Build Notes for TM L20101105-1230
Nov 5, 2010

New and Noteworthy
  • TM L20101105-1230 requires Eclipse 3.3 or later for the SSH component. Other components may work with earlier Eclipse versions, but these have not been tested. Platform Runtime is the minimum requirement for core RSE and Terminal. Discovery needs EMF, and the RemoteCDT integration needs CDT.
    Building the RSE SSH service requires Eclipse 3.4 or later for the fix of bug 224799; the fix also requires 3.4 at runtime, but the code contains a backward compatibility fallback to also run on Eclipse 3.3 if that particular fix is not required.
  • Highlights of Bugs fixed since TM 3.0.2:
    • DStore based Products can now use their own Keystores with their own kind of encryption algorithm [260256]
    • DStore remote search got some big improvements, including performance and scalability [261646]
    • DStoreHostShell#exit() now also terminates child processes [263669]
    • Terminal Fonts can now be changed in the RSE-Terminals-View even if the TM Terminal View is not installed. Use the "Remote Shell" font or the "Text Editor" font to customize [247700]
    • Source encoding The workstation encoding rather than UTF-8 is now used as the source encoding when uploading from an editor save [268218][/li>
  • At least 11 bugs were fixed in total: Use this query to show the list of bugs fixed since TM 3.0.2 [build notes].
  • Following plug-ins were changed compared to TM 3.0.2:
  • For details on checkins, see TM SearchCVS, the RSE CVS changelog, and the TM Core CVS changelog.
  • For other questions, please check the TM and RSE FAQ as well as the TM 3.0 Known Issues and Workarounds.
Getting Started

The RSE User Documentation now has a Tutorial that guides you through installation, first steps, connection setup and important tasks.

If you want to know more about future directions of the Target Management Project, developer documents, architecture or how to get involved,
the online Getting Started page as well as the TM and RSE FAQ are the best places for you to get started.

API Status

No API changes are allowed in the TM 3.0.x maintenance stream. Therefore, TM 3.0.x is fully upward and backward compatible with TM 3.0, and can be fully exchanged for TM 3.0 in any product based on it. Take care of API specification updates though, where the TM 3.0.x API Docs have been updated to add clarifications or missing information compared to 3.0.

For the upcoming TM 3.1 release, only backward compatible API changes are planned, especially in order to support improved componentization and UI/Non-UI splitting. In the interest of improving the code base, though, please take care of API marked as @deprecated in the Javadoc. Such API is prime candidate to be removed in the future. Also, observe the API Tooling tags such as @noextend and @noimplement.

API Specification Updates since TM 3.0
The following lists amendments to API specifications that are worth noticing. More information can be found in the associated bugzilla items.
  • TM L20101105-1230 API Specification Updates
    • None.
  • TM 3.0.2 API Specification Updates
    • None.
  • TM 3.0.1 API Specification Updates
    • IFileService#createFolder() now specifies that parent folders may be created by the implementation. Note that this clarification required additional code in FileServiceSubSystem in order to make IRemoteFileSubSystem.createFolder() and IRemoteFileSubSystem.createFolders() behave as expected for both parent folders created or not.
      Service implementations that need to be compatible with both TM 3.0 and TM 3.0.1 should create parent folders in the file service. Subsystem clients that need to be compatible with both TM 3.0 and TM 3.0.1 should not expect that parent folders are created [234026].
Use this query to show the full list of API related updates since TM 3.0 .
Known Problems and Workarounds
The following critical or major bugs are currently known. We'll strive to fix these as soon as possible.
  • bug 245260 - maj - Different user's connections on a single ftp host are mapped to the same temp files cache
  • bug 238156 - maj - Export/Import Connection doesn't create default filters for the specified connection
  • bug 236443 - maj - [releng] Using P2 to install "remotecdt" only from update site creates an unusable installation
  • bug 226564 - maj - [efs] Deadlock while starting dirty workspace
  • bug 222380 - maj - [persistence][migration][team] Subsystem association is lost when creating connection with an installation that does not have subsystem impl
  • bug 218387 - maj - [efs] Eclipse hangs on startup of a Workspace with a large efs-shared file system on a slow connection
  • bug 208185 - maj - [terminal][serial] terminal can hang the UI when text is entered while the backend side is not reading characters
  • bug 198395 - maj - [dstore] Can connect to DStore with expired password
Use this query for an up-to-date list of major or critical bugs.

The TM 3.0 Known Issues and Workarounds Wiki page gives an up-to-date list of the most frequent and obvious problems, and describes workarounds for them.
If you have other questions regarding TM or RSE, please check the TM and RSE FAQ

Click here for a complete up-to-date bugzilla status report, or here for a report on bugs fixed so far.