%% This is file `web.sty' generated
%% on <1991/3/25> with the docstrip utility (v1.1k). 
%% The original source file was `web.doc'.
%% You are not allowed to distribute this file without the corresponding 
%% `.doc' version containing the documentation. 

%% Copyright D.Love, SERC Daresbury Laboratory, 1991
%% The `doc' version of this style is re-distributable and usuable
%% under conditions of the GNU copyleft, but please mark any changes,
%% list them here and report any major enhancements to the author.


\iffalse %  hack RCS info into a sensible form:
\def\next$#1: #2/#3/#4 #5 ${\def\filedate{#4/#3/#2}\def\filetime{#5}}
\next$Date: 91/03/06 15:27:01 $

\def\next$#1: #2 ${\def\fileversion{#2}}
\next$Revision: 1.3 $

\typeout{Sub-style `web', version \fileversion\space of \filedate}
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\chardef\AM=`\&                 % ampersand
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\def\LQ{{\tt\char'22}}          % left quote
\chardef\RB=`\}                 % right brace
\def\RQ{{\tt\char'23}}          % right quote
\def\UL{{\tt\char`\_}}          % underline character in a string
\def\TL{{\tt\char`\~}}          % tilde
\newcommand{\SP}{\char`\ \discretionary{\hbox{\char`\\}}{}{}}
\newcommand{\vstr}[1]{\kern 2pt \fbox{\str{#1}}\kern 2pt}
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\newcommand{\RealConstFormat}{\cdot 10^}
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\def\startsection{\Q \noindent {\let\*=\lapstar \bf \modstar.\quad }}
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  \sectionmark{\modno} \refstepcounter{section}}
\def\note#1#2.{\Y \noindent {\hangindent 2em \footnotesize
  \baselineskip 10pt#1 #2.\par}}
\newcommand{\A}{\note{See also}}
   \addvspace{3pt plus 1pt}     % space above part line
   \@dottedtocline{0}{\z@ }{4em}}
   \@dottedtocline{0}{\z@ }{4em}}
\newif\ifcancel  \cancelfalse
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\let\old@=\@   \let\old@S=\S  \let\old@percent=\%
\def\tt@percent{\hbox{\tt\char`\%}}  \def\tt@hash{\hbox{\tt\char`\#}}
\def\startcodehook{\let\@=\code@  \let\S=\equiv  \let\%=\tt@percent
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\def\endcodehook{\let\@=\old@  \let\S=\old@S  \let\%=\old@percent
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\def\Q{\rightskip=\z@   \sfcode`;=1500  \pretolerance 200
\def\DC{\endcodehook \egroup}
  \ifmmode \hbox\fi \bgroup \startcodehook}
\newcommand{\U}{\note{This code is used in}}
  \ifmmode \gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else \gdef\XX{}\fi
  \XX$\langle\,$#2{\footnotesize \kern.5em #1}$\,\rangle$\XX }
  \ifmmode \gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else \gdef\XX{}\fi
  \XX {\tt (#2{\footnotesize \kern.5em #1})}\XX}
\newcommand{\D}{\defin{define}} % macro definition
\newcommand{\F}{\defin{format}} % format definition
\newcommand{\defin}[1]{\global\advance\ind by 2 \1\res{#1 }}
\newcommand{\DO}{\hbox{\sl\char'044}}    % slant dollar sign (used by awkweb)
\let\G=\ge                      % greater than or equal sign
\let\I=\ne                      % unequal sign
\let\K=\gets                    % left arrow
\let\L=\le                      % less than or equal sign
\let\R=\lnot                    % logical not
\let\TI=\sim                    % tilde
\let\V=\lor                     % logical or
\let\W=\land                    % logical and
\def\vert{|}   \let\amp=\&   \let\PP=\P   \let\*=*
\def\ch{\note{The following sections were changed by the change file:}
  \parskip \z@  plus .5pt
  \parfillskip \z@  plus .6\hsize % try to avoid almost empty lines
  \outer\def\:##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em} % index entry
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  \end{multicols}  \newpage
  \parfillskip \z@  plus 1fil
  \markboth{{\protect\small NAMES OF THE SECTIONS}\hfill
    {\protect\small NAMES OF THE SECTIONS}}
  \typeout{Section names:}
  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\footnotesize##1 ##2.}}
  \def\U{\note{Used in}}%
  \def\:{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*}

%% \endinput