporate both the documentation and the code.}, author = {Frank Mittelbach}, email = {mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de}, modified = {19 Aug 1996 22:19:13 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{docstrip, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, abstract = {Makes a package documentation file smaller by removing comments and other sections of the document conditionally.} } @TeXIndex{dotseqn, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/dotseqn/}, abstract = {Flush left equations with dotted letters to the numbers}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{doublespace, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Defines the spacing environment which you can use anywhere in your document. This package is superceded by \href{\#setspace}{setspace}.} } @TeXIndex{doublestroke, abstract = {A font based on the Computer Modern Roman family of fonts by D. E. Knuth. It is useful for typesetting the mathematical symbols for the natural numbers (N), whole numbers (Z), rational numbers (Q), real numbers (R) and complex numbers (C).}, author = {Olaf Kummer}, authorurl = {http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/mitarbeiter/ wimis/kummer.html}, ctan = {fonts/doublestroke}, email = {kummer@informatik.uni-hamburg.de}, version = {1.0}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:56:41 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{draftcopy, texlive = {latex3}, platform = {\LaTeX2e{}}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/draftcopy/}, abstract = {Places the word DRAFT (or other words) in light grey diagonally across the background (or at the bottom) of each (or selected) pages of the document.}, version = {2.8}, author = {Juergen Vollmer}, email = {vollmer@ipd.info.uni-karlsruhe.de}, modified = {21 May 1996 12:52:54 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{drafthead, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Prints a header on each page including date and time and the string DRAFT.} } @TeXIndex{dratex, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {macros/generic/dratex/}, abstract = {General drawing macros entirely in \TeX}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{drftcite, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/cite}, abstract = {Print the tags instead of the numbers for |\cite| and |\bibitem|.} } @TeXIndex{dropcaps, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/dropcaps/}, also = {dropping}, author = {Fred Lauwers}, abstract = {Use dropped capitals to start a paragraph.}, modified = {19 Jun 1996 13:38:04 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{dropping, abstract = {A \LaTeXe{} macro for dropping the first character(s) (or word(s)) of a paragraph. This is an extension of the \LaTeX{} 2.09 package \href{\#dropcaps}{dropcaps}. This package automatically takes care of finding the font name.}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/dropping/}, author = {Mats Dahlgren}, email = {matsd@sssk.se}, modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:58:12 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{duerer, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/duerer/}, abstract = {Computer Duerer fonts.}, author = {Alan Hoenig}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{dvi2tty, abstract = {A DVI driver to produce an ASCII representation of the document. The patch file dvi2tty.patch fixes a string termination bug which affects some systems (most notably Linux) and cleans up the Makefile.}, ctan = {dviware/dvi2tty/}, modified = {7 Jun 1996 20:12:43 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{dvicopy, abstract = {Copy and concatenate DVI files.}, ctan = {dviware/dvicopy/}, modified = {1 Nov 1996 08:30:05 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{dviconcat, abstract = {Concatenates dvi files.}, ctan = {dviware/dvibook/Dviconcat/}, modified = {1 Nov 1996 08:10:15 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{dvips, texlive = {generic1}, ctan = {dviware/dvips/}, abstract = {Tom Rokicki's dvi to PostScript driver}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ean, texlive = {generic3}, ctan = {macros/generic/ean/}, abstract = {Font for making EAN barcodes.}, also = {barcodes,code128}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {7 Jun 1996 13:44:26 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{easybib, abstract = {A macro package for writing custom bibliographies with a simple sintax.}, author = {Enrico Bertolazzi}, email = {bertolaz@ing.unitn.it}, version = {0.3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy}, modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:54:36 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{easybmat, abstract = {A simple package for writing block matrices with equal column widths or equal rows heights or both, with various kinds of rules between rows and columns.}, author = {Enrico Bertolazzi}, email = {bertolaz@ing.unitn.it}, version = {0.4}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:25:39 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{easyeqn, abstract = {A simple package for writing equations.}, author = {Enrico Bertolazzi}, email = {bertolaz@ing.unitn.it}, version = {0.5}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:26:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{easymat, abstract = {A simple package for writing block matrices, essentially an array enviroment with more kinds of lines and reentrant.}, author = {Enrico Bertolazzi}, email = {bertolaz@ing.unitn.it}, version = {0.1}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:26:32 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{easytable, abstract = {A simple package for writing tables, with equal column widths > or equal rows heights or both, with various > kinds of rules~(lines) between rows and columns.}, author = {Enrico Bertolazzi}, version = {0.4}, email = {bertolaz@ing.unitn.it}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:27:08 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{easyvector, abstract = {A simple package for writing vectors in a C-like fashion.}, author = {Enrico Bertolazzi}, email = {bertolaz@ing.unitn.it}, version = {0.6}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:26:51 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ec, abstract = {The ec fonts support the complete \LaTeX{} T1 encoding, as defined at the 1990 TUG conference hold at Cork/Ireland. They are intended to be as stable as the cm fonts are, i.e. there shall be no more changes to the tfm files. The ec fonts also contain a Text Companion Symbol font, called tc, featuring many usefull characters needed in typesetting, for example oldstyle digits, currency symbols (including the newly created Euro symbol), the permille sign, copyright, trade mark and servicemark as well as a copyleft sign, and many others. Recent releases of \LaTeX2e support the ec fonts. The dc fonts, which were termed as preliminary versions, will dissappear from the archives.}, author = {Jorg Knappen Mainz}, ctan = {fonts/jknappen/ec/}, email = {joerg.knappen@uni-mainz.de}, modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:08:49 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {fonts2} } @TeXIndex{edmac, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/edmac/}, abstract = {A macro package for typesetting scholarly critical editions}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{eepic, texlive = {graphics2}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/eepic/}, abstract = {A set of \TeX{} macros for \LaTeX{} implementing several extensions to EPIC and the \LaTeX{} picture drawing environment, including the drawing of lines at any slope, the drawing of circles in any radii, and the drawing of dotted and dashed lines much faster with much less \TeX{} memory, and providing several new commands for drawing ellipsis, arcs, splines, and filled cirlces and ellipsis.} } @TeXIndex{elsevier, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/elsevier/}, abstract = {Preprint style for Elsevier Science journals}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{elvish, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/elvish/}, abstract = {Font for typesetting Tolkien Elvish script}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{emtexgi, abstract = {A Windows interface to emTeX.}, author = {Allin Cottrell}, ctan = {systems/msdos/emtex-contrib/emtexgi/}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:32:36 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{endfloat, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/endfloat/}, abstract = {Place all figures on pages by themselves at the end of the document with markers like ``[Figure 3 about here]'' appearing in the text (by default) near to where the figure (or table) would normally have occurred.}, modified = {21 Jun 1996 14:52:55 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{endnotes, abstract = {Accumulates footnotes and places them at the end of the document. Based on a very old version of \LaTeX{} (1991).}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, author = {John Lavagnino}, email = {lav@brandeis.bitnet}, also = {fnpara,footnote,footnpag,stblftnt}, modified = {3 Sep 1996 09:20:05 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{engwar, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/engwar/}, abstract = {Font for typesetting Tolkien Engwar script, by Michael Urban}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{enumerate, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Adds an optional argument to the enumerate environment which determines the style in which the counter is printed.} } @TeXIndex{envbig, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/envbig/}, abstract = {Printing addresses on enevlopes}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{envlab, abstract = {A \LaTeX2e{} package for producing mailing envelopes and labels, including barcodes and address formatting according to the US Postal Service rules. Redefines the standard |\makelabels| command of the \LaTeX2e{} letter documentclass.}, author = {Boris Veytsman}, authorurl = {http://planck.psu.edu/~boris/}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/envlab}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:36:01 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{eplain, texlive = {formats2}, ctan = {macros/eplain/}, abstract = {Simple but powerful extended version of the plain format, adding support for bibliographies, tables of contents, enumerated lists, verbatim input of files, numbered equations, tables, two-column output, footnotes and commutative diagrams.}, author = {Karl Berry}, email = {karl@cs.umb.edu}, modified = {19 Aug 1996 22:10:25 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{epsfig, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/graphics/}, abstract = {Include Encapsulated PostScript in \LaTeX{} documents.} } @TeXIndex{epsfx, abstract = {An extension to epsf.tex/sty extension, e.g. draft printing of bounding boxes.}, author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz}, ctan = {macros/TeX-PS/}, email = {staw@eti.pg.gda.pl}, modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{epslatex, abstract = {An extensive document which explains how to use Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) files in \LaTeXe{} documents. Includes explanations of Bounding Boxes, and more.}, author = {Keith Reckdahl}, email = {reckdahl@leland.stanford.edu}, ctan = {info/}, version = {1.9}, doc = {epslatex.ps}, modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:50:44 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {doc2} } @TeXIndex{eqnarray, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/eqnarray/}, abstract = {More generalised equation arrays with numbering.} } @TeXIndex{ethiop, abstract = {Ethiopian language support for the babel package. This is a collection of fonts and \TeX{} macros that enable you to typeset the characters of the languages of Ethiopia. The fonts are based on EthTeX which was originally distributed by Abass B. Alamnehe. The \TeX{} macros use the Babel package by Johannes L. Braams.}, author = {Olaf Kummer}, ctan = {language/ethiopia/ethiop/latex}, email = {ethiop@informatik.uni-hamburg.de}, modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:54:35 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{euler, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/euler/}, abstract = {Provides a setup for using the AMS Euler family of fonts for math in \LaTeX{} documents. ``The underlying philosophy of Zapf's Euler design was to capture the flavor of mathematics as it might be written by a mathematician with excellent handwriting.'' [concrete-tug] The euler package is based on Knuth's macros for the book ``Concrete Mathematics''. The text fonts for the Concrete book are provided by the beton package.}, also = {beton}, modified = {5 Jun 1996 10:03:48 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{everysel, author = {ms@dream.hb.north.de (Martin Schroeder)}, version = {1.00}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/everysel}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} package which provides hooks into \cs{selectfont}.}, modified = {1 Jun 1996 15:29:40 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{everyshi, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/everyshi/}, abstract = {Hooks for taking action at every |\shipout|}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{exams, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/exams}, abstract = {Exam questions can be multiple choice or free form long/short answer questions. Options include the typesetting of the exam itself, an exam showing all the answers and a collection of questions and answers. Questions can be parametrized. Use of a random generator provides for automatic shuffling of multiple choice items.}, also = {answers}, modified = {29 May 1996 13:09:04 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{expdlist, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/expdlist/}, abstract = {Expanded description environments}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{export, abstract = {This package allows the user to export/import the values of \LaTeX{} registers (counters, rigid and rubber lengths only). It is definitely NOT for faint-hearted users.}, author = {Jean-Pierre Drucbert}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/export/}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:45:06 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{exscale, abstract = {Implements scaling of the `cmex' fonts.}, author = {Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch\"opf}, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:53:11 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{fancybox, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/seminar/inputs/}, abstract = {Provides variants of |\fbox|: |\shadowbox|, |\doublebox|, |\ovalbox|, |\Ovalbox|, with helpful tools for using box macros and flexible verbatim macros. You can box mathematics, floats, center, flushleft, and flushright, lists, and pages.} } @TeXIndex{fncychap, texlive = {latex3}, abstract = {This package provides six predefined chapter headings. Each can be modified using a set of simple commands. Optionally one can modify the formatting routines in order to create additional chapter headings. This package was previously known as FancyChapter.}, author = {Ulf Lindgren}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/fncychap/}, doc = {fncychap.ps}, modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:41:01 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{fancyheadings, texlive = {latex2}, author = {Piet van Oostrum}, authorurl = {http://www.cs.ruu.nl/~piet}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/fancyheadings/}, abstract = {Better control over page headers and footers in \LaTeX. This is an up-to-date version for \LaTeX. For \LaTeX2e{} it is now called \href{\#fancyhdr}{fancyhdr}.}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:24:43 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{fancyhdr, author = {Piet van Oostrum}, authorurl = {http://www.cs.ruu.nl/~piet}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/fancyhdr/}, doc = {fancyhdr.dvi}, version = {1.99b}, abstract = {Support for sophisticated control of page headers and footers in \LaTeX2e. It supercedes \href{\#fancyheadings}{fancyheadings}.}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:26:41 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{fancyvrb, texlive = {latex2}, abstract = {Sophisticated handling of verbatim text, to write it out, read it in, and typeset it}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{faq, texlive = {doc2}, ctan = {usergrps/uktug/faq/}, abstract = {The New \TeX{} Frequently Asked Questions, maintained by the UK \TeX{} Users Group.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{fax, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/fax/}, abstract = {Document class for preparing faxes.}, doc = {faxdoc.dvi}, author = {J.B.Rhebergen and J.H.M. de Jonge}, email = {j.b.rhebergen@et.tudelft.nl}, modified = {13 Dec 1996 09:32:37 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{fc, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/jknappen/fc/}, abstract = {Fonts for African languages, complimentary to Computer Modern.}, version = {1.3}, author = {Jorg Knappen Mainz}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 14:24:12 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{feynmf, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/feynmf/}, abstract = {Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams.}, author = {Thorsten Ohl}, email = {ohl@crunch.ikp.physik.th-darmstadt.de}, doc = {manual.ps.gz}, version = {1.08}, modified = {30 May 1996 06:34:12 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{filehdr, ctan = {tools/filehdr}, abstract = {A colleciton of tools to support \BibTeX{} style format for file/package descriptions.} } @TeXIndex{flatex, abstract = {A C program to flatten a latex file into a single file, by explicitly including the files inclued by |\include| and |\input| commands. Also, if \BibTeX{} is being used, then includes the .bbl file into the resulting file. Thus, creating a stand alone latex file that can be emailed to someone else.}, author = {Sariel Har-Peled}, ctan = {support/flatex/}, home = {http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~sariel/flatex.html}, email = {sariel@math.tau.ac.il}, version = {1.21}, platform = {Linux}, also = {flatten}, modified = {24 Sep 1996 08:59:43 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{flatten, abstract = {A program to flatten a \LaTeX{} root file by copying |\input| and |\include| files into the root file.}, author = {Peter Wilson}, ctan = {/support/flatten}, also = {flatex}, modified = {18 Jun 1996 09:36:48 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{float, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/float/}, abstract = {Improves the interface for defining floating objects such as figures and tables. Introduces the boxed float and the ruled float. You can define your own floats and improve the behaviour of the old ones. Also incorporates the H option of the superceded \href{\#here}{here} package. You can select this as automatic default with |\floatplacement{figure}{H}|}, modified = {25 May 1996 07:26:32 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{floatfig, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/floatflt/}, abstract = {Allows text to be wrapped around figures.} } @TeXIndex{floatflt, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/floatflt}, author = {Mats Dahlgren}, email = {matsd@physchem.kth.se}, abstract = {Float text around figures and tables which do not span the full width of a page. This is an improved version of floatfig. It is more or less similar floatingtable. The tables/figures can be set left/right or alternating on even/odd pages. Works with the \href{\#multicol}{multicol} package. Doesn't work well in the neighbourhood of list environments unless you change your \LaTeX{} document.}, modified = {19 Jun 1996 09:51:50 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{fnpara, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, abstract = {Typeset footnotes in run-on paragraphs, instead of one above another.}, also = {endnotes,footnote,footnpag,stblftnt}, author = {Chris Rowley and Dominik Wujastyk}, email = {ca_rowley@vax.acs.open.ac.uk}, modified = {10 Sep 1996 09:23:00 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{foiltex, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/foiltex/}, abstract = {A \LaTeX2e class for overhead transparencies. Can be used with \href{\#fancybox}{fancybox} to place a variety of borders around the slides.}, author = {James (Jim) Hafner}, email = {hafner@almaden.ibm.com}, version = {2.1}, also = {seminar,slidenotes}, modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:21:48 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{fontinst, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {fonts/utilities/fontinst/}, abstract = {\TeX{} macros for converting Adobe Font Metric files to \TeX{} metric and virtual font format}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{fontmisc, texlive = {fonts1}, abstract = {Miscellaneous \MF{} input files}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{fontname, texlive = {texlive1}, abstract = {Karl Berry's scheme for naming fonts in \TeX}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{fonts, texlive = {latex1}, abstract = {Extra line and circle fonts for \LaTeX}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{fontsmpl, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/fontsmpl.dtx}, abstract = {Print a sample of a font.} } @TeXIndex{footnote, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/footnote/}, author = {rf@cl.cam.ac.uk (Robin Fairbairns)}, abstract = {More sophisticated footnotes.}, also = {endnotes,fnpara,footnpag,ftnright,stblftnt}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {10 Sep 1996 09:25:06 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{footnpag, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/footnpag/}, abstract = {Allows footnotes on individual pages to be numbered from 1, rather than being numbered sequentially through the document.}, author = {Joachim Schrod}, email = {schrod@iti.informatik.th-darmstadt.de}, also = {endnotes,fnpara,footnote,stblftnt}, modified = {10 Sep 1996 09:26:38 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{formats, texlive = {texlive2}, abstract = {Prebuilt \TeX{} format and \MF{} base files}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{formlett, ctan = {macros/generic/formlett.sty}, abstract = {Letters to multiple receivers.} } @TeXIndex{fp, texlive = {latex3}, abstract = {Provides an extensive collection of arithmetic operations for fixed point real numbers of high precision.}, author = {Michael Mehlich}, email = {mehlich@informatik.uni-muenchen.de}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/fp}, modified = {4 Nov 1996 09:45:28 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{french, texlive = {lang2}, ctan = {language/french/}, abstract = {Style for French typography}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{fribrief, abstract = {A \LaTeX{} class for writing letters.}, author = {Alexander Fries}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/fribrief/}, email = {BP016@FS1-DVZ-FHKOELN.DVZ.FH-Koeln.DE}, doc = {fribrief.ge}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:35:55 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{ftn, abstract = {\LaTeX document-style option to make footnotes available in any environment, except inside floats.}, author = {Kresten Krab Thorup}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, email = {krab@iesd.auc.dk}, also = {footnote}, modified = {10 Sep 1996 09:43:47 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ftnright, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Footnotes in two column documents.}, author = {Frank Mittelbach}, email = {mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de}, also = {endnotes,fnpara,footnote,stblftnt}, modified = {19 Aug 1996 22:20:55 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{fullpict, abstract = {Full page pictures.}, author = {Bruce Shawyer}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/fullpict/}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:34:51 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{funnelweb, abstract = {A `Literate Programming' tool, which produces documentation for programs in \TeX{} or \LaTeX.}, author = {Tony Coates}, ctan = {web/funnelAC/}, home = {http://www.physics.uq.edu.au:8001/people/coates/funnelweb.html}, email = {coates@physics.uq.oz.au}, modified = {25 Jun 1996 12:38:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{futhark, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/futhark/}, abstract = {Fonts for the Older Futhark script}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{g-brief, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/g-brief/}, abstract = {A document class for \LaTeX 2e and serves for formatting formless letters in german or english language.}, version = {2.1}, author = {Michael Lenzen}, email = {michael@cs.uni-bonn.de}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:01:37 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{gb4e, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/gb4e/}, abstract = {Government Binding styles.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{genealogy, abstract = {A simple compilation of the genealogical symbols found in the `wasy' and `gen' font. Essentially adda the male and female symbols to Knuth's `gen' font. It avoids loading two fonts when you need only genealogical symbols.}, author = {Denis Roegel}, email = {Denis.Roegel@loria.fr}, ctan = {fonts/genealogy}, modified = {31 May 1996 14:10:08 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{genmisc, texlive = {generic3}, abstract = {Miscellaneous small files for all formats, specific to the \TeXLive{} \CDROM.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{geometry, abstract = {A package which allows \LaTeXe\ users to customise page layout (page sizes) using an easy and flexible user interface. You can specify |\geometry{body={6.5in,8.75in}, top=1.2in, left=2cm, nohead}|. This is an update of the now superseded pagesize package.}, author = {Umeki Hideo}, email = {umeki@ssel.toshiba.co.jp}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/geometry}, also = {vmargin,typearea,a4,a4wide}, version = {1.05}, modified = {5 Mar 1997 16:30:57 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{german, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {language/german/}, abstract = {Style for German typography.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{gnuplot, ctan = {graphics/gnuplot/}, abstract = {Generate almost any type of chart you wish and save it in \LaTeX{} format or as EPS (or in any of a dozen other formats).} } @TeXIndex{gnuplot, abstract = {A package to faciliate the use of gnuplot pslatex output in \LaTeX.}, author = {Stephan Boettcher}, email = {stephan@alzt.tau.ac.il}, home = {http://zow00.desy.de:8000/~stephan/tex/LaTeX-styles.html}, modified = {30 May 1996 11:22:14 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{graphics, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/graphics/}, abstract = {The primary \LaTeX{} package for the support of the inclusion of graphics generally produced with other tools. This package aims to give a consistent interface to including the file types that are understood by your printer driver.}, also = {graphicx}, doc = {grfguide.ps}, modified = {1 Nov 1996 08:16:13 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{graphicx, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/graphics/}, abstract = {Better support for graphics. Builds upon the \href{\#graphics}{graphics} package.}, doc = {grfguide.ps}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:47:22 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{graphpap, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, abstract = {For producing graph paper.} } @TeXIndex{gray, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/cm/utilityfonts/gray/}, abstract = {Fonts for gray scales}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{gsftopk, abstract = {Primarily intended for use with xdvi and dvips, this utility allows the use of PostScript fonts with xdvi.}, author = {Paul Vojta}, ctan = {fonts/utilities/gsftopk/}, version = {1.11}, modified = {12 Nov 1996 09:08:05 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{hands, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/hands/}, abstract = {Pointing hand fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{hangcaption, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Defines a variant of the caption command to produce captions with hanging indentation.} } @TeXIndex{harpoon, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/harpoon/}, abstract = {Extra harpoons, using the graphics package}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{harvard, texlive = {bibtex2}, ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/}, abstract = {The Harvard bibliography style family.} } @TeXIndex{harvmac, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/harvmac/}, abstract = {Paul Ginsparg's Harvard macros for scientific articles}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{here, abstract = {Provides the H option for floats in \LaTeX{} to mean that the float should really be placed here. It has been removed from CTAN at the request of the author. \LaTeX2e{} now has a ! option and [!ht] usually does what the user of H expects and has the big advantage of guaranteeing that floats stay in the right order. See the \href{\#float}{float} package for an alternative which does include H for \LaTeX2e{}.}, author = {David Carlisle}, modified = {25 May 1996 07:24:51 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{hh, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/hh/}, abstract = {Fancy boxing effects}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{hhline, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Better horizontal lines in tabulars and arrays.} } @TeXIndex{hlatex, ctan = {language/korean/HLaTeX}, abstract = {Support for Korean documents written in Korean standard KSC codes for \LaTeX2e.} } @TeXIndex{hrhyph, abstract = {Hyphenation patterns for the Croatian language for use with T1 (and OT1) encoding as supported in DC fonts.} } @TeXIndex{html, texlive = {doc2}, ctan = {support/html/}, abstract = {Various \TeX{} documentation converted to HTML}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{hyper, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/hyper/}, abstract = {Redefines \LaTeX{} cross-referencing commands to insert |\special| commands for HyperTeX dvi viewers}, author = {Michael Mehlich}, email = {mmehlich@semdesigns.com}, modified = {19 Mar 1997 12:04:32 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{hyperref, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/hyperref/}, abstract = {Redefines \LaTeX{} cross-referencing commands to insert |\special| commands for HyperTeX dvi viewers, or translation to Acrobat.}, author = {Sebastian Rahtz}, email = {s.rahtz@elsevier.co.uk}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {18 Jun 1996 09:34:22 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ieeepes, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ieeepes}, abstract = {Allows typesetting of transactions, as well as discussions and closures, for the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions journals.} } @TeXIndex{ifacmtg, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ifacmtg/}, abstract = {Elsevier Science preprint style for IFAC meetings}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ifthen, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, abstract = {Conditionals in \LaTeX2e documents.} } @TeXIndex{indentfirst, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Indent first paragraph after section header.} } @TeXIndex{indxcite, texlive = {latex3}, abstract = {A package to automatically generate an Author Index based on citations made using \BibTeX. It requires the use of the harvard and index packages and \LaTeX2e.}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/indxcite/}, author = {James Ashton}, email = {James.Ashton@keating.anu.edu.au}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {24 Jun 1996 15:17:51 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{info, texlive = {doc2}, abstract = {Documentation in GNU info form}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{initials, ctan = {fonts/gothic/yinit/}, abstract = {A special font (yinit) is defined to be used for initial dropped capitals.} } @TeXIndex{inputenc, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, abstract = {Controlling inpout encoding}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ipa, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/ipa/}, abstract = {Style for using International Phonetic Alphabet fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{isostds, abstract = {Class and package files for typesetting ISO International Standard documents. Several standard documents have been printed by ISO from camera-ready copy prepared using \LaTeX{} and these files. One set of files is for generic ISO typesetting and the other is an extension set of packages for typesetting ISO 10303 standards.}, author = {Peter Wilson}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/isostds}, modified = {18 Jun 1996 09:42:34 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{ithyph, abstract = {Italian hyphenation.}, author = {Claudio Beccari}, email = {BECCARI@polito.it}, ctan = {languages/italian/}, version = {4.2}, modified = {28 May 1996 15:59:11 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{jknappen, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/jknappen/}, author = {J\"org Knappen}, abstract = {Miscellaneous macros, mostly for making use of extra fonts by J\"org Knappen}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{js-misc, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/js-misc/}, abstract = {Miscellaneous useful macros by Joachim Schrod}, author = {Joachim Schrod}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{jura, abstract = {A document class for German law students.}, author = {Felix Braun}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/jura/}, email = {fbraun@rz.uni-potsdam.de}, modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:33:08 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{knst, abstract = {A package supporting the generation and correction of multiple option tests as appears in TUGBoat Volume 17, Number3: ``Fast and secure multiple option tests''.}, author = {Jordi Saludes}, ctan = {macros/generic/knst}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:44:44 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{knuth, texlive = {doc3}, ctan = {systems/knuth/}, abstract = {Knuth's own documentation, including the \TeX book and the \MF book}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{koi8, abstract = {A package to perform internal translation from the KOI-8 encoding (de-facto standard of the UNIX world) to the so called ``alternative encoding'' used by most Cyrillic packages. You still need one of these packages for the actual Russian typesetting. The style works with all major Cyrillic packages: cmcyr, cmcyralt, LH.}, author = {Uri Blumenthal}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/koi8}, email = {uri@watson.ibm.com}, also = {rawprint}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:48:21 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{koma-script, texlive = {latex3}, author = {unlf@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de (Markus Kohm)}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/koma-script/}, abstract = {A replacement for the article/report/book classes with emphasis on European rules of typography and paper formats as laid down by Jan Tschichold.}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:29:26 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{kuvio, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/kuvio/}, abstract = {Drawing macros and fonts for diagrams.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{labels, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/labels/}, abstract = {Support for printing sheets of sticky labels (but could also be used for business cards). The number of rows and columns of labels, and their size, can be changed.} } @TeXIndex{lamstex, texlive = {formats3}, ctan = {macros/lamstex/}, abstract = {A merge of the best in AMS\TeX{} and \LaTeX}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{lastpage, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/lastpage/}, abstract = {Reference the number of pages in your \LaTeX{} document (as in a page footer that says: Page N of M).} } @TeXIndex{latex, ctan = {macros/latex/}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} is a (and probably the most) popular macro package for \TeX. It provides many basic document formating commands extended by many of the packages included in this current list. To get \LaTeX, get either the contents of the ``base'' directory or the ``unpacked'' directory in the above CTAN location.}, also = {latex2e,latex209}, modified = {9 Nov 1996 15:53:10 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{latex209, texlive = {formats2}, ctan = {macros/latex209/}, abstract = {The pre-1993 \LaTeX, now no longer supported}, also = {latex2e,latex}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {4 Jul 1996 10:07:05 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{latex2e, abstract = {Documentation on \LaTeX2e{} in OS/2 hypertext format and html.}, author = {Rolf Niepraschk}, ctan = {info/latex2e-help-texinfo/}, email = {niepraschk@ChbRB.Berlin.PTB.De}, doc = {latex2e_toc.html}, also = {latex,latex209}, modified = {4 Jul 1996 09:53:38 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{latex2html, ctan = {support/latex2html/}, home = {http://cbl.leeds.ac.uk/nikos/tex2html/doc/latex2html/latex2html.html}, abstract = {A Perl program that translates \LaTeX{} source files into HTML (HyperText Markup Language). For each source file given as an argument the translator will create a directory containing the corresponding HTML files.}, modified = {8 Jul 1996 23:00:59 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{latex2rtf, ctan = {support/latex2rtf/}, author = {Fernando Dorner and Andreas Granzer}, abstract = {Translates \LaTeX{} text into RTF (Rich Text Format as used by Microsoft Word)}, also = {tex2rtf}, modified = {25 Jun 1996 08:59:03 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{latexcad, abstract = {A cad drawing package.}, author = {John Leis}, ctan = {systems/msdos/latexcad}, email = {leis@usq.edu.au}, version = {v18}, modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:25:35 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{latexmk, ctan = {support/latexmk}, abstract = {An excellent utility for Unix which Deals with the task of running \LaTeX{} the appropriate number of times to ensure cross-references, etc., are completely defined. Also supports printing and viewing.}, platform = {perl}, author = {Evan McLean}, email = {emm@rdt.monash.edu.au}, version = {2.0}, also = {latexn}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:30:28 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{latexn, abstract = {A csh script to run latex as many times as needed (and hopefully no more) on a given file to resolve cross references, and to ensure that the table of contents and index (if any) are up-to-date.}, author = {John Collins}, ctan = {support/latexn/}, also = {latexmk}, modified = {26 Jan 1997 10:18:25 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{layout, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Show the page layout.} } @TeXIndex{levy, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/levy/}, abstract = {Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{lgreek, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/lgreek/}, abstract = {Macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{lgrind, ctan = {support/lgrind/}, abstract = {Prepares various programming language source code (e.g., C, C++, Pascal, BASIC, Modula-2, Fortran, RATFOR, Yacc, PostScript, Prolog, MLisp, Icon, \LaTeX, Perl, CSH, Bourne Shell, assembler, 68000 assembler, asm68, VMS assembler, ISP, LDL, Linda, MODEL, MatLab, Russell) for pretty-printing within \LaTeX.}, author = {Michael Piefel}, version = {34}, email = {piefel@HP832.INFORMATIK.HU-BERLIN.DE}, modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:51:48 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{lineno, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/lineno/}, home = {http://zow00.desy.de:8000/~stephan/tex/LaTeX-styles.html}, doc = {http://zow00.desy.de:8000/~stephan/tex/lineno/lineno.ps}, abstract = {Adds line numbers to selected paragraphs with reference possible through the \LaTeX{} |\ref| and |\pageref| cross reference mechanism. Version 2.00 supports numbering of one in five lines and switching the line numbers from the left to the right side of the page in twoside mode.}, also = {numline}, author = {Stephan Boettcher}, email = {stephan@alzt.tau.ac.il}, modified = {28 May 1996 08:42:04 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{lips, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/}, abstract = {Text ellipses that are better for text ellipses than |\dots|, by the standard of the Chicago Manual of Style.}, version = {1.2}, author = {Matt Swift}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:30:25 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{llncs, abstract = {Document style for submissions to Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/springer/llncs/}, modified = {4 Oct 1996 08:48:06 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{lncs, abstract = {A \LaTeX{} wrapper file and bibliography for the complete series/journal Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1973--1996).}, author = {Nelson H. F. Beebe}, authorurl = {http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/}, ctan = {info/biblio/}, email = {beebe@math.utah.edu}, version = {2.07}, modified = {4 Oct 1996 08:44:47 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{localloc, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/localloc/}, abstract = {Macros for localizing \TeX{} register allocations}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{lollipop, texlive = {formats3}, ctan = {macros/lollipop/}, abstract = {A new generation format}, author = {Victor Eijkhout}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{longtable, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Support for tables longer than a page.}, author = {David Carlisle}, email = {carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk}, also = {supertabular}, modified = {21 Jun 1996 08:12:11 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{losymbol, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Defines a lost of symbols macro.} } @TeXIndex{lscape, abstract = {Put selected parts of document in landscape. Modifies the margins and rotates the page contents but not the page number. Useful, for example, with large multipage tables, compatible with longtable and supertabular.}, author = {David Carlisle}, email = {carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk}, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/graphics/}, modified = {7 Nov 1996 19:36:31 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{lshort2e, texlive = {latex1}, ctan = {info/lshort/}, abstract = {A short introduction to \LaTeX2e}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ltablex, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ltablex/}, abstract = {Modifies the tabularx environment to combine the features of the tabularx package (auto-sized columns in a fixed width table) with those of the longtable package (multi-page tables).} } @TeXIndex{ltx2x, abstract = {A program to replace \LaTeX{} commands by user-defined characters. Typical uses are for deTeXing and pretty-printing, or for replacing \LaTeX{} commands by SGML, HTML, and RTF tags, etc.}, author = {Peter Wilson}, email = {pwilson@cme.nist.gov}, ctan = {support/ltx2x/}, platform = {C}, doc = {ltx2x.ps}, modified = {26 Jan 1997 10:24:09 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ltxbase, texlive = {latex1}, ctan = {macros/latex/base}, abstract = {The core \LaTeX}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ltxdoc, texlive = {latex1}, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, abstract = {Class for documented \LaTeX2e classes.} } @TeXIndex{ltxinput, abstract = {An MSDOS utility which recursively searches a file for input (and include) statements, writing a list of files which are input to stdout and to a batch file which sets an environmental variable LTXINPUT to point to this filelist. The C source, MSDOS binary, documentation and test files are included in the distribution.}, author = {Jim Green}, ctan = {support/ltxinput/}, modified = {26 Nov 1996 16:30:38 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ltxmisc, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc}, abstract = {Miscellaneus \LaTeX{} styles.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ltxsrc, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/base}, abstract = {The core source files for \LaTeX2e}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{macbibtex, abstract = {\BibTeX{} for the Macintosh. This is the most up-to-date version of the port of \BibTeX{} which is distributed with \href{\#oztex}{OzTeX}.}, author = {Vince Darley}, authorurl = {http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~darley/}, home = {http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~darley/MacBibTeX.html}, email = {vince@das.harvard.edu}, version = {1.1.2}, platform = {MacOS}, also = {oztex}, modified = {7 Nov 1996 13:35:35 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{mailing, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mailing/}, abstract = {Macros for mail merging}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{makeindex, texlive = {texlive1}, ctan = {indexing/makeindex/}, abstract = {Documentation for the Makeindex program.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{malvern, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/malvern/}, abstract = {A new sans-serif font family}, author = {Damian Cugley}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{mapcodes, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mapcodes/}, abstract = {Support for multiple character sets and encodings}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{maple, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/maple/}, abstract = {Styles and examples for the MAPLE newsletter}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{maplems, abstract = {Export Maple worksheets to \LaTeX2e.} } @TeXIndex{mathcomp, abstract = {A package which provides access to some interesting chars of the Text Companion fonts (TS1 encoding) in math mode.}, author = {Tilmann Boess}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mathcomp/}, email = {tilmann@physik.uni-wuerzburg.de}, also = {textcomp}, modified = {22 Oct 1996 09:30:31 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex2} } @TeXIndex{mathkit, abstract = {Creates math fonts that match Type1 outline fonts (Times, Palatino, and others) for typesetting math with \TeX.}, author = {Alan Hoenig}, ctan = {fonts/utilities/mathkit/}, email = {ajhjj@cunyvm.cuny.edu}, modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:17:44 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{mathptm, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/psnfss}, abstract = {Extends the usage of the Postscript \href{\#times}{times} fonts to the math environment.} } @TeXIndex{mathspad, ctan = {support/mathspad}, abstract = {An XWindows WYSIWYG structure editor implementing stencils which define two views of a document, the on-screen view and the output view (which might be \LaTeX, \TeX, HTML, trof).} } @TeXIndex{mathtime, abstract = {The Mathtime fonts have a number of characters remapped to positions different from the ones normally used by the corresponding \TeX{} CM-fonts. For the symbol font ``operators'' the corresponding mathtime style files use the Times Roman font (often called something like: ptmr or ptmr7t or ptmrq).}, author = {Aloysius Helminck}, email = {loek@cartan.math.ncsu.edu}, ctan = {fonts/metrics/adobe/mathtime}, modified = {29 May 1996 10:39:52 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{mcite, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mcite/}, abstract = {Support for collapsing multiple citations into one, as custumoary in physics journals}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{mdwtools, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mdwtools}, abstract = {Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding, including support for |@|, a doafter command, footnotes, mathenv for various alignment in maths, list handling, trivial maths oddments, rewrite of \LaTeX{}'s |tabular| and |array| environments, varbatim handling, and syntax diagrams.}, author = {Mark Wooding}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {20 May 1996 10:29:15 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{metapost, abstract = {A tool based on \MF{} for producing precise technical illustrations, creating scalable postscript instead of bitmaps.}, author = {John Hobby}, ctan = {graphics/metapost/}, modified = {25 Jun 1996 10:58:40 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{mff, abstract = {A package to provide something similar to `multiple master' fonts, but using \MF; you specify a font by a set of \MF{} parameters, and \TeX{} makes up a .mf file to generate the required font; this package is not integrated with NFSS (or MakeTeXTFM) yet fun.}, author = {Sasha Berdnikov}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mff}, modified = {24 Oct 1996 10:27:31 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{mflogo, texlive = {latex1}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mflogo/}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} package and font definition file to access the Knuthian `logo' fonts described in `The \MF{}book' and the \MF{} and \MP{} logos in \LaTeX{} documents.}, author = {Ulrik Vieth}, email = {vieth@thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de}, version = {1995/12/04 v1.5c}, home = {http://www.thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de/~vieth/subjects/tex/software.html}, modified = {25 Dec 1996 UV} } @TeXIndex{mftoeps, abstract = {a \MF{} package for generating (encapsulated PostScript) files readable by CorelDRAW!, Adobe Illustrator and Fontographer. \MF{} writes PostScript code to a LOG-file, and from the LOG-file the code can be extracted by either \TeX{} or AWK. DOS batch files, \TeX{} source, and AWK source are placed in the subdirectory PROGS.}, author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz}, ctan = {graphics/MF-PS/mftoeps/}, email = {staw@eti.pg.gda.pl}, modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {fonts3} } @TeXIndex{mfnfss, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/mfnfss/}, abstract = {Font description files for extra fonts like yinit and ygoth}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{midnight, texlive = {generic3}, ctan = {macros/generic/midnight/}, abstract = {A set of useful macro tools}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{mif2xfig, abstract = {A tool to convert diagrams from Frame Maker's MIF format to XFig's format, and vice versa.}, author = {Mikael Lundqvist}, home = {http://www.ida.liu.se/~vaden/teaching/m2f/}, modified = {20 Nov 1996 11:23:52 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{miktex, abstract = {A popular distribution of \TeX{} and friends for Windows95 and Windows-NT. Features include very easy installation.}, author = {Christian Schenk}, ctan = {systems/win32/miktexppc}, email = {cschenk@BERLIN.SNAFU.DE}, version = {1.07}, platform = {Windows-NT}, modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:49:24 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{miniltx, abstract = {Part of the plain \TeX{} graphics collection which allows the use of \LaTeX's graphics, colour, and picture mode commands in plain \TeX{} based formats.}, author = {David Carlisle}, email = {carlisle@ma.man.ac.uk}, ctan = {macros/plain/graphics/}, modified = {20 May 1996 10:13:07 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{minitoc, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/minitoc/}, abstract = {Table of contents per chapter.}, version = {27}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:20:36 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{mla, ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/mla}, abstract = {Do citations according to the `MLA style sheet'.} } @TeXIndex{mlbib, abstract = {Support for multilingual bibliographies.}, author = {Wenzel Matiaske}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mlbib/}, version = {10}, modified = {5 Nov 1996 09:15:29 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{mnras, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/mnras/}, abstract = {Styles for the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{modes, abstract = {A collection of \MF{} mode_def's. It also includes common definitions for write/white printers, `special' information, and landscape mode.}, ctan = {fonts/modes/}, home = {ftp://ftp.tug.org/tex/modes.mf}, modified = {18 Nov 1996 10:31:58 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{monotype, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/psfonts/monotype/}, abstract = {Font metrics, and macro support in \LaTeX2e, for a large set of Monotype fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{monster, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/}, abstract = {Towards a more rational and modular \LaTeX, by Matt Swift; a set of powerful tools}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{moredefs, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/}, abstract = {A collection of defining, expansion, and debugging commands that support `elegant' programming in \LaTeX.} } @TeXIndex{moreverb, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/moreverb/}, abstract = {A verbatim mode that can handle TABs properly, can number lines, can number lines in an included file, can produce boxed verbatims, etc.}, also = {alltt,verbatim,vrb}, modified = {29 May 1996 11:58:07 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{mpfnmark, abstract = {A package which provides the command |\mpfootnotemark|, which can be used in the same way as |\footnotemark|. The difference between these two macros is that within minipage environments the latter uses the standard footnote marker style (defined by |\thefootnote|), while the new command uses the minipage footnote marker style (defined by |\thempfootnote|).}, author = {Wolfgang Kowarschick}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/mpfnmark}, email = {kowa@informatik.tu-muenchen.de}, modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:30:22 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{mslapa, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/mslapa/}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} and \BibTeX{} style files for a respectably close approximation to APA (American Psychological Association) citation and reference style.}, also = {apacite,apa}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {12 Jul 1996 10:06:59 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{mt11p, abstract = {A package to use the MathTime and MathTimePLUS (``MathTime complete'') fonts in \LaTeX2e. Everything is included, incl. (patched) font metrics, except, of course, the Type1 fonts themselves. The package cooperates with the AMS packages (amsmath, amssymb, etc.) T1 and OT1 encodings (as operators fonts!) are fully supported. It does not assume you own any other commercial (non-resident) fonts. This package has no connection with the ``mathtime'' package by Frank Mittelbach & David Carlisle, commissioned by Y&Y.}, author = {Drahoslav Lim}, ctan = {fonts/mt11p/}, modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:21:04 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{mtbe, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/mtbe/}, abstract = {Examples from \emph{Mathematical \TeX{} by Example} by Arvind Borde}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{multicol, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, author = {Frank Mittelbach}, email = {mittelbach@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} package to mix single and multiple columns. Allows you to shift between two and one columns anywhere.}, modified = {19 Aug 1996 22:22:47 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{multirow, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/}, abstract = {Creates tabular cells spanning multiple rows.} } @TeXIndex{musicref, abstract = {Reference page for musictex.} } @TeXIndex{musictex, texlive = {generic3}, ctan = {macros/musictex/}, abstract = {Typesetting music with \TeX.}, also = {abc2mtex}, modified = {27 Nov 1996 13:59:30 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{musixtex, texlive = {generic3}, ctan = {macros/musixtex/}, abstract = {Extended MusicTeX, with better slurs}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{natbib, texlive = {bibtex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/natbib/}, abstract = {A bibliography style that handles author-year and numbered references.}, author = {Patrick W. Daly}, version = {65}, email = {daly@LINPWD.MPAE.GWDG.DE}, modified = {5 Feb 1997 07:48:56 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{newalg, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/newalg/}, abstract = {Format algoritms like Cormen, Leiserson and Rivest.} } @TeXIndex{newsletr, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/newsletr/}, abstract = {Macros for making newsletters}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{newthm, abstract = {A modified version of the theorem-style which provides generation of lists of theorems. }, author = {Andreas Schlechte}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/newthm/}, email = {inas@MIB.HARZ.DE}, modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:30:36 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{niceframe, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/niceframe/}, abstract = {Support for fancy framing of pages}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{noindent, abstract = {A locally developed style to inhibit all indentation.} } @TeXIndex{nomencl, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/nomencl}, abstract = {Nomenclature package for producing lists of symbols using the capabilities of the MakeIndex program.} } @TeXIndex{nb4latex, abstract = {A program to convert NotaBene4 (including ancient Greek and all the symbols of logic) files to \LaTeX{} format. With this conversion program and its utilities, you can use NotaBene for editing (seeing all the accents, the Greek chars, etc.) and, at the very final stage of document preparation, convert it to \LaTeX.}, author = {Guido Milanese}, home = {http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/3023/nb4latex.zip}, email = {MC1194@mclink.it}, modified = {21 Nov 1996 16:56:44 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ntgclass, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ntgclass/}, abstract = {Versions of the standard \LaTeX{} article and report classes, rewritten to reflect a more European design, by the Dutch \TeX{} Users Group}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{numline, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/numline/}, abstract = {Macros for numbering lines.}, also = {lineno}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {28 May 1996 16:02:33 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{objectz, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/objectz/}, abstract = {Macros for typesetting Object Z}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ocr-a, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/ocr-a}, abstract = {Fonts for OCR-A}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {18 May 1996 14:10:28 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ocr-b, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/ocr-b}, abstract = {Fonts for OCR-A}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {18 May 1996 14:10:28 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ogham, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/ogham/}, abstract = {Fonts for typesetting Ogham script}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ogonek, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/ogonek/}, abstract = {Support for Polish typography and the ogonek}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{oldstyle, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/oldstyle/}, abstract = {Font information needed to load the |cmmi| and |cmmib| fonts for use to produce oldstyle numbers}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{onepagem, abstract = {If the document has only one page, omit page number. The page number must be produced by the usual means of |\thepage|.}, author = {Mike Piff}, email = {M.Piff@sheffield.ac.uk}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/piff/}, modified = {7 Jun 1996 09:08:11 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{osmanian, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/osmanian/}, abstract = {Osmanian fonts by Alan Stanier for writing Somali}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ot2cyr, texlive = {fonts2}, ctan = {fonts/ot2cyr/}, abstract = {Macros to use to the OT2 Cyrillic encoding}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{overcite, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/cite/}, abstract = {Supports compressed, sorted lists of superscript numerical citations.}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, version = {3.6}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:11:52 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{overword, abstract = {This package provides two macros which can be used as building blocks for the parsing of text. For an example of their use, see the \href{\#calendar}{calendar} package.}, author = {Frank Bennett}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/overword/}, modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:37:08 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{oztex, abstract = {An excellent version of \TeX{} for the Macintosh.}, author = {Andrew Trevorrow}, ctan = {systems/mac/oztex/}, version = {2.1}, modified = {4 Oct 1996 08:36:34 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{oztex-german, abstract = {German version of \href{\#oztex}{oztex}.}, author = {Lothar Meyer-Lerbs}, ctan = {systems/mac/oztex-german/}, email = {g07m@ZFN.UNI-BREMEN.DE}, also = {oztex}, modified = {31 Jan 1997 09:01:46 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{pagedraw, ctan = {graphics/pagedraw}, abstract = {A free vector-graphics program capable of creating EPS files suitable for inclusion in \TeX{} documents.} } @TeXIndex{pandora, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/pandora/}, abstract = {The Pandora font family}, author = {Neenie Billiwalla}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{paper, abstract = {A class derived from article, tuned for producing papers for journals. Introduces new layout options and font commands for sections/parts. Defines a new keywords environment, and subtitle and institution commands for the title section. New commands for revisions. And more.}, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/paper}, author = {Wenzel Matiaske}, email = {mati1831@perform.ww.tu-berlin.de}, version = {1g}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, modified = {20 May 1996 06:33:20 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{paradissa, abstract = {Free \TeX{} fonts in PostScript (Type1) format. Contains the families: Computer Modern (designed by D. Knuth); Euler (H. Zapf); Computer Modern Cyrillic (N. Glonty and A. Samarin); Special \LaTeX{} fonts.}, author = {Basil K. Malyshev}, email = {malyshev@mx.ihep.su}, ctan = {fonts/cm/ps-type1/paradissa}, modified = {14 Jun 1996 16:18:31 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{parallel, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/parallel/}, abstract = {Provides a parallel environment which allows two columns of text to be typeset. Useful for typesetting two languages side-by-side.} } @TeXIndex{path, abstract = {A \LaTeX{} package to break long strings at convenient places. The strings might be directory paths, email addresses, URLs, etc.}, author = {Philip Taylor}, email = {P.Taylor@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk}, ctan = {macros/eplain/}, modified = {25 Jun 1996 09:13:30 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{pb-diagram, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/pb-diagram/}, author = {Paul Burchard}, abstract = {Diagram package, using LAMS\TeX{} fonts, by Paul Burchard.}, version = {4.1}, email = {burchard@pobox.com}, modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:10:25 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{pcfonts, abstract = {Support for Hebrew.}, author = {Rama Porrat}, ctan = {languages/hebrew/fonts/pccode}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:32:14 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{pdcmac, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/pdcmac/}, abstract = {Damian Cugley's macro tools.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{phonetic, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/phonetic/}, abstract = {\MF{} Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{phppcf, abstract = {A \BibTeX{} style derived from apalike with author names in all caps.}, ctan = {biblio/bibtex/contrib/}, modified = {14 Jun 1996 12:35:55 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{phyzzx, texlive = {formats3}, ctan = {macros/phyzzx/}, abstract = {A \TeX{} format for physicists}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{picinpar, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/picinpar/}, abstract = {Insert pictures into paragraphs. (NOTE: Piet van Oostrum does not recommend this package. \href{\#picins}{Picins} is recommended instead.)} } @TeXIndex{picins, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/picins/}, abstract = {Insert pictures into paragraphs.} } @TeXIndex{pictex, texlive = {graphics2}, ctan = {graphics/pictex/}, abstract = {Picture drawing macros for \LaTeX.} } @TeXIndex{piff, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/piff/}, abstract = {Macro tools by Mike Piff}, author = {Mike Piff}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{piq, abstract = {\MF{} package for the Klingon language with okuda orthography.}, author = {Olaf Kummer}, ctan = {fonts/okuda/modified/}, email = {kummer@informatik.uni-hamburg.de}, modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:28:28 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{plain, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle/}, abstract = {The plain.sty package defines an environment which allows plain \TeX{} commands in \LaTeX.} } @TeXIndex{plainmisc, texlive = {plain1}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Miscellaneous useful macros for plain \TeX}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{plaintex, texlive = {plain1}, abstract = {Basic Plain \TeX{} macros}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{plfonts, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {language/polish/plfonts/}, abstract = {Computer Modern variant fonts for Polish}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{plgraph, texlive = {generic3}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} graphics package with wrapper to allow it to be used with generic plain \TeX}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{pmcstex, abstract = {A macro package that implements many (em)TeX related features for the EPM editor. A menu item is added to the EPM menu, a new toolbar is provided, and hotkeys for some (La)TeX commands are defined.}, author = {Petr Mikulik}, email = {mikulik@physics.muni.cz}, ctan = {systems/os2/pmcstex}, home = {http://www.sci.muni.cz/~mikulik/os2.html}, modified = {18 Jun 1996 09:47:48 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{pmgraph, abstract = {A set of extensions to \LaTeX{} picture environment, including a wider range of vectors, and a lot more box frame styles.}, author = {Sasha Berdnikov}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/pmgraph/}, modified = {24 Oct 1996 10:29:09 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{poligraf, abstract = {Page preparation for prepress, color separation, crop-marks, color and gray scale bars, booklet preparation, etc.}, author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz}, ctan = {macros/TeX-PS/cmyk-hax/}, email = {staw@eti.pg.gda.pl}, modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {generic3} } @TeXIndex{ppchtex, abstract = {A package that can be used to typeset chemical formulas. The package is a separate module of the context macro package for \TeX{} (context is a full featured, parameter driven macro package, which fully supports advanced interactive documents).}, author = {Hans Hagen}, ctan = {macros/context/ppchtex/}, email = {pragma@pi.net}, modified = {15 Jan 1997 09:54:55 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{prelim2e, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/prelim2e/}, abstract = {Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a document}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{prettyref, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/prettyref/}, abstract = {Additional functionality to \LaTeX2e label--reference mechanism. It allows the author to ``preformat'' all types of labels.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{progkeys, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/progkeys/}, abstract = {The file `programs.sty' is intended to allow a parameterized way of typesetting programs with \TeX/\LaTeX{} commands inside. The file `keywords.sty' allows use and define sets of keywords that will be typeset with different fonts, according to the wish of the user.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{program, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/program/}, abstract = {Typesetting programs and algorithms}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{psboxit, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Enables one to put a PostScript drawing behind a \TeX{} box. The drawing is parametrised by the position and the size of the \TeX{} box.} } @TeXIndex{psconv, abstract = {A PostScript program for converting one-page PostScript files into and EPS (encapsulated PostScript) files acceptable by CorelDRAW!(R), Adobe Illustrator(TM) and Fontographer(R).}, author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz}, ctan = {support/ps_conv/}, email = {staw@eti.pg.gda.pl}, modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{psfont, abstract = {Intended as a replacement for \href{\#psfonts}{psfonts} of \href{\#psnfss}{psnfss}, psfont uses one file for redefining all default fonts instead of one file for each font. It also contains all parts of psfonts.dtx which are not covered by this general concept (i.e., the pifonts, mathptm and two .fd-files for Adobe Symbol and Adobe Zapf Dingbats). This file is specific to PostScript fonts.}, author = {Sebastian Kirsch}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/altfont}, email = {Sebastian_Kirsch@kl.maus.de}, also = {psfonts,psnfss}, modified = {1 Jul 1996 21:00:54 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{psfonts, ctan = {fonts/psfonts/}, abstract = {Postscript fonts for use with \TeX{} and \LaTeX.}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {fonts2} } @TeXIndex{psfrag, texlive = {graphics2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/psfrag/}, abstract = {A set of macros and a PostScript header which allows \LaTeX{} constructions (equations, picture environments, etc.) to be precisely superimposed over Encapsulated PostScript figures. The user can use his/her favorite drawing tool to create an EPS figure, placing simple text ``tags'' where each replacement is to be placed. PSfrag will automatically remove those tags from the figure and replace them with the \LaTeX{} construction that the user specifies, properly aligned, scaled, and/or rotated.}, author = {Michael Grant}, email = {mcgrant@RASCALS.STANFORD.EDU}, version = {3.03}, modified = {31 Jan 1997 08:56:24 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{psizzl, texlive = {formats3}, ctan = {macros/psizzl/}, abstract = {A \TeX{} format from SLAC}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{pslatex, abstract = {A small package that makes \LaTeX{} default to `standard' PostScript fonts. It is basically a merger of the \href{\#times}{times} and \href{\#mathptm}{mathptm} styles from the psnfss suite of packages. You must have installed standard \LaTeX{} and PSNFSS PostScript fonts to use this package. The main novel feature is that the pslatex package tries to compensate for the visual differences between the Adobe fonts by scaling Helvetica by 90\%, and `condensing' Courier (ie scaling horizontally) by 85\%. The package is supplied with a (unix) shell file for a `pslatex' command that allows standard \LaTeX{} documents to be processed, without needing to edit the file.}, author = {David Carlisle}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/pslatex}, modified = {2 Aug 1996 12:28:03 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex2} } @TeXIndex{psmerge, abstract = {Concatenate Postscript files, if they have been generated by the same program (e.g., dvips).}, modified = {1 Nov 1996 08:12:01 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{psnfss, texlive = {fonts2}, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/psnfss/}, abstract = {Font definition files, macros and font metrics for common PostScript fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{pspicture, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Replacement for core \LaTeX{} picture macros to use PostScript |\special| commands}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{pstotext, abstract = {A free (but copyright) Unix program that extracts ASCII text from PostScript and PDF (Acrobat) files. pstotext uses Ghostscript, but does a more careful job with kerned characters and nonstandard font encodings than Ghostscript's ps2ascii utility.}, author = {Paul McJones}, home = {http://www.research.digital.com/SRC/virtualpaper/pstotext.html} , email = {mcjones@pa.dec.com}, modified = {31 Oct 1996 13:39:09 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{pstricks, texlive = {graphics2}, ctan = {graphics/pstricks/}, abstract = {An extensive collection of PostScript macros that is compatible with most \TeX{} macro packages, including Plain \TeX, \LaTeX, AmSTeX, and AmS-LaTeX. Included are macros for color, graphics, pie charts, rotation, trees and overlays. It has many special features, including: a wide variety of graphics (picture drawing) macros, with a flexible interface and with color support; There are macros for coloring or shading the cells of tables.}, also = {color,shading}, modified = {30 May 1996 11:20:11 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{psutils, ctan = {support/psutils/}, abstract = {Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents, including page selection and rearrangement, resizing the page, arrangement into signatures for booklet printing, and page merging for n-up printing. Utilities include psbook, psselect, pstops, psnup, psresize, epsffit.} } @TeXIndex{psview, abstract = {Fast and easy previewing of PostScript documents! A PostScript preamble providing an interactive environement for previewing PostScript documents. The current version can drive Ghostscript 4.03 interpreter and assumes conformance of the document to the Adobe PostScript structuring conventions. Batch files provided for DOS, however ps_view can be adapted to any operating system.}, author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz}, ctan = {support/ps_view/}, email = {staw@eti.pg.gda.pl}, modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{punk, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/punk/}, abstract = {Donald Knuth's punk font}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{qfig, abstract = {A DOS graphics program for \LaTeX{} for use on IBM Compatible PCs. It generates output for PicTeX and EPIC for \LaTeX{} 2.09. It can also be very easily configured for \LaTeX2e output. Qfig requires a VGA or EGA screen to work.}, author = {William Ofosu-Amaah}, ctan = {support/qfig/}, version = {1.1}, platform = {DOS}, modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:15:06 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{qobitree, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/qobitree/}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} macros for typesetting trees}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{qsymbols, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/qsymbols/}, abstract = {For defining systematic mnemonic abbreviations, starting with |`| for math symbols and |\"| for arrows, from the amssymb and stmaryrd packages}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ragged, ctan = {macros/generic}, abstract = {Provides any \TeX{} format (including \LaTeX) with `raggedleft' and `raggedcenter' formatting of paragraphs while maintaining full control of hyphenation and degree of raggedness.} } @TeXIndex{ragged2e, abstract = {\LaTeX{} package which defines new commands |\Centering|, |\RaggedLeft|, and |\RaggedRight| and new environments Center, FlushLeft, and FlushRight, which set ragged text and are easily configurable to allow hyphenation.}, author = {ms@dream.hb.north.de (Martin Schroeder)}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ragged2e}, modified = {1 Jun 1996 15:48:41 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{rail2e, abstract = {A package to typeset syntax diagrams.}, author = {Klaus Georg Barthelmann}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/rail2e/}, email = {barthel@informatik.uni-mainz.de}, doc = {rail.ps}, also = {syngen}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:23:40 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{rangecite, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Will turn a range of citations into something like [1..3].}, also = {cite}, modified = {28 May 1996 16:31:55 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{rawprint, abstract = {A package for ``quick and dirty'' printing of raw (i.e. non-TeX) Russian texts by persons who do not have Russian printer fonts (but have Cyrillic \TeX). It makes various symbols ``normal'' letters and converts the ``unisex'' quote character \" into Russian-style << and >> quotes.}, author = {Boris Veytsman}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/koi8}, email = {boris@plmsc.psu.edu}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 13:50:40 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{rcs, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/rcs}, abstract = {Use RCS (revision control system) tags in \LaTeX{} documents.} } @TeXIndex{realcalc, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/generic/realcalc/}, abstract = {Macros for real arithmetic calculations}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{recipe, abstract = {A \LaTeX2e{} class file to typeset recipes.}, author = {Maurizio Moreti}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/recipe/}, modified = {26 Nov 1996 16:28:13 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{refman, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/refman/}, abstract = {Variant report and article styles}, author = {Axel Kielhorn}, email = {i0080108@ws.rz.tu-bs.de}, modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:55:57 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{relsize, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, abstract = {Set the font size relative to the current font size.} } @TeXIndex{revtex, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/revtex/}, abstract = {Styles for American Physical Society, American Institute of Physics, and Optical Society of America, Only works in compatibility mode under \LaTeX2e{}.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR}, home = {ftp://ftp.aps.org/pub/tex/macros/revtex/}, version = {3.1}, modified = {31 Oct 1996 13:44:58 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{rsfs, abstract = {Contains \MF{} sources for fonts of uppercase script letters for use as symbols in scientific and mathematical typesetting, in contrast to the informal script fonts such as that used for the `calligraphic' symbols in the \TeX{} math symbol font.}, author = {Ralph Smith}, email = {rasmith@ucsd.edu}, ctan = {fonts/rsfs/}, also = {calrsfs}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:57:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{romaniantex, abstract = {A \LaTeX2e package for type-setting Romanian in a multi-lingual \TeX{} environment.}, author = {Adrian Rezus}, ctan = {languages/romanian/RomanianTeX/}, email = {adriaan@CS.KUN.NL}, modified = {15 Nov 1996 14:57:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{rotating, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/rotating/}, abstract = {A package built on the standard \LaTeX{} graphics package to perform all the different sorts of rotation one might like, including complete figures and tables and captions.}, also = {graphics}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 06:45:47 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{rotfloat, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/rotfloat/}, abstract = {Rotate floats.} } @TeXIndex{rplain, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/rplain/}, abstract = {Redefines the `plain' pagestyle. The page numbers are now in the lower right corner.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ruler, abstract = {A ruler for \TeX.}, author = {Victor Eijkhout}, email = {eijkhout@jacobi.math.ucla.edu}, ctan = {macros/generic/ruler.tex}, copying = {Copyright by the author but freely redistributable for free}, modified = {22 May 1996 16:04:57 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{s2latex, abstract = {A scribe to \LaTeX{} converter. The patchfile s2latex.patch provides a port to ANSI C and cleans up the Makefile.}, ctan = {support/s2latex/}, modified = {7 Jun 1996 20:13:54 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{saferef, abstract = {Provides a means of expressing `typed' references (as it were) within a document.}, author = {James Ashton}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/saferef/}, home = {ftp://syseng.anu.edu.au/pub/jaa/}, modified = {4 Feb 1997 09:57:44 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{sanskrit, ctan = {language/sanskrit/}, abstract = {A font and pre-processor suitable for the production of documents written in Sanskrit.}, author = {Charles Wikner}, email = {wikner@ariel.nac.ac.za}, modified = {19 Mar 1997 12:03:33 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{sauter, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/cm/sauter/}, abstract = {Extensions to the CM fonts, providing a parameterization scheme to build fonts at true design sizes}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{scale, abstract = {A package to scale a document by \ensuremath{\sqrt{2}}. This is useful if you are preparing a document on e.g. A5 paper and want to print on A4 paper to achieve a better resolution.}, author = {Soren Sandmann Pedersen}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/scale/}, email = {sandmann@DAIMI.AAU.DK}, modified = {31 Oct 1996 09:50:09 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{script, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/script/}, abstract = {Variant report / book styles}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{semantic, texlive = {latex3}, author = {Peter M|ller Neergaard}, email = {turtle@diku.dk}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/}, abstract = {Eases the typesetting of notation of semantics and compilers. Includes T-diagrams, various derivation symbols and inference threes.}, modified = {13 May 1996 06:13:26 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{seminar, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/seminar/}, abstract = {Produce overhead slides (transparencies) with bells and whistles.}, also = {foiltex,slidenotes}, modified = {28 May 1996 16:32:44 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{setspace, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/setspace/}, abstract = {Provides commands and environments for doing double and one-and-a-half line spacing based on pt size. If a different spacing is required then the |\setstretch{baselinestretch}| command is supported. The spacing environment takes one argument which is the baselinestretch to use, e.g., |\begin{spacing}{2.5}|.} } @TeXIndex{shadbox, abstract = {A tool to shade the background of any box - text, figure, table etc., using Plain(La) \TeX.}, author = {Dmitry A. Glazkov}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/shadbox}, email = {glazkov@sci.lpi.msk.su}, modified = {5 Aug 1996 12:14:57 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{shadethm, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/shadethm/}, abstract = {Package that allows declarations of the form |\newshadetheorem{thm}{Theorem}| or |\newshadetheorem{}[]{}| or |\newshadetheorem{}{}[]| to produce shaded boxes from the usual command |\begin{theorem}| \ldots |\end{theorem}|. The color package is required}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{shading, abstract = {A \LaTeX{} Style file for putting text on a shaded background. Requires a PostScript printer and dvi-file converter.}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/shading/}, version = {1.3}, also = {color,pstricks}, modified = {24 Sep 1996 08:55:09 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{shadow, abstract = {Shadows.}, author = {Mauro Orlandini}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:39:52 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{shalom, abstract = {A package intended for simple documents with some Hebrew (using some words, an address, a short abstract, without fussing around with TeX--Xet, hebrew screen fonts or keyboard encodings).}, author = {Stephan Boettcher}, email = {stephan@alzt.tau.ac.il}, home = {http://zow00.desy.de:80/~stephan/tex/LaTeX-styles.html}, modified = {30 May 1996 11:22:14 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{shapepar, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, abstract = {A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes.}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, email = {asnd@triumf.ca}, version = {1.01}, modified = {3 Jul 1996 15:23:38 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{showkeys, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Show label, ref, cite and bib keys.} } @TeXIndex{showlabels, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/showlabels/}, abstract = {Show label commands in the margin.} } @TeXIndex{siam, texlive = {generic3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/siam/}, abstract = {Styles for SIAM publications}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{siggraph, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/siggraph/}, abstract = {Document class for formatting papers according to the specifications for submission to the annual ACM Siggraph conference}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{sinhala, abstract = {Support for thr sinhala language.}, author = {Vasantha Saparamadu}, ctan = {languages/sinhala}, email = {vsaparam@laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au}, version = {2.1.1}, modified = {31 Oct 1996 09:54:37 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{sirlin, abstract = {A set of files for typing the Tibetan language in \TeX{} or \LaTeX.}, author = {Sam Sirlin}, ctan = {language/tibetan/sirlin}, modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:13:00 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{slemph, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/}, abstract = {Provides the commands |\itswitch|, |\slswitch|, |\textitswitch|, and |\textslswitch|.} } @TeXIndex{slidenotes, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/slidenotes}, abstract = {A class package for the easy production of a slide collection with annotations. Builds on the report style (or variants).}, also = {foiltex,seminar}, modified = {28 May 1996 16:33:29 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{slides, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, abstract = {This is a standard \LaTeX{} class for production of overhead transparencies (foils). Can be used in conjunction with lscape and fancyheadings, for example.} } @TeXIndex{smallcap, abstract = {Support for all 4 shapes of Small caps in DC1.3 where SC becomes a family, rather than a shape (|\scshape| is replaced by |\scfamily|). Thus you can write |\bf\scfamily\slshape| to get small caps bold slanted}, author = {taupin@lps.u-psud.fr}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/smallcap}, home = {ftp://ftp.lps.u-psud.fr/pub/latex/}, modified = {28 May 1996 15:57:18 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{smartmn, abstract = {This package activates the minus sign such that it guesses whether to print as a hyphen or as minus sign in text mode (which is one of the most common typografical errors in \LaTeX{} texts).}, author = {Jorg Knappen Mainz}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/jknappen}, email = {knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de}, modified = {5 Nov 1996 09:14:21 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{spanish, abstract = {Various \TeX{} related files for typesetting documents written in Spanish, including hyphenation and dictionaries.}, author = {Julio S�nchez}, ctan = {language/spanish}, modified = {21 May 1996 13:04:45 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{sober, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/misc/}, abstract = {Reduces the amount of white space on the page (by reducing the size of various skips. Apparently does not work with \LaTeX2e, but an updated version is available from \href{http://www.cs.ruu.nl/~piet}{Piet van Oostrum}.} } @TeXIndex{sprite, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {graphics/bit2spr/}, abstract = {Macros to set bitmaps with \TeX}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{ssqquote, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ssqquote/}, abstract = {\LaTeX{} package and font definition file to access the `cmssq' fonts, i.e. Computer Modern Sans Serif Quotation Style. The \LaTeX{} package also defines a |chapterquotes| environment as an example application.}, author = {Ulrik Vieth}, version = {1994/08/21 v1.3}, home = {http://www.thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de/~vieth/subjects/tex/software.html}, modified = {25 Dec 1996 UV} } @TeXIndex{startex, abstract = {A \TeX{} format designed to help students write short reports and essays. It provides the user with a suitable set of commands for such a task. It is also more robust than plain \TeX{} and \LaTeX.}, author = {Dag Langmyhr}, ctan = {macros/startex}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 14:23:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {formats3} } @TeXIndex{stblftnt, abstract = {A package using a technique for ensuring that footnotes in section titles and the like didn't migrate into the table of contents, etc.}, author = {Robin Fairbairns}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, email = {Robin.Fairbairns@CL.CAM.AC.UK}, also = {endnotes,fnpara,footnote,footnpag,ftnright,stblftnt}, modified = {10 Sep 1996 09:28:59 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{stmaryrd, texlive = {fonts2}, ctan = {fonts/stmaryrd/}, abstract = {St Mary Road symbols for functional programming.} } @TeXIndex{subeqnarray, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/subeqnarray/}, abstract = {Equation array with sub numbering.} } @TeXIndex{subfigure, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/subfigure/}, abstract = {Figures divided into subfigures.} } @TeXIndex{supertabular, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/supported/supertablar/}, abstract = {A multi-page tables package.}, author = {Johannes L. Braams}, email = {jlbraams@cistron.nl}, version = {4.0a}, also = {longtable}, modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:18:22 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{swift, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/swift/}, abstract = {Miscellaneous macros by Matt Swift}, author = {Matt Swift}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{syngen, abstract = {A tool for generating syntax diagrams from BNF. The diagrams use the \LaTeX{} picture mode and can be included in any \LaTeX2e document.}, author = {Jens Kloecker}, email = {kloecker@springer.de}, ctan = {contrib/syngen}, version = {0.4}, modified = {19 Nov 1996 08:42:42 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{syntonly, ctan = {macros/latex/base/}, abstract = {Implements the |\syntaxonly| declaration used for running a document through \LaTeX{} without actually getting any output.} } @TeXIndex{tabls, abstract = {Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays (tabular lineskip)}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, version = {3.5}, platform = {LaTeX2e, LaTeX2.09}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:17:27 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{tabularx, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Tabulars that widen automatically.} } @TeXIndex{taylor, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/taylor/}, abstract = {Diagram macros by Paul Taylor}, author = {Paul Taylor}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{tbe, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/tbe/}, abstract = {Examples from Arvind Borde's \emph{\TeX{} by Example}}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{techexplorer, abstract = {IBM's TechExplorer is a plugin for Netscape which allows you to view \TeX{} source files in Netscape as if you were using a dvi viewer. Available only for Windows 3.1 and Windows95. Free but has a restrictive license.}, home = {http://www.ics.raleigh.ibm.com/icsbeta/ICWTechExp.htm}, modified = {14 Jun 1996 12:39:14 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{tengwar, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/tengwar/}, abstract = {Font for typesetting Tolkien Tengwar script, by Michael Urban}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{tensor, abstract = {A package which allows the user to set tensor-style super and subscripts with offsets between successive indices.}, author = {Mike Piff}, email = {M.Piff@sheffield.ac.uk}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/piff/}, modified = {7 Jun 1996 08:52:37 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{termcal, abstract = {This package is intended to print a term calendar for use in planning a class. It has a flexible mechanism for specifying which days of the week are to be included and for inserting text either regularly on the same day each week, or on selected days, or for a series of consecutive days. It also has a flexible mechanism for specifing class and nonclass days. Text may be inserted into consecutive days so that it automatically flows around nonclass days.}, author = {Bill Mitchell}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/termcal/}, modified = {14 Jan 1997 10:10:12 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{testmath, abstract = {Examples of the AmSLaTeX package.} } @TeXIndex{tetex, ctan = {systems/unix/teTeX/}, abstract = {A \TeX{} distribution for Unix/Linux which is very easy to install and customise with well organised inputs tree, and fast file searching.)} } @TeXIndex{tex-math, abstract = {A summary of \TeX{}-commands used to create mathematical formulae (and certain other special characters). It can be viewed on any machine that runs OS/2.}, ctan = {systems/os2/doc/TeX-Math/}, email = {hahn@geographie.uni-kiel.de}, modified = {8 Jul 1996 14:14:25 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{tex2rtf, abstract = {Translates \LaTeX{} text into RTF (Rich Text Format used by Microsoft Word), into Windows Help RTF, into HTML and into wxHelp. Implemented using the free C++ class library wxWindows.}, ctan = {support/tex2rtf/}, doc = {manual154.ps.gz}, author = {Julian Smart}, email = {J.Smart@ed.ac.uk}, home = {http://www.aiai.ed.ac.uk/~jacs/tex2rtf.html}, platform = {SunOS, Solaris, Windows 3.1}, also = {latex2rtf}, modified = {25 Jun 1996 08:56:43 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{texconv, abstract = {A list of packages for converting between \LaTeX{} and \TeX{} documents and a variety of other formats including RTF, Word, and Wordperfect.}, author = {Wilfried Hennings}, email = {W.Hennings@kfa-juelich.de}, ctan = {help/wp-conv/}, home = {http://www.kfa-juelich.de/isr/1/texconv.html}, also = {texperf,wp2latex}, modified = {13 Dec 1996 08:25:23 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{texdraw, texlive = {graphics3}, ctan = {graphics/texdraw/}, home = {ftp://ftp.tsp.ee.mcgill.ca/pub/texdraw}, abstract = {Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{texed, abstract = {A \TeX{} shell for OS/2}, author = {Frank Stippich}, email = {hr2@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de}, ctan = {systems/os2/texed}, version = {1.22}, modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:05:22 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{texi2www, abstract = {Converts texinfo to HTML.}, author = {Tim Singletary}, authorurl = {http://sunland.gsfc.nasa.gov/personnel/aam/singletary.html} , home = {http://sunland.gsfc.nasa.gov/info/texi2www/Top.html}, email = {tsingle@sunland.gsfc.nasa.gov}, modified = {2 Jul 1996 10:33:31 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{texip, texlive = {formats3}, ctan = {macros/tip/}, abstract = {Macros from \emph{\TeX{} in Practice}}, author = {Stephan von Bechtolsheim}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{texperf, abstract = {A WordPerfect to \LaTeX{} conversion program.}, author = {John Forkosh}, ctan = {support/texperf}, email = {forkosh@panix.com}, also = {texconv,wp2latex}, modified = {16 Aug 1996 14:08:55 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{texsk, abstract = {Simple \LaTeX{} drawing program for OS/2 PM. Uses the picture environment.}, author = {Tim Bahnes}, ctan = {graphics/texsketch/}, version = {103}, modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:53:45 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{text1, texlive = {formats3}, ctan = {macros/text1/}, abstract = {\TeX{} format from the University of Washington}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{textcomp, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {fonts/psfonts/ts1/}, abstract = {Supports the Text Companion fonts which provide many text symbols (such as baht, bullet, copyright, musicalnote, onequarter, section, and yen) in the TS1 encoding.} } @TeXIndex{textfit, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/textfit/}, abstract = {Package to support fitting of text to a given width of height by scaling the font}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{textmerg, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/textmerg/}, abstract = {Merge text in \TeX{} and \LaTeX. Useful, for example, in mail merge.}, modified = {31 May 1996 08:43:05 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{theorem, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Enhancements to the theorem environments, giving more choice in theorem layout.} } @TeXIndex{thesis, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/thesis/}, abstract = {A class for producing a thesis based on the report class for a more European and more flexible look. Supports options like noindent, noitemization, headline, nocenter, crosshair, and chapterbib.}, version = {1f}, author = {Wenzel Matiaske}, email = {mati1831@perform.ww.tu-berlin.de}, modified = {20 May 1996 10:22:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{threeparttable, abstract = {Tables with captions and notes all the same width.}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, platform = {LaTeX2e, LaTeX2.09}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:16:24 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{time, abstract = {Defines a macro |\now| to print the current time.}, author = {Mike Piff}, email = {M.Piff@sheffield.ac.uk}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/piff/}, modified = {7 Jun 1996 09:04:45 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{times, abstract = {Use Postscript Times Roman as the default font.} } @TeXIndex{titleref, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, abstract = {Cross-reference titles of sections and floats with caprions just like |\ref| and |\pageref|.}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, version = {2.0}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:19:50 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{titles, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/monster/}, abstract = {Various macros for handling the titles of books, journals, etc. that handle following spacing and punctuation intelligently. Especially useful for bibliographic databases.} } @TeXIndex{tmview, author = {Thomas Moor}, email = {qelis@aol.com}, ctan = {dviware/tmview}, abstract = {SVGA-lib based DVI-previewer. Fast, offers xdvi-like anti-aliasing, text-string searching, arbitrary-zooming, bookmarks, some of the hypertex features.}, version = {96.05}, platform = {linux, gcc, SVGA-lib 1.28 or up, programming language C}, maintained-by = {Thomas Moor <qelis@aol.com>}, maintained-at = {sunsite.unc.edu, ftp.dante.de}, copying = {freely redistributable}, keywords = {dvi previewer, svgalib}, modified = {4 May 1996 07:56:44 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{tools, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/tools/}, abstract = {Standard \LaTeX2e{} tools, for extended tabular, verbatim and theorem support}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{topcapt, abstract = {Defines a command |\topcapt| which does the same as caption, except that it places itself correctly when put above the figure/table that it's a caption of.}, author = {Robin Fairbairns}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, email = {Robin.Fairbairns@CL.CAM.AC.UK}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:04:36 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{tracking, abstract = {Automatically adjust spaces between symbols in words or phrases to fit them into a specified length. Any chain of symbols (including spaces) in the current font may be treated.}, author = {Dmitry A. Glazkov}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/tracking}, email = {glazkov@sci.lpi.msk.su}, modified = {5 Aug 1996 12:11:48 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{trans, abstract = {Easy transformations of Postscript objects, scaling, rotation, etc.}, author = {Stanislaw Wawrykiewicz}, ctan = {macros/TeX-PS/}, email = {staw@eti.pg.gda.pl}, modified = {17 Nov 1996 11:34:19 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{treesvr, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/treesvr/}, abstract = {Tree macros}, author = {Peter van Roose}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{treetex, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/trees/tree_tex/}, abstract = {Allows the automatic layout of n-ary trees with arbitrary node sizes in \LaTeX, using an external C program to do much of the hard work.} } @TeXIndex{truncate, abstract = {Truncate text to a specified width.}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, version = {2.0}, modified = {15 Dec 1996 19:23:52 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{tsconfig, abstract = {The tsconfig program tries to make the confguration of the TeXShell by J. Schlegelmilch easier, especially if you have a lot of computers with different processors.}, author = {Dirk Nitschke}, ctan = {support/TeXshell/tsconfig/}, email = {ms3a512@math.uni-hamburg.de}, platform = {PC}, also = {texshell}, modified = {27 Nov 1996 13:48:24 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ttt, abstract = {A Tibetan Transcript Transliterator for \LaTeX.}, author = {Beat Steiner}, ctan = {language/tibetan/steiner/}, email = {Beat.Steiner@gseved.admin.ch}, modified = {19 Mar 1997 08:34:45 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{tubtoc, texlive = {doc3}, abstract = {Tables of contents from TUGboat}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{type1cm, abstract = {A package that removes the restriction when using scalable versions of the cm fonts (Type1 Bakoma, or versions from BSR/Y\&Y, or True Type versions from Kinch, PCTeX etc.) where \LaTeX{} restricts the cm fonts to discrete sizes.}, author = {David Carlisle}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/type1cm/}, email = {carlisle@MA.MAN.AC.UK}, modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:50:06 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{typearea, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/script/}, abstract = {Set page margins.}, also = {geometry,vmargin}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 13:18:22 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{typehtml, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/carlisle/}, abstract = {Typeset HTML (i.e., World Wide Web documents) directly from \LaTeX. Can handle almost all of HTML2, and most of the math fragment of the draft HTML3.} } @TeXIndex{uaclasses, abstract = {This package provides a \LaTeX2e document class named `ua-thesis' for typesetting theses and dissertations in the official format required by the University of Arizona. Moreover, there is a fully compatible alternative document class `my-thesis' for private ``nice'' copies of the dissertation, and the respective title pages are available as separate packages to work with ``any'' document class.}, author = {Marcel Oliver}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/}, modified = {19 Mar 1997 12:05:52 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{ucthesis, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ucthesis/}, abstract = {A modified version of the standard \LaTeX{} REPORT style that is accepted for use with University of California PhD dissertations and Masters theses.} } @TeXIndex{ukhyph, abstract = {Hyphenation patterns for British English. This replaces the earlier version of 1992, by adding a short list of hyphenation exceptions. The actual patterns themselves are unchanged.}, author = {Dominik Wujastyk}, ctan = {language/hyphenation/}, version = {2.0}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 10:37:20 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ulem, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, abstract = {Package for underlining. Be advised that underlining is considered bad style in typesetting.}, also = {underlin}, modified = {28 May 1996 16:34:03 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{ulsy, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/ulsy/}, abstract = {Extra mathematical characters}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{umlaute, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/umlaute/}, abstract = {An interface to inputenc for using alternate input encodings}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{underlin, ctan = {macros/generic/}, abstract = {Package for underlining. Be advised that underlining is considered bad style in typesetting. See also \href{\#ulem}{ulem} which is a specific package for \LaTeX.}, modified = {Tue May 13 10:24:58 1997 Robin Fairbairns <rf@cl.cam.ac.uk>}, texlive = {latex3} } @TeXIndex{uniqleaf, abstract = {Check filesystem tree (or union of several trees) for unique leaf names; useful for spotting ambiguities that path-searching programs could trip over. For each non-unique leaf name found, it prints out ``ls'' and ``md5'' information for each candidate file.}, author = {Martyn Johnson}, ctan = {support/uniqleaf}, email = {maj@cl.cam.ac.uk}, modified = {2 Aug 1996 12:44:23 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{url, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, abstract = {A form of \verb that allows linebreaks at certain characters or combinations of characters, accepts reconfiguration, and can usually be used in the argument to another command. It is intended for email addresses, hypertext links, directories/paths, etc., which normally have no spaces.}, author = {Donald Arseneau}, email = {asnd@triumf.ca}, version = {1.2}, modified = {3 Jul 1996 15:23:38 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{urw, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/psfonts/urw/}, abstract = {Font metrics, and macro support in \LaTeX2e, for free URW fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{utthesis, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/utthesis/}, abstract = {Produces a thesis that meets the requirements of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin :-)} } @TeXIndex{uwthesis, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/uwthesis/}, abstract = {University of Washington thesis}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{varioref, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Intelligent page references.} } @TeXIndex{vdm, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/vdm/}, abstract = {Typesetting VDM schemas}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{vector, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/vector/}, abstract = {Macros for more convenient representation of vectors in \LaTeX2e, both symbolically and as implicit or explicit rows/columns of elements}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{verbatim, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {A better verbatim environment.}, also = {alltt,moreverb,vrb}, modified = {29 May 1996 11:58:52 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{vertex, texlive = {plain3}, ctan = {macros/plain/contrib/vertex/}, abstract = {Styles for economics working papers and journals}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{vfcomb, abstract = {A system to support the writers of virtual fonts; this is written in Turbo Pascal, and sources are included.}, author = {Sasha Berdnikov}, ctan = {systems/msdos/utilities/vfcomb}, platform = {DOS}, modified = {24 Oct 1996 10:25:22 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{vfinst, abstract = {A set of scripts and Perl files which aim to make the installation of families of PostScript fonts and creation of necessary virtual fonts outline fonts `virtually' automatic. Uses fontinst.}, author = {Alan Hoenig}, ctan = {fonts/utilities/vfinst}, platform = {Unix and MS-DOS}, version = {0.8}, modified = {7 Mar 1997 16:48:27 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{vita, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/vita/}, abstract = {This class provides necessary macros to prepare your Curriculum Vitae or Resume.} } @TeXIndex{vmargin, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, abstract = {Provides a macro to set various margins as well as dimensions for header/footer and page dimensions. Most common paper sizes and two sided printing are supported.}, also = {geometry,typearea}, modified = {12 Jun 1996 13:14:31 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{vncmr, abstract = {A Vietnamese extension of the cmr fonts. Contains \MF{} source files, .tfm files, and various \LaTeX2e{} and plain \TeX{} files for VISCII encoding.}, author = {Werner Lemberg}, email = {a7971428@unet.univie.ac.at}, ctan = {fonts/vietnamese/vncmr}, modified = {19 Jul 1996 08:45:39 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{vrb, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/generic/vrb/}, abstract = {Verbatim macros via plain \TeX}, also = {alltt,moreverb,verbatim}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{vrsion, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/vrsion/}, abstract = {Defines a command which produces a version number in the .dvi-file when \LaTeX{} is run.}, author = {Mats Dahlgren}, email = {matsd@sssk.se}, modified = {26 Mar 1997 09:57:49 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{vruler, abstract = {A package for adding a vertical numbering to the general text so that the text can be properly referenced. The vertical ruler can be scaled and moved freely. Supports \LaTeX{} and plain \TeX{}.}, author = {Zhuhan Jiang}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, modified = {24 Oct 1996 11:15:39 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{wasy, texlive = {fonts3}, ctan = {fonts/wasy/}, abstract = {The wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts)}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{wasysym, texlive = {latex2}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/wasysym/}, abstract = {Makes some additional characters available that come from the wasy fonts (Waldis symbol fonts). These fonts are not automatically included in NFSS2/LaTeX2e since they take up important space and aren't necessary if one makes use of the packages amsfonts or amssymb. Symbols include: join, box, diamond, leadsto, sqsubset, lhd, rhd, apprle, ocircle, invneg, logof, varint, male, female, phone, clock, lightning, pointer, sun, bell, permil, smiley, various electrical symbols, shapes, music notes, circles, signs, astronomy, etc.}, author = {Axel Kielhorn}, email = {i0080108@ws.rz.tu-bs.de}, modified = {22 Oct 1996 09:40:52 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{web2c, abstract = {Web2c version 7.0 for win32, including a complete collection of \TeX{} related executables.}, author = {Fabrice POPINEAU}, ctan = {systems/win32/web2c}, email = {popineau@ESEMETZ.ESE-METZ.FR}, platform = {Win32}, modified = {14 Feb 1997 09:25:11 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{williams, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/williams/}, abstract = {Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams.}, author = {Peter Williams}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{winedit, abstract = {A state-of-the-art text editor and Shell for Windows95 (and Windows NT or Windows 3.x). Can edit huge, multiple, text files in the usual Windows95 way (c.f. Word). It uses a Multiple Documents Interface (MDI) and follows or extends Windows' Standards in every respect. WinEdit supports (\LaTeX) Syntax Highlighting and Input/Output ASCII Code Translation Tables and has comprehensive context-sensitive Help. The Shell can be customised to run with different utilities and is particularly suitable for writing \TeX{} documents. By defining utilities (such as \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}, \BibTeX{}, DVI Driver, Spell Checker), most of the common tasks while writing a \TeX{} document or a project are reduced to clicking a Tool Bar Button or selecting a Menu Command.}, author = {Aleksander Simonic}, email = {alex@cs.dal.ca}, ctan = {systems/win32/winedt/}, copying = {Shareware}, platform = {Win32}, version = {1.41-b}, modified = {19 Mar 1997 08:28:52 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{wintex95, abstract = {A flexible, 32-bit Windows-TeX-editor with Highlight-O-Matic syntax-highlighting.}, ctan = {systems/win32/wtex95/}, author = {Michael M�cke}, email = {MMuecke@t-online.de}, version = {2.0}, modified = {12 Jan 1997 11:37:49 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{wmf2eps, abstract = {A program to simplify Windows Metafile Graphics (WMF) containing either vector-images or bitmaps into Encapsulated PostScript format having tight bounding-boxes (WinNT and Win95) at exactly the same size as the WMF-originals.}, author = {Wolfgang Schulter}, ctan = {support/wmf2eps/}, doc = {readme.txt}, platform = {Windows-NT}, modified = {21 Oct 1996 14:13:31 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{wp2latex, ctan = {support/wp2latex-5_1/}, abstract = {Convert WordPerfect 5.0 or 5.1 files into \LaTeX.}, also = {texconv, texperf} } @TeXIndex{wrapfig, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/}, abstract = {Produces figures which text can flow around. Does not work in combination with list environments, but can be used in a parbox or minipage, and in twocolumn format.} } @TeXIndex{wsuipa, texlive = {fonts2}, ctan = {fonts/wsuipa/}, abstract = {Washington State University IPA phonetic fonts}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{xarticle, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/xarticle/}, abstract = {A class that allows use of 7pt, 8pt and 9pt style options. Not fully compatible with article class though.} } @TeXIndex{xcomment, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/seminar/src/}, abstract = {Allows selected environments to be included/excluded.} } @TeXIndex{xdvi, abstract = {A dvi previewer for the X Window System.}, author = {Paul Vojta}, ctan = {dviware/xdvi}, home = {http://math.berkeley.edu/~vojta/xdvi.html}, email = {vojta@math.berkeley.edu}, modified = {28 Jun 1996 10:08:55 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{xdvik, abstract = {A variant of \href{\#xdvi}{xdvi}. This version has better code for recursive searching for font files in subdirectories, but the PostScript handling code is older.}, author = {Paul Vojta}, email = {vojta@math.berkeley.edu}, ctan = {dviware/xdvik}, modified = {28 Jun 1996 10:11:23 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{xr, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {References to other \LaTeX{} documents.} } @TeXIndex{xspace, ctan = {macros/latex/packages/tools/}, abstract = {Define commands that don't eat spaces.} } @TeXIndex{xtem, abstract = {An X11 \TeX{} menu built on Tcl/Tk. It provides a simple and comfortable graphical user interface to control file and directory selection, directory creation, vi, emacs, \TeX, \LaTeX, previewing, etc.}, author = {Roland Weibezahn}, ctan = {support/xtem_texmenu/}, home = {http://ftp.iwd.uni-bremen.de/xtem/xtem_texmenu.html}, email = {l44@IWD.UNI-BREMEN.DE}, version = {5.23}, modified = {22 Oct 1996 09:46:38 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{xymtex, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex209/contrib/xymtex/}, abstract = {Typesetting chemical structures.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{xypic, texlive = {graphics2}, ctan = {macros/generic/diagrams/xypic/}, abstract = {Sophisticated macros and fonts, originally designed for commutative diagrams, but with general applicability.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{yhmath, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/yhmath/}, author = {Yannis Haralambous}, abstract = {Extended maths fonts for \LaTeX.}, modified = {16 May 1996 SPQR} } @TeXIndex{yinit, ctan = {fonts/gothic/yinit/}, abstract = {A special font (yinit) is defined to be used for initial dropped capitals.} } @TeXIndex{youngtab, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/supported/youngtab}, abstract = {A package for typesetting Young-Tableaux mathematical symbols for the representations of groups, providing two macros, |\yng(#1)| and |\young(#1)| to generate the whole Young-Tableaux.} } @TeXIndex{yplan97, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/yplan97/}, abstract = {Print a vertical-type daily planner (i.e., months along the top, days downwards), with each 6-month period fitting onto a single A4 (or US letter) sheet.}, author = {Dick Nickalls}, email = {dick.nickalls@nottingham.ac.uk}, doc = {Yplan97.doc}, modified = {13 Nov 1996 09:37:08 Graham.Williams@cmis.csiro.au} } @TeXIndex{zed-csp, texlive = {latex3}, ctan = {macros/latex/contrib/other/zed-csp/}, abstract = {Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications} }